Before Saying “I Do” …

"A bride-to-be is caught in a vulnerable state an hour before her Valentine's Day wedding."

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“Rob the Romantic.”

That was the nickname I’d given to my boyfriend-turned-fiancé, and – if I say so myself – it fit him perfectly. From how he’d bring me bouquets of flowers before nearly every date, to his atypical preference for watching Hallmark movies instead of ESPN, he was quite the opposite from the alpha males that I‘d typically dated. Most of those prior relationships eventually crashed and burned pretty badly, though, so when Rob proposed to me, I had (nervously) said yes.

Ever the gentleman, Rob gave me full license to plan the wedding of my dreams, other than one request: the hopeless romantic pleaded his lifelong desire to get married on Valentine’s Day.

Ugh. I’m pretty sure I rolled my eyes when he told me that. February 14th had always been a date I dreaded on the calendar: in my opinion, it was a fake (and highly overrated) holiday. Although I found Rob’s suggestion to be a bit cringeworthy, I submitted for the sake of his romantic heart. Rob seemed to be more excited about that “yes” than when I had said “yes” to his actual marriage proposal!

Either way, several months later, the big day had finally arrived. Presumably like any other bride-to-be, I was a jumbled mixture of nerves and excitement – but there was also another feeling that was burning inside me: I was incredibly horny.

Early in our dating relationship, Rob had revealed that he was a virgin who was saving himself for marriage. He was disappointed to find out that I couldn’t offer him the same, but he asked – and I consented – for the two of us to establish that as a premarital boundary. He wasn’t a total prude – we fooled around with each other over our clothes plenty of times – but by the time our wedding day had arrived, my vagina hadn’t entertained anything in more than a year (other than my vibrator, when I simply couldn’t take it anymore). Thus, as I got myself ready in the private bridal suite, I found myself getting incredibly aroused by the anticipation of finally riding a cock again in just a few more hours.

As the clock neared an hour before the ceremony, I had already finished my hair and makeup, so the only thing that I had left to do was to get dressed – starting with the incredibly sexy bridal lingerie that I’d wear underneath my dress. Referring a few times to the diagram on the packaging, I carefully wrapped myself in a web of sheer white lace straps that – among other things – descended over my nipples, lifted up my breasts, crisscrossed my torso, and traced a perfect V into the gap between my thighs. As I stood and admired my enhanced curves in the full-length mirror, my growing arousal suddenly inspired a very naughty idea.

I cracked the door open just enough to peek out into the hallway without the risk of revealing my barely-there lingerie, and I called out for any of my bridesmaids who might be within earshot. Melody was the first one to hear me and come running.

“What’s up? What do you need?” Melody was a sweetheart, always looking to help.

With the hint of an excited tremble in my voice, I asked her, “Can you do me a favor? Can you go get Rob … and tell him I have something I want to show him?”

Melody looked surprised. “But isn’t he not supposed to see you until you walk down the aisle?”

“I know, I know,” I responded. Reluctant to admit my true intent was to flash Rob because I was feeling so fucking horny, I simply repeated, “Can you just go get him for me?”

“Sure,” Melody nodded, and swiftly disappeared down the hallway.


About a minute later, I heard Rob’s soft knock on the door. I hurried my practically-naked self behind the door so Rob wouldn’t see me until after he’d fully stepped into the room. “Come in!!” I took a deep breath and prepared to give my soon-to-be husband a delicious sneak peek.

The door opened slowly … and my stomach dropped.

It wasn’t Rob. It was his best man. His best man who – in an ironic twist of fate, of which Rob was fully aware – also happened to be one of my exes. His best man who – what Rob did not know – was actually the ex-boyfriend who had taken my virginity.

Feeling something way beyond mortified, I did nothing. I said nothing. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to melt into the floor.

Henry had slowly been scanning the room, undoubtedly confused about how he’d heard me invite him in and yet couldn’t find me. Behind the door was the last place that he looked – and when he finally spotted me standing there, he jumped backward.

“HOLY SHIT, Emily!” Henry looked horrified … and yet I also saw his eyes instinctually scanning me from head to toe. “What the fuck are you …??”

Interrupting his unfinished question, I blurted out, “You were supposed to be Rob!”

