When Alice came to, she was alone and in what could only be described as a compromised position.
“Oh, dear,” she murmured, gazing at herself in the oval mirror that had been moved to the foot of the bed upon which she knelt, her arms stretched towards the ceiling, manacles of gold securing her wrists to a chain descending from the rafters. She let forth a sigh at the sight of her once pretty outfit, now quite disheveled and revealing much more Alice than she would have preferred. Much more leg. Much more shoulder. Much more breast and much more…
Blushing, she pressed her knees together, recalling how the Knave had, much to her delight, had his way with her and how she had begged him to treat her like a tart.
“I am sure that I must have been under some sort of spell,” she murmured, her blush deepening. “He is, after all, a terrible fiend and not at all attractive. Had I been able to keep my wits about me I would most certainly have fought him off!”
Glancing around the room, she could see that she was quite alone. She pulled halfheartedly at the chains holding her arms up, forcing her to sit upright with her tender young bottom on her heels, her perky tits thrust toward the reflecting glass, her nipples standing at attention.
“My modesty has been compromised once more,” she lamented, unable to ignore the damp puddle that was slowly growing upon the crimson bed covers precisely beneath her somewhat sore pussy.
“I am surprised you have any left to compromise,” came a familiar voice from behind her. From where she knelt, Alice was able to watch as the Cheshire Cat faded into existence, looking quite at home curled up on one of the queen’s pillows.
“I fear you may be right. What few shreds remained were surely stolen by that incredibly handsome and virile scoundrel,” she said with a sigh as she regarded herself once more in the mirror, her gaze focusing upon what looked like a folded piece of paper pinned to her pinafore which was resting over her otherwise bare thighs. She could just make out the words scrawled upon it, having to read it backwards rather than forwards. Or perhaps that was upside down rather than right side up?
“A delectable morsel for her Majesty. I suppose that means me.”
“More than likely,” agreed the cat, his eyes gleaming as he curled and then uncurled his tail slowly.
“I wonder if I am meant to be simply an appetizer, then?”
“Perhaps you are meant to be the main course. Or dessert. The Queen, so I have heard, has an appetite for young women such as yourself.”
Alice shuddered, recalling she’d heard the same. “I don’t suppose you are competent at picking locks, Cheshire?” She pulled at the chain overhead, rattling it softly so as to draw attention to her predicament.
“You may suppose, or not suppose, whatever you wish. It will, however, make little difference in what is possible and what is impossible.”
“You are impossible,” she muttered, frustration colouring her words.
“And yet here I am,” the cat said with a grin. “So you are either mistaken or mad.”
“I fear that it’s the latter.”
“Mad would be my choice as well. It’s a much more enjoyable state, not to mention it makes life much simpler.”
“How so?”
“You don’t have to worry about making wise choices, Alice. Or unwise, for that matter.”
“You say the most maddening things sometimes.”
“And yet, you know I am right. And now, I must bid you a fond farewell, for I fear you are about to have a visitor and I hear she is not very fond of cats.”
Alice found herself suddenly alone again, although not for long. Moments after Cheshire vanished the door was flung open and she got her first sight of the Queen of Hearts.
She was magnificent, or so she thought. One of the most beautiful women Alice had ever seen. Her hair was dark and iridescent reminding her of a raven’s plumage and her eyes glittered like dark jewels. She was dressed in crimson from head to toe, highlighting her alabaster skin, and a delicate golden crown sat atop her head. She stood there, surveying the room before she turned her gaze on the only other occupant of the room, her blood-red nails tapping idly against her palms.
“You’re very pretty.”
Her voice was surprisingly soft, almost soothing so Alice could only wonder why it caused her to shiver with fear. Perhaps it was the predatory look in her eyes. She sensed something dark and hungry lurking behind them.
“And what is this? A note.” She drew close and casually unpinned the letter that the Knave had left, placing the pin between her scarlet lips while unfolding it, her gaze flickering back and forth between Alice and the paper.
“An unbirthday present. How thoughtful,” she mused, looking Alice over carefully as she circled the bed, murmuring softly to herself. “Such a pretty young thing. I doubt she is a virgin. Still, there is an innocence about her. And her tits, so perky. A nice bottom. Her hair almost shines and those blue eyes. Oh, she is going to make such a lovely plaything. I just hope she lasts longer than the last girl. The maid. Her name? Mary Ann, I believe. I really should punish the rabbit. Her screams were so annoying and she wasn’t any fun to play with after I cut out her tongue. I do hope I won’t have to cut out yours. What is your name? Quickly, please. Out with it!”
Taken by surprise and full of trepidation after hearing about tongues being removed, Alice stumbled over her answer to the queen’s obvious disapproval.
“Alice, Ma’am.”
