The Last Escort Part Two – Chapters 5-8

"Grace takes Mac back to her hotel room for "dessert""

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Chapter Five

The ride to her hotel was thick with sexual tension. But they both managed to keep their hands to themselves.

Once inside her suite, Grace asked, “So, would you actually like dessert, or was that a euphemism for sex?”

“Do you really need to ask, Gracie?” he grinned provocatively.

Grace turned her back to McKinley, “Will you help unzip my dress?”

His cock was ready to burst out of his trousers. “I’d be amenable to assisting you,” he said, more formally than he had intended to.

Grace’s pulse quickened as nimble fingers pulled the zipper down, exposing her bare skin to the cool air in the room. But it wasn’t the temperature that caused the shiver that crept up her spine. As she let the dress slide off her shoulders, McKinley’s fingers lingered at the small of her back and traced a line down to the crack of her ass.

Although her back was still turned, she could feel him grinning. She realized she was as well when she said, “Mm, you touch me as if you know me already.”

He laughed softly, “Not yet, but I certainly do intend to start discovering you.”

She moaned as he kissed her neck while unfastening her bra. He let that fall on the floor as well.

“Mac, I…” she began what sounded like a protest.

The impatient side of McKinley was ready to make some regrettable remark. Fortunately for him, Grace turned around and planted a kiss on his lips that made him practically forget his own name.

“I want you,” she finished. “I want to discover you, too.”

He stepped back from her, loosened his tie, and unbuttoned his shirt. She stepped toward him and helped with his trousers.

They stood naked before each other for a moment, as if someone had pressed pause on the scene. Then McKinley picked her up and tossed her gently on the king-sized bed. He took her legs in his hands and opened them, delighted by the prize he saw there.

“Why, Ms. Remy, I’ve just discovered something the vetting process did not discern,” he grinned.

The glint of gold that adorned her pussy made his cock twitch. He couldn’t fathom why seeing her most intimate part pierced should make him so hard. But it was definitely turning him on. He kneeled on the floor and scooted Grace to the edge of the bed, so she was inches from his face. His hot breath on her bare mound caused a hitch in her breathing. And, when his tongue began to part her glistening pink folds, she moaned softly.

He was torn between wanting to devour her and savor her. So, he aimed for somewhere between restraint and unbridled passion and was rewarded with nectar sweeter than he’d ever tasted when he took her right up to, and then, over the edge.

Grace’s pulse raced faster while she panted harder and screamed louder than she could remember as the intense orgasm ripped through her body. “Oh, God! Oh, Mac! Oh, yes!”

When she could breathe normally, she caught the look of smug pleasure on McKinley’s face. She grinned dreamily and said, “You’ve got a talented tongue. Two can play that game.”

Before he knew what hit him, Grace took hold of Mac’s body and flipped him over, trading places. Now, it was her turn to discover the delicious prize that he wielded between his legs. She looked up at him devilishly and said, “Let me return the favor.”

He’d barely finished nodding when her hands and her mouth captured all of him. He felt his eyes flutter and close as he moaned, “My God, you’re wicked!”

She laughed, “I can stop if you wish.”

“Don’t you dare!” he moaned as his manhood disappeared slowly into her willing mouth. Her hands did something divine with his balls while his shaft found itself buried in her throat again and again. It was unlike anything he’d ever experienced.

“Holy fuck!” he cried out as he exploded into her mouth, and she sucked him dry.

Chapter Six

Grace found herself unsure whether to curl up beside him or stay put. So, she sat up for a moment. Mac frowned, “Where are you going?”

“Nowhere,” she answered, pleased that he seemed to want her to stay put. She moved to lie next to him and propped her head up on her elbow. “I’d say, so far, that we seem compatible in bed.”

McKinley laughed, “Well, that’s an understatement! I’d say we both saw God.”

He wasn’t used to saying things like that out loud. He felt a twinge of embarrassment. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to notice.

“Indeed,” she admitted. “Still, I can’t stop thinking about what round two will bring.”

He rolled on his side to look at her. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever slept with, but she was certainly easy on the eyes, not to mention delightful in bed.

“I like a greedy woman,” he grinned, placing a hand on her left breast to guide it to his mouth.

“Seems to me, you’re the greedy one,” she moaned softly.

