Tentacle Monster Calamari Party (Part 2 of 2)

"After almost getting seduced by the tentacle monster from the bathroom dimension, Lorna has a party."

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June was rolling the sushi while Lorna made another small batch of fried calamari. The luscious tentacles could easily be sliced or diced or shaved, and readily blended into a myriad of sushi styles. Cooking it, though, was trickier than cooking ‘normal’ squid, which was tricky enough by itself. Lorna knew her way around seafood though and soon found the right combinations of marinades and oils, and cooking temperatures and times. The downside, or upside, was having to do all that taste-testing. 

Lorna had discovered how delicious the tentacle monster was when she defeated and killed it the previous night. After chopping off hundreds of the tasty tentacle segments, she cleaned, packaged and refrigerated them, grazing on them as she did. At first, she had thought that the feelings of arousal were due to the thrill of coming out of her ordeal alive, or maybe it came from some kind of primal ritual, becoming the hunter and consuming the prey. But it didn’t take her long to deduce that the feelings increased after each morsel she swallowed. 

The more she ate, the more Lorna had felt desired, desirable and stimulated. She spent much of her kitchen time tugging her shirt away from her chest and squishing her thighs together. All that, she reasoned, had to be from whatever secretions the monster released that had clouded her mind with lust and arousal. She was glad she didn’t give the creature enough time to really seduce her. She might never have been able to get away; it felt that good. 

Her neighbor June made her tell the story over and over and, despite the picture, still wouldn’t have believed her if it wasn’t for the sheer volume of food, its unworldly flavor and its erotic side effects. 

“I need to stop snacking. This stuff is really getting to me.” 

“I warned you.” 

“Is your bra off? I feel l should take off my bra.” 

“I feel I should take off my clothes, but that’s not good in a kitchen.” 

June put a tray in the refrigerator, glanced over at her friend, then stared out the window. Her mind wandered as she caressed her arms with her fingertips. She unbuttoned her Henley top and gently brushed along her collar bone and chest. She circled around, under her jaw and behind her ear. She shifted her shoulders and tugged at the fabric in a vain attempt to wriggle her shirt away. Her fingers found their way to the nape of her neck and she gasped a little at the tingles they caused when she stroked up and down, and up. 

“Looks like you found a sweet spot.” 

June exhaled a short giggle and rapidly, almost imperceptibly nodded. She kept delicately moving her fingers down and up, and down. 

Lorna stepped toe-to-toe with her friend. She moved June’s fingers to the back of her neck, and replaced June’s fingertips with hers. Touching each other, they matched their strokes, up, and down, and up. June exhaled through pursed lips. Lorna gazed at June’s eyes, while June stared at Lorna’s lips. June wet her own lips, then bit her lower one. She swallowed hard and shifted her eyes up. June parted her lips and they gave each other the most tentative of kisses. Their fingertips continued down, and up, and down.  

June closed her eyes for their next kiss, lingering, savoring Lorna’s softness. She broke the kiss and breathlessly stared at Lorna, who smiled slyly in reply. June then gripped the back of her friend’s neck and pulled their mouths together into a passionate kiss, crushing their breasts and stopping only to take turns nuzzling one another’s necks. 

June pushed herself away after a short time, wide-eyed. “I, I don’t know why I did that. I’m sorry.” 

Lorna pulled her closer again. “Don’t be.” 

“No, no. I need to stop.” 

Lorna sighed and went back to the kitchen, flicking a nipple through her shirt. “It’s okay.” 

June thought about what had just happened. “This is going to be one hell of a party.” 


Many of the guests had already been to one of Lorna’s impromptu gatherings, and many others knew about them. Thanks to her sugar daddy, she always served fantastic wines and top-shelf liquor. She loved to cook and offered the most delightful snacks. 

Alex let himself in, the first to arrive. He was always the first. Lorna buried her face in his neck, and he asked if she was doing okay after last night. 

Lorna gave him a hard squeeze. “I am. June’s been here for me.” 

Alex handed Lorna the panties she left at his place. 

“Aww, you washed them.” 

“Of course. You know, that wasn’t the strangest story you’ve ever told me, but….” Alex hugged June next and pecked her on her cheek. “How is she, really?” 

June sighed. “Sexy as hell.” 

Lorna chuckled when Alex was obviously confused by that answer. “There’s more to the story. You know where the bourbon is, Alex.” 

June set out a plate. “Go easy on that. It’s rich.” 

“Okay, tell me more of the story.” 

She told him about how while eating the monster meat she felt super aroused, open, physically, emotionally wide open, and every opening needed to be filled. She had to show, she had to watch, she had to be physical

“And now, we want to see what effect this tentacle meat will have on you.” Alex hesitated, but gave in. They could tell by his expression that he liked its flavor as much as they did. 

He looked up from his plate as he took his next bite and taunted them. “What are you looking at?” 

June turned away towards the kitchenette, hands in the air. “Nothing.” 

“Any reaction yet?” 

“You outdid yourself. I could eat these all night.” 

“Ugh! Any effect? Are you feeling anything?” 

“It doesn’t taste too salty, but I’m getting a little thirsty, so there’s that.” 

Lorna and June looked at each other, disappointed. Lorna brought him a bottle of water and a cup of ceviche. He expressed approval over the soup and drank all the water. 

The three of them chatted as more trays were prepared, but Alex chatted less and daydreamed more. Lorna was wearing a long-sleeve burgundy wrap dress which was so short that she had, until tonight, always worn it with leggings. June was in a short, black floral empire waist dress with a flared skirt and plunging neckline. Alex obsessed about what they were wearing underneath. 

Lorna was smiling. “I said, how’s the fried calamari?” 

