Witsec – Dropping the Hammer

"Does Candi really know Vince?"

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It was another long day at the shipyard for Vince. He’d been trying to get more hours just to try and make ends meet.  He was exhausted after a twelve-hour day on the Russian freighter.  Vince stopped at the local diner for his dinner.  His waitress was Candi.  Even though he was exhausted, seeing Candi gave him a second wind.  He thought he may even get up the nerve to ask her out.

Candi came over and took Vince’s order and poured him a cup of coffee.  He sipped his coffee as he waited for his dinner.  She brought his country-fried steak and eggs out and refreshed his coffee.  He noticed she didn’t have too many tables tonight and kept checking him out.  It seemed to Vince that she could be interested in him as well. She looked pretty with her blond hair in a ponytail.  Even in her waitress uniform, she had a hot body. Maybe she was as nervous as he was. 


Candi walked over to her new tables that just sat down in the booth in front of Vince.  Vince recognized the two men sitting in front of him.  They were on the freighter he was working on.  He didn’t understand anything they spoke, but they had a Russian accent when they spoke English.  As he ate, they continued to speak in broken English as they waited for their waitress, Candi.

“Vladimir, she is very sexy.  I would like to fuck her,” Ivan said.

“Ivan, we can’t do that.  As much as we want to, Nikolai told us not to cause any problems.  She could be a problem. We can get some whores when we get back home.”

“Yes, I know.  But my Russian dick wants to fuck that American pussy.”

Candi came back with Vince’s bill.  She walked over to their booth to see if they needed anything else.  Vladimir motioned for her to come closer and he whispered something in her ear.  She turned several shades of red and then she gave them their bill.  Ivan pulled out a wad of cash and handed a few hundred-dollar bills to her.

“Think about it,” Vladimir said. 

Vince was mad as hell.  He left money on the table and stormed out without saying goodbye to Candi.  She had gone to the kitchen and Vince went out the side door.  Vladimir and Ivan walked out the front door. Candi stopped by Vince’s table after she calmed down to see if he needed anything else, but he was gone.  She sat down where he was seated and gathered his money.  She tried to contain herself, but she started to cry.

Candi did have a crush on Vince and she thought he may finally ask her out.  If only those two creeps wouldn’t have embarrassed her and suggested for her to give them a blowjob in front of Vince.  Then, they gave her $300 for two coffees. 

‘No wonder Vince left.  I’m sure he saw everything and thinks I am nothing but a whore now,’ she thought.

That night after work, she made a call to her brother to see if he could help her out.  He was a Federal Marshal. 

“Hey, sis. What’s up?  I’m glad you called; I’ve missed talking to you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Alex.  Can you do a favor for your favorite sister?”

“You’re my only sister.  But for you, anything.  What do you need?”

“Can you do a background check for me?  I got propositioned for sex by a couple of Russians.  I’d feel safer if I knew something about them.  I think they work on a ship that comes into the docks.”

“Sure, sis.  Give me an hour to see what I can find out.  If the Marshal Service or anyone else has anything on them, I’ll find out.  Just be careful around them.”

“Thanks, Alex. You’re the best big brother a girl can have.  I can take care of myself.  You made sure of that.”

Forty-five minutes later, Candi answered her phone. It was a call from Alex.  There were rumors about the Russian mob running drugs and guns into and out of the U.S.  The leader was Nikolai Kobach.  The other two were probably his enforcers, Ivan Kolchak and Vladimir Khrushchev.

“Sis, whatever you do, stay away from them if you can. Don’t let yourself alone with them.  I want you to message me every day so that I know you’re safe. I love you, sis.”

“I love you too, Alex.”

Candi felt relieved knowing who they were and what they were capable of.  Alex made sure that she could protect herself if needed.  He taught her self-defense and how to shoot a gun. She kept it hidden and never told anyone she had one or that she knew how to use it.


Vince went to work the next day.  Halfway through his shift, Ivan told him the boss wants to see him. ‘Oh great. I’m probably getting fired now.  What the hell did I do now?’ he thought to himself.  Ivan opened the door to Nikolai Romanoff.  He was a powerful Russian mob boss. 

“Mr. Davis. Ivan tells me you are one of our hardest workers.  I have a proposition for you that would benefit the both of us if you are interested.” Nikolai said. 

Vince’s head shot up and he looked at Nikolai in amazement.  He wasn’t getting fired after all.  “Go ahead, sir.  I’m listening.”

Nikolai explained his new job duties and pay.  Vince and Nikolai shook hands thus sealing that Vince accepted his deal with the devil. 

After a few months, Vince was living large.  He had a new place, a new car, and enough money now.  Now he wanted a woman.  He knew the one he wanted to ask.  He wanted Candi.  Vince had been in the diner every day that he could just so he could see her.  Vince hadn’t gotten over the last episode in the diner.  He figured he needed to talk to Candi but couldn’t right now.  First, he had to clear the air about that, then he could work up the nerve to ask her out. 