As he sucked and nibbled eagerly on her hardened nipple, he felt his cock coming back to life. Then the shrill sound of his cell phone spoiled the moment.

“I’m sorry, I need to answer that,” he apologized as he reached for his phone.

“Not half as sorry as I am,” she mused.

McKinley rolled over and retrieved his cell from the nightstand, cursing softly as he eyed the caller id. He watched with regret as Grace got up and donned a robe, disappearing into the bathroom.

“What is it, Alice?” he barked into the phone.

Unaccustomed to being greeted so curtly, Alice snapped back, “I’m sorry to disturb your slumber party, but there has been a major adjustment to the travel schedule.”

“No need to be snarky,” he admonished her. “And this notification couldn’t wait until morning?”

“In the past, you’ve always instructed me to let you know immediately about any changes,” she huffed.

“Fine, is there anything else?” he said, trying to reel in his annoyance.

“Don’t you wish to know what the changes are?” she asked, equally annoyed.

“Alice,” McKinley said, trying to sound patient, “I trust you to handle the details. I will call you in the morning to discuss whatever alterations you’ve needed to make in my schedule.”

“Very well,” Alice said, her tone still snippy. “I apologize for interrupting your evening.”

He sighed impatiently, “It’s fine, Alice. Have a good night. We will talk tomorrow.”

McKinley ran a hand through his hair, contemplating whether to stay for round two, as Grace had called it, or call it a night with the mood broken. When the bathroom door opened and Grace emerged, his loins made the decision for him.

“Everything okay with Alice?” she asked, mildly irritated. She had debated asking him to leave, but she didn’t think she could wait much longer to feel him inside her.

He ruffled at her question. He had no desire to discuss Alice and the fact that Grace had been spot on when she had suggested that Alice had feelings for him and was jealous that he’d hired Grace.

“Nothing you need to be concerned about; sorry for the intrusion, care to pick up where we left off?” he asked, hopefully.

His flippant dismissal of her inquiry made it clear to Grace that she had no business asking about his conversation with Alice. She found it irritating.

“You’re the boss,” she answered, feigning indifference.

He felt wounded by her comment. Yet, it was an accurate statement, however poorly timed it might seem. She wasn’t wrong. If all he’d been after was an intelligent, organized piece of eye candy to host his clients, he could have asked Alice to accompany him. But he’d wanted a woman to warm his bed as well. He’d thought over dinner they had grown to feel something for each other. But he’d been foolish, apparently. Grace was a well-paid escort, not a girlfriend or lover.

“No worries, Ms. Remy,” he said with an air of superiority, “Come back to bed. You’ll be well compensated for your time.”

He caught the flash of anger in her eyes as he motioned for her to join him again on the bed. She complied, but gone was the playful, sensual woman who had milked his cock with her exquisite mouth. She’d grown stiff and formal, and it was his fault. He swore silently in his head. He should go, but he couldn’t imagine being able to sleep tonight without having her.

“Grace, I…” he began.

“No worries, Mr. Stewart. I simply didn’t realize that I was on the clock this evening,” she said curtly. “Now that I’m aware, I am happy to spread my legs for you.”

His eyes clouded over with anger. Things had been so easy between them before Alice’s call. He cursed himself for answering. He’d made it clear to Alice that she should only contact him if there were an urgent matter that needed his attention. His admin had never shown any jealousy in the past, so this was quite baffling to him.

He watched Grace as she removed her robe, got back on the bed, and let her legs fall open for him. A war between decency and urgency waged inside him. In the end, his hot desire for her won out, and he found himself climbing on top of her.

As he entered her, that need took over, and he thrust into her repeatedly until he emptied himself inside her. He was acutely aware that she hadn’t climaxed, hadn’t even appeared close. He’d never been a careless lover, and it embarrassed him that he had taken her so callously. He rolled onto his back and inhaled sharply.

“I’m happy to do whatever you need to make you cum,” he said quietly.

“No worries, Mr. Stewart. Your oral skills earlier were quite satisfying. I don’t need to see God twice in one night. But if you’ve finished with me, I’d like to take a shower and try to get a decent night’s sleep,” she said matter-of-factly.

He’d never felt so unsure of his next move. He hadn’t forced himself on her. So, why did this situation leave a bad taste in his mouth?

