Camryn’s (Not So) Virtual Reality Experience

"Lines blur dangerously for Camryn between what is real and what is virtual."

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“She’s a mess,” Chase said with a laugh, as we both watched the sexy MILF hurry barefooted to her car in the parking lot of the Starlight Motel. Her salmon colored tube top and short black skirt looked thrown on. Her top was crumpled, revealing much of her ample cleavage. The bottom of her skirt was twisted up in the back, exposing part of her naked ass.  Her long brunette hair flew in all directions and looked like a rat’s nest. Smudged mascara graffitied her splotchy face. Her nearly naked tan fit body was decorated with obvious streams of dried cum. She carried her shoes and purse in one hand while frantically digging for her keys with the other. Her frenzied behavior made her look like she was kicked out of her hotel room like a whore. She scurried to her car, embarrassed by the exposure of the bright morning sun. “Makes you wonder how the hell she got herself in that situation.”

“Like you said, Hun, it looks like someone got their money’s worth from her last night,” I said.

“Can’t blame them,” Chase confessed. “She’s hot.”

“You’d fuck her?” I asked.

Chase blushed. “Only if you were there with me, Camryn,” he lied.

“You’d fuck anything that’s warm,” I teased.

“Doesn’t have to be that warm,” he teased back. “I’ll heat you both up like I did you last night.”

I slapped him playfully in the arm as our car pulled out of the parking lot. “Last night was hot.” I was suddenly transported back to memories of our all-night fuck in the dungeon-themed room of the cheap hotel. I felt like such a slut. Nothing like a themed room to spice up our love life. My pussy moistened thinking about it. There isn’t anything either of us won’t try at least once.

Chase and I got married a year and a half ago. Chase is a regular guy, about 5’11,” with short reddish-blond hair, including his close-shaved mustache and beard. He has a muscular build with some signs of our shared enjoyment of a good beer.  

I’m 5’8” and fit with golden-brown hair, blue-green eyes and a broad smile. I’ve been told I’m the girl next door that every guy secretly wants to fuck. Part of that is because I’m a fun-loving girl who’s never met a stranger. No princess here. I’m a “t-shirt and jeans” wearing tomboy who likes sports, partying and hanging out. At the same time, my 34Ds, perfect ass and love of flirting make me all girl. I feel hottest when I’m showing it all off wearing bikinis on a beach or sexy revealing dresses on the dance floor.

“So fuckin’ hot,” he said with a broad smile, glancing at my body. “You’re such a slut.”

“I love when you treat me like one, Hun.”

“I’m so going to fuck you when we get home, Bitch.”

“Stop it. You know what it does to me when you talk dirty.” I reached over and raked his cock with my fingernails outside his pants. I love turning him on and fucking his brains out. Last night was non-stop. I looked teasingly at him. I could already see movement of his arousal in his lap. I knew images were flashing through his mind of having his way with my bound body in the dungeon-themed room the night before. I looked both directions out the car windows before pulling my shirt off, exposing my large firm tits as we drove down the road.

“What are you doing?”

“You might have to wait until we get home, but that doesn’t mean I do,” I said. I leaned over, unbuttoned his pants, lowered his zipper and manhandled his semi-hard cock free. I wrapped my lips around the top of his cock and swallowed his length.

“Oh fuck!” he said, trying his best to drive safely. His left hand gripped the steering wheel while his right hand moved across my naked torso. I knew his cock so well I could read his response to my oral affection. He moaned. It took less than five minutes for his ass to begin to stir in the car seat. ”Oh, fuck yes.” He squeezed my tit hard. I could feel that I was close to taking him over the edge of pleasure. Nobody gives head better than me. He was helpless to my lustful determination.

“Oh fuck, Camryn. Yes. Yes. Yes!”

Chase’s body moved while doing his best to maintain control of the car. “Augh!” he yelled as the first waves of cum flowed freely into my mouth. “Oh fuck!”

“Mmmm,” I moaned with delight as I swallowed all I could get. “I’m thirsty.” My tongue skillfully ran over the top of his sensitive head as my lips hungrily devoured his length. Saliva mixed with cum escaped down his cock as I gasped for air before swallowing him again, lapping up every drop of sloppiness.

Chase pulled into the driveway of our house as I finished. “Now for that shower,” I said.

“You’re such a fuckin’ whore,” he said with a smile.

“Say it again,” I said.

“You fuckin’ whore,” he repeated. “Get your ass in there so I can fuck you like one,” he said.

“I dare you,” I said playfully. I opened the car door and walked to the front door, leaving my t-shirt in the car.

“Damn, you’re insatiable.”

He opened the front door to our home, pushed me inside and shut the door behind us.

“Fuck me,” I said.

We peeled each other’s remaining clothes off as we moved toward the glass-walled shower. Hot water quickly steamed up the small room as we stepped into the glass enclosure. I reached down and took his cock in both hands. He leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss, pressing my back against the hot shower wall. He knelt down slightly, wrapped his hands beneath my ass and picked me up so my legs wrapped around his waist. He pressed his face into my large firm slippery tits. I suddenly felt his thick hard cock force its way into my soaked pussy.

