A Precious Gift

"A young woman, desperate to start a family, seeks help."

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To Begin With…

‘You make your own luck’ some people would have you believe, and Gemma Clarke had certainly thought so when she fell in love with Jake Maguire. She had first moved in with him, only for their marriage to soon follow. They had scrimped and saved for the first two, or so, years of their married lives together, and had done enough to be able to buy their place and begin the process of making a home for not just the two of them.

Gemma had always made it clear that she wanted children and Jake had bought into the idea, if somewhat reluctantly. He wanted to live it all out with his ‘Gem’ and not feel closed in by the duties of parenthood; to be reliant upon one salary for a while even if the laws on that had changed since his parents’ time.

Jake was only too happy with his lot and life with Gemma, but for her, the passing of the years, and not having children, were beginning to take their emotional toll on her. Undoubtedly, success at work as a supermarket stock controller, and the money that it brought, helped to take her mind off her situation, most of the time.

They had their friends; they had a busy social life; they would go clubbing and relax, get back home and give free rein to their love and lust for each other, but the magic moment of telling Jake that she had conceived eluded her.

Gemma reached the point of considering it her odyssey, a journey with its setbacks but with a final destination that would see her cradling their child in her arms and making her bond to Jake Maguire all the stronger.

She had not reckoned on having Stan Maguire, an often unreadable and bluff father-in-law, as an ally in her quest; just as she had grown accustomed to his wife, Betty’s, almost apathetic behavior and attitude to what was becoming her daughter-in-law’s obsession.

Nothing could prepare her for another crushing disappointment following the ‘conventional help’ those she had turned to sought to offer to her.

It seemed that the answer was often to be seen dealing with everyday DIY chores about their home and that she and Jake had neither the skills nor the time, to fully deal with and that Stan was only too willing to take on.

Just how far could that ‘help’ now take her?


Gemma thought that she had misheard what he had said and that she had gotten it all wrong, but her husband, Jake, was only too serious in what he was asking of her or, at least, suggesting what she should consider, as a way out of the spiral of despondency that she often fell into.

‘In your warped dreams!’ she yelled at him, throwing the wooden spatula down onto the countertop. ‘Supper can wait! I can’t believe what you’ve just said!’

The kitchen of their mid-terrace house was having a makeover, along with other rooms, and there was still a lot of work outstanding. They had agreed to keep on living there and put up with the mess and disruption in their lives, somehow.

‘No, they’re your dreams, of us having kids,’ he retorted, unfazed by her angry response to his suggestion. ‘You never let up! It was just another idea!’

‘A warped one!’ Gemma glared at him, both in anger and despair. ‘One would be enough! I’ve had to go through hell, and for what?’

‘We both have, babe,’ Jake continued, using a favored way of addressing her when Gemma was wound up, which she sure was now. ‘What I’m suggesting is just another way. That Stan, my Dad, has been wondering about it too came as one hell of a surprise.’

‘I bet it did! How could you suggest such a thing, that he becomes a donor?’ Gemma stared at him angrily. It vied with her continuing dismay with what she was hearing and what it would mean. ‘It would be dirty and so mean…wreck your mother if she ever got to know! Me agreeing to him being a donor? It’s just crazy!’

‘Stan and I were just talking, kicking some ideas around,’ he went on, lightly, ‘and besides, Mum would never know.’

‘But I bloody well would! It would be embarrassing enough thinking of Stan jerking off in the bathroom and me then squirting his cum into my body with the kit the clinic gave me! It hasn’t come to that!’

‘Or not yet,’ he retorted.

‘We’ll keep on trying!’ Gemma flared her mind in a whirl. She flicked at her luxuriant hair that now hung to her shoulders, a rebellious fringe pushed away as she spoke. ‘I need a drink after what you’ve just told me…’

Jake detained her. ‘This way we keep it in the family if it ever went that far.’

‘Oh, sure! Or maybe I go a step further and play the whore, seduce your father and we fuck and see if that works. Is that the plan you’ve talked to Stan about? You’re effing crazy to think I’ll go through with any of it if you have talked about that! Well, have you?’

‘No, it hasn’t gone nearly so far!’ he snapped in response to Gemma’s challenging stare. ‘You drive me crazy with what you want! It’s taking over our life! I want an end to all the mood swings and the arguments! It’s been two or more years of this now!’

‘It’s taking over my life, mine more than yours and I know that only too well,’ she answered in a less confrontational tone as she looked at him for a moment only.

Gemma stared down at her feet, her mind in a whirl. She felt her lips trembling and she looked about their small kitchen as if to find an answer to how she’d get through. It always came back to this, yelling out angry words and dealing with her obsession, but she’d not thought that Jake would ever go this far, nor that Stan was now in the mix. How was she to look Stan in the eyes if she went along with Jake’s crazy idea? How was she to look at a child and know, perhaps, that Jake was not the father? Her life with both of them would be turned over and might not settle down to how she wanted it to be. There had to be limits to how she realized her dream, and that she would set, surely?

