This was treachery. Eloise scared me, innocent in demeanour, demonic in deeds. Seduced by her subtlety, tempted by a trail of sensual breadcrumbs, I was easy prey.
Tonight was the night.
In my bathroom, the careful drag of the razor blade gave me time to reflect.
Of course, I should have seen this coming. It had been a tough year filled with loss and self-discovery. Experiencing such a break-up created many moments of wistful contemplation. I could be a better person.
Then, I found Eloise and overestimated myself all over again. How on earth did I get myself into this? Fucking another man’s wife as the bull to a cuckolded husband? From a one-night stand, I thought she was single. It escalated into tawdry nights. I learned that denying Eloise was to endure nails scraped down a blackboard. The sex was insane; no one had ever matched my appetite before.
Then it started, revelations camouflaged by her evasion, a drip, drip, drip of truth.
Not wanting a relationship, okay, she was married. Naked, she sat on my lap and guided my erection up her arse. That cured my sudden attack of morality. Once, I was unsure about carrying on like this. No problem, let’s have some mind-bending sex. Lingerie, leather, deviancy, fucking anywhere she dared me.
Fuck drunk.
Eloise’s demeanour hovered between boredom and interest, but she always appealed to my innate curiosity. Well, she always presented that licentious body in a way that halted all rational thought. She did not want platitudes; she chided me as clichéd. She wanted my deepest desires, fantasies, and intimate recollections.
She wanted all the salacious details. Picking over the bones like carrion, she found my weaknesses to exploit. Eloise was a dirty little sociopath, and I let her in.
“You are very immature,” she goaded, “you have not lived as I have or felt as I have.”
I would not give her the satisfaction. “Really? Then tell me how you have lived. What do you feel?”
“What are words when you have not experienced them?”
“Fiction,” I retorted.
The tales of orgies, her voracious sexual appetite, and rampant bisexuality followed in vivid detail. Riding me, peering down as her florid words overloaded my imagination and overwhelmed my rampant cock. Eloise reduced me to a euphoric mess. Every time, I was filled with regret, and she was triumphant.
When she left, I swore I would end this. Yet, as abstinence weakened my resolve, I could not wait until the next time.
Yeah, she was an infuriating itch that I just had to scratch.
Caught in the corner of my eye, she leaned against the bathroom doorframe. I risked cutting my face. Naked, arms folded beneath her full breasts. Her perfect vision of lust beguiled me all over again. If Helena of Troy could launch a thousand ships, there was no penis alive that would not tremble at the sight of her.
In her reflected gaze, an impassive expression rested on delicate cheekbones. Tight pores devoid of make-up and that long mousy hair scraped tight. I was caught up in the allure of its simplicity. She had a dirty face, and every single no-holds-barred fuck was written on those beguiling features.
The last of the foam scraped away from my face; her fingertips were the arbiter of this closest shave.
“Very good, Jamie, you scrub up well.”
Clasping my shoulder, she said, “Turn around.”
She took the razor, and the towel fell. Wide-eyed, she would never say ‘please’; Eloise took pleasure in not asking. The whoosh of shaving foam lathered on my loins. The sudden alacrity of its meaning made her laugh.
“This should be as smooth as your face for tonight.”
Anticipating my protest, a single finger rested on my lips. For all my efforts of being standoffish, Eloise revelled in how my cock twitched to full arousal. The sap was already rising; it tightened my chunky balls. There was no way she would take pity and relieve me. Nope, this was her test. Amused, the blade caught the light, and her eyes matched that lip-curled rebuke.
“Jamie, when are you going to learn? Tell me what you are thinking.”
There was no chance I was doing that again, not after the last time.
She pressed her finger to my lips again. “Never mind, at least this is easier when you have an erection.”
This time, she had backed me into a corner of my own making. There was no way I could do this. Eloise said that being the cuckold was more difficult than being the bull. Yeah, I walked into that one.
