Brother And Sister Together – Part 1

"Mitch and Jamie discover each other"

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Shortly after Jamie turned sixteen, her parents were killed in a horrible plane crash on their way to Mexico. Her older brother Mitch had just graduated from college. Jamie and Mitch were six years apart in age, and Mitch had always looked out for his little sister. Even though they had not seen much of each other while Mitch was away at college, he still felt protective of her. He asked for and was granted guardianship of Jamie. Jamie was thankful that Mitch moved back home. There was a chance she would have had to move in with their aunt and uncle, but Mitch convinced everyone involved to allow Jamie to continue living in her home with Mitch there to look after her.

Mitch discovered that working and taking care of a house was a little more work than he thought it would be. However, it was all worth it, knowing he was doing right by his sister. Besides, she was fun to be around. He didn’t realize how much he missed her while he was away. It helped, too, that she had developed into a beautiful young woman. He enjoyed watching her around the house.

They settled into a routine, living in the house they grew up in. Mitch got a job at the local engineering firm that he had interned with the summer before. Jamie finished her sophomore year of high school and got a summer job as a lifeguard at the pool. 

Jamie was enjoying her summer. She loved being a lifeguard. She got to soak up the sun, flaunt her developing body, and enjoy the attention of the guys. She never accepted any dates that were offered to her, though. It just didn’t feel right to her. She didn’t want to worry Mitch. He was the one who was allowing her to continue with her life uninterrupted and she wanted to do everything she could to make it as easy as possible for him. She just wanted to enjoy the summer, working and spending time at home with her brother. She really enjoyed being around him. She also enjoyed the way he sometimes looked at her.

Mitch was settling into his new job too. At times, he felt overwhelmed at the responsibilities of a new job and being responsible for his sister and home. When he came home, though, Jamie was always there to talk to and keep him company. Talking with her helped them both get through the pain of losing their parents. Their talks always ended up with a long hug, and always with Mitch getting hard when his sister would press into him. He was concerned she might notice, but she never said anything. That was alright, though. After all, he was her brother, but he couldn’t help thinking about her in a way that a brother shouldn’t. She was beautiful inside and out.

Yes, Jamie definitely could feel Mitch’s cock hardening against her when they hugged. It excited her, knowing she had that effect on her brother. She was experiencing a new sexual awareness and her desires were growing more and more each day. She was also becoming more attracted to Mitch, partially because he was a great-looking guy, but also because of the way he took care of her. He was way more mature than the boys her own age. She was aware that her love for him was deeper than a love a sister should have for her brother, and that bothered her. She was also well aware of the stigma society placed on any deep relationship between a brother and sister.

Mitch noticed that Jamie started to wear fewer clothes around the house if that was possible. She tended to wear longer t-shirts and dispense with shorts. That resulted in him seeing flashes of her panties. He often caught himself looking at her. When she took showers, he couldn’t help but glance in through the partially open door. Jamie had developed a habit of not closing it all the way. He always lingered, watching her as she showered, getting hard as he stood there. Lately, he tended to reach into his shorts and stroke his hardening cock, then head to his bedroom to finish masturbating with the images of his sister still fresh in his mind.

It was no mistake that Jamie left the bathroom door open. She always knew when her brother was at the door watching. There was a distinct shadow when he was there. She always put on a show for his benefit, massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples. She liked knowing he was there, lusting after her. It was like a game for her, but she wasn’t sure exactly how to take the next step, nor if she wanted to. The increasing sexual attraction between them was beginning to scare her a little. She was still a virgin but she thought if she was going to lose her virginity, it should be with someone who truly loved her. She had no worries about getting pregnant. A few years earlier she developed severe cramping during her periods. Her mother took her to the doctor and she was put on birth control. It helped immensely.

One evening, wrapped in a towel, Jamie was making her way from the bathroom back to her bedroom when she heard moaning coming from Mitch’s room. Worried that he might be in trouble but not really wanting to be too invasive, she gently turned the doorknob and inched the door open. His bed was situated so that he couldn’t see the door without turning his head. What she saw made her gasp to herself. Mitch was lying naked on his bed, stroking his hard cock slowly up and down. Jamie knew she shouldn’t be watching him, but she was mesmerized by what she was seeing. She had never seen a cock in real life. She had watched some porn on her computer but this was so much better. Without realizing it, she reached under the towel to rub herself. She was surprised to discover she was soaking wet. Jamie watched as her brother stroked faster.

Mitch moaned loudly, “Oh, Jamie, it feels so good, baby,” and then ropes of white cum shot through the air and landed on his chest.