Their home was taking shape, thanks to Stan’s help, and they both earned good money; she in a supermarket as a supervisor and stock taker; Jake as a delivery driver to those customers who shopped online at the store and who lived in the delivery area in this part of Coventry. They had decided to have kids and Jake seemed to have it all, only he fired blanks or misfired more times than not, he’d say. But Stan Maguire, on the other hand, had fathered three other kids and she knew that she ovulated, regular as clockwork. There was no doubt that Stan had fired all the rounds to make things happen for Betty, his still attractive and only too possessive wife, her love for her man only too clear. He didn’t need anyone ‘on the side’ from what Stan would find with her, but was that where this was all going, or what she would have to resort to?

Just where was the woman to fit in with what her man was prepared, so Jake had told her, to do for them, but most of all for her? Jake had even confessed that Stan had joked about it when the idea of AI had first been talked of and then pursued without any success. Jake had gone on to repeat something of what Stan had told him.

‘It, and whatever else, might work on your woman too and with me as the donor.’

‘I’m getting that drink,’ she sighed, on a disbelieving shake of the head as the words were recalled. She pulled open the fridge door. There was still some Prosecco left in the bottle for the two of them, although it was her drink of preference.

In Stan’s words lay the temptation for her to think on it some more, wild and destructive as it was to imagine Stan taking her in bed, him finding her and their purposeful trysts, for it couldn’t be called an affair, was kept a secret. It was only too mechanical to think of it in those ways. the stud was servicing the mare and it would be done in her home when she had days off, or her shift patterns made it possible, and Stan was in the house attending to some building and finishing off work for them.

Just how and where was she ever to find the words to ask or suggest that he helped her out?

And yet, Stan was always around to help,  now that he was all but retired, ‘way too early’ Betty had confessed. He now worked as a paid handyman, often cash-in-hand, who got his work from cards put up on noticeboards in shops about the place where they lived, or he relied on word of mouth from those he’d previously done work for. He stood nigh on six foot tall, was broad-shouldered and thick-necked, ruggedly lean and muscular. His once black hair was greying and his stern face lined, the grey in his stubble beard stark against his lightly tanned skin. Stan wasn’t a man to argue with, and Jake had more of his mother’s looks, but the same dark hair as Stan; he did not have his father’s build but was as tall. Jake had Stan’s captivating smile and winning laugh, his eyes a shade darker than Stan’s grey-blue. In some ways there was little to choose between them, so who would ever know?

Just where was she to go with this, what had been suggested, whether in jest or all seriousness?

Gemma turned Jake’s way and met his consoling look upon her. He would know that what he had asked, that she think of, had affected her deeply. It had tipped what she thought to be her ordered world upside down and involved another man; someone she knew and whom she would admit that she cared for.

‘It’s gone crazy, I know, Gem’…but it matters so much to you that I’ll go along with whatever you decide, and…and if it doesn’t work for us, first. We have tried..’

‘I know…I know,’ she sighed, pressing a hand to his chest as Jake sought to kiss her. How difficult did it have to be to have her dream become true?

And now, without any warning, another option had been presented to her, selfish and destructive as it would be to even consider it, let alone go through with being impregnated by Stan, her only too virile father-in-law who was often to be seen looking at her in ways that had perplexed her for their directness. Unprompted, Jake had given her the explanation for them and provoked the riot of emotions and contradictory thoughts in her mind. He had opened her eyes to other possibilities.

‘Your father’s a good man and I didn’t know that he cared so much.’

‘It’s just an idea but we try to make it happen in our ways, and that you’re so good at Gem.’ Jake had taken the glass from her hand and now held her tightly, whispered coaxing words against her lips, and slicked his tongue over them before he kissed her. ‘You sure are the woman I want, even when you’re angry with me.’

She wasn’t angry. She gripped Jake’s hips to keep him to her, felt his state of arousal, and smiled up at him. ‘I’m…I’m just shocked that you could have talked of these things with Stan, even if he is family.’

Jake simply nodded, pressed his lips to her throat, and breathed in his woman’s scented warmth, as he held her to him, his purpose unmistakable. He tugged on her hands and coaxed her to go upstairs, to the clutter that was their bedroom.

‘Let’s just see where it goes between us first, darlin’ Gem, okay?’

With her mind in a whirl she was all but oblivious to his undressing of her, or that she soon settled on him, that she was coaxed through his caresses and minimal foreplay to settle on his prick and soon bucked her hips and began to ride him. She would push from her mind the thought that someone else might learn of her and that he would discover her techniques of riding cock, her control of pussy muscles that now brought Jake on.

