Hot cum drips from Her
As she stands, silently
Gazing down at the anonymous puddle
Of wilted, weakened flesh
At Her feet
Upon artificially
Nearing stilthood
She speaks sinister, poisonous words to him,
Positioning quite delicately
Her heels ‘twixt his dainty fingers
Prepared to strike, more than deadly
Infinitesimal shifts in weight
Are all it takes to pin
his hands beneath the hard balls
Of Her hard shod soles
Clad sparingly
In contrast to his
Full nudity
She is the one
To feel safe,
To be secure,
And it is from
This position
That She leads
In the naked quiet
The echo of his own fluids
Spattering against his smooth chest
Is the only sound
In his home
In the whole building
For all they know
In the whole world –
Perfect as a metronome
Used up, he has become
Invisible to Her
Empty, even pointless
So She squeezes the last of a
Thoughtless gift
Left inside Her
he starts upward
To sit
The point of her toe
Shoots forward
To put him back
Where he belongs
Beneath her
he groans
In his fright
And moans
In delight,
Yearning dumbly for
Passion unmitigated, and
First he fights
Seizing her ankle in whole
And bites!
Ripping the skewer from
The impertinent grasp of
his teeth
Quite threateningly
She aims Her heel
Toward his eye
Toward his throat
Only after targeting each
Soft part of him
With the tool of
Does she
Sheath the weapon
In its rightful place and
Impresses restraint upon
his will to race
Exalted with all of Her
Exerted upon his ultimately
Meaningless fate
It’s a perfect, and
Utterly pointless date
he wants what she does to him
She has only ever wanted something
he does not have
She is unsatisfied, yet satisfied
By just how much
he wants more, even now
Even as She
Leaves him
A mess,
Smiling a lie
A kiss of fuel
For the bonfire
Of the unyielding, undying
Restless fits of desire
Within the solitude of home
She finds Herself
Never lonely
Nor waiting on true love, She
Sets the romance, lights candles before
Wantonly devouring all that
She wishes
Unjudged, unencumbered, and unsung
Later, in the dark, among
Mechanical friends
With no one in sight
Just Her and Her spikes
Surrounded by mirrors and
Bathed in bright light
Ecstasy and exquisite joy
Neighbors hear through gritted teeth and
Cracked windows concealed by greenth
She wonders what
End could be better
To the second Fourteenth