The next day, Vince was making his weekly delivery for Vladimir when he was pulled into an alley. Two men in masks held him by the arms, while a third man repeatedly beat him in the body and face.  They finished and left him a bloody and broken mess on the ground behind a dumpster.  They also made off with the delivery that Vince was supposed to make that night.  A good Samaritan walking by noticed Vince moaning in pain while laying in that dark alley and called for an ambulance.

The next day, Vladimir and Ivan walked into Vince’s hospital room.  Vince saw the look on their face, and it wasn’t good.  The stolen delivery cost them thousands of dollars.  But there was another problem that Vladimir told Vince about.  The payments for the past month’s deliveries were not matching what they were supposed to be.  They were short about $5,000 for each delivery.  That meant it looked like Vince was stealing from his employer.  The total they were missing was over $20,000.

“Vince, you know we like you a lot,” Vladimir started to say.  “But our trust in you has been shaken and cost us a ton of money.  We will give you the benefit of the doubt.  If you can replace the money, our trust will be reaffirmed in you.”

“But, if you don’t, there will be severe repercussions against you Vince.  I hope you understand that,” Ivan said. 

It was a couple of days later, and Vince was getting released from the hospital.  He had been thinking about what Vladimir said.  He couldn’t figure out where the money from the deposits had gone.  He knew he had counted it right.  No one else touched that money until he gave it to Ivan.  He couldn’t prove that Ivan skimmed from those deposits.  He had to figure out a way to replace it and not die in the process.


 Candi had been at work for about an hour when Vince slowly made his way to the counter.  He was limping and walking slowly.  She saw the bandage on his face and the black eye when he sat down.

“Vince, what happened to you?”

He ignored her, got up, and went to another table.  Candi was dumbfounded by his actions.  Then it dawned on her.  ‘He does think I’m a whore.’ She had to fix this and now.  She walked over to Vince and sat beside him in the booth.  He was trapped.  He had to at least listen to her if he wasn’t going to talk to her.

“Vince, why can’t you look me in the eye? What did I do to anger you so badly?” She questioned him.

“I thought I knew you better.  I saw you take money from those two Russians that day a few weeks ago.  As well as Vladimir whispering in your ear.  I saw you blush after that.”

“Vince, it’s not what it looks like. He wanted me to suck their dicks.  The money was to get me to think about it.  I did for a second.  The answer is NO. Not now, not ever.  I am no whore. You are not my boyfriend, why does it matter?”

“I… I just don’t want you to get mixed up with them.  They are bad news.  I like you as a friend and don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Ok.  Now, will you tell your friend what happened to you?”

 “I was mugged a few days ago.  I’ll be alright.” Vince said.

“Oh, Vince.  That’s horrible, I hope you get well soon.  Can I get you anything? Anything at all?”


Vince smiled at the thought of ‘anything at all.  He knew she didn’t mean it the way he wanted her to mean it.  He had finished his meal and was getting ready to head home to relax for the night.  Candi was sitting beside him and not moving so he couldn’t get up from his seat.  She looked at him and smiled.

“What’s going on Candi?” Vince asked.

“I’m going with you to take care of you tonight.  No arguing,” she said as she leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek.

Vince begrudgingly agreed to give Candi directions to his place.  When then got there, she walked him to the house and helped him to his favorite recliner.  Candi set his things down and went to get him a drink so he could take his pain medications.  After a few minutes., Vince had closed his eyes and in no time, he was out like a light.

Vince woke up sometime in the middle of the night. The only light there was, was coming from the television. He noticed Candi was asleep on his couch.  He got up and went to the edge of the couch to grab a blanket and he pulled it over Candi.  He limped to the bathroom and when he returned he sat back down on his recliner.  He looked over at Candi and smiled.  He closed his eyes and fell back asleep until morning.

He woke to the smell of bacon and coffee.  Vince got up and slowly made his way to the kitchen and sat down at the counter.  Candi greeted him with a smile and a plate of bacon, eggs, hash browns, and coffee.  He thanked her and dug into his favorite breakfast.  Candi took a sip of coffee and started to wash the dishes.

“Candi, you don’t have to do that,” Vince said. 

She shushed him while she took his empty plate to the sink. Then, she led him back to his recliner.  She went back to the kitchen and brought his coffee mug to him. 

“I know I don’t have to Vince.  I want to.  You said last night we are friends and right now you need a little help from a friend.  Right?”

“Yes, I suppose your right,” he admitted.

“I know.  Let me finish and I’ll be back, and we can relax together.  Okay?”

“Sure thing, Candi.”  She finished the dishes and came back to the living room with her coffee. She put it down on the end table.  Candi walked over to Vince and bent down to give him a kiss on the lips.  He was startled, to say the least. “What are you doing?” he asked as she pulled away. 