Until a few minutes ago she’d never thought that her ways of loving might involve someone else who was in her life. Thinking of that only made her gyrate her hips harder and faster, her love of sex was what Jake sought to pursue, but her purpose was never far from her mind.

She’d milk Jake, for she loved him and knew the strain that she put him under with what were unreasonable hopes to all but her…and Stan.

Perhaps he was the man to find her and then life could move on.


‘I’m not late, am I?’ she asked, looking at her watch, the gentle breeze tugging at her hair, which she brushed away gracefully with her carefully manicured fingers.

‘No, you’re not late, I’m early,’ Stan smiled, his eyes delighting in Gemma’s charmingly youthful appearance, and that her work uniform of navy-blue trousers and a thigh-length jacket, along with a white blouse, failed to fully conceal. Her blonde hair was, for once,  not a rebellious tangle and flopping over one side of her face. It had been neatly tied back. He knew what he preferred to see.

‘Good. I’ve had hectic few days recently. I was worried I’d have to call off today.’

‘I’m glad you didn’t as there’s so much to catch up on.’ Stan watched as Gemma sought her house keys. ‘No, I was early and had time to think of what we spoke of the other day.’

‘My obsession and the answer to it, perhaps?’ she smiled wanly, finding her keys and taking a step up to the unremarkable front door. She felt uncommonly nervous from being in his company, now, and what they would speak of and what it might lead to.

‘We all have them some would say…obsessions, or our offbeat ways, that make us who we are.’

‘True, very true,’ she smiled, glancing his way for an instant and wondering where that revelation had arisen in him.

Gemma led the way inside the house, tidier than it had been for some time. Stan had seen to that as the building work that he had set out to do no longer produced the debris that it once did. The house that they had bought was becoming more of a home and as they wished it to be.

‘Betty sends her love…’

‘How is she?’ Gemma asked, more to say something than out of genuine interest, She and Betty had their differences and no recognizable ways of settling them except on their terms.

Stan was dutifully attentive to his wife and in what seemed a long, unshakeable, and happy marriage, but recent times had taken them in a completely new direction as she and Jake failed to make her dream of motherhood a reality, the setbacks taking their toll on all of them.

‘Come in…come in,’ she urged, watching how he put a bag down against the newel post at the foot of the stairs. She took it to contain some overalls to cover his white shirt and faded jeans. Stan’s down-at-heel deck shoes took nothing away from his raw, attractive looks; the soft tan on his face made his neatly clipped beard, little more than a stubble, stark against his skin, and as one with his fashionably cut greying hair. She felt small in his presence, his manliness something to hold her attention upon him.

‘Are you joining me for lunch?’ she asked, lightly, on seeing Stan stand in the doorway and glancing her way, a frown showing that something preoccupied him. It deepened the soft lines on his forehead and his manner an indication that he wanted to talk with her. ‘I can make it as simple as you want.’

‘No, lunch can keep, but thanks anyway. I’d better get on…I guess.’

‘What is it?’ she asked, noting his sudden and changed mood. Gemma pulled open the fridge door and took a carton of orange juice from a shelf within. ‘Have a drink with me at least?’

‘Go on,’ he smiled and came to stand by her side.

Gemma felt his brooding presence beside her and saw the strength in his large hands as he leaned on the worktop for a moment and looked her way. He turned so that he could do so directly.

‘I’m not going to harp on, about what’s at work in me, where Jake and I have gotten to. I have thought about what you and I have talked about.’

‘It’s a way out for you…’

‘And you believe that you’re the one to help me, is that it?’

Stan heard the continuing dismay in Gemma’s voice at what he had suggested should happen, that she considered him as becoming a sperm donor. ‘Perhaps I am. The longer the waiting goes on the more wound up you get and the chances, and the odds, lengthen.’

She faltered in giving her reply, looked at Stan, and pouted as if to acknowledge what he had said. ‘We’ve tried, Jake and I have tried,’ she told him, frustrations to be heard in Gemma’s voice, ‘and I can’t put him through much more, any of you and Betty especially, with my moods.’

‘Think of yourself, for now.’ Stan reached out to caress her cheek as he met Gemma’s doubting look his way. ‘So, are we in this together, now?’

Gemma met his look upon her. ‘What’s not happened has brought us here or brought me here more than you. I’ve been playing catch-up, and I’ve had to think what to make of it all, what you suggested we do…and how it affects all of us.’

He heard the hesitancy in her voice as he met Gemma’s doubting look. He’d be breaking every rule, but the young woman’s troubles had taken hold of him too and aroused wayward imaginings of how to help her. Infatuation didn’t come close to how he felt. He lusted after her now, craved to know the young woman before him, and in doing so to try and help her dream to become a reality.

‘I’m here…Gem’.’

‘Yeah, I know,’ she smiled weakly in answer to those few simple words being expressed.

