This is story number three of my Badge Bunny episodes. Bethany enjoyed having sex with law enforcement officers. Several of her family members were law enforcement officers.
I met Bethany on a call regarding a loud and unruly party of sixteen to twenty-five-year-old participants. This was in the early 1970s when parties such as this involved too much alcohol and a lot of noise. The location was a vacant home for sale. Fortunately, the home was not damaged and the participants agreed to clean it up and leave. It was the easy way out, for all of us. After everyone had gone, the owner arrived and secured the property, then left. I decided to remain for a while and make sure they did not return and restart the party.
I was sitting In my patrol unit completing reports when I saw a young lady walking from the rear of the property towards the street. It was now around 1 am. Due to the late hour, I decided to check her out. She immediately started to cry when I approached her. She was afraid that she would be arrested and she had two small children at home with a babysitter. Her new date, who was not an officer, had asked her out to dinner and a movie but instead brought her to this illegal booze party. Once inside, she saw the excessive alcohol use and was afraid of getting in trouble. Her date refused to take her home so she went out the rear door as the patrol units started arriving.
She had no money and this was way before cell phones. She waited at the far rear of the property until everyone was gone and decided to walk home a distance of about five miles. As she was not intoxicated or under the influence, I offered to call someone to come for her. She was divorced and did not know anyone who would come for her at this hour. Department policy forbids the transportation of anyone who is not in custody, but I felt really bad for her and it was very dark and a long walk home. As the night was slow, I decided to bend the rules a little and take her home. I did this often to persons needing a ride over the years and always felt good about it.
Once at her apartment, she paid the babysitter and sent her home. Bethany was almost twenty-five years old and was very pretty. Being the smooth operator I perceived myself to be, I offered to take her out for the dinner and movie she missed the next Wednesday night, my next night off. She took my phone number and said she would call me back in a few days and let me know. Two weeks passed with no call. I figured she did not want to date me. I still checked her apartment a few times a week to see if the property was safe when I was in the area.
Three weeks later, I had a call on my phone recorder when I got home. It was short and sweet. It was a request for me to call Bethany. I called her immediately. She apologized for not calling sooner, explaining that she could not afford a babysitter to go on a date as she had been laid off from her job recently and was frantically trying to find a job. Her ex-husband had moved four states away and no longer offered any financial support. As luck would have it, I always took my laundry to a family-owned business that kept my expensive uniforms looking spiffy for a very good price. Everyone else gets free coffee or half-priced meals and I get twenty percent off of my uniform cleaning, which was a lifesaver financially.
When I went in to pick up my weekly laundry, the owner was working the counter instead of the very sweet seventy-year-old Oriental lady named Yuki who was usually there. Yuki had retired and moved to her home country to help with family illnesses. I told her I had a great person to help her out and asked to bring Bethany in for an interview. As it was a family business, there was an area set up as a nursery, so no babysitting fees during the workday. Yuki had left a twenty-year-old Dodge compact that needed a new home. Bethany had no car, so I did the paperwork for her and took it to a good mechanic. He said was in great shape but needed a battery, new tires, and a water pump. All could be done for less than five hundred dollars. Bethany was deliriously happy with the turn of events. She was fearful of losing her apartment if not employed soon. I paid for the repairs and had my insurance man include her car on my policy.
I still had not dated or even kissed Bethany but was really glad to help her out. She was a really lovely lady who had some really bad breaks. Two weeks after starting her new job, she called me and asked for a favor. I agreed even before I knew what it was. She wanted the dinner date and movie but needed money for a babysitter. As we drove away from her apartment I asked her where she wanted to eat and what movie did she want to see. She asked for take-out Chinese food, which was a surprise. I asked if I should order enough for her children and the babysitter. She replied not unless we were taking them with us to my apartment. That was really a surprise. We left the Chinese food restaurant and went straight to my apartment. I was really embarrassed as the place was a mess. We quickly cleaned the kitchen then ate. I got a bottle of my favorite Japanese Plum wine and we relaxed after dinner and we had a glass. I asked what movie she wanted to see and was quickly told she wanted to see my bedroom for the next few hours and could afford the babysitter all night with the money I had given her.
We began to hug and kiss as we went to the bedroom. She insisted on us remaking the bed with clean sheets, which was a really good idea. She then undressed and asked me what I was waiting for. I quickly undressed and joined her in the bed.. She had really sexy underwear she had purchased with her first paycheck. I knew she was very attractive but I was overwhelmed. Very curvy without an ounce of fat. We kissed and hugged and took our time getting to know each other’s bodies very well.
She let me know a condom was not necessary as she was protected. Our first lovemaking was very nice. The missionary position was perfect for our first time. A nurse friend had given me a tube of numbing salve that I rubbed on my cockhead. Without it, I would have lasted about thirty seconds. With the help of the salve, the sex felt wonderful but really slowed down the orgasm. We had gentle and loving sex for a long time, stopping just before we would climax. I slid down her body, kissing her breasts until she was frantic. I went to her well-groomed and trimmed pussy and had a feast. I licked every part of her pussy, paying a lot of attention to her clit. I believe she had at least four orgasms.