Her plan and my ordeal were simple, yet impossible: attend a Swingers Ball as her chaperone. Eloise wanted to fuck a woman, and my naïve fantasy was exploited. I would watch, nothing more, and definitely no action for me. Mindless with lust – she would let me bang the life out of her later.
To reclaim her.
The psycho wanted me to beg and plead to join in. Some role reversal for the meathead that pounded her holes and emptied his balls into them. Already, I was weakening.
The razor clattered in the bowl, she wiped my loins and balls with the towel. The tingle of her touch on my naked skin made it twitch.
“It looks bigger.”
I huffed, “It’s not big enough?”
“Big enough until a larger one comes along,” she mocked, “Now, get dressed. We’re going soon.”
Masks, I went along with it. Vices, I wanted all they had to offer. Eloise… I could do without her. That was a lie: the primal overruled the rational yet again. I tried to force a smile, but honestly, I could not be arsed. Eloise seemed subdued, a welcome reprieve from her egotism. Sticking to me like glue, her covetous arm rested inside mine. I did not care for her welfare: she had her clothes on.
We declined the canapés, at odds with the carnality on the menu. I would not refuse the beautiful woman holding the tray. She reciprocated my smile; it lingered, and her eyes flashed at me. Woah, this was unexpected.
Sipping champagne in the subdued light, Eloise shimmered in taut crushed velvet. Painted and coiffured with one intent etched on her features. It was not genteel. Her gaze roamed, and so did mine. Uncomfortable, my shirt collar was too tight, and the cut of this jacket inhibited movement. I thought I looked like a neanderthal doorman rather than a guest or a bodyguard to a gangster’s moll. Making polite chit-chat with other guests, most with their clothes on, infuriated her. Couple after couple mingled with others and us. So far, we heard ‘see you later’ and ‘enjoy the evening’. Perhaps, they could smell the toxicity on her.
The woman returned with a tray of champagne, and I took new glasses. Again, her gaze was no accident. An ornate mask, a black silk choker, and a black lycra catsuit captured her fantastic curves.
Turning her back to us, I admired her lithe, long legs and fine arse. The wiggle in her gait added for effect – I so would, all night, in a heartbeat.
“Jamie, do you have to?”
This was new, almost needy in tone. “Yes, I have to. We are only here to fuck.”
“Well, I am. You watch.”
“And you will get it. The last couple we spoke to, they went through that door there.”
“Not with them,” she snapped, “maybe with them over there.”
The objects of her desire were chatting with another couple. I baulked. From her slender figure, I would put her under thirty and him the same. Two lambs to the slaughter; it was never a fair fight. Taking the opportunity, socially lubricated, Eloise made her move.
The conversation was just as pointless and frothy as the several before. At least Eloise did not look bored this time. Another glass of champagne had softened the rough edges of her vicious persona.
It was the same woman again, holding the tray. This time, she glanced at my lips.
“Enjoying the evening?” she offered.
“I am now.”
Was it a come-hither look? It was so enigmatic, and there was a moment when her eyes sparkled. The distraction did not last long as she glided away. Eloise was on manoeuvres with the megawatt smile and headlamp eyes to bait the trap.
As Neve and Ryan, for tonight or for real, I liked them. He was affable and tried to make this as effortless as possible. Neve was friendly, calm, and collected; she had a certain innocence. It was challenging to be sure because she was behind a mask; I thought a beautiful woman was beneath it.
Tentative innuendo moved to overt flirtatiousness. The women were enamoured with each other; this looked like a surefire thing. I took the opportunity and gestured to Ryan to step away from his wife.
“Ryan.” It was a whisper just loud enough over some tedious saxophone riff. “I’m here for Eloise, your wife’s safe from me tonight. Think of me as a chaperone for Eloise to have some fun.”
He smiled. “That’s a shame. Neve’s quite struck with you. I’m here to do whatever she wants, too. That might include Eloise, if that’s okay. They seem to be taken with each other.”