Still looking stunned, Henry shook his head, straining to make sense of what was happening. “But you … I didn’t … omigosh, Emily, I am soo sorry.”

His genuine-sounding apology took a bit of the edge off the tense situation. Recognizing that he had done nothing wrong, I softened my tone. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault … I just …”

As my voice trailed off, Henry – perhaps no longer feeling quite so defensive – took a step back and more overtly scanned the wedding present of my skin-baring outfit that had been reserved for Rob. As if he couldn’t help himself, Henry whistled softly. “Fuck, Emily … you look fucking amazing. Rob is a very lucky guy to get to unwrap all of that tonight.”

Hearing Henry speak Rob’s name suddenly reminded me that Melody presumably had him on route to that very room. “Fuck!! Shit!! Quick, lock the door before Rob gets here & finds me standing in front of you dressed like this!”

As Henry quickly obliged, the loud ‘click’ of the latch made me realize a new problem: I was now ‘trapped’ in a locked room with my ex-boyfriend, wearing nothing but a few strategically-placed pieces of thin lacy fabric. Fuck – now what do I do?!? Feeling – once again – the incredible awkwardness of the moment, I mumbled sheepishly, “Soo … ummm … how has your day been going?”

Henry’s alluring dark eyes scanned my figure once again. “A lot better now!” As I blushed at his indirect compliment, he added, “Wow, Emily, you somehow look even more amazing now than when we used to … well, you know.”

Sex had been on my mind too much that day. Briefly faking obliviousness, I teasingly blurted out, “When we used to … do what, Henry? Do you mean when we used to FUCK??”

Even Henry looked slightly embarrassed. “Um … yeah.”

I instantly had flashbacks to how we used to fuck each other like rabbits. Willingly entertaining those pleasurable memories, I smiled and remarked, “Those were some fun times.”

Henry tried to re-direct the conversation. “What about Rob? Is he good in bed?”

With a surprising level of disdain that caught even me off guard, I instantly scoffed, “I wouldn’t know. We haven’t had sex yet.”

Henry’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious?!?”

I stared out the window, suddenly uncomfortable about making eye contact with Henry. “Seriously. I haven’t gotten laid in over a year.”


Too much silence. Wondering why he hadn’t said anything, I slowly forced myself to look back at Henry. The intensity of the strange look on his face startled me.

“We can change that,” he muttered.


A few minutes later, there was another knock on the door. My heartbeat instantly accelerated to a nearly-unsustainable pace.

Rob’s voice came through the door: “Hey babe, it’s me – Melody said you wanted to see me?”

At first, all I could grunt was, “Uhh, yeah …” Whipping my head around, I glared at Henry. In the quietest whisper I could muster, I hissed, “Stop it.”

Henry didn’t obey me. With a big goofy grin on his face, he defiantly pushed an extra-powerful thrust of his thick cock into what I’d willingly presented to him by bending over the coffee table and pulling the lingerie straps out of my crotch.

My uterus hadn’t been pounded into like that for so long, I couldn’t help but gasp aloud. To my dismay, Rob must’ve apparently heard that.

“You okay, babe??”

I struggled to steady my voice. “Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just … getting myself ready … can’t … wait.”

Henry – who seemed to be even further aroused by the blatant secrecy of our naughty betrayal – had increased both the intensity and the frequency of his thrusts so that I couldn’t formulate a full sentence without gasping for air.

I heard Rob fumbling with the doorknob. “Did you want to see me? The door seems to be locked.”

Henry’s hips slapped loudly against my bare ass just as Rob finished his sentence. Terrified that Rob might’ve heard that too, I raised my voice and immediately responded, “No, no, let’s save that for the aisle! I just …”

I had to quickly come up with a plausible explanation as to why I’d sent Melody to get him. With Henry’s wonderfully familiar penis buried in the depths of my no-longer-forgotten vagina, I uttered a painfully ironic excuse: “I just wanted to tell you that I love you.”

Even through the door, I could hear the smile in romantic Rob’s voice. “Aww, that’s so sweet hunny – I love you too! I can’t wait to see you really soon!!”


Less than an hour later, my soon-to-be husband beamed at his beautiful bride as I walked down the aisle to meet him – not knowing that the cum of his best man was slowly running down my unfaithful legs.

Published 2 years ago

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