A vigorous man, rugged and not handsome, was in the house with her and they would not be disturbed. She had seen that look of his eyes upon her in recent days and remembered, only too vividly, Jake’s confession that he had spoken of their problems with Stan, and the crazy answer to it, so utterly crazy, as it still seemed to her. But what were the other options when remaining childless was not one of them? The man had offered, or at the very least suggested in his bizarre ways, to be of help and Jake was complicit in it. He would procure a donor, but she had sensed that Stan becoming her lover would be a certain, and attentive, way to make her dream become a reality. You couldn’t make it up! She would have help and would not have to endure endless tests and delays in making real her dream, her prevailing life’s purpose with Jake, as she presently thought of it.

A man she cared for…Stan…her gruff father-in-law; he would become her unlikely but chosen lover if she chose that course of action. She would be tamped by a man whom she would often find gazing at her with a wondering look in his eyes and for that, she had no answer. She felt drawn into a maelstrom of conflicting emotions and her thoughts often drifted to the man before her and his presence again aroused.

Yes, undoubted affection and help were close at hand and there would be love in the physical act between them. It would not be a coldly purposeful and ordered arrangement favored by a clinic. She would be at home and in the arms of a man that she knew; a strong, broad-shouldered man that she was undoubtedly fond of, and she would know of a man who continued to confound her. He was a man who would leave the choice up to her and who would understand whatever her choice might be.

But she also sensed, from those appraising looks cast her way, that Stan wanted to take her to bed and that disturbed her most of all. She had begun to sense that with every day that passed, and whenever she was with him. Despite her denials to Jake that she wouldn’t go there, her resolve to deny that he might be the one to make her hopes fly free was slowly ebbing away. The idea of Stan finding her had become a wayward obsession that she could not clear her mind of.

‘I’m here, and I’m here for you,’ he murmured as the moments of silence, that had fallen between them, lengthened.

‘And I don’t know where I am with this and with you, I don’t, Stan,’ she replied, meeting his gaze and feeling dismayed to see the undoubted longing for her in his stilled eyes.

Stan was purposeful and she shivered on feeling the lightest of touches to the front of her blouse, his breaths warm on her lips as their eyes held the other’s stare. They prolonged the moment when a decision would be reached, and they would concede.

‘I…I want to take you to bed…you, Gemma. The rest, me helping you with your dream may follow. So, think of nothing else but of us loving. I would like you to think of doing that with me. Let it all happen…naturally.’

Gemma bowed her head as she nodded her understanding of those few words. She then gazed back at him, startled to finally hear him put into words what had been his plan all along. He had been waiting for her to settle the conflicting emotions that had been aroused by Jake’s suggestion of what would be a destructive way out. All of those thoughts and emotions again took a hold of her.

‘You make it sound so simple!’ she cried out, having heard him give voice to his lust for her, his touches arousing a rush of longing in her belly, the beat of her heart quickening as she met a moment’s kiss, the slick of his tongue over her parted lips.

She eased away, just enough to break the kiss but not to break free of his loose embrace upon her.

‘I’m here for you…I’m here for you,’ he kissed once more, feeling her hesitation in responding to his advances, ‘in every way that matters.’

‘And I don’t know where I am, with this!’

She broke free and rushed from the room and up the stairs, gasps of dismay on her lips as she knew that he followed her. There was nothing else to do but to concede, both to him and her impulsive ways of making a dream become a reality. She was pulled against him, for an instant, and succumbed to the clamping touches to her breasts, each sending a rush of longing coursing through her body and arousing the first flush of moisture that the certainty of him claiming her body had aroused. She would be pegged by her father-in-law and there would be an end to her journey to motherhood, a journey that had been marked by frustration and raging disappointments.

‘I’m here for you and I want to find you…to love with you, Gemma,’ he murmured through his kisses, Stan’s touches arousing the tightening cramps in her belly as he put his hands to her and pressed seducingly slow but purposeful.

His capable questing hands were kept on her as she felt her resolve not to concede to him fall away. She felt overwhelmed by the conflict of emotions that he aroused in her, yet she half-turned in his embrace and met his fiery kisses, felt Stan’s tongue slick over her lips.

‘This is crazy!’ she groaned in dismay at her submission to him, and as she felt the gnawing cramps of longing for the man guide her responses.

‘I want to love with you…’ he breathed on her lips but stopped short of kissing her.

‘I know…oh, how I know that now!’

His questing hands unfastened her bra even before her blouse had been eased over her body. She felt his hands cup her breasts, his fingers caressing already firm nipples. She locked her fingers with his and she shuddered on feeling the charge of wanton excitement from another man’s capable caresses to her body; the slow questing slip of his hand under the rim of her work trousers and waistband of her panties before they found her trimmed bush, his broad hand cupping her mound before his fingers slicked over then pressed into her slit, all provoking a flush of moisture as Stan slowly broke down her last barriers of restraint.