Well, it was a fillip to my confidence, Neve was a little out of my league, and I had to do the right thing by these two.
“Fair enough.” I leaned in closer. “Word to the wise. Eloise is a great fuck, but she’s not someone you want to get to know.”
Ryan laughed, “Even better. We come to every Swingers Ball, but we like discretion, not names for a Christmas card list.”
Our conspiracy complete; we clinked our glasses together. At that moment, hand in hand, the women looked at us.
Neve beckoned. “Come on, fellas.”
Soft sensual music set the mood; at least it was not the bang-bang of Teutonic techno. I imagine that would put some of these horny fuckers in the hospital. There was opulence in the soft furnishings, a baroque decor and an enormous bed illuminated by moody crimson lights made its purpose clear.
Masks discarded, we helped them from their gowns and retired to the long banquette against the wall. Neve was a Celtic beauty and looked as if butter would not melt. So fresh-faced, she was mid-twenties at a push. Her flawless pale skin shone, the long brunette tresses black in this light. Elegant with her first touch, it held Eloise rapt. Neve placed her lips against hers, and it looked insipid. Reciprocated, if the first kiss was a feint, it escalated quickly. By the time she let up, Eloise was breathless.
Reduced to their lingerie, Neve’s demeanour intrigued me, and her slender figure was not built for strength but for speed. Those refined curves demanded admiration, and their delicate proportions inspired civility. However, she was fresh meat to the tiger, and Eloise stood four inches taller. Hewn as a gym rat, an Amazon, a woman to wrestle into submission or die trying. The prospect of one-sided sexual fireworks nurtured a dreaded ache within.
As expected, I regretted this immensely. The pulsing in my loins tightened, and I wanted to renege on the agreement. Eloise would be unbearable after this, and I waited for her to pounce. She abhorred weakness. Neve spoke in hushed tones and met Eloise’s eyes with a steely strength. It was nothing lewd but plainly spoken intent. I had to adjust myself, and no one could resist her matter-of-fact delivery. I ached as Neve explained exactly where her tongue was going. The deftest touch followed, and her embrace created an ever-shifting maze to navigate. In the gaps of this clinch, each kiss added to the conquest of Eloise’s will.
Mesmerised, this was not right. Still standing in a close clinch, Neve broke from a kiss and let Eloise catch her breath. The continual movement of her body, hypnotic to watch, and more kisses worked their magic. The brush of her thigh between Eloise’s legs forced her to respond. She struggled to keep up, her eyes narrowing and lips pouting for air.
Neve nodded, and her encouraging hand pulled at the small of her back. “I know you want to. Give into it.”
Casting a spell, she did not give ground. Neve guided Eloise to keep writhing on her thigh and peppered her body with sensual encouragement. Without a shot fired in the battle of wills, Eloise whimpered louder. Neve’s eye contact never wavered, and her hand eased down Eloise’s taut midriff. A tilt of her head followed, a moment of scrutiny, and those fragile fingers defeated her panties.
Ryan nudged me. “Wait for it.”
We did not need to, contact was made, and Eloise melted with a heavy groan. There was no hint of her prickly demeanour or pushy demands; she said nothing except moan. Neve’s fingers stirred inside the glossy satin fabric, and the sweetest smile met Eloise’s bereft expression. As if drowning, her upturned eyes weighed down. The sudden grasp of Neve’s upper arm did not deter her.
Another smile eased over Neve’s lips, sardonic or sickly sweet, hard to tell, but Eloise crumbled. Killed with kindness, her fractured gasps merged into one continuous moan. Always the provocateur, I rose, and the clasp of Eloise’s brassiere yielded. Sitting back on the banquette, I knew that look; Neve was never the rabbit caught in the headlights.
On restless legs and hips, Eloise’s whimpers grew. Neve plucked her nipple, and an urgent kiss deepened into another. A squeeze of her fulsome breast followed, and Neve beamed at her when Eloise gave out her most resounding moan yet. I was overwrought as the throbbing pressure built, and I might bludgeon it out of Eloise. No, not with Neve casting this sensual magic, and I witnessed her ruthless precision. Those agile fingers extracted a fury that only surprise could create.