“You shall address me as Your Majesty, Alice. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Alice replied meekly, wishing she might suddenly wake from this dream and find herself once more on the banks of the stream with her sister.
“Much better. And please don’t scream. It’s terribly vexing and puts me in such a foul temper.”
“I will do my best, Your Majesty?”
Alice found herself transfixed, unable to tear her gaze from the queen as she wandered over to her dresser and picked up a pair of cutting shears, snapping the blades shut playfully – Click clack. Click clack. Click clack – as she sauntered back towards the bed and began to snip away at the beautiful clothing that Miss Mintz had labored over just hours before. She thought it a shame that no one but her seemed to appreciate all the work that had gone into making such beautiful clothes, and let out an imperceptible sigh as the expensive material was simply cut and cast aside until she was, once again, naked, a state that felt more and more natural each and every time.
‘Perhaps it will soon feel unnatural to be wearing anything,’ she pondered as the last vestiges of her elaborate costume were tossed to the floor. ‘Oh, wouldn’t that be scandalous to attend university in such a state without concern for what others might think!’
The very idea made her pulse race, warming her from head to toe and putting a blush upon her cheeks. It would be very naughty indeed. That, however, was something she had very little time to dwell upon for it was impossible to ignore the presence of the queen.
“How would you like to play a game, Alice? I am so very fond of games.”
“I would like that very much, Your Majesty,” Alice said softly, not wanting to anger her.
“Delightful! I think we’ll start with a game of riddles first! I know so many good riddles And, to make it more interesting, if I can baffle you, I get to punish you!”
Alice felt herself quaking at the prospect of being punished. ‘Perhaps it shall be one of those punishments that I enjoy,’ she hoped, remembering the ruckus she’d overheard earlier in the garden. ‘Oh, I do hope it’s not something terrible.’
“Let’s begin with an easy one. I can run but never walk. I’ve a mouth but never talk. I’ve a bed but never sleep. I have a head, but never weep.”
Alice frowned, thinking she had heard this one before. Perhaps from Father or one of his friends. She mulled it over for several moments until the answer came to her.
“A river,” she said, beaming, sure she was right.
“Wrong!” the queen announced with a cruel smile.
“But I am sure that’s correct,” Alice responded, a puzzled look upon her face. “Then what is the answer, Your Majesty?”
She was ignored after that, at least for long enough for the queen to retrieve a small golden clip with a ruby heart attached to it from a jewelry box.
“Hold your breath, dear girl, and don’t move.”
Alice thought her voice sounded rather menacing and vowed to do exactly as she’d been instructed as the queen very carefully attached the clip to the nipple on her right breast. She managed to suppress a gasp of surprise and pain as her nipple was trapped between unyielding golden bars and almost immediately began to throb.
“Very pretty. You look lovely. Red suits you, Alice. Are you ready for another riddle? I’ll make this one easier. You don’t seem to be very bright.”
Alice thought she was plenty bright. Not only that, she was still certain that she had answered the riddle correctly. That said, she was not in a position to argue her case so she kept her lips clamped together as another riddle was presented.
“A box without hinges, key, or lid, yet golden treasure inside is hid.”
“Oh, that’s an easy one,” she said without thinking, having heard it several times before. “An egg!”
“It most certainly is not!” she countered stubbornly.
“Cleary erroneous!”
“Then what is the answer?”
“Never you mind! Now, hold your breath and keep perfectly still if you know what’s good for you,” she threatened softly, her eyes narrowing as she held Alice’s gaze until the young woman was forced to look away.
This time, she was prepared, the dull ache in her fettered nipple reminding her of what was to come. Still, she couldn’t stop a soft whimper escaping from her lips as her sensitive nub was crushed by the golden clip.
“Perhaps you will have better luck with this one. My life is measured in hours, I live by being devoured, thin I am quick, fat I am slow, wind is my foe.”
Deciding that it wouldn’t serve her well to come to a conclusion too quickly, Alice pondered the riddle, chewing her lower lip thoughtfully until she was quite positive she had the answer.
“A candle, Your Majesty.”
“Wrong again!”
Had she been able to plant her fists on her hips and glare indignantly, she would have. As it was, she had to settle for making muttering ‘dash and bother’ under her breath which was, apparently, not the cleverest thing she had ever done.
“Excuse me?” hissed the queen, her eyes narrowing until they were mere slits of darkness.
“I am most assuredly certain that the correct answer is a candle.”
“And I am most assuredly certain that you are mistaken.”
“I beg to differ, Your Majesty.”
The queen remained silent, regarding Alice carefully, her lips curving into a menacing smile.
“Perhaps you are just looking for an excuse to beg, Alice. Is that it? Perhaps my charming little clamps aren’t enough for you. My Knave knows my tastes. Pretty little girls who pretend innocence. But it’s just pretense. We both know the truth. Inside there is a raging slut waiting for permission to be released. Isn’t there, Alice?”