“Ms. Remy…Grace, I…” he found himself a little tongue-tied. It was not a feeling with which he was familiar. “I should go.”

“Yes, you should,” she agreed.

She got up and slipped her robe back on, then grabbed herself a soda from the minibar. The silence, while he dressed, was uncomfortable. He felt like an idiot.

He sighed, “How do I make this right?”

“You don’t,” she answered honestly. “You just move on. But I understand better now what my role is meant to be. So, thank you for making that abundantly clear.”

Though she tried to remain cool, her voice wavered a bit at the end. Mac felt a twinge of regret and wished, more than anything, that he could go back to the moment when he’d decided to answer the phone instead of letting it go to voicemail.

He struggled with what to say next, but she cut off his thoughts by saying, “I’d really like you to leave now.”

He nodded and turned to go. He hesitated as he turned the doorknob, turned to look at Grace before he left, and noticed a single tear on her cheek. He felt like an ass.

“Grace…” he started again.

“Please, just go,” she stopped him.

He nodded again and left.

Chapter Seven

McKinley spent the ride home trying to put Grace out of his mind. But the harder he tried not to think about her, the more difficult that became. He let his thoughts travel back to how stunning she’d looked across the table from him at the restaurant with the reflection of the candle’s flame flickering in her blue-green eyes. Her auburn hair had been swept back and was pinned up and, along with her low-cut black dress, exposed her lovely neck.

She’d proven to be a great conversationalist, giving him hope that his European business tour would be fun and enjoyable. She was smart, funny, and had a certain sparkle about her. At one point, he’d allowed himself to wonder about the possibility of a relationship with her when the European roll-out was complete.

Now, he’d behaved poorly and had damaged the fledgling camaraderie that they’d established. He tried to wave it off. He hoped that Grace Remy would take care of his needs, both in and out of the bedroom. But now, it would be perfunctory in nature, not exciting and stimulating.

Once he arrived home, he showered and got ready for bed. Hours earlier, he’d envisioned himself waking up next to Grace after several hours of lovemaking and the seduction of post-sex sleep that would leave them both satisfied and refreshed.

Instead, he tossed and turned, silently wondering if Grace were doing the same. He sure as hell hoped so. Thankfully, sleep eventually claimed him. But his dreams were haunted by visions of Grace lying passionless beneath him as he pumped into her. He woke up multiple times, startled, sweaty, and ashamed.

Several minutes before his alarm went off, his phone rang. He checked the Caller ID, hoping it might be Grace, but it was Alice. He took a deep breath and answered.

“Alice, what could you possibly want this early in the morning?” he barked irritably into the phone.

Alice pretended not to notice his curtness, “I thought you would like to know that Ms. Remy contacted me this morning and has decided not to take your offer after all. As there is not enough time to find a replacement, I’ve decided to accompany you on the trip. I’m just glad that her wardrobe has not been delivered to her yet. I imagine that with a bit of altering, I can…”

He interrupted her, “Stop. Alice, we’ve been over this many times. I am not taking you with me. While you could certainly handle the daytime duties well enough, I need a no-strings-attached situation for my bedmate.”

Alice huffed, “I can do that!”

“No, Alice, you can’t. Or at least I can’t let you. I can’t lead you on, as I suspect that you have feelings for me. I care very much about you. But if I were to sleep with you, it would get complicated. I can’t lose you as my admin, Alice. You’re far too important to the company,” he explained.

“I see,” Alice replied, trying not to sound as hurt as she was.

“Did Ms. Remy say why she was declining my offer?” McKinley asked.

“Ms. Remy said that she realized she was overqualified for the position and wasn’t sure she would be satisfied being a highly paid whore,” Alice said, emphasizing the last word for effect.

“Do not cancel her wardrobe order. I’ll contact her and see if I can get her to change her mind,” he said.

“As you like,” Alice responded coolly.

McKinley hung up the phone and went to dial Grace’s number. He hung up before it rang, deciding, instead, to text her.

Can we talk about the job?

He was surprised when her response came rather quickly.


He took a deep breath and replied.

I handled things very poorly last night. I’d like to apologize.

It was several minutes before his phone buzzed again.