The rasps of snorted air quickened, and Eloise threw her arms around Neve’s neck. “Oh fuck, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop.”
Ryan nudged my arm. “That’s my wife,” he muttered, “The Cunt Whisperer.”
Snorting, I had to suppress my laughter or spoil the moment.
Eloise trembled, and that tension was wound too tight; it was inevitable. Breaking from the kiss, Neve smirked. Quaking, impaled on her fingers, Eloise’s sex sloshed to their speed.
“I know, you need to,” Neve soothed, “take it. Show me how you climax.”
Jesus, if that was directed at me, in my state, my trousers would be a very sticky mess. As a rush, the shuddering pushed through Eloise’s legs, into her body, and rattled through their embrace. Neve kissed those pouting lips and extracted the full fever of her orgasm.
She looked immaculate and licked her glistening fingers with a satisfied purr. Hunting for air, Eloise was a state.
“Jesus, Ryan, I’ve never seen her do that before.”
“The night is still young as well. Once Neve starts, nothing will stop her, not even me.”
They should have sold tickets. Pushed onto the bed, Eloise fell, and Neve prowled over her. They writhed together, the smack of lips, their limbs entwined; I never saw Eloise look so feeble. Neve’s kisses followed where her tempting caress led. Eloise’s strength was useless against such a hedonistic onslaught, and Neve ignored all her petitions. That once kempt hair was now abandoned, and Neve discarded Eloise’s lingerie to all points of the compass.
My chest thumped. Christ, I was rampant, but I could not look away. Neve was spellbinding, and witnessing Eloise’s comeuppance made my intense arousal worth it.
Eloise only reciprocated and never took the lead. Every time she tried, the gift of Neve’s touch dissuaded her. Her vacant eyes gazed into mine, lost in a haze of pleasure. The steel was gone, and her impenetrable aura dislodged. Her bile was washed away by the purity of Neve’s sexual magnetism.
Those full lips cupped Eloise’s bare sex, and the pleasure flung her limbs out wide. With one look into Neve’s eyes, she writhed at the realisation. Possessed, she grabbed the crimson satin sheet, arched her back, fell, and hollered as it approached. She shook in a fit when it savaged her. The clamouring noise gathered spectators at the doorway.
It was too much; my loins were ablaze, and I needed all my self-control. The only consolation was that the scheming bitch was flailing on the bed, consumed by another earth-moving orgasm.
With limp limbs, easily contorted, Neve’s soft words required no persuasion.
She knelt above Elodie, a leg clasped to her torso. “Yes, rub against it like that.”
“Oh God… Neve… ”
I had never seen this before, and a slow rocking motion followed. Eloise was uncertain, and I watched Neve mould her body like a sculptress. At first, it was cautious, but those familiar groans soon filled the room. They found their rhythm with a hypnotic smearing contact. Quick to respond as Eloise bucked, Neve smoothed the tempo down. Clasping Eloise’s leg to her lithe body, delicate hands caressed her, taunting her breasts and nipples.
“Ryan, fuck… Honestly, I never thought she had it in her.”
He sniggered, “Oh if I had a pound for every time I heard that. Sweet Neve…”
“The seductive Cunt Whisperer,” I interjected.
We sniggered together. Neve looked to her husband and then down at her quarry.
“Ryan’s going to join us now.”
“Fuck… yes, yes please…”
Please? She never said please.
Neve fixed those seductive eyes at her husband, “Darling, show Eloise what you’ve got in your trousers.”
He nudged me, asking, “That okay?” and gestured to Eloise.
I smiled. “Sure, fuck her. Just remember what I said. You’d regret giving her your number.”
“Oh, sure thing.”
