Hiding Leah

"A simple act of human decency has a lasting effect during WWII."

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Nazi Germany invaded Denmark on April 9, 1940. For a few years, Danish Jews dealt with discriminatory laws but were essentially safe and allowed to continue living their lives and operating their businesses.

By mid-1943, however, the Danish government resigned, and Jews were no longer protected. On September 28, 1943, a German diplomat, Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, leaked the Nazis’ plans to round up all the Jews and send them to concentration camps.

On September 29, the day before Rosh Hashanah services, Rabbi Melchior warned his fellow Jews of the plan and urged them to spread the word to their Jewish friends and go into hiding. He recommended reaching out to their Christian friends and other members of the Resistance to find shelter until they could be safely transported to Sweden on fishing boats.

The Nazis planned to start going house to house at midnight to round up all of the Jews. Members of the Resistance worked to find places for Jews to hide. One of those Resistance members was a man named Henrik Jensen.

Henrik heard a timid knock on the door. When he opened it, terrified eyes looked at him as he ushered her inside quickly.

“What’s your name?” he asked the frightened young woman standing before him.

“Leah. Leah Cohen,” she answered, trembling.

“Nice to meet you, Leah. My name is Henrik Jensen. Please take off your coat and sit down,” he said softly.

“I shouldn’t have come here,” Leah said, still standing. “I should go. I’m sorry, Henrik, I don’t want any trouble.”

“You’ll find no trouble here. Please, sit down. I know you’re afraid, but I promise you that you’ve no cause to worry. There’s no one here but me,” he said, trying to reassure her.

“You do realize that you could be arrested, even killed, just for talking to me,” said the pretty brunette with big brown eyes.

“I’m well aware of the consequences, should someone discover what I’m doing. I don’t intend to get caught,” the blond-haired, blue-eyed man answered boldly. “And if I do, well, I’d rather be punished doing what’s right than be a coward and let them cart you away to God knows where.”

Leah looked at Henrik with tears in her eyes. She thanked God for leading her to his doorstep. But she couldn’t hide here forever. It was too dangerous for both of them.

“Henrik, you must listen to reason,” Leah said. “If the Nazis come here and find you harboring a Jewish fugitive, you could be putting your whole family in danger!”

“My parents are dead, and I have no siblings. It’s just me, Leah, and even if it weren’t, I could never turn you away. That’s not how decent people operate,” he insisted. “Now, come, sit down and let me make you some tea. It’s nearly dusk. We have some time to figure out how to get you to safety.”

“I thought you said I was safe here!” Leah hissed.

“Yes, for now. But we both know; you’ll be much safer if I can help you get to Sweden,” he explained.

“The Rabbi said that all Jews are in danger and that we need to reach out to our Christian friends for help. But I have no Christian friends, so I didn’t know where to go!” Leah said wearily.

“Well, you did the right thing by coming here, and you have a Christian friend now,” he reassured her. “I promised Rabbi Melchior that he could send me anyone who needed my help.”

“Thank you for your kindness, Henrik. I’ll never be able to repay you,” she said quietly. 

“No payment is necessary. Please, you must be hungry. Will you have a meal with me while we await word from the Resistance that it’s safe to bring you to the docks?” he said kindly.

“I could eat, thank you,” she answered.

“I’m afraid I’m a bachelor, and my cooking skills are a bit lacking, but I have a basic stew on the stove,” he said humbly.

“It smells wonderful,” she said, inhaling the delicious aroma in the air.

“Oh, I’m… well, I’m not sure that it’s Kosher,” he explained.

“That’s kind of you to be concerned, but I am sure that it’s fine. I doubt that God would want me to turn down your hospitality. To be honest, I haven’t eaten much the past several days. I was trying to ration my food. I don’t know what to expect if I get to Sweden,” she admitted.

When you get to Sweden,” he corrected, “there will be others, like me, willing to help you find lodging, food, and, eventually, work.”