There is nothing to discuss. Apology accepted. I’ve simply discovered that I don’t care for how fucking for money makes me feel inside. I thought I could do it, but I can’t. I’m sorry.

He ran a hand through his hair and paced his living room for a few moments. Then he responded.

The job requires much more than that, and you know it. Please reconsider. I don’t have time to interview and vet a new candidate.

He grabbed another cup of tea and stared out the window, waiting for her reply. Eventually, his phone buzzed again.

Alice can do a satisfactory job of hosting your client gatherings. You’ll be fine. I’m sorry I wasted your time.

He replied quickly.

I don’t want Alice; I want you. Please. Can’t we meet for lunch and talk about this?

Nearly ten minutes went by without a response. However, just before McKinley turned on the shower, he saw her text.

Look, while the oral sex was great for both of us, I don’t think that I’m going to enjoy fucking you nearly as much as I thought I would. As I am not a professional whore, I don’t think I can pretend to have a good time if that’s what I have to look forward to in bed. Sorry.

He winced.

Ouch! I guess I had that coming. I acted like an asshole last night. I’m sorry. What if we took sex off the table to start? We can head to Europe and see if I can redeem myself or not. If so, I promise I am not usually such a careless lover. If not, well, you’re still the most qualified for the job.

Then he added one more word and pressed send again.


When she didn’t respond, he went ahead and took his shower. She still hadn’t texted by the time he left for his first meeting of the day. He decided he needed to start thinking about an alternate plan. He supposed he might have to consider bringing Alice, but he’d need to secure a separate room for her. He couldn’t afford any type of sexual or romantic entanglement with her. She was the reason his days ran smoothly, and he didn’t want anything to screw that up. He could always try finding company at each of the hotel bars if his need for sex was great enough.

After his meeting, he spent the rest of the morning taking care of odds and ends that needed to be dealt with before his lengthy absence. As he headed back home to his office around mid-day, he felt a headache settling in behind his eyes. His next task would be figuring out how to ask Alice to come with him, at least for the first leg of his trip, without seeming like he was interested in her, or looking like an idiot for insisting he couldn’t take her in the first place.

He was definitely in a pisser of a mood. He’d been hoping to alleviate stress by having someone lined up ahead of time. So much for that.

As he stepped into his office, he was stunned to see Grace Remy in one of the visitor’s chairs. “You’re the last person I expected to see today,” he admitted.

She nodded politely, “I’m as surprised as you are that I am sitting here. I’m not exactly sure why I came, if I’m honest.”

He tried hard not to grin like a giddy college boy, but he was so damned glad to see her. Maybe, just maybe, he could fix his stupidity after all.

“Well, I’m glad you’re here. I’d planned on calling you later if I didn’t hear from you before then,” he lied. Truth be told, he hadn’t even considered that she would listen to anything he had to say after texting with her this morning.

“I needed time to think about your most recent offer to take sex off the table. I think that could work. I read over the itinerary documents and noticed that most of the accommodations are listed as two-bedroom suites or larger. I’ll agree to go with you if I have my own bed,” she explained.

“I see,” he said, feeling a mix of disappointment and hope whirling around inside him. “To be honest here, I had already considered taking Alice with me and getting her a separate room. But, if you’re amenable to fulfilling all of the other duties, with the possibility of warming my bed in the future, I suppose that still makes you the better choice.”

“Do you practice being an asshole? Or does it just come naturally?” she asked. She had walked into this office feeling like she held all the cards, but now she wasn’t so sure. Her bluntness might be the nail in the coffin where this job was concerned but holding back wasn’t her forte.

“Probably a little bit of both,” he laughed. Then he sighed heavily, “Grace, I’m a man who is used to getting what I want. But clearly, you throw me off my game much more than I care to admit. It was foolish of me to think that someone with your incredible skill set and talents would be willing to spread her legs on command. I guess I originally envisioned someone who was congenial enough to host my clients and biddable enough to enjoy in bed. I didn’t bank on finding someone like you. You’re definitely overqualified for this job, that’s for certain. But I’d like very much if you’d accept the position with whatever adjustments you deem acceptable.”

“My, aren’t we polite?” she mused.

“Damn it, Grace!” he swore. “What do I need to do to get you to agree to come with me?”