Freed from his clothes, he approached the bed, and Neve redoubled her efforts. Not that I would say it to his face, but Ryan had a prodigious piece of equipment. Knelt over Eloise, he eased it into her mouth. I had to blink; she was so submissive, slurping on it as Neve watched. It inspired her to climax. With a rush of whimpers accentuated by a soft Celtic burr, it was a privilege to witness. It made her perky breasts quiver, yet it was elegant and understated. There was not a chance it would be enough.
Standing, I tried to conceal my vehement erection. Buttoning my jacket did the trick, and I spied my mask.
Fuck that.
I gave Neve and Ryan the thumbs-up. Leaving the room, Eloise was too far gone to notice. If I knew swingers, they would wring out every drop of pleasure from this encounter.
“Poor Eloise,” I muttered.
The thought put a spring in my step.
Couples loitered in the corridor in various states of undress. In the rooms, they fucked in a cacophony of writhing flesh. Others milled around the dance floor for dirty dancing or dirtier seduction. It bothered me; there was no need for canapés and champagne now.
I spotted her in my peripheral vision with a bold stride heading towards a matt black door.
Staff only, shit. Card entry, too… fuck.
Intersecting her progress, I would not make it. The sensual bossa-nova bassline made a discreet request impossible. If I cantered, it would startle her.
The door opened, and its closure was lazy, and at the last inch, I got it.
“Excuse me.”
Softly spoken, she turned. Without her mask, I felt an instant attraction.
“Oh, hello.” She recognised me, a good start.
“You’re not supposed to be here, and I’m on my break.”
Already throwing up barriers, it did not deter my earnestness. “Yeah, I know. Listen, I don’t normally do this, but there’s a chance I will never see you again after tonight. I was wondering if I might take you out for a coffee sometime.”
No point dallying… my heart was in my mouth, though.
She laughed, “And there’s not enough on offer here that you want the staff as well?”
Playful with a tilt of her head, those eyes did not quit on me.
“Right now, I’m not interested in that. I just had to ask you.”
“Well… you just did. And what about the incredible woman you are with?”
“Complicated.” I paused. “We’re not together, and I’m her chaperone for this evening? This isn’t my thing, truth be told. Well, not with her anyway.”
“Oh.” That raised her eyebrow. “You surprise me.”
“Yeah…,” I sighed, “Look, I know you must get hit on all the time. I had to know if you might, that’s all. You look amazing.”
It hung there amidst muffled laughter and the sound of some woman climaxing loudly. Perfect timing.
A smile bared her teeth. “You want a coffee now? You’ve got half an hour. Won’t you be missed?”
“Erm, yeah…” It floored me a bit, “I’d really like that. No… no, I won’t be missed.”
“I’m Vanessa.”
Oh God, I loved that smile.
“Come on then.”
Leaning against a wall, I endured a barrage of questions and provided many explanations, no pretence and no bullshit. It was rare to feel so at ease, but there was an acceptance and warmth to Vanessa as if I had known her for years. Telling the unvarnished truth, I’d learned the lessons from my last break up, and I wanted to be a better person than Eloise… and for Vanessa.
“I’ve heard worse from people I consider friends.”
“Oh.” I think my relief was noticeable.
“Friends with benefits, then?”
I sighed, “Friends is pushing it.”
She nodded. “Yeah, she gets you horny, then you’re fuck drunk. Rinse, repeat.”
I sipped my coffee. “You got it. What about you, anyone special?”
Toying with her hair, Vanessa was divorced, with no kids and single. She ran a catering company for all kinds of events. The prospect of these salacious soirees excited her. The pawing hands, the looks, all taken in her stride.
“Occupational hazard…” she mused. “I admit, it’s just boring catering, and this is exciting. There’s a lot of temptation… like you, for example.”
Her eyes betrayed her, and mine did too.
“Difficult to be a gentleman in a place like this,” I surmised.