Alice took a deep breath, meaning to refute her tormentor’s words, letting out a gasp when it resulted in a new surge of pain that left her nipples throbbing in time to the beating of her heart.
“No,” she whimpered, biting into her lower lip as she struggled against her restraints.
“Wrong! Wrong wrong wrong!”
The third clamp made her forget all about the first two. It was unceremoniously placed on the lips of her pussy, already swollen with, embarrassingly enough, arousal at how she was being treated and the anticipation of more of the same.
“I speak without a mouth,” she continued, giving one of the clamps on Alice’s nipples a flick, sending waves of pain radiating through her breast. “And hear without ears.” Another flick, this time to the other nipple clamp. Alice groaned with pain, writhing in her bonds. “I have no body, but come alive with the wind?”
Alice winced, tensing as she waited for another flick of the finger, this time against the clamp on her labia, but it never came, which was nearly as bad.
“I’m waiting, Alice.”
She wasn’t even sure she knew the question, let alone an answer. Not that it made any difference since no matter what she answered, she’d been wrong. Any answer would be just as wrong.
“A rooster!” she cried out.
“Wrong!” answered the queen, gleefully placing another clamp, opposite the other.
After that, there was only a pretense of a game, riddles being offered, all of them answered incorrectly, more and more clips being placed on Alice’s squirming body in places that she had never considered. She lost track of when the queen had given up the pretense of asking her riddles or even how long since she’d started. Little heart topped clamps clung, not only to her outer lips and nipples, but to the insides of her thighs and arms, including her armpits, along her flanks and, perhaps worst of all, on her breasts, forming a circle around her painfully throbbing nipples.
“One more, Alice. Just one more and then I intend to fuck you mercilessly. Unless, of course, you manage to answer my last riddle.”
Alice merely hung her head, her body slack, her wrists suspended above her head, her skin damp with perspiration and even drool as a string of it trickled down her chin to dribble over her small perky tits.
“I won’t know the answer, Your Majesty,” she moaned, forcing herself to meet her eyes one last time before the final clip was applied, one she had already guessed the placement of. Only her pleasure nub had remained untouched. The most sensitive part of her body, already throbbing with, unbelievably and humiliatingly, pleasure at the pain being inflected as well as the anticipation of being fucked without mercy by her new mistress, the Queen of Hearts.
“What disappears as soon as you say its name, Alice?”
“I don’t know, Your Majesty,” she whimpered, preparing herself for the ecstasy of agonizing pain.
“Think, dear girl. Think.”
She thought as best she could, pain and pleasure mingling inside of her, her thoughts scattering every time she thought she came close to an answer until eventually she simply surrendered herself.
“Churches,” she whimpered.
“Wrong,” the queen whispered while stroking her golden hair affectionately. “You know what that means, don’t you?”
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Alice murmured, defeated.
“I want you to ask me nicely.”
“Your Majesty?” Alice asked, puzzled.
“I want you to ask, Alice.”
“Please?” she whispered.
Alice swallowed and shut her eyes tight, looking for something deep inside, unsure of what it was. Eventually she found it, or at least found the words that the queen wanted to hear from her.
“Please put your clamp on my pleasure nub.”
“Where, Alice?”
“My… my clit.”
“Remember me telling you that you’d beg me? Do you remember that, Alice?”
“I do. Please, Your Majesty. Mistress. Please, please, please put your pretty little clip on my clit and then fuck me mercilessly until I come over and over for you.”
“That’s more like it,” she smiled, kissing Alice’s cheek as she attached the last clamp exactly as Alice had requested.
The pain was unbearable. The chains over her head rattled and clinked as she fought them, desperate to reach between her legs and tear the clamp from her most sensitive nub. All the time the queen simply watched, a wickedly cruel smile upon her face.
“Please, Your Majesty, I can’t take anymore!” she cried, sobbing, tears running down her face.
“Wrong again, Alice.”
As Alice writhed upon the bed the queen began to undress, revealing her lush body. She was as breathtakingly beautiful naked as she had been clothed. Had she not been in such pain, she might have enjoyed the sight.
“You have my permission.”
“Pardon, Your Majesty?” Alice managed, her voice unsteady and shaking.
“To ask me to fulfill your deepest desire, silly girl.”
The queen’s eyes grew dark with fury, narrowing dangerously.
“You dare insolence? You dare?!?”
Alice hung, drooling dripping from her chin, agony washing through her, forced to watch as the queen buckled a leather harness around her waist and then lay a wooden box on the bed before her, casually removing the lid to reveal a set of glass phalluses. Six of them. She stared, trembling, pain, as well as a hint of pleasure, washing through her, making her tremble terribly as the queen introduced each one with a light touch of her regal finger.