“I suppose I could always work as a nanny, a housekeeper, or a tutor. I speak French, which might come in handy,” she said, thinking out loud.

“Yes, I’m sure there will be plenty of options, Leah. For now, let’s eat. I shall enjoy having company to dine with for a change,” he said as he placed two steaming bowls of stew on the table.

“I’d offer wine, but I’m afraid I don’t have any. I hope beer is okay,” he continued.

“Yes, of course, whatever you have is fine,” she said, tasting the stew. “Oh, my goodness, this is delicious!”

“Thanks, you’re probably just so hungry that anything would taste good right now. But I appreciate the compliment,” Henrik said.

As they ate, it was clear that they were both a bit shy. Leah mentioned that she, too, had no family. But after that, the conversation stalled. Henrik kept trying to think of things to talk about, but nothing was coming to mind.

Leah finally broke the silence by asking if she could lie down for a bit. “I think my stomach is not used to so much food, and I am exhausted from getting very little sleep lately,” she said. “I hate to be rude, but I really feel like I need to rest.”

“Not at all. It was rude of me for not thinking to suggest it,” he replied. “The couch is not comfortable enough to sleep on, so you should go rest in my bed.”

Leah’s eyes widened as she felt quite awkward getting into a strange man’s bed. But she was so tired.

Henrik sensed her discomfort, “I promise I won’t disturb you. I will stay out in the living room.”

“Thank you, I should at least help you with the dishes first,” Leah offered.

“Nonsense, you’re exhausted. Go lie down, and I will take care of cleaning up,” he responded.

“As long as you’re sure you don’t mind. I’m just not used to this kind of hospitality and kindness,” she answered.

So, Henrik cleaned up the dishes and the kitchen as Leah allowed herself to relax in his bed and let sleep take her. But after about an hour and a half, the phone rang. Henrik frowned, wondering who might be calling him so late in the evening.

“Hello?” he asked cautiously.

“Hello, this is Rabbi Marcus Melchior. Is this Henrik Jensen?”

“Yes, it is,” he answered.

“Henrik, I’m aware that Leah Cohen has come to you for refuge. I am concerned that you will likely have visitors tonight knocking on your door, looking for Jews. If they discover Leah, you’ll both be in danger. It’s not safe to take her to the docks tonight. You must do whatever it takes to convince them that Leah is your wife and not Jewish. Do you understand?” Rabbi Melchior asked.

“Yes, I understand. Don’t worry, Rabbi. I have an idea. I just hope Leah is okay with it,” Henrik said.

“She wants to live, Henrik. She won’t argue with you,” the Rabbi suggested.

Once he hung up the phone, he went into the top cabinet in the kitchen and pulled out a small box. In it were his grandmother’s wedding ring and her necklace with a silver cross. He’d been given these so that, one day, he could give them to the woman he wished to marry.

He looked at them and knew that his grandmother would approve of his idea. He knocked quietly on the bedroom door, but Leah was sound asleep. He opened the door and went to the side of the bed to gently wake her.

“Wake up, Leah. Nazis will be searching houses soon, and we have no time to run. We will need to make it appear that you are my wife,” he said quickly.

“Your wife?” Leah asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes.

“Yes. Here, give me your left hand,” Henrik instructed.

“What? Why?” she asked, confused.

“Do you trust me to keep you safe?” Henrik asked.

Leah hesitated for a moment. She’d only met Henrik several hours ago. But hadn’t he fed her? Hadn’t he given up his bed so she could sleep? She had no other choice but to trust him.

“I trust you, Henrik,” she said softly, though her eyes were filled with fear.

Henrik slid the ring on her finger and said, “You are now Lilly Jensen, my wife. We eloped on Saturday, August 21, 1943, which was my thirtieth birthday. We are madly in love. We need to convince the Nazis of this should they come to our door.”

Then he fastened the necklace around her neck and said, “You’re also a Christian.”

Leah nodded and repeated the information so she would remember to say it right if she needed to do so. Then she watched with a mix of horror and shameful interest as Henrik began to undress.