“I’ve already said that I would, Mr. Stewart. I simply needed to make sure you were serious when you said I wouldn’t be required to have sex with you,” she explained.

“Oh,” he said, turning red. “Yes, that is correct. You won’t be required to do so, but I’m hopeful that, over time, you may find me desirable enough to reconsider a voluntary visit to my room.”

“Finding you desirable isn’t the issue,” she admitted. “I just need to feel respected. And I didn’t last night. At least not after you went from generous lover to condescending asshole.”

Alice walked in at that moment, “That’s hardly the way you should speak to your employer, Ms. Remy!”

Ignoring Alice, Grace stood and looked McKinley in the eye, “Let me know what you decide, Mr. Stewart.” Then she turned and left.

Chapter Eight

McKinley looked at Alice and said, “I realize you have my best interests in mind, but in the future, please do not chastise anyone who is in my employ, especially Ms. Remy.”

Alice opened her mouth to respond, but then she thought better of it. She simply nodded.

Feeling like his tone had been harsher than he had meant for it to be, he said, “Sit down; I think we need to talk.”

“That isn’t necessary,” she said politely.

“Yes, Alice, it is,” he said gently. “Look, you are an amazing asset to this company and to me. I couldn’t run things as efficiently and as smoothly as I do if I didn’t have you to attend to every detail.”

“Thank you, that’s very nice of you to say so,” she replied.

“Leaving you in charge while I am gone makes it easier for me to leave. I couldn’t focus on what I need to do over in Europe if I had to worry about the day-to-day operations here. I know that is a lot to put on your shoulders. For that reason, I’d like to increase your salary and offer you a stock option,” McKinley said.

“Seriously?” she asked. She was dumbfounded.

“Yes,” he answered. “I appreciate all that you do here.”

Alice looked at her boss and said, “I appreciate your generosity.” Then she added, “Am I to assume that Ms. Remy has changed her mind yet again? Will she be traveling with you after all?”

McKinley shook his head. Women would be the death of him yet. Or, at the very least, responsible for the gray hairs he’d been finding mixed in with the dark ones at his temples.

“Yes, Alice, Grace will be traveling with me, and you will be holding down the fort,” he said, trying not to show his annoyance. “I’m lucky to have both of you. The difference is, when all of the mergers, acquisitions, and other business is finished in Europe, you’ll still be here, and she will move on to the next job.”

“Provided that you don’t fall in love with her,” Alice mused.

“I don’t think we need to worry about that. Grace and I will be sleeping in separate beds.” He was immediately sorry for letting that fall out of his mouth. He hadn’t intended to share that little detail. But it seemed to put Alice in a better mood for the rest of the day, so it was worth it.

When he sat down at his computer, he noticed that the pain in his head had subsided to a dull thud. He pulled up the itinerary to take a look at the changes that Alice had made. The trip now started in Amsterdam instead of Paris. Alice had booked a Residence Two-Bedroom Suite at The Conservatorium. He had initially requested two bedrooms, so he would always be assured of a workplace separate from where he and his escort slept. Since Grace had redefined the terms of her role, he was happy to see that the suite had a sitting room that he could use to conduct business. The hotel also had private dining rooms available, which meant Grace wouldn’t have to locate a venue for the meet and greets, cocktail parties, and formal dinners on their first stop. Not that he doubted her abilities, but it seemed like a great location to get her feet wet.

Then he opened a private browser window on his laptop to search for a brothel in Amsterdam. The Golden Key sex club offered opportunities to spend time with women between the ages of twenty-one and forty having drinks, relaxing, and going further if he should choose to do so. It sounded like an ideal back-up plan if he couldn’t coax Grace into his bed during their two-week stay. If he were a betting man, he figured it would take a hell of a lot longer to get back on her good side. So, if he needed comfort and release, at least he’d have an outlet in Amsterdam.

He forwarded the changes to Grace via email with a message saying that he’d like to meet to discuss his expectations of her for their time in Amsterdam.

He continued working, periodically checking for a return email from her. Just as he was wrapping things up for the day, her reply came through, indicating she was free for dinner. She made it clear, however, that he would not be invited back to her room.

He replied that he would meet her at 7:00 P.M. at the Italian restaurant across the street from her hotel. Then he took another look at what The Golden Key had to offer, just in case.




Published 4 years ago

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