When I started 10th grade there was this girl, who was older than me, in my Biology and Social Studies classes. These were the last two classes of the day and due to the “magic” of the alphabet we sat next to each other in both classes. She was really hot though. Her short skirts showed off her great legs and ass and she had a pretty face. She also had an ample rack. Besides her short skirts, her shirts and blouses were tight and a bit revealing, mostly sleeveless, with a low neckline, showing her cleavage. I found myself admiring her through many sideways glances.
When I say she was older, she was actually a Senior in high school, but when I was a Sophomore I was also older than most of the kids because when I was in Kindergarten I got sick with something the doctor called Mono. That caused me to miss almost half the school year in Kindergarten, and my parent’s had me start Kindergarten again the next year instead of starting 1st grade behind. As such, I was older than most other kids in my grade levels. So when I started my Sophomore year I was sixteen when most of the rest of my class were fifteen. I never learned how old she was but she had to be at least two years older than me and possibly three.
She noticed me looking at her and after about two weeks she looked at me, as our Social Studies class ended one day, and said, “Do you want to lay a brick?” I must have had a confused look on my face as we walked out of the room and while heading toward our lockers she said, “Do you know what I mean?” I shook my head no.
She looked at me again and said, “You must really be a rube not knowing what I mean.” I started to say something but nothing came out of my mouth.
So she said, “Come with me after school and I will show you what I mean.”
We left the school and headed towards the wooded area behind our school. She led me in to where there were some heavy bushes and then she found a space that we could crawl through that came out in an open, round area completely surrounded by these very thick bushes. She had to have been there before to know where it was. The area was covered with a fairly thick layer of hay and was pretty soft. We sat down, and it was comfortable. She then said to me, “Hey rube… I am The Brick, get it?” I shook my head no and she said, “You really are a rube, aren’t you? So, from now on I am calling you Rube and you will call me Brick, okay?”
I shook my head yes and then I said, “So what do you want me to do?
She replied, “I want you to lay me.”
I just looked at her with rather wide eyes not saying anything again.
That’s when she said, “Are you telling me you have never been with a girl before?”
I replied, “No, I haven’t.”
She then laughed saying, “You mean you are a virgin? That you have never fucked a girl before?”
I stammered out a, “Yes, I am a Virgin I guess, and no, I have never fucked a girl before. I have only jerked off when looking at a Playboy magazine”.
She laughed again and said, “Well, this is a lucky day for me, I get to have a virgin. It’s also a lucky day for you because I am going to teach you how to make a girl feel good. Most guys only know the bullshit they have heard about feeling up, fingering and fucking a girl. They then pass the bullshit around to each other as they read Playboy together and jerk off. They think they know how to feel up, finger and fuck a girl and make her cum, but they don’t know and they don’t make us cum. They feel us up, finger us and fuck us and then after they cum they just pull out their cocks from our pussies and walk off, leaving us to finger our aching cunts so we can cum too. That is just bullshit.”
She then had me sit down next to her and as soon as I sat she pushed me on my back and started kissing me. I felt her push her tongue between my lips but my mouth was closed and my teeth blocked her tongue. She pulled away saying, “Rube, we need to French kiss, that means you open your mouth and we let our tongues touch each other.” I did as she said and soon, following her lead, our tongues were twirling around with each other and then she sucked on my tongue and I followed suit and sucked on hers.
It was quite the turn on and my cock got real hard. We kissed like that for a couple of minutes. She then pulled away and told me to take off my shirt and under shirt. Then she told me to take off her blouse and bra. I did as I was told and suddenly I was looking at this beautiful set of tits. The only tits I had seen up to that point were in Playboy and I got more excited. She told me how to squeeze and rub her tits and nipples and also how to gently pinch her nipples, and I did. I did everything the way she told me to and soon she was moaning, groaning and grinding her hips around.
She pulled off her skirt and panties and that was the first time I had ever seen a pussy. Even Playboy wasn’t showing pussies yet and I just stared at it. She instructed me to start rubbing her pussy and after showing me where her clit was she told me how to rub it and then she had me stick two fingers into and out of her pussy with one hand and rub her clit with the other. This really turned her on more and pretty soon I realized I had put a third finger into her pussy. I was now finger fucking her and soon she told me to not stop as she was getting ready to have an orgasm.
I wasn’t sure what an orgasm or cumming was until she started moaning and groaning, rather loudly, bucking her hips up and down and saying, “Yesssss! Yesssss! Yesss! Doooon’t stop! I am cumming!” After a little bit she had me stop and said, “Wow, for a newbie you are doing okay.” Then she said, “Now you get to lay the Brick. Pull off your pants and underpants.” When I did, my cock sprung out straight and hard, she grabbed it and rubbed it and then said, “Look, precum.” When I looked there was some clear liquid coming out of the end of my cock. I had seen it before but didn’t know what it was called.
Then she said, almost breathlessly, “That means you are ready to cum, do you have protection?”
Not knowing what she meant I said, “Protection?”