He looked at her and said, “Lilly, take off your clothes except for your slip. We have to look like a married couple.”

She nodded. Realizing that she would need to leave Leah Cohen behind and become Lilly Jensen if she were to survive. She turned her back to Henrik and undressed slowly. She was, after all, a virgin about to lie in bed with a man. But she trusted that Henrik was not looking to deflower her but simply give the impression of being husband and wife.

Wearing nothing but her slip, she climbed into bed. Henrik climbed in next to her with his boxers on. His chest was bare and, Lilly, as she began to think of herself, was embarrassed by how aroused she was getting.

Henrik turned off the light and said, “If you’re frightened, I can hold you. I promise not to do anything more than that. I just want to comfort you, Lilly.”

“Yes, that would be nice, thank you,” she admitted.

Henrik pulled her into him, so her head was resting on his chest, and his arms were around her. He absent-mindedly kissed her on the top of her head. She smiled in the darkness and enjoyed the feeling of being in his arms.

True to his word, he didn’t try to touch her inappropriately. She was almost disappointed, although it shocked her to realize that. But she decided she liked him even more for not trying to take advantage of her when it would have been so easy to do so.

Eventually, Lilly and Henrik drifted off to sleep. She had vivid dreams, which wasn’t unusual for her. But tonight, rather than being chased by Nazis, she was opening her legs for Henrik. In her dream, he entered her slowly and thrust deeply, again and again, until he filled her with his seed.

She woke up startled, realized it was just a dream, and then tried to go back to sleep. But a terrible thought occurred to her.

“Henrik! Henrik, wake up!” she said, shaking him.

“What’s wrong, Le… um, Lilly?” he asked.

“What if the Nazis ask us to have sex to prove we are married?” she asked, sounding panicky.

“Lilly, I doubt they would do such a thing, but if it comes to that, I would be gentle, and I promise not to ejaculate,” he explained. “I want to keep you alive, whatever it takes.”

“Then you have to do it now,” she said urgently.

“Do what now?” he asked, still waking up.

“You have to have sex with me now. I’m a virgin, Henrik. If the Nazis make you have sex with me as proof, they will see the blood and know I am a virgin. How could we be married for two months and not have consummated our marriage yet?” her voice was wrought with fear.

“Wait, are you suggesting that I take your virginity now just in case they demand we have sex later?” Henrik asked, trying to make sure he understood her correctly.

“Yes, it’s the only way,” she said, her eyes now pleading.

“Lilly, I don’t want to take that from you. Your first time should be special,” he started to object.

“You said you’d do anything to protect me, that I should trust you. Well, I need you to do this for me, and I know you will not hurt me,” she explained.

“Lilly, it will hurt the first time, no matter how gentle I am. I didn’t know you were a virgin. Maybe we should change the story to make you my cousin,” he said gently.

“No, they would ask for papers. They won’t think to ask for papers if they see a married couple in bed acting, well, married,” she said nervously.

“Lilly, I don’t have another set of sheets, so let me go get a towel to put under you,” he sighed.

“Why don’t we do it in the shower?” she suggested. “Then there will be no trace of the virginal blood.”

He looked at her as though she’d sprouted horns. “In the shower?” he asked. “You want to have sex in the shower?”

She blushed, “This isn’t an easy thing for me to ask, Henrik. But it’s for both of us. If they discover we are lying, you’ll be arrested, maybe worse.”

Henrik nodded. He knew she was right. And it did make sense that the water would wash away any evidence. Still, he was hesitant.

“Please, Henrik,” she whispered. “If I get taken away to the camps, I may not live to see my next birthday. I don’t want to die, never knowing how it feels to have a man touch me that way. I trust you to be as gentle as you can be.”

He sighed and said, “Go into the bathroom and take off your slip. Then get in the shower and turn on the water. When I hear the water on, I will come into the bathroom and take off my undershorts and join you.”