Putting down her coffee mug, she stood and approached. Placing a hand on my chest, she glanced at my lips, and a tilt of her head gave me permission. My lips took hers in heartfelt contrast to the goings-on through that door. Wrapped into my arms, careful not to squeeze too much, another kiss followed with meaning and emotion. It took all of my resolve as lava boiled in my loins.
I sighed as we held each other, “It is very difficult to be a gentleman right now, too. I want to be, though.”
“Do you? Really?” Vanessa’s determined eyes blazed into mine. “There’s plenty of time for that when you take me out for dinner.”
“Oh… right…”
And she lunged for a kiss that made her intentions clear. “If you’re quick.”
Vanessa leered at me.
That would be much easier than she imagined.
Her hand rubbed over my crotch, and her eyes widened with alarm, “Fuck, is that thing real?”
I had been gone much longer than half-an-hour. Voyeurs stood in the doorway. In re-assembled lingerie, Eloise sat on the banquette. A pair of weary eyes greeted mine, wrung out and distant. Ryan was giving it to Neve, reclined for him. Both naked as he clasped her slender flank, and they moved with fluid elegance. It was so intimate it suited a more private setting.
I sat down next to Eloise on the banquette. “Someone’s had their fun.”
Eloise nodded vacantly. “The best. Where have you been?”
“Chatting to someone.”
A bit more than that, and it made my smile much wider.
“Help me get dressed, Jamie.”
Standing on shaky legs, I helped to ease her into her gown and pulled the zipper up.
Turning to face me, she primped her hair. “Do I look okay?”
“You look completely fucked.”
She had her clothes on now, and normal service was resumed.
“You got what you wanted?”
“Yeah,” she muttered with a faraway voice, “I want to go now.”
I gestured to Ryan and smiled at his shit-eating grin. “We’re off.”
“Thanks, Jamie. We were the luckiest fuckers here tonight.”
Neve whimpered, “The luckiest… bye Eloise.”
She raised a weak hand in acknowledgement. “Bye.”
They did not break their stride for us.
Gravel crunched under my feet, and I sighed deeply in the evening air. “So… that was an experience that defies words.”
Looking at me, I thought she might have a putdown ready and waiting.
I wanted to crow and mock. There was no point. Accompanied by the thrum of tyres on tarmac, orange sodium streetlights lit the way. Knowing the route, she would notice soon enough.
“You’re taking me home? I’m staying with you tonight. You were going to fuck me.”
That pleading whine was new.
“Not tonight.”
“You were going to fuck me.”
“Not tonight,” I insisted.
Her wounded tone did not provoke me.
“Jamie, I need to be fucked.”
“I think you got enough this evening, don’t you?”
Golden silence followed, and the tick-tock of the indicator signalled the final turn.
“Please, Jamie.”
How I wanted to hear that word just once. The irony of it did not alter my determination. Parking the car, the handbrake ratchet brought finality to the situation. It tempered the need to vent my spleen.
I fixed my eyes on her. “Eloise, it was fun while it lasted, not actually it wasn’t. Tonight, whose benefit was this for? Not mine. You were rude and obnoxious at the ball. It could have been so much fun, but you had to make it into a game. Obviously, you thought Ryan and Neve would be a soft touch. So, I’m glad you were found out in the nicest possible way. That’s what I think.”
“You’re breaking up with me?”
I dismissed the notion. “There’s nothing to break up. I’m sure your husband will enjoy having you around more. Go and procreate or something.”
Stepping out of the car, the cool night air cleared it of her faded perfume.
“You bastard!”
Her last histrionic statement roused the sleepy neighbourhood. The loud thud of the door echoed off the houses, which definitely woke them up.
Showered and changed, Vanessa finished at two. On the way to hers, I left Eloise’s overnight bag at her front door. There were lights on and left them to it.
The lilt of birdsong heralded dawn and inspired our weary bodies. We savoured the waves of pleasure in this patient ebb and flow. The closeness of our embrace, the sensuality of our roaming caress. Careful not to crush Vanessa; our bodies were slotted together, and her contours matched perfectly against mine.