“Simple and pleasurable. Smooth. You would enjoy it very much.”
“I have little doubt I would,” she whimpered as the queen continued to taunt her, laying her fingertip upon the next.
“Covered with ribs and bumps. Again, made for pleasure. You would have the most delightful climaxes.”
“I am sure I would,” she moaned, panting hard as she queen continued.
“A series of interconnected spheres. Pleasant in both your pussy and your ass.”
Alice had to force herself to keep her eyes open. It felt as if she was burning from within and she wasn’t sure she could take much more.
“This one might hurt a little.”
It would, she thought, being much thicker than the others. It would stretch her poor pussy most painfully.
“And this, one… I shudder to think what it might feel like.”
Alice shuddered too, for it was covered in small glass thorns. A prick of pricks. She would scream her head off, perhaps literally, recalling the queen’s earlier threat.
“Oh, please, Your Majesty, please don’t. it would be more than I could bear.”
The Queen of Hearts’ smile grew even crueler, if such a thing were possible.
“Have no fear, my pretty little plaything. I have something much more… interesting in mind for you.”
She tapped the final glass cock with her fingertip before removing it from the box, replacing the lid and putting it aside.
“This was a gift, one that I have been anxious to try out.”
Alice stared at it, a little confused. It resembled the first. Smooth and average-sized, made for pleasure and not pain. She couldn’t help but lick her lips a little at the idea of it being inside her very wet, for she had, during her time in Wonderland, discovered a great joy in pleasured by pricks being stuffed in her welcoming and wet pussy.
“I think I would enjoy that very much, Your Majesty.”
“I doubt you will as much as you think you might, Alice. But then, that is the entire point, isn’t it.”
The queen took her time attaching the glass cock to the harness around her hips and then climbing up on the bed to join Alice.
“Kiss it,” she commanded, and Alice did just that. It was cool against her lips. Not at all an unpleasant feeling.
The queen moved behind her and positioned herself so that the tip of it was between Alice’s throbbing pink lips, teasing her, and sending coils of exquisite agony through her as it bumped against the clips placed there.
“Say please,” she teased.
“Please, Your Majesty,” Alice whimpered, wishing she was free of her bonds and could simply impale herself up to the hilt, moaning as she felt it enter at a snail’s pace, stretching her wide as if filled her until it was seated deep within her needy cunt.
“Does the feel good?”
“Oh, yes, Your Majesty. Yes, it does. It feels amazing.”
And then it felt even more amazing, for it began to hum and vibrate within her bringing her closer and closer to a spectacular climax. And then, just as she was about to tip over the edge, it suddenly stopped.
“No!” she wailed, fighting her chains once more as pain from the clamps once more rushed through her.
“Clever, isn’t it. I am told it will bring you repeatedly to the edge and no further.”
“Diabolical!” She panted, sobbing at the thought of enduring near climaxes, one after another for however long it amused the queen.
She felt it start again, humming and vibrating gently inside her, taking its time, teasing her until she begged and sobbed and was sure she was on the brink of madness or, perhaps, even past it as it, once again, simply stopped.
“No!” she screamed once again, thrashing in her bonds, trying her best to force the phallus deeper.
“I can’t recall the last time I’ve enjoyed myself this much. You are such a delight to play with. Perhaps I will keep you for a while as a pet.”
Alice quaked at the thought, not that she had much say in the matter.
“For now, however, duty calls and it would be heartless of me to leave you in such a state.”
Alice felt her hopes rise. Perhaps Her Majesty would allow her to, dare she think it, to climax. A moment later her hopes were dashed to pieces as, one by one, the clamps pinching her flesh were removed. She had thought that nothing could hurt more than having them placed upon her most sensitive spots. She had been wrong. As the blood flow began, she began to scream until she could scream no more.
“Last one, my dear.”
Unable to protest or even move, Alice hung limply, filled with dread, for the last remaining clip was the one that pinched her poor throbbing clit.
“Breathe in deep,” the queen commanded, and Alice complied, holding her breath as it was removed, thankfully blacking out almost immediately.
When she finally awoke, she was alone, her body throbbing with pain, her wrist still secured above her.
“Oh, Alice, what are you going to do now?” she asked, trembling with fear, knowing that She would return, eventually. “Oh, if only I was still laying on the bank full of daydreams and idle thoughts. None of his would have happened.”
“And yet, you didn’t, and it did, Alice.”
“Is that you again, Cheshire?”
“Who else?”
“I do not know, but then, there is a lot I do not know. Whatever am I to do? When the queen returns, I fear she will do worse.”
“Quite likely. If I were you, I would find a way to escape.”
“Perhaps you can help me with that?” she asked, suddenly hopeful.
“Perhaps,” he said, his toothy smile floating lazily in a circle above her head before disappearing, leaving Alice, once more, alone.