Lilly nodded and did as he told her. When Henrik entered the shower, she was standing there with her eyes closed as the water poured down on her body, causing her nipples to harden. She looked so beautiful. He had worried that his manhood would need some coaxing to be able to enter her, but he was plenty ready.

Still, he wanted her to be wet and ready for him. So, he pulled her in close and kissed her. “Open your mouth a little, Lilly, so I can kiss you as a lover does,” he directed.

She complied and found it to be quite arousing. And, as his hands moved down her body from her shoulders to her hips, she felt a longing between her legs. When his hands reached her bottom, she shuddered a little.

“Have you ever touched yourself?” he asked.

She nodded and felt herself go hot with shame. But Henrik eased her embarrassment when he said, “Good, then it won’t feel quite so awkward when I touch you there.”

Lilly moaned when his fingers ran along the slit of her sex. Her eyes fluttered when he dipped a single finger inside her.

“Touch me while I am touching you,” he instructed as he guided her hand to his swollen member.

It was his turn to swoon a little. It had been a long time since his manhood had enjoyed the feeling of a woman’s hand. It took every ounce of energy not to take her right then and there. Instead, he let her hands explore him while he played with her glistening folds.

When he focused on rubbing her hard little nub, he felt her giving in to desire. She kissed him fervently while she held his shaft in one hand and cupped his balls with the other. Henrik moved the finger inside her and kept rubbing her clit with his thumb.

Lilly’s body arched and then shuddered as she cried out, “Oh, God! Henrik!”

He picked her up and said, “Hold on to my neck so I can enter you.”

She was still shaking, but she did exactly as he said. He guided her legs to wrap around him and poked just the head of his dick inside her virgin pussy. He whispered, “I promise to go slow, Lilly.”

With her head nuzzled against his neck, she replied, “I trust you, Henrik.”

Slowly, he eased her down onto his cock, giving her time to get used to it. When he felt her body tense up, he said, “I’m just going to push it in quickly now, to get the painful part over with.”

She nodded again and held on to his neck tighter. As he thrust, he felt her hymen give way, allowing him to enter her deeper. She cried out, but soon she relaxed and began to feel pleasure as he moved in and out of her. He felt his arousal grow as her pussy gripped him like a vise.

“Are you okay?” he checked with her.

“Yes, it hurt for a moment, but now it feels amazing,” she said, as she met his every thrust.

He picked up the pace and felt her climax again.

“Yes, Henrik! Oh, my God!” she cried out.

He sensed his own orgasm was near, so he pulled out and came on her belly. While he would rather have cum inside her, he didn’t wish to chance impregnating her. He set her down gently and turned toward the spray of water to rinse the evidence of her deflowering off of his dick. He found it a little disconcerting how seeing her virginal blood on his cock made him extremely aroused.

He wiped his seed off of her stomach and moved her under the showerhead to clean her off. Then they both dried off, put their nightclothes back on, and climbed back into bed.

Henrik held Lilly in his arms and kissed the top of her head softly. The dampness of her hair felt cool on his lips. He couldn’t say why that act felt just as intimate as what they did in the shower, but he suddenly felt very close to her and even more protective.

They eventually fell asleep, only to be woken up at 1:00 A.M. by Nazi soldiers pounding on the door. Henrik kissed Lilly’s temple and said, “I’m going to answer the door. Stay here in bed. Say as little as possible if they speak to you.”

Lilly felt dread as Henrik let the Nazis into his home. She said a small, silent prayer that this ruse would work.

“We are searching all houses, looking for Jews,” the lieutenant said brusquely.

“There are no Jews here,” Henrik stated calmly. “Only my wife and me.”

“Where is your wife?” he asked.

“She’s in bed; it’s past midnight,” Henrik said, yawning for effect.

“Get her now!” the lieutenant barked.

“Of course, we want no trouble,” Henrik replied.

The lieutenant raised an eyebrow, “And you’ll get no trouble provided you and your wife are not hiding Jews.”