Alex’s face turned red. Lorna had to have seen him staring at her chest. “Good. It’s good.” He shifted on the bar stool, trying to make himself comfortable while hiding his erection. She must have noticed that too. 

Lorna had noticed, and winked at June. 

Alex untucked his shirt. “It’s kind of warm in here, what with all your cooking.” He could not keep his imagination in check. He had never before felt the need to cum as much as he did at that moment. He excused himself and raced for the bathroom. The girls followed close behind. 

He fumbled with his belt and fly, afraid he was going to cream his pants. As soon as it was freed, his cock sprayed a stream of semen up onto the wall high above the toilet. He quickly saturated the handful of tissues that he managed to gather before the second pulse hit. 

Alex had never cum so much or so hard in his life. He stuck his mouth over the faucet to satisfy the considerable thirst that followed. He wiped the cum off of himself and the wall, and tossed the towel into the corner. He wondered what to say to Lorna, but as soon as he looked over at her and June, his cock stiffened again. He stuffed himself together the best he could. “Um, you need a clean towel.” 

Lorna and June had wondered what effect the tentacles would have on men. Now they knew. June left to fetch a lot more towels. 

Lorna gave his cock a pinch over his pants. “Later.” 


When she first planned the party, Lorna had considered what, if anything, she might tell her guests about the source of tonight’s seafood. She decided that she and June, and now Alex, would caution them about the aphrodisiacal properties but leave out the slaughter of the tentacle monster which had been living in their building. 

Alex found that he could control himself more easily after that first orgasm, although he wasn’t sure if it was because he already came, or because he was too afraid to eat much more. He advised the other guys to not eat too much too fast. 

Everyone was feeling sexy and more than a little aroused. Bras were the first casualties of the night. If a woman arrived with one, it was gone after only a few mouthfuls. Shoes were discarded and clothing was loosened at first, and cast-off soon after. 

Alex made sure an audience was assembled to watch the next guy who reached the “cum-or-die” stage. Everyone’s question was, “how could one man cum that much?” An impromptu party game was invented, “can-you-swallow-the-whole-load,” where partners would try to keep the extraordinary amounts of cum from leaking out of their mouths. 

The party did not descend, or ascend, into an orgy, exactly. Partners tended to stay together, albeit with available third-parties. They were all enjoying the novelty of not caring that there were others in the room while they were being intimate. Not too much later, they all overwhelmingly wanted to watch and perform for the others. 

Lorna wanted to be a good hostess so she did her best to refrain from over-snacking and excessive fucking. She of course let Alex fill her and fill her up, now and then, but sent him to June or turned him loose on the crowd so he’d leave her to her duties. She navigated amongst the copulating crowds with her unwrapped dress fluttering behind, accepting their caresses and kisses as thanks. 

None of the men really lost their erections and none of the women tired of them. June, ever on towel duty, put her dress back on only long enough to run to her apartment to get more. 


A woman, late to the party and not dressed for one, wandered in. She sniffed at the air and frowned. 


Lorna recognized and welcomed her disheveled, latest guest. “Leah, hello.” She gave her a long hug. The woman took Lorna’s face in her hands and inhaled her breath. She tasted Lorna’s lips, which Lorna mistook as a kiss. She returned it, but Leah shook her head away. 

“I’m confused. I smell the Master. I smell the arousal here. But I do not sense him, I cannot hear him in my head.” Tears filled her eyes and her voice shook with hope. “He does not think for me.” 

Lorna felt that she understood. She explained what had happened last night, and warned her about the food. Leah accepted the story without expression or emotion. 

“Come in and be with people.” Lorna led Leah inside. 

Leah filled her lungs and let it out. “My cunt aches for him.” 

Lorna could only squeeze her hand as acknowledgment. They walked past the party guests; some of them were interested, others were occupied. June was briefed, and they watched together as Leah approached a tray of sushi. She looked back at the revelry, smiled slightly and nodded. 

Leah drifted into the crowd and stripped. She lay motionless, spread-eagle on the floor, and her body called out. 

Alex’s body was the first to sense the cry. He withdrew from the cunt he was in and followed his cock to the woman on the floor. He slid in without note and violently thrust. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her ache was partially sated. A second man joined them and filled her expectant mouth. Yet another man repositioned the heap of flesh so that he could gain access to her ass. 

Leah dedicated her body to the invading phalluses, and ground and sucked and milked them. The cock in her ass gave up its unnatural volume of semen first. That one was immediately replaced with another, as were the others in their turn. The men passively obeyed the demands of her pheromones and aggressively filled her cunt and maw and ass to overflowing and more. If a hole wasn’t found soon enough, they readily coated her exposed skin. 

The abandoned women saw to their own needs, but watched – engrossed, envious or both. 

Leah felt some pleasure, but none of these men, none of their cocks, could replace her tentacular lovers. Her thoughts were her own, her needs were her own and they were both inconsequential. She neither wanted or deserved to climax, and so she didn’t.  Finally, her body shut down its call for cock and she crashed. The men went limp for the first time that night. 


As is often the case when the food is gone, the revelers dispersed, dutifully thanking their hostess for a lovely time. June made sure Leah got home safely, Alex cleaned the kitchen, and Lorna collected the abandoned undergarments. 

This won’t be the first time I needed a carpet cleaner after a party, but, good lord…. 

June and Alex left the next morning after helping their friend clean up. 

“You’ll never top this one.” 


Lorna put the lost or relinquished panties into a mesh bag, which she dangled as bait from a pole over her toilet. Monsters were monsters only if you let them. 

Leah masturbated again, still unable to orgasm. She mopped up her fluids with a pad and placed it with the other offerings. 

Published 4 years ago

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