Just us, in her bedroom, we made love as victims of a strange circumstance. We were only flesh and blood, said Vanessa.
“Jamie, I… I don’t usually do this, you know.”
“Now or in the break room earlier?”
“Both…” She eased out a long moan. “I’m very naughty, oh fuck, you’ve found it again….”
The rolling back and forth of her hips joined the fray.
“Jamie… fuck… don’t stop. There’s something about you, something I want to know more about.”
“Hell of a thing to tell people. Where did you two meet?”
Presumptuous, daring, she murmured with amusement. “Yeah, just don’t stop…” she gasped, “Christ, you feel so good… we’ll work something out… oh fuck, yes, like that… we’ll make something up…”
With that look in her eyes, I witnessed her higher state of arousal. She rose to meet each gentle thrust.
“Vanessa, I’ll stop when you stop.”
“Don’t you dare stop… and you’ve come three times already.”
She was close.
“You’re not going to…. ” and she began to tighten.
“Not yet, not until you say so.”
She purred and pulled me towards her, deeper into the honeyed warmth of her sex.
Her arms thrown aloft, I rose, her body writhed in perfect synchronicity to receive mine. I adored those breasts as broad mounds that quivered for each thrust, and her delicate nostrils flared for air.
Those weighted eyes narrowed, and a grasping tension bucked her loins to mine. “Again?”
“Fuck Jamie… you’re hitting all the right spots… again.”
“Cum for me, Vanessa.”
That worked as the clamouring rose. “Oh, God… you smooth-talking bastard… oh fuck.”
She wrapped her legs around my waist, gripping me tightly, and I enticed it with a sensual kiss. Her cheeks rosy and décolletage mottled, Vanessa showed me without any qualms. She shuddered with ecstatic ease, and I did not stop, sawing my erection against those convulsive walls. Listening to her breathing, we found our natural rhythm again.
“Jesus, that was so good.”
Her hand rested on my cheek, and I kissed it. There might be a beast inside, but my soul craved tenderness. I let her do it and straddle me. She rolled her hips with patient determination. Unashamed of her hourglass figure, Vanessa witnessed my surrender. Her full breasts swayed with this measured pace. Nimble fingers exploited everything about me she knew so far. Unable to sit upright, I swept her damp hair from her face and gathered her into my arms.
Caught up in the rising clamour, her graceful movements provided the perfect friction.
“Jamie, you need to?”
I swallowed. “Yes, I can’t help it.”
The exhalation of rushed breath and narrowed eyes met hers. The swollen portent was impossible to hide, deep in Vanessa’s liquid embrace.
“I can feel it,” she groaned, “do it again for me… come.”
With a tender kiss, I yielded. Groaning it out, Vanessa moved effortlessly to milk it. Still moving, she purred and tended to the aftershocks.
Her fingers caressed my face. “That was beautiful.”
“You… you are beautiful.”
“So are you… we’ll stop,” Vanessa whispered, “for now, at least.”
Laid alongside me, she draped her arm over my torso.
“Vanessa, can I stay? I need to sleep.”
She nestled against my broad chest. “Sure, I’m not doing anything tomorrow either.”
I liked the sound of that. “So… when are we going out for dinner?”
“Tomorrow night.”
“You’re a bit forward, aren’t you?”
She snorted, “We met at a swinger’s club.”
I chuckled at the implication, “Yeah.”
“And Jamie, there is something about you I really like.”
“I really like you too,” and kissed the top of her head.
“You know, we should return to that place… as guests.”
Vanessa murmured, “As I said, I always wanted to, but I never found the right guy. That young couple you were with, they looked nice.”
It piqued my interest, “You into the ladies as well?”
Her fingers drew a pattern on my torso. “If I told you I was, would that be okay?”
“Yeah, more than okay,” and sighed, “As long as you are willing to share me too. When’s the next Swingers Ball?”
“Mmm…” she pondered, “Two months.”
“I should introduce you to Ryan and Neve.”