Henrik nodded and went into the bedroom. He handed Lilly a robe to put on; then, he brought her out into the living room.

The lieutenant eyed her suspiciously, “What is your name?”

She fiddled with the cross around her neck so that the lieutenant could notice both the necklace and the wedding ring, “Lilly, sir. My name is Lilly Jensen.”

“What was your maiden name?” he asked.

Henrik felt fear rising up through him. They hadn’t thought to have an answer ready for that question. But Lilly was quick on her feet.

“Delacroix,” she said in a flawless French accent.

He stared at her a few seconds more, but he seemed satisfied with her answer.

“Where are your children?” the officer with him inquired.

She smiled politely, “We don’t have any children yet.”

“But we’re working on that,” Henrik said as he winked and put an arm around her.

Lilly giggled, “Henrik, shh, that isn’t something you tell a stranger.” She blushed, and Henrik flashed her a quick grin.

“How long have you been married?” The lieutenant asked.

“Two months,” Henrik answered as he looked at Lilly with the lust one would expect of a newly married couple.

“Ah, you are honeymooners then,” the Nazi said, cracking his first smile. “I’ll bet you cannot keep your hands off each other.”

Henrik grinned and placed a hand on Lilly’s ass, “You’d win that bet.”

Lilly feigned embarrassment, but her face showed delight. The lieutenant looked at the officer and said, “Let’s go!”

When the door closed behind the unwanted intruders, Henrik put a finger to his mouth. He wanted to make sure the Nazis were gone before they spoke freely.

“I think we’re safe now,” he said a few moments later.

“I was so scared,” she said.

“You did very well staying calm. I think you convinced them that you are my wife,” he said. “I feel bad that taking your virginity was probably unnecessary.”

“I don’t feel bad,” she said softly. “I will always treasure knowing that you deflowered me to save my life.”

He looked at her, “Yes, but I’ve taken that which a man holds dear when he chooses a bride.”

“I’d rather be spoiled and alive than be a dead virgin,” she said somberly.

He gave a half-hearted smile. He knew she was right, but he still felt like he should have talked her out of insisting that he have sexual intercourse with her. He’d done his best to make it something she wouldn’t regret too much.

They climbed back into bed, but neither one of them could sleep. So, he held her while they talked about everything and anything for hours. They shared childhood memories, their hopes for after the war, and what she might do when she made it safely to Sweden.

After a while, Lilly whispered, “Henrik, what else do a man and woman do in bed when they are married?”

Her question surprised him. “Why do you ask?”

“Because I may never get to experience that with a man,” she admitted softly. “I want you to show me.”

He rolled on his side and looked at her, “Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been more certain of anything before,” she said.

He leaned in to kiss her, and he felt her body melt into his. “I need to ask you one last time before I lose my ability to remain a gentleman, do you really…”

She cut off his question by kissing him passionately. Soon, his hands were all over her, and hers were on him. Her breath hitched as he took her breast into his mouth and sucked on her nipple till it hardened for him. He did the same with the other until her hips started rocking.

“What is this intense need I feel?” She asked.

“It’s a need for release,” he told her. “But it will be that much sweeter if we let it build more.”

He kissed a trail down her stomach until he reached a curly brown patch of hair and the prize that was hidden beneath it. He let his tongue glide across the length of her slit and felt a deep satisfaction when she moaned loudly. He dipped the tip into her wetness as he gripped her thighs. Then he found her swollen nub and made decadent circles that caused her to pant and cry out.

“I need, I need…” but she couldn’t explain what she needed because she didn’t know. But Henrik knew. He slid a finger inside her as he continued his wicked assault on her with his tongue.

“Oh, God!” she cried out as she bucked wildly. Her back arched, her body tensed, and then she screamed as her orgasm ripped through her. She’d never experienced anything so intense and arousing before. And yet, she felt like there was something even more that she needed.