‘You wonder…you’re a beautiful wonder Gem’. You know now that I want you…that with me it will be different,’ he kissed, his lips pressed to her throat as she lifted her head and succumbed to his claims, moved as his lips kissed her throat and neck, then moved to the other side, his caresses unceasing. She reached for him and heard Stan gasp as she gripped him. ‘For you…all of me is just for you, here and now. It’s no longer a secret, so let me in.’

She heard it in his voice, his longing for her, and Gemma turned to fully share in hungering open-mouthed kisses. She struggled for breath as his tongue swirled deep into her mouth. She clung to him. She submitted to him, the raging surges of her longing impossible to deny any longer and that she felt would overwhelm her. She had only one purpose in submitting to him, yet she understood from his actions that Stan wanted to pursue so much more; to give full expression to what was at work in him and that concerned her. He was being unfaithful to Betty and she, for her deviant reasons, was complicit in that.

‘Love me…just do it! This is crazy, but I want you to bring it all to me! Make it happen in this way. Find me, Stan, please! Find me!’ she gasped through their snatched, kisses. Gemma squirmed to meet his caresses and reached down to clamp on him. ‘You’re…you’re so strong and full!’

‘It’s what you do to me, seeing and touching you like this now, Gem’.’

She trembled in fear and longing as she watched Stan undress, her hands slowly reaching out to find him. He would bring so much to her body. She felt small, weak, and giddy at the prospect of all that would happen between them now, the rush of heat and wetness where he would soon be. She needed to know of it and with him, any thoughts of resisting had crumbled away.

He finished his undressing of her and trailed kisses over Gemma’s thighs before he had her step out of her work trousers and panties. She was gloriously naked to his sight, young and firm-breasted, slender and smooth-skinned, a raging delight and temptation beyond enduring.

‘I want you, girl…you. The rest will follow,’ he told her, trailing issues over her body until he stood up and drew her to him.

Gemma groped then clamped trembling hands on him before she looked down at what he would bring to her and that her touches had aroused. His thick, arcing, prick trembled as her hands clamped and stroked its length and felt its girth as he brushed its tip against her belly. Their heads touched as they looked down at what she pursued with him.

‘Go slowly, you’re so big and strong!’ she gasped in dismay at what they had begun. ‘let me get used to what you’ll bring to me.’

I won’t deny it!’ he growled before his mouth crashed against her lips, their hands exploring each other’s bodies as they kissed; Gemma feeling enslaved by his lustful ways as she clung to him. She felt that her knees would buckle as his kisses and caresses overwhelmed her. ‘I want you, Gemma, so let it happen for us…mostly for you!’

‘Really, just for me?’ she laughed in dismay, but she knew what he meant only too well. ‘‘I know and hear you, but go slowly! Let me get used to what you bring to me!’ she gasped, lifting her head and feeling the press of his lips to her skin, to her breasts, the fierce clamp of Stan’s hands on her buttocks before he lifted her into his arms, her legs soon wrapped around his hips as she rose to meet Stan’s wild claims upon her and that she wanted to know of. It would end months of uncertainty and she would no longer have to wonder about him and how her hopes would be made real. ‘It has to be this way…I know that now!’

‘We’re through talking about it!’

‘Yes! Yes we are!’ she yelped as he crushed her to him and she felt the strength in him, his undoubted vitality, and most of all what she felt slick her wet lips. The domed tip of his penis, its blood-gorged length was unlike anything that she had known of and now wanted. If not with him, and in this way, then how was she to make real her dream?

On a flurry of kisses, the caress of his fingers, and the clamp of his hands on her buttocks to keep her to him, Stan entered her body in slow sinuous thrusts, his possession of her not delaying their progress into the bedroom, her submission to him complete and lustful; his desire for her concealed, or at best muted, until moments ago.

She would share the heat and let him know of her body and what she could do for him. But, most of all, she wanted his semen, his seed, to be planted deep within her. Recording her temperature and the timing of his visit to the house had been carefully planned. She now felt so ready to have him know her.

She wanted him to find her, and she felt that he would. In this position, and with the size of his dick, each thrust was hitting her elusive G-spot more often than Jake ever achieved.  She took to wondering who would climax first, but the important thing was that Stan filled her; the shared act and his darts of semen would make her hopes finally fly free and become a reality.

Too much was at risk for her to fail, again.


There was nothing for her to do but rise and fall, to ride that pole that was Stan’s prick. It was now enveloped by her moist heat, her thighs brushing his hips as she claimed him in a rocking and bucking rhythm. He’d kissed and licked her out, fingered her pussy and she had obliged him in response, slicked her tongue over that length, and sucked wantonly on its large domed tip before she had taken him. Now, he filled her and she felt as if he had become a part of her.