Jamie gasped out loud, causing Mitch to turn his head towards the door. Their eyes met briefly, and she cried, “I’m sorry!” before she ran off to her room and shut her door.

Mitch couldn’t believe what just happened. SHIT, he thought, did she hear me call her name? How much did she see? Then he realized she must have seen and heard everything. He felt horrible and embarrassed. He was supposed to be the responsible figure in her life and he just blew it big time. He needed to apologize and beg her forgiveness. He wasn’t sure she could forgive him, or even if he deserved a chance to make it up to her. All he could do was clean himself up, leave his room and wait for her.

Jamie lay trembling in her bed. A hundred different emotions flooded her, from shame for spying on him to the excitement of knowing how Mitch felt about her. It took quite a while but she eventually left her room after changing into her usual long t-shirt and panties. She was resigned to the fact that Mitch was going to be really angry with her.

She found Mitch sitting on the couch. The TV was off and he was just staring blankly at the wall. She sat on the couch next to him.

“Mitch, I need to apologize for opening your door. I heard you and thought you were hurt. I should have knocked. I’m so sorry, I invaded your privacy.”

Startled, Mitch turned to her and said, “Jamie, I’m the one that should be apologizing. What you walked in on was… not right, especially what you saw and heard. Oh God, Jamie, can you ever forgive me?”

Jamie placed her hand on his arm, “Mitch, we spend a lot of time together. I have to tell you that I have fantasies about you, too. You just aren’t aware of it.”

“What kind of fantasies, Jamie?”

She blushed and answered, “The same as you were having about me a little while ago.”

Mitch didn’t know what to say, so he asked, “Why aren’t you dating? I see the swimsuit you wear to the pool. You’re really a beautiful girl. I bet all the boys lust after you.”

“Do you really think I’m beautiful?” she asked.

Mitch replied, “Have you looked in the mirror lately? Of course, you are.”

Jamie kissed him on the cheek, “I’m not really interested in those boys. As long as we’re being honest with each other, I’m only interested in you. I know everyone would think it’s not right but I can’t help how I feel.”

Feeling emboldened, Jamie continued, “When we hug, sometimes I can feel you ‘down there’, and when I shower, I know you watch me sometimes. I have to be honest with you – I like knowing that I do that to you, that I excite you like that.”

Mitch touched her cheek with his fingers and kissed his sister on the lips. The kiss quickly turned to one of passion, with their tongues probing each other. Mitch reached for Jamie’s breast, fondled it, and began to rub his thumb through her t-shirt over her stiffing nipple. Jamie moaned in his mouth as they continued to kiss. Mitch felt his hard cock pushing against his shorts.

While Jamie reached down to rub his cock, Mitch lifted her t-shirt up to reveal her breasts. Turning to better face her, he was able to gently pinch both nipples at once.

She couldn’t believe how wonderful that felt. Her head tilted back as she reveled in the feelings. Somehow it felt so much better than when she did that to herself. She half leaned against him while her hand slid inside his shorts. This was the first time she had ever felt a cock and she was amazed at the warmth, as well as how hard it was. She was barely able to wrap her fingers around it.

At the same time, Mitch slid his hand inside Jamie’s panties. She was already extremely wet. His fingers slid easily between her labia, up to her nub, back and forth over and over. Intermittently he slid a finger deep into her. Moans of pleasure escaped between her parted lips. With his other hand, Mitch guided her hand up and down his shaft, showing her how to please him. He loved the feel of her hand on his member. He had obviously fantasized about this moment many times.

When Jamie felt the precum escaping from the tip of Mitch’s cock, she instinctively rubbed it around, sensing that it would help by adding lubrication. She could hear his labored breathing and feel his hips lifting in time with her strokes. My God, she had never felt this stimulated in her life between the feel of his cock in her hand and his fingers in her pussy and on her clit. She was beginning to feel lightheaded when Mitch moaned out…

“Jamie… don’t stop, I’m gonna cum…”

Even though Mitch had climaxed a while earlier, Jamie felt his cock pulse over and over in her hand. She felt the warmth of his seed erupt and cover her fingers. The pungent aroma from his semen filled her senses. That was all it took to take her over the edge. His fingers brought her to the most explosive orgasm she had ever experienced. She cried out with pleasure, her free hand pressing against his to hold him in place on her.

They were both heaving and gasping for breath as they lay there blissfully. Mitch turned her face to his and kissed his sister deeply. They embraced as new lovers and eventually fell asleep together on the couch.


Published 4 years ago

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