Henrik knew this too. He climbed on top of her and entered her slowly until he filled her up with his shaft. “Oh, God, yes!” Lilly cried out. This was what she needed. To be completely filled like this. It felt amazing.

Henrik pumped slowly and tenderly into Lilly. He could tell she was enjoying it much more this time, as there was no pain. She met his every thrust until she reached yet another climax.

He pulled out and said, “I can’t cum in you, Lilly. I don’t want to get you pregnant.”

“How do I take care of that? I want to give you the same intense release that you gave me. What do I do?” she asked earnestly. “What might a married woman do for her husband if they didn’t want to get pregnant yet?”

He hesitated for a moment. Then he said, “Sometimes a wife lets her husband put his manhood in her mouth.”

Lilly’s eyes widened, “Ohhh.” Then she looked at him and said, “I can do that for you, Henrik. Please, let me do that for you.”

He tucked away any feelings of guilt and rolled on his back. He looked at Lilly and said, “Okay, if you really want to do this, I won’t stop you. But I promise I will warn you when I’m about to ejaculate. Then I can pull out and cum on my stomach.”

Lilly frowned, “Didn’t you accept my juices into your mouth when you licked between my legs? So, why would I not do the same for you?”

“Some women do not care for the taste,” he explained.

“I won’t know if I like it until I taste it, right?” she asked innocently.

He felt his cock twitch and year for her. “I suppose you’re right, Lilly. I’m just trying to be respectful. I’ve never had a woman agree to take me in her mouth, let alone taste my seed. I can’t ask you to do this. I can stroke it until I get release.”

“You’re not asking me, Henrik. I’m offering,” she said softly. “And it has nothing to do with you saving my life. I just want to experience this with you, okay?”

“Okay,” he agreed.

She took his shaft in her hand and tentatively licked the tip. She realized that he was covered in her womanly juices and found her own taste quite pleasant. She took him into her mouth and was pleased when she heard him moan.

She took that as a sign that she was doing it right and continued to suck on his engorged member, moving it in and out of her mouth.

She felt his body tense and knew that his release was close. Henrik cried out, “I’m going to cum, Lilly!” Then he shot several streams of salty liquid into her mouth. She swallowed it as he pulled out of her mouth.

She smiled at him, “Well, it’s not ice cream, but it isn’t unpleasant.”

He laughed, “You’re so delightful, Lilly.”

He took her into his arms and held her until they fell asleep.

When morning came, there was a short series of small knocks on the door. Henrik repeated the knocks on his side, and a confirmation knock was given. He opened the door and found a slip of paper with directions to the dock and what time to be there. It also included the amount to be paid for passage to Sweden on one of the fishing boats. His heart sunk; there was no way Lilly had two thousand kroner to pay for a spot on the boat.

He went into his closet and retrieved a locked box. Then he located the key in his desk drawer and opened the box. He’d been stashing money in here whenever he had a little left over at the end of the week, saving for an emergency. Well, this was definitely an emergency. He counted the money and discovered he had about double the amount she would need to pay the fishing boat captain.

Just then, he saw Lilly standing in the doorway. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll need money to pay for passage to Sweden,” he explained.

“I have some money with me,” she said. “How much will I need?”

“Two thousand kroner,” he answered.

“Oh,” she said, suddenly feeling a bit faint. “I don’t have that much.”

“It’s fine, Lilly,” he said as he led her to the sofa to sit down. “I have plenty.”

She shook her head, “I can’t take your money, Henrik. I’ll have to find another way.”

“Don’t be stubborn,” he chided. “We need to get you to the dock at half-past four. There’s no time to come up with another solution.”

“Then I promise to pay you back,” she said.

“There’s no need for that,” he argued. “But if it makes you feel better to do so, then fine.”

“Maybe I can just stay with you, Henrik. At least for a while. I can cook and clean, and we can do more of what married people do in bed,” she said nervously.

“Lilly, if I could guarantee your safety, I’d be happy to keep you here,” he said. “But I can’t. We have no marriage license. You have no papers. We can’t risk the Nazis discovering your real identity.”