She had felt his hands on her head, in her hair, on her slender shoulders as he coaxed her to keep those lips wrapped around his prick, to suck on his sac, and to pursue all that was wayward before everything else followed; the pursuit of shared and loving acts and not the purposeful taking of her body and nothing else. A particular and clandestine emotional bond had developed between them and was now being pursued and that no one else should learn of.

Gemma looked down at him, and brushed her fingers over his hairy chest, his pecs still so defined and firm from the heavy work that he continued to do for chosen customers. What had been spoken of and argued over with Jake was now made real, her protestations, at the time, were just a cover for her wayward pursuit of a cherished dream. Her angry denials to Jake, when he had first suggested a crazy idea, had been put aside and were now to be made ragingly real.

‘Oh, Stan…Stan! This feels so good!’

Gemma moaned in bliss, the bed creaking loudly underneath them, as it rocked and heightened their pleasure, awkward movements caressing new places. She felt compelled to move faster, sliding her slippery heat up and down Stan’s straining, blood-filled shaft in wild acts of depraved joy as they tumbled into the maelstrom of shared emotions and physical pleasure.

‘You loving this now?’ Stan grinned, his teasing voice expressing what she now felt. His rough-skinned hands slid over her smooth naked body, tugged on her hard erect nipples and she rewarded him with sharp whimpers of pleasure.

‘So strong, Stan…you’re so strong!’ she called as she straddled him and gazed down, having guided his trembling, thick and rigid prick, still slicked from her mouthing of him, into her pussy. Slowly, the domed glistening head had penetrated her, and she had taken her time to slowly engulf all of him, its girth and length stretching and plumbing her body in ways that she never quite found with Jake.

‘Don’t mark them!’ she cried out, gasping again as he pinched her hard nipples, more pleasure rippling through her body in unstoppable rushes. She gave her unlikely lover, until moments ago, an evil smile as she slammed down on his cock, slapping her thighs against him, brushed her mound over the coarse hair of his groin as she maintained her energetic rhythm, and in response felt the hard shoves of his penis go so deep into her that she thought she would faint.

Riding the man would give her control, might set the pace, and how rough it might become as the sight of her naked body, and what she sought of him, aroused a wilder instinct in her lover that she willingly succumbed to. He encouraged her movements upon him, the rocking and thrusting, the sinuous movements of her hips that he provoked her to perform, all the while plumbing her so deep that she shuddered out of both fear and pleasure.

‘I’m loving it, Stan! You’re so deep in me!’

‘And I want to be here, do this just for you!’

‘I’ll try and believe that,’ she sniggered, leaning forward to kiss him before she resumed in her task.

To be claimed by him for only one purpose had suddenly become a tempestuous rut that had her call to him out of pleasure, his energy and control wasting her, but she wanted to pursue these moments to a tumultuous and soaring conclusion.

‘Just for you, we do it this way just for you,’ he kissed, sitting up and bending to press his searching mouth to the tumble of her wonderful breasts, her hands in his hair and keeping him to her, rushes of pleasure coursing through her body as she eased in her claims on him.

‘How…how you fill me!’ she groaned, the words tumbling from her open mouth as she breathed heavily, leaned forward in a daze of sudden, overwhelming pleasure, and kissed him. She languished in his claims, loved to feel his rough-skinned hands grip her breasts and pull them to his mouth, to feel the swirl of his tongue over her nipples before his lips gently closed over them. ‘How…how can this be right?’

His kisses silenced her, and she finally tore her mouth away from his lips as he lay back on the rumpled covers of the bed and she rode him again, fiercely.

‘Yes, I’m deep inside you and I want you to pull and squeeze on me, make this good for both of us. Go on…go on!’

She needed no urging as his strong hands held her hips and she forgot how full she felt; how deep he now was in her body and felt glad that his mouth, tongue, and fingers had opened her to these claims. She felt close to him, emotionally bound, and wondered how that could be. She wanted him to fill her, and to keep on doing that for as long as it was necessary and whenever he was in the house, Stan’s work on fitting out her home was now of secondary importance to what she wanted from him and that Stan would be so willing to bring to her.

Bizarrely, it suddenly felt so right as she met Stan’s wondering stare upon her as she moved; saw his encouraging smile and she rode him; took her time to find pleasure and to bestow that on him. She rocked her hips; heard his gasps as she tugged on him; rose and fell; rose and felt him pull her body down on him and felt the searing pain as his actions stretched her, caressed parts so deep in her body that Jake never quite managed to do. She was with another man, both in body and mind.

She was lustfully sharing in the act. It had been Stan’s purpose all along; to have her forget why they were fucking and to enjoy it for all its wanton strangeness. Her hand gripped his wrist as he fingered her clit, and guided another man in his taking of her. She closed her eyes as he did that and she clamped her other hand on her breasts, one then the other, bent forward once more to meet his hungering, snorted kisses and to sweep them over his hairy chest, to feel a different caress to her enervated skin.