My hands reached around his head. I dug my nails into the back, pulling his face into me. I gasped at the glorious feel of his cock penetrating me roughly, slamming my body against the slippery shower wall. The moist air created a thick fog, forcing me to gasp for breath. “Harder!” I begged.

The climax in me grew quickly. It felt like it was coming from every extremity of my aroused body, moving toward a thundering climax. Goosebumps covered my skin in the hot shower like cold-chills in fevered heat. I gasped again, surrendering to the growing climax.

Suddenly, Chase’s body convulsed in sheer pleasure. “Oh fuck!”

I felt him fill my body with cum, further lubricating my desperate pussy. I screamed with pleasure as my orgasm crashed over me. My fingernails instinctively gripped his muscular shoulders to hold on. “Yes, yes, yes!” I screamed. “Fuck me!” I begged.

Chase continued to pound me against the shower wall, having his way with me. My body melted into his strong arms as wave after wave of ecstasy poured over me. I can never get enough of that feeling. I love being fucked. I love the dizzying whirlwind of orgasms. I am voracious. The more I get, the more I want.

We took our time drying off. We both wrapped towels around our bodies rather than getting dressed, mine around my chest, his around his waist. Neither of us was convinced we were done fucking for the morning. We sat down and ate. “What do you want to do today?” he asked.

“Get fucked by you again, Hun,” I said teasingly.

“You’re such a skank,” he said.

“And?” I asked. I scrunched up my face playfully as if to say, that’s only a start. “You complaining?”

“Fuck no,” he said.

“Good,” I said, looking at him lustily. “Then get ready, because I am horny as hell.”

“I hear there’s a new virtual reality place that is supposed to be insane,” he said, making his best attempt at changing the subject.

“Sounds fun. What do they have?”

“Like anything. I hear the snowboarding is amazing,” he said with excitement in his voice. “I’ve heard you can pick any mountain in the world to board and they have it.”

“Wow. That’s impressive. Let’s do it,” I said. “Then we can come back here and you can finish what you started.” I winked as I released my towel and let it fall to the chair.

“Nothing like a good fuck after a day on the slopes,” he said.

We got dressed, Chase in a t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes. I put on a white t-shirt without a bra, a tangerine thong, jean shorts and converse shoes.

“Are you going to snowboard?” I asked as we started our drive across town.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I think so. Sounds amazing. What are you going to do?”

“Have no idea,” I answered honestly. “I guess I’ll have to see what my options are.” I could tell Chase’s excitement was like a kid going to an amusement park.  We turned into an industrial area in a seedy part of town.

“You sure this is right?” I asked.

“That’s what the GPS is telling me.”

We followed the road another couple miles past endless nondescript warehouses. We turned the corner and saw the sign: Ultimate Reality.

“There it is!” he said. “Look how big it is. This place is supposed to be legit.”

The parking lot looked about half full with a few guys standing outside. They stopped talking and stared at me hungrily as we walked toward the entrance. I smiled coquettishly at them, enjoying their lustful admiration. I’m such a fuckin’ tease, especially when I know all they can do is look.

“Welcome to Ultimate Reality!” A tall, handsome black guy with deep eyes announced as we walked through the door. The walls were painted different colors with a large neon script sign that said “Ultimate Reality.” He wore a black “Ultimate Reality” t-shirt. His name badge said Sam.

“Thanks,” Chase answered. “I’ve heard this place is legit.”

“It is,” he added, laced with his own excitement. “The best. First time here?”


“This is next-level VR,” Sam said. “There’s nothing like it. If you’ve played with VR on a headset using your phone or been to other places, you’ll definitely experience the difference. The technology is developing faster than ever.”

“Sound’s cool.”

“I just don’t want it to be hokey,” I said. “I feel like a lot of virtual reality is more about being virtual than real. I don’t want some pixelated experience that feels fake.”

“Totally get that,” Sam answered. “That’s why this is better than anything you’ve ever experienced  – better than anything else out there, guaranteed.”


“Guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied and convinced it’s real at the end of your experience, I’ll give you your money back and give you another free session of your choice.”

“Okay. You’re confident,” I said.

“It’ll blow your mind,” he bragged. “We have two options. You can pick regular VR, which is sick or the upgraded ultimate reality experience. Both are amazing.”

“What’s the ultimate?” Chase asked.

“It’s an enhanced visual experience that uses new HST technology. If you think virtual reality is cool, HST is virtual reality on steroids. It stands for Hyper-sensory technology. It adds and integrates AR, physical and mental stimuli to the whole experience. It augments the reality while using your senses, imagination and emotions to create a unique one-of-a-kind experience.”

“I’m not sure I get all that, but sounds crazy,” I said.

“Like a good woman, you might not always understand her, but that doesn’t stop you from enjoying the ride she gives.” He glanced back over at me. “No offense.”

“No offense taken, Hun,” I said with a smile. “We’re complicated but worth it. Doesn’t stop him from coming back for more.”