“Of course, you’re right,” Lilly said sadly. “You can’t blame a girl for trying. Since we have time before we have to go, will you make love to me again? Please?”

Henrik knew that touching her intimately again would make it that much more difficult to let her go. But he couldn’t stand the sadness in her eyes. He took her hands and led her to the bedroom.

He made love to her again, hoping he was careful, and had pulled out soon enough when he came. Then he suggested they both get some rest. Neither of them had gotten much sleep throughout the night. As he held her, he wished he could let her stay here with him. But he knew that was too risky. It would be selfish of him not to let her go to Sweden, where she wouldn’t have to hide or constantly look over her shoulder. But letting her go was going to be a bitter pill. He wondered if his feelings for her were simply due to the circumstances or if he would have fallen for her had their paths not crossed this way. Then it occurred to him that they likely would not have met at all.

He fed her some leftover stew and packed some bread and cheese in a satchel for her. He put in the two thousand kroner, as well as a bit more for whatever she might need.

When it was time to leave, Lilly started to take off the ring. Henrik stopped her, “No, you must keep it on. If you are caught, you are to tell them you are my wife, Lilly Jensen. It will be more believable if you are still wearing the ring.”

“Henrik, this ring should go on the finger of the woman you will marry,” she protested.

“You’ll keep it safe for me,” he said, trying to reassure her.

They held hands as he walked her to the dock. When they arrived, he held her tight for a moment and whispered, “You’re going to be safe and free. And when the war is over, we will see each other again.” Then he kissed her gently and helped her step into the boat. He watched as she paid the captain, then disappeared below deck with other Jews who were escaping as well.

Henrik’s heart hurt as he watched the boat leave the dock in Copenhagen and head across the Kattegat strait to Malmo, Sweden. He said a silent prayer that she would arrive safely and that, someday, he might see her again.

When the war ended in 1945, many Danish Jews returned to their homes in Copenhagen. Henrik waited for several months to see if Lilly would return, but as time passed, that seemed unlikely.

Then one day, in late October, Henrik saw a young woman with a toddler in tow walking down his street. Her hair was shorter, but he was certain it was her.

He stepped outside and called to her, “Lilly!”

The woman stopped and smiled, “Henrik! Oh, I wasn’t sure if you still lived here.”

He wanted to take her into his arms and kiss her, but as she had a baby with her, he assumed she belonged to someone else now. He felt a pang of jealousy, despite being glad to see her.

“It’s wonderful to see you, Lilly,” he said politely.

His swift change in demeanor had her feeling wary.

“It’s wonderful to see you, too, Henrik,” she replied.

“It’s good to see that you are safe. I hope the baby’s father has made you a happy woman,” he said, sounding stiff and formal.

She smiled weakly, “I am hoping that he will, but I guess that depends.”

Henrik frowned, “Depends on what?”

She sighed, “On whether he’s going to make me stand out in the autumn chill or invite me inside.”

“I don’t understand,” he said, looking confused.

“Henrik, I’d like you to meet your son,” she said softly. “His name is Lucas, which means one who gives light. It seemed fitting as he has brought light and laughter to my life.”

“My son?” he repeated, barely above a whisper. “That’s not…”

“Yes,” she said, suddenly feeling very foolish. “There was no one besides you, Henrik. He is your son. I’d hoped you’d be pleased. But if not, we can go. Before we do, though, I need to give you this.”

She handed him a package. Then she turned to go.

He looked inside and found the ring, the necklace, and more than enough money to cover what he had loaned her.

“Wait!” he shouted after her.

When she turned back to face him, he could see tears welling up in her eyes. He looked at the child, with his blue eyes and chubby cheeks, and saw himself in the boy.

“My son,” he said again. Only this time, there was no question in his voice. “You’ve come back to me, and you brought me a son.”