Stan could not keep from taking her swaying breasts in his hands. He began kissing and sucking upon them one by one. It was behavior that she had encouraged in him since he had seen her naked before him and before they had tumbled onto the marital bed. The image of Jake with her, then Stan with her, and in her so deep, vied for ascendancy. As long as she kept her eyes closed she could blot out the image of Stan fucking her, the purpose of it only too clear but the excuse for it harder to find as his wife, Betty, would never know anything of this. They were both betraying her trust, but getting him to find her was the only thing that now mattered.

‘Move, lie back!’ he commanded, soon thrusting his penis back into her empty body and pushing her legs out wide and up to her shoulders before he resumed in his rampaging claims upon her without reprieve, the tempo of his thrusts unrelenting and penetration deep. Their skins slapped against the others and the rhythmic slap of skins seemed to fill the room loudly with every second that passed.

‘Stan! Oh, Stan…Stan!’ she yelled as he plumbed her, as his hips crashed against her buttocks, and he claimed her ferociously, all finesse forsook. In wild pleasure she closed her eyes, ripped her mouth from his kisses and shivered in pain, and succumbed to the ferocity of his hands clamping on her breasts once more, his lips tugging on her nipples, or he sucked furiously on them in time with his agile movements in taking her.

‘Yes Stan, yes!’ Gemma called out in ecstasy as he lingered then thrust, tantalizing her with his control. ‘I can’t believe we’re doing this. I can’t believe you’re fucking me.’ Gemma whimpered hoarsely. Despite his girth and length, his penis brought only the onrush of unconfined pleasure.

‘No, don’t close them…keep your eyes open! We share, lovely Gemma! We share in what will follow!’

Her eyes seemed not to meet his stare as he pounded into her body, her breaths quickening until they became a long, drawn-out moan; her arms were thrown wildly around his neck and she stifled her cries against his throat. She had never had sex with a man so big, that Stan could reach that deep.

He was in thrall to her and what they were sharing and pursued deep open-mouthed kisses. She shared their breaths of effort as they became locked in a passionate embrace, shared in the throbs of pleasure as they approached the inevitable point of no return and the tumult of release, the room filled with the sounds of tempestuous sex.

‘You said you were going to love me…love with me!’ she yelped, her body shuddering as she was wracked by her orgasm, then another. She did not want their rut to continue as he seemed lost in her and what she brought to him. Stan had been as good as his word and had pursued pleasure; her purpose in conceding to him was distinct from that but which he had agreed to.

Stan gasped as she wrenched on him with all her failing strength and gripped his buttocks to keep him deep within her. ‘I am loving you, Gem’…love what you give to me!’’

‘And you’ve known all along what I want from this and you!’

Stan’s thrusts became frenetic and rapid. On a prolonged groan and devastating plunge, he ejaculated rapid bolts of his semen deep into her. He could not prevent Gemma from throwing her arms around his neck once more and using her legs to caress his heaving body. She had jerked her hips in unison with his plunging thrusts and slow withdrawals, every movement in response to the searing rushes of his release so deep inside her.

‘Did we share that?’

She dragged her fingernails over the small of his back and between his buttocks, her touches exciting him further into persisting in plugging her body, his movements metronomic and sublimely passionate until she felt that he had no more to give her.

‘Yes! Yes! You’ve given it all to me…now stay in me! Don’t you dare move away! Don’…don’t do that…not yet!’ She clawed at his body to keep him to her, embraced him with aching arms and legs, and basked in the heat of their skins against each other.

‘As if I do that after what we’ve shared,’ she saw him grin before meeting his deepening kisses of gratitude once more, his breaths hot on her skin ‘You know what I wanted to do…and with you, what I wanted to help you with for so long. I let loose.’

‘Don’t I just know it!’ she laughed out, raising her arms and stretching, feeling her tummy muscles tighten and her lover still so deep inside her body. ‘Will it be the same next time?’

‘If you want, and if you’ll let me in.’

She simply nodded her agreement. She felt exhausted from the emotional toll of thinking about what she was resorting to in having her father-in-law impregnate her; only to discover that she sought to enjoy the shared act of making her dream a reality. So, she reckoned, the ends did justify the means and he had found her, had made them tumble over the edge and she wanted more of that.

‘Yes, I’ll let you in again. I want you to find me, Stan, to find me again, please! Do that or I’ll only remember how I loved you and how I got lost and broke all the rules.’ She breathed out a long sigh. ‘I’ll admit it. I loved being with you like this!’

It was some time before he left her.

The reality of the world beyond the bedroom window had intruded upon them. It was the trembling trill of his iPhone and Gemma watched him, as Stan left the bed, and he went to stand in the light of the window that was filtered through the net curtains, his body so lean and muscular, the hair on his chest and belly going grey. His look upon her, when he sensed that he was at the center of her attention, was followed by the look of those hungering eyes over her once more as she sat up, her arms about her knees and she gazed at him.