She answered, “Don’t worry Rube, I do.” With that she reached into her purse and pulled out a little foil package that said Trojan on it. She tore open the package and pulled out what was inside and handed it to me.
I didn’t know what to do with it or what it was. I asked her, “What is this? What do I do with it?
She replied, “This is a condom usually called a rubber. It’s also called protection because it will protect a girl from getting pregnant. Meaning; we don’t want to make a baby, understand?” I knew what pregnant meant but I didn’t know about protection so I guess I was a rube. I shook my head yes and then she took it and showed me how to put it on by putting it on the tip of my cock and unrolling it down. Looking back I realized that her rolling that rubber down my over excited cock almost made me cum but I am glad I didn’t because as soon as it was on she laid back, spread her legs and told me to stick my cock into her pussy.
I did and it felt so warm and tight I thought I had gone to Heaven. She told me to start pumping in and out and in a couple of minutes I felt myself releasing my load into the rubber. My body was shaking and jerking as my cock and balls were pulsating. She also started cumming again as well and we both were pretty vocal about it. When we finished I got a little scared someone might have heard us but nobody came into the place where we were. I was starting to pull out of her but the movement stimulated me and my cock got hard again and we started fucking again and we came again. This happened two more times before we were done and when we were done I pulled out and saw this rubber was full of my cum. I was spent, as was Brick, and we just lay there together catching our breaths.
Shortly, Brick got up and while getting dressed said, “You get dressed too, we need to get out of here, it’s time to go”.
I asked, “What do I do with the rubber?”
She answered, “Pull it off and throw it away.” I did that and then got dressed and we walked out of the woods.
We talked as we walked and she said, “For a rube you did okay today, we will definitely do this again.” And we did. Four more times before the weather turned too cold and then six more times when the weather got warm in the Spring. We didn’t fuck everyday because she had a boyfriend but we fucked enough and the only reason we stopped was because she graduated high school and I went on to the 11th grade.
I will always remember Brick because of what she taught me. Looking back I wish she had taught me about blow jobs and eating pussy. That knowledge might have been useful when I started dating. I did learn about doing those things but that happened a number of years later. There is one more thing about Brick. One day, when it was too cold to go to the woods, we were on our way from Biology class to Social Studies when Brick said to me, “You know Rube, Mrs. Jones (our Biology teacher) really likes you.”
I said, “What makes you think that?”
She then said, “You haven’t noticed that when she sits on the table in front of us (In the Biology class we didn’t sit at traditional desks. We sat at these tables that were about 5 feet long and three feet wide with two students to a table. The table in front of Brick and me didn’t have any students assigned to it and Mrs. Jones would often sit on it when she was teaching.) that she always sits in front of you?”
I shook my head no.
She then continued by saying, “You mean, with those semi-short skirts she wears, hiked up enough so her panties can easily be seen when she sits on that table, you didn’t notice?”
I replied, “No, I didn’t.”
She then said, “Well you better start noticing because she is showing you what she has to offer,” and then she laughed saying, “I just love you, Rube”.
A little about Mrs. Jones: She was about twenty-three or twenty-four years old. She was also very pretty; blond hair, blue eyes and nice looking legs. Not real chesty but had a real nice figure. After what Brick had told me I started paying attention whenever Mrs. Jones sat on the table in front of me to teach to the class. She was most certainly doing what Brick said she was doing and whenever she did I would always end up having to carry my books out across the front of my pants to hide my hard on.
There was one time, when Brick was absent, (it was in January or February) Mrs. Jones sat in front of me and the panties she was wearing were these, sort of see through panties made of lace. I could see her blond pubic hairs and her pussy. I got so turned on I put my right hand into my pants pocket and jerked myself off, unloading cum into my underwear. I thought I held a “poker” face but at the end of the class Mrs. Jones called me over to her desk. I could smell the odor of cum, as I walked over to see what she wanted, and when I got to her desk I think she could too.
She said to me, “Are you okay because your face got a little flushed a little while ago.”
I answered, “Yes I’m okay.”(Just wanting to get out of there.)
She then said, “Can you come back to my room at the end of the day?”
I told her, “I can’t, my grandparents are visiting and I have to be home as soon as school is over as we were going out someplace for dinner.”
She replied, “That’s okay, it’s not urgent, some other time then.” Another time never happened and I have often wondered what would have happened if I didn’t have to be home right after school that day. However, I did run into Brick a number of years later but more about that later in the story.
Also, Brick was the first girl I ever fucked.
This ends the second part of The Adventure Of Our Lives. There is still more to “cum”. I hope you are enjoying reading this as much as I am enjoying writing it. By the way, I must be careful about writing all of this and submitting it. If my wife finds out she will “skin me alive”. (I will explain about her idiosyncrasies later in the story.) In the mean time I will be adding pictures of us when we were both young and pretty.
Copyright © Copyright, Tom Wetstuph, February 2021.
All rights reserved. May not be copied in any form, in any medium, without the express, written consent of the author.Copyright © Copyright, Tom Wetstuph, February 2021.