He seemed dumbfounded but finally came to his senses and said, “I’m sorry to keep you out in the cold like this. Please come inside.”

She followed him into the little house, and memories of the short time they’d been together came flooding back to her. She looked around and noticed that he’d painted the walls and added an end table next to the sofa. She took a seat and tried hard not to feel uncomfortable.

Henrik knew he should be offering her tea, but instead, he slid the ring out of the package and knelt in front of her.

Her eyes flew open wide! “Henrik, you don’t need to…” she started.

But he interrupted, “Lilly, the moment I watched the boat leave the dock to take you to Sweden, I promised myself that if you came back to me, I’d never let you go again. I apologize for being thrown off about having a son. I thought I’d been more careful; I’d never have wanted you to go through that alone.”

He felt himself stumbling over his words. He had wanted this to be romantic, but he was flubbing it. He took a deep breath and spoke again.

“Lilly, not a day has gone by that I haven’t wished I could have kept you safe with me. I know it sounds foolish, but I fell in love with you in just one day, and I’ve loved you ever since. I’ve waited every day for you to return to me. And what happens when you do? I mess it up by being an idiot.”

She gave him half a smile.

“Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife for real?” he asked earnestly.

She sighed, “I don’t want you to feel obliged simply because of the baby.”

Ignoring her words, he slipped the ring back on her finger, “It’s not because of the baby. It’s because you won my heart two years ago with your big brown eyes and your sensual innocence. You trusted me and gave yourself to me. You changed me forever that day. I love you, Lilly. Please say yes.”

Tears threatened to spill again, but this time they were happy tears. She’d spent the last two years fantasizing about this moment and about being a family in this lovely little house.

“Yes, I will marry you, Henrik,” she said. “You changed me forever that day, as well. I love you, too.”

So much about the war had been ugly and ruthless. But here, they had found love in the middle of a crisis. Now they would have the chance to make a life together with their son.

“I had Lucas baptized in a Christian church,” she said. “I wanted to be sure, even if we didn’t reunite, that he would be raised in the faith of his father.”

He hesitated for a moment and then said, “We will make sure he knows the faith and customs of his mother as well.”

She smiled and noticed Lucas rubbing his eyes, “He’s tired and in need of a nap.” Then she blushed, “Maybe while he naps, we can touch each other as married people do.”

He grinned, “I suppose we should wait until we’re married, but I don’t want to. There’s been no one since you, Lilly. I mean, Leah.”

She shook her head, “Lilly. Leah Cohen no longer exists. I’ve been Lilly Jensen since the moment you first touched me. There’s been no one else since you, either. I need you to touch me now, Henrik.”

After fashioning a makeshift bed for Lucas, Henrik took Lilly to bed. They kissed passionately and made up for lost time. It felt so good to be inside her again, making her climax again and again, but he knew he should pull out when his orgasm drew near.

As if reading his mind, Lilly wrapped her legs around him to keep him inside her. “Don’t you dare,” she whispered. “I’ve got a ring on my finger, and I want to experience the feeling of you filling me with your seed.”

He grinned and pumped into his wife-to-be, sending her over the edge one more time before emptying himself deep inside her.


Three months later, Lilly stood before God and vowed to love, honor, and obey Henrik. When the officiant asked if they would willingly bring children into the world, Lilly smiled and winked at Henrik. He tilted his head and gave her a questioning look. She wiggled her eyebrows and nodded.

Later, he said, “And here I was, hoping for a honeymoon baby. I’m very excited that Lucas will have a brother or a sister.”

“As far as anyone else is concerned, this will be a honeymoon baby. We just got an early start on the honeymoon!” she laughed.

Henrik kissed his bride and thought, somberly, about the many Jews throughout Europe that had a much different ending to their story. They both knew they were lucky. They promised never to take that fact for granted.

Fate had brought them together during a dangerous and tumultuous time. Faith had reunited them. But it was love that would keep them together for the rest of their lives. Yes, they were lucky indeed.

Published 4 years ago

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