Stan beckoned. She ran to be in his arms; she needed no encouragement to go to him and languish in his embrace and to know again the caress of his hand to her body as she clung to him, reached down to hold the source of her pleasure, all that he had brought. It was long, still, and hard, and the skin was slicked with her juices and she knew again that it was thicker and bigger than Jake’s. What Stan had done with it, and for her, was unlike anything she had known of before and that, in her present mood, she could not get enough of. The musky aroma of their sex reached her and she shivered. How was she to deal with what had happened or keep it a secret? Jake would have to be in her when he came home from work if she bear to know of him so soon after Stan had stretched her beyond her wildest imaginings.

She felt him shiver as her caresses again brought him on, his libido so quickly restored, and she shivered out of expectation for all that could again follow.

‘Yes, I promise…I won’t be late. Yes, bye,’ she heard him tell Betty before he closed the call and looked down into her upturned face. ‘I can stay, a while longer, if you want that?’

Gemma heard the soft teasing way that Stan said it and nodded, sliding her hands down to caress his buttocks and to draw him against her once more, lust again becoming the prevailing emotion.

‘I want you in me again! One isn’t enough,’ she replied brazenly, rising on tiptoes to kiss him, brushing her breasts against his skin and being lifted into Stan’s arms. She shuddered on discovering his renewed state of arousal. ‘I know how it goes with you now, don’t I?’

He smiled down at her, and looked again appreciatively at how she clung to him, Gemma’s warm skin against his and her eyes again filled with longing.

‘Don’t be so sure of that,’ he grinned.

‘I’m not!’

‘Forgive me for being so greedy, but you’ve taken hold of me and now can’t get enough of you,’ he smiled, moving across the room and then coaxing her to lie back on the edge of the bed. He trailed kisses over her thighs, slicked his fingers over her slicked heat, and brushed her pussy’s lips to part them before his tongue again set to work. Gemma finally persuaded him to stop. ‘We share in it…all of it…once more…I need that.’

‘And I’m giving in to you and for only one reason!’ she cried out as waves of pleasure again overwhelmed her and she responded in the only ways she had learned of so quickly, in being with Stan in these fleshy and tempestuous ways.

‘I can’t keep from wanting you, beautiful girl…wanting you!’ he called out to her, all restraint and control forsaken. It was to become an animalistic rut, the planting of his seed in the bolts of semen he knew he would again expel into her body and in response to her ways with him now.

‘Oh, fuck Stan, oh my God, oh…oh, you wonder!’ Gemma screamed out in her passions as she was overwhelmed by the rushing tide of desire that Stan aroused in her. She moaned as her young body was hit by another orgasm that was more powerful than the last one. She felt her entire body shiver with unbearable pleasure.

She knew then that he would find her and bring to an end the seemingly endless months of what many had begun to believe was wishful thinking on her part; making real the dream of motherhood. She had taken a lover, but she was ‘in love’ with Jake.

Right now, she was overwhelmed by the wayward pleasure that Stan brought to her body and that she had no need to coax from him. Stan wanted her and to make love to her body, all that she brought to his sight and touch. Emotion had played its part in what had happened between them, along with his raw physical attraction and need to be with her. Somehow, and in time, she would be reconciled with what she had done.

‘You love fucking, don’t you?’ she smiled, pulling his head away from her breasts that ached from the attention that he had paid to them. ‘I can’t say it in any other way, and after everything that we’ve done.’

‘Yes, but with you it’s special, and it’s never going to be something that I can ever talk about, let alone admit to, except with you.’

She knew that to be only too true and wanted to believe that her submission to him would have the only outcome that she craved. The words ‘thank you’ would be seen to be so inadequate for what he may have done to make her dream become a reality for her.

It was some weeks later that Betty brought him the news that Gemma was pregnant. It was news he would have been more than pleased to be told off by Gemma herself and not to hear it second-hand. He grudgingly understood the reasons for her discretion, as he chose to think of it.

And yet, the young woman had derailed his life and ordered ways with Betty, all that passed for family relationships. Jake didn’t say anything about how it could have happened so quickly, but Gemma had become someone else in her loving with him after he had suggested a possible solution to their problem some weeks ago and that, as far as Jake knew, had not been pursued.

He said nothing to have Jake think otherwise. Some things were best left unsaid.

While he was pleased for them, Stan couldn’t close out the sense of loss that he would not taste, nor claim, the young woman’s body from now on. What they had shared, on three tempestuous occasions, had begun to matter a hell of a lot to him, but he sensed that he had served her purpose in every way that she had wanted or had finally succumbed to, her scruples finally seduced away.

The time to confide in each other would have to wait.

Published 2 years ago

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