She wanted to give me a blowjob or join in for a sixty-nine. I felt terrible and declined. She demanded to know why and I confessed about the numbing cream. I told her it worked well but had a terrible taste. She jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom and returned with a hot soapy washcloth and a towel. Several trips later, I had all traces of the cream removed. Fortunately, my cockhead was still numb without the cream and its horrible taste.
We made out a short while and rolled into a fantastic sixty-nine. She knew many positions that I never dreamed possible. She was excellent in all positions. Her lovely pussy was always in my face for easy access. She had no problem with gagging and could take most of it comfortably in her mouth. She was happy on the top or bottom. I asked her which was her favorite sixty-nine position and she offered to show me. She lay on her side and moved her knee closest to the mattress directly at my face. I raised my head and lay it on her thigh, directly aligning my mouth with her pussy. It was surprisingly comfortable and very effective for maximum pleasure. She pulled my knee towards her face and lay her head on my thigh with perfect alignment with my cock and her mouth. Within a few minutes, we had adjusted our positions for the ultimate sixty-nine position for comfort and pleasure. This position does not work for everyone, but with both of us being five feet nine inches tall, it was perfect for us.
I thought I had experienced the best sex possible already. I was wrong; this was much better. The next few hours, we ate each other and occasionally returned to the usual sex positions, then after a while back to doing a wonderful sixty-nine. We had experienced several orgasms each and dozed off to sleep.
Fortunately, neither of us had to work the next day. We called another babysitter to replace the tired one on duty and took a shower and had a nice breakfast. After reading the paper and drinking several cups of coffee, we started sex play again. She thanked me profusely for all my help the past few weeks and said that she would never be able to pay me back. I tried to convince her that that would not be necessary.
She wanted to know if she had pleased me sexually last night. I told her in no uncertain terms that she pleased me more than any other woman ever had. I asked her if I had pleased her last night. She hesitated and said it was wonderful and one of her best nights ever. Now I was really curious. I asked her what I had missed or failed to do and she really looked stressed. She said she did not mean to come across the way she did. I again asked her what else she would like and she apologized profusely. I insisted that she tell me, and she said she did not want to ruin the wonderful night we had and was afraid I would be mad if she said anything else.
I insisted she tell me what was on her mind and promised I would not be mad. She said she is a formerly married woman with two children and an enormous sexual appetite. I kept pushing, wanting to know what I missed. She said that her first husband was really into anal sex and wanted it all the time during the years they were married. She hated it at first then learned to love it. I was really baffled. I had anal sex with three previous girlfriends and they hated it and swore they would never do it again. I really did not care, as it was nothing special to me anyway and I would not miss it.
We continued our sex play and both became very aroused. I kissed her breasts and finger fucked her until she was very wet. Thinking about what she said, I felt her anus and it was very oily, covered with her wonderful pussy juice. She started breathing harder and raised her hips, aligning my wet finger with her anus. She was really wet and breathing hard. I continued to moisten my fingers in her pussy juice and lubricate her anus. In a little while, I could easily slip a whole finger into her anus. She was really responding, so I wet another finger and soon had two easily slipping in. I thought she might pass out from pleasure as I continued to insert two fingers deep into her anus. I was amazed that she began to experience a very strong orgasm. How is that possible? I was nowhere near her clitoris. She had a very hard orgasm and was covered with sweat and breathing fast and deeply.
In her sexiest deep voice, she said, “Are you going to do It? Are you going to fuck me in the ass?”
Finally, the light came on. I reached into the nightstand and brought out a tube of personal sex lube, and handed it to her. She grabbed it and emptied a large amount in her palm and lubricated her other fingers. She then fully lubed her anus. I then emptied a large amount onto my penis and rubbed it all over so it was well-coated with the lube. She then rolled over on her stomach, raising her ass to facilitate my entry. I was surprised how easily I entered her after a little finger stretching and a lot of lubrication. It was very easy to completely enter her. My entire cock was buried in her ass. The biggest surprise of all was that my penis seemed larger and harder than ever before.
I started fucking her harder than I had ever fucked anyone before. She seemed to love it, orgasming almost immediately. I kept fucking her harder and she seemed to love it more. Her anus was much tighter than her pussy and really felt good on my cock. We continued to fuck for fifteen to twenty minutes, each stroke better than the last. She was building to a huge climax and I was right behind, finishing at almost the same time. We were both out of breath and really sweaty. We lay in each other’s arms for at least half an hour then took a long hot shower together.
We were dating and having frequent and really great sex for the next several years. She eventually met an officer from another agency who was looking for a beautiful lady with a ready-made family. Due to obligations to my parents, who were in poor health and needed financial assistance, I stepped aside and encouraged them to date and ultimately marry. Her children were really good kids anyone would be proud of.