“Shhhhh,” was all that Candi said as she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out his cock.  She got on her knees in front of him and started to suck his cock to attention.  Once it was hard enough, Candi got up and pulled her skirt up, and impaled herself on Vince’s steel rod.  She had taken off her panties in the kitchen before coming to the living room. “Oh, Vince.  I have wanted this for so long.  I got tired of waiting.  Don’t hold back, please don’t!”  She continued bouncing on his cock.  He pulled Candi’s shirt off and rubbed her tits through her bra.  Candi leaned forward to Vince’s face.  “Take my bra off.  My body is yours.” Then, Candi gave him a toe-curling kiss. 

“Oh my God, Candi!  I’m going to cum” Vince said as he did his best to hold on. 

“Do it, Vince.  Cum in me.  I’m begging you, baby.” Vince stopped holding back and let his spunk loose.  His cock pulsed and throbbed as he shot his load into Candi’s tight pussy.  Her pussy milked it until it was empty. 

Candi came down from her orgasm and held onto Vince.  They rested for about ten minutes. Neither of them speaking, just a lot of heavy breathing from both.  They wrapped their arms tight around each other and held each other tight.  Candi got showered and dressed.  She gave Vince a kiss and left for work.  She came home later that evening with dinner from the diner for Vince.  She got herself a drink and sat beside him while he ate. 

“Vince, can I stay the night with you?” she asked.  He smiled before he gave her his answer.

“Let’s go to bed, Candi.” They walked to the bedroom holding hands.  They collapsed on the bed and held each other until they drifted off into sleep.


Over the next few days, Candi and Vince grew closer.  She played nurse to his patient.  She gave him lots of special attention.  Vince was getting better every day but, he still needed a way to come up with the money.  There was no way he could let Candi know of his problems.

While Vince was recovering at home, Candi still had to work.  While she was busing a dirty table from breakfast, Ivan and Vladimir walked in and grabbed an empty booth.  Candi saw them and cringed inside.  Both of them creeped her out.  Especially after that day, a few weeks ago when they propositioned her with cash to give them both blowjobs.  Then, they would probably want sex with her.  It made her feel so dirty.  And not in a good way.  She wanted to tell Vince but, she didn’t want Vince to think she was a whore.  She really liked Vince and wanted to see if this relationship could go further.  Reluctantly, she headed to take their order.

“What can I get you guys this morning?” Candi asked.

“You know what we want.  We want you to blow us and then we want to fuck your American pussy with our Russian dicks.  All you have to say is yes,” Ivan said. Vladimir looked at Ivan with anger in his eyes. 

“You are going to mess all this up.  Nikolai will have our heads if we fuck this up.  Let it go.”  He looked at Candi and said, “Two coffees, please.  That will be all.”

“Vladimir, that American pussy will be mine whether you like it or not, comrade.  I don’t care about Nikolai. He has his own American whores.  Why can’t we?”

“Ivan, he’s the boss.  That’s why.”

“You’re playing with fire and going to get us both killed.”

“Nonsense.  Nikolai trusts us.  We make him millions of dollars in drugs and guns.  What is a two-dollar whore going to do to us?”

“I guess you’re right.  My hand is getting old and it would be nice to fuck a real woman.”

Candi returned with their coffees and tried to leave as soon as she dropped their coffees at the table with their check.  Ivan grabbed her wrist before she got away. 

“Have you thought about our offer?”

“Yes. My answer is still no. I am not your whore.  I have someone and will not be with either of you.  Let me go or I will scream. “

Ivan let her go like a hot potato.  She hurried to the back in order to get away from them.  The diner wasn’t that busy, so Candi was able to leave early.  She was happy to go since Ivan and Vladimir were still sitting in the booth.  She grabbed her purse and jacket then headed out towards home.  She didn’t even look their way when she walked out. 

Ivan was watching, though.  He saw Candi leaving and got up out of the booth to follow her, Vladimir jumped up as well to follow Ivan.  They were trailing Candi home.  She was unaware of them because they were at least a block behind her. Candi was finally walking up the steps to Vince’s house when the door suddenly opened and startled her, she jumped back and dropped her purse.  Vince grabbed her arm before she tripped backward and fell down the steps.

“Candi!  Are you alright?  I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”

“Oh, Vince. Yes, you did scare me.  What the hell were you thinking?”

“I just missed you and saw you walking up the sidewalk.  I couldn’t wait for you to get here.  I was hoping to greet you at the door and give you a kiss.  I didn’t expect to frighten you so that you almost fell down the steps.”

“Vince, it is sweet that you wanted to surprise me like that. Apology accepted.  Now, where is that kiss you promised me?”  Vince grabbed her hand and pulled her close and planted a kiss on her lips. Then, his hand grabbed her ass and she kissed him harder. Ivan and Vladimir were watching Candi and Vince from the corner of the street through their window.  Ivan looked at Vladimir with a sly grin.

“Vladimir, Now I know how we will get that American pussy we want so bad.  We take her from Vince as payment for the missing money.  Vladimir shook his head in agreement.

“Yes, we do,” he said with an evil grin.  They both turned and walked away to decide how to proceed with their plan.

Published 4 years ago

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