“Damn right,” Sam said, glancing at my body again. “This HST is next-gen. You can’t tell what’s virtual and what’s real. It actively engages your senses with a blend of virtual and real sensory stimuli. For example, if you’re cooking, your brain becomes so convinced that it activates your sense of smell and taste buds. You actually smell and taste it. If you hit something with your hand, you feel it. The brain takes it all in and creates the reality for you. It was originally developed for military combat training.”

“Wow.” Chase was getting more excited the more he heard.

“The brain is powerful. When you’re HST scuba diving, your mind is so convinced, you not only feel the water but the water pressure when you dive deeper. Or, if you decide to climb Everest, your brain becomes so convinced you’re at 20,000 feet altitude that the air gets thin, the temps gets cold. Or, when you’re flying a F-16 fighter jet, you’ll feel actual g-forces.”

“Holy shit,” Chase said.

“To make it real, HST blends virtual and physical stimuli. HST doesn’t just enhance virtual reality, it takes actual reality to another level. Blows your mind. What you thought was impossible not only become possible, it becomes real. Of course, you can always just do regular virtual reality. Totally up to you.”

I looked at Chase’s face and knew his decision was made. “So, things like snowboarding?”

“Is fuckin’ amazing. You pick from different mountains around the world and carve your way down. And, if that’s not enough, there are no wait lines on the lifts!”

“Fuck, that’s so cool.”

“There are endless options to choose from.” Sam picked up a couple of iPads and handed one to each of us. “Look through these and see which one you want to do today. I guarantee it will be hard to pick. The good news is you can always come back for other ones.”

“OK!” Chase said.

“When you click on the one you decide, it will prompt you through a quick registration process. It’s only three screens and takes two minutes. Confirm what you want, sign the liability form and pay.”


“Just standard shit like you acknowledge you want to do what you pick, no one is forcing you to do anything and you release any liability from anything you experience, expected or unexpected. HST adds a special clause releasing liability for all risks, real or imagined.”

“Sounds good,” Chase repeated with excitement.

Sam looked at me, glanced down my body, and then back at Chase. “I tell you what. Since this is your first time, and the fact she’s so hot and complicated, I’ll give you a two-for-one price.”

I smiled and blushed.

“Awesome!” Chase said. “Thanks. Her being hot pays off in a lot of ways.”

“No shit,” Sam said, looking back at me. “You two can sit down there and look through the options. You’ll see they’re categorized with tabs. When you’re finished, we’ll lead you back to the rooms or pods set up for the ultimate reality you pick.”

Chase’s eyes lit up with excitement. We sat down next to each other and looked through our iPads. There were seemingly endless choices under categories like sports, outdoor adventures, video game simulations, historical experiences, and flight simulators including space flight. I knew Chase would focus on the extreme outdoor adventures like snowboarding, white-water kayaking or climbing Mt. Everest. I also knew the hardest part for him would be picking only one. Then I noticed the “adult” section in the back. Unlike the other bright tabs, it was black with grey letters. It would be easy to miss. They really did have every kind of option.

I glanced over to Chase. He was engrossed in his iPad. I looked back down to the screen on my tablet and pushed the black tab almost hidden behind the others. The screen opened up to more options than I anticipated. They included a romantic beach fuck on a tropical island, office sex, spa treatment, threesomes, orgies, being a stripper, a call girl on the Vegas Strip, and BDSM options. I slowly scrolled down the screen. They all looked so good. Then I saw it: home invasion. The idea of being taken and used in my own home was a secret fantasy of mine. It was scary and hot as hell. Unlike the others, there was no way to make that happen for myself in real life. Could they really deliver on realistic experiences? My pussy tingled with excitement. 

I clicked the square with a nervous eagerness. The first screen gave three intensity options. The first was to choose between beginner, standard or extreme experience. The second was to choose one, two, three or four intruders. The last option was to choose from orgasm options of denial, standard, and unlimited. “Wow!” I thought to myself. I looked up again at Chase before looking back down to make my choices: extreme, four and unlimited.

The screen immediately advanced to the liability page. I scanned it quickly as I scrolled down to the bottom. I clicked “accept” and signed with my finger on the line. The page advanced immediately for payment. I tapped my phone on the screen. The page instantly filled with bold letters: Welcome to your new Ultimate Reality. Please return your iPad to the counter. Your Ultimate Reality is about to begin.

I stood up and said, “I’m done.”

“What’d you pick?” Chase asked, surprised I was done so quickly.

“That’s my secret, Hun,” I said teasingly. “If you’re good, I might tell you later.” I turned and walked up to the counter.

Sam smiled knowingly as he watched me approach. “You made your choice,” he said.

“I did. I hope it will be realistic,” I said with a wink.

“Guaranteed or your money back,” he said. Just then, a side door opened next to the counter. “Kyle here will take you back to your pod.”

A tall, lanky, twenty-two-year-old looking guy around 6’2” with sandy brown hair walked through the door. “Are you Camryn?” he asked. His eyes met mine, but quickly assessed the rest of my body without apology. A lusty smile came across his face.

“I am,” I replied, feeling his eyes stripping me in front of Sam and Chase.

“Right this way,” he said, holding the door open for me. “Your Ultimate Reality is ready.”

My stomach fluttered with a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Part of me couldn’t believe I actually picked the option I chose. “Was that a…

Published 4 years ago

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