A few years past – I’ll not say how many, a lady never likes to discuss her age – I was married to a decent enough man who was more than twice my age. I was twenty and had just been hired to work as a secretary down the hall from his office. Monday we met, Tuesday he asked me out for drinks after work and Friday afternoon we left work early to go to a hotel where we spent the weekend fucking like demented rabbits. I’m sure my above average height and slender build had much to do with his interest in, and enjoyment of, me. As for me, I needed some stress reduction. I had just ended a long-term relationship. Okay, it was only three months but for me that was long-term – and what relieves stress for me is sex.
Ben wasn’t bad looking. For an old guy in his forties he was in very nice shape. His cock was above average. Not quite what I’d brag about fucking to my girlfriends, but it was more than enough to do everything for me that I expected from a cock. Some of the girls in the office told me he’d come sniffing around their skirts, so I figured our relationship was purely sexual as we found time together.
I wasn’t a virgin by any stretch of the imagination going into our relationship. I’d lost my virginity in the back seat of a car when I was fourteen and there had been other boys, and men, since then. Having sex with Ben was satisfying. I’d been without sex for weeks -at least three.- after my break up with Whats-His-Name and my energetic participation to release my pent up sexual frustration fueled his ardor our first weekend together and for many meetings after.
Ben was born into money, a lot of money. He’d worked his way up to a high paying job with a large corporation which meant he made a boat load of more money every year. He had the means to wine and dine me like no other boyfriend had before. Surprised the hell out of me that he proposed marriage. I think it was a spur-of-the-moment proposal. Ben had a weekend conference he needed to attend and he said it was the perfect occasion for everyone to meet his new wife-to-be, if I accepted. I’m not sure to this day if I ever loved him. Maybe it was the money? But I also had fun with him. Ben really was a nice guy. I accepted and we flew to New York City the next day where Ben introduced me to his bosses. I had a great time that weekend shopping with Ben’s credit cards while he was in meetings. From New York we flew to Las Vegas and were married.
Yep! Four months after our first weekend together I celebrated my twenty-first birthday by getting married in Vegas. Whoo-Hoo! It was legal for me to buy booze! A brief honeymoon and I was in a tither of getting moved and settled into a new house and life. The only reason my new hubby hadn’t asked me to move in before we’d married was his sixteen year old son. A younger, taller, more buffed version of my hubby. My new seventeen year old stepson didn’t seem mad his dad had married me and never seemed to hold a grudge against this new person invading his life and home. He helped enormously and didn’t seem out of sorts spending some of his Summer vacation helping me redecorate and paint the walls something other than the white that was throughout the house.
It was less than a month after returning from my honeymoon and Hubby wasn’t answering his phone. That wasn’t unusual if he was in a meeting but he was pretty late in arriving home, too. I called a friend I’d made while working at my new hubby’s office and asked if it because of a meeting that had gone long. My friend hesitantly admitted my new husband was already in a relationship with another girl in the office. I’ve never been the jealous type but, Damn it!, he could have at least waited until the shine on our wedding rings had worn off.
I sat on a cloth-draped couch with a paint roller in my hand and took stock of my situation. I’d been so preoccupied with making the house feel a little more homey that I really hadn’t paid much attention to the fact that our sex life had already taken a dive. I thought about it now. Our five, even six times a week before marriage had already become a once or maybe twice a week thing. The last time was just a morning quickie sandwiched between waking up and hubby leaving for a round of golf. I’d simply chalked it up to us being busy.
I thought hard about my options. It wouldn’t take much to have evidence of his cheating. I could file for divorce with a nice monetary settlement. But, as I said, I was way far from being a virgin going into this. I had a huge new house. A new car. A new family. New friends. New credit cards! I was happy with the way things were. If my husband needed new conquests to make him happy… Fuck it! As long as he didn’t bring home any STDs, I decided I could live with it. Besides, my husband really was a nice guy if you over-looked his cheating and his seemingly almost complete lack of interest in having sex with his safe, stay-at-home wife. I guessed he needed the thrill of the chase to get his motor going.
The one thing I couldn’t live with was the fact that by the sixth month of our marriage, our once or twice a week sex had dropped to once or twice a month. What made it worse? I was the one who had to initiate what little sex we did have. I was a healthy young woman with a healthy appetite for sex! For a time my fingers, vibrators and dildos of different sizes kept me happy. But only to a point. By the time my stepson was into his second semester of junior year I was horny as hell and masturbation just wasn’t cutting it any more! A cheap bit of plastic in my pussy wasn’t what I’d signed up for in a marriage! Especially since my hubby was getting satisfaction from a succession of new, ever changing temporary office help.
I began thinking about having my own affair but I had a very good reason to keep my pussy to myself. If I was caught cheating, there went any chance of a nice divorce settlement in my favor. Flushed right down the crapper. I still hadn’t made up my mind about what to do, stay or divorce, when one evening I was bringing fresh laundry to my step-son’s bedroom. Changing the sheets on his bed I found a girly magazine under his mattress.
I can admire well shaped tits and gorgeous bodies just as much as any man. I’d often wondered what being with another woman would be like. I was sitting on the bed admiring the airbrushed perfection of the girls when a very embarrassed teen (I’ll call my stepson Jason) walked in and caught me. Hell, I was probably as embarrassed as Jason was. I’d never given a thought that someday I might be the one giving a Birds-and-the-Bees talk to a 17 year old boy. Hell! I was less than five years older than Jason! But, what the hell… I remembered what high school boys had been like when I’d dated them. I took pity on the poor male of the species who had 15 pounds of hormones coursing through a brain the size of a pea.
I told Jason it was perfectly normal for him to look at the beautiful women in magazines and masturbate. I could tell he had questions. I asked him if we could be any MORE embarrassed and to ask anything he wanted. Pretending that I didn’t see the feeble attempts Jason was making to hide the tent his cock was making in his light, athletic shorts, we ended up having a pretty frank discussion about sex while sitting on the edge of his bed. Jason admitted he was a virgin and I told him I’d buy him rubbers if he swore to use them if given the opportunity. We both laughed when I told him 21 was way to young for me to be any kind of grandmother.
I told Jason I would respect his privacy but from now on HE had to change his bed linens. I also told him not to expect air-brushed perfection from girls as I gave him back his magazine. I can still hear him shyly saying, ‘You’re not airbrushed but you’re pretty perfect.’
I’m tall at 5’10” and my body is slender. I’d caught Jason looking at my 34C-24-35 form when I’d worn my bikini to swim in the pool in our backyard or looking at my ass and long legs when I was on a step ladder wearing shorts while painting walls. But I’d never worn anything around him I wouldn’t have worn in public. I’d just shrugged off Jason’s looking as I would any healthy guy looking at me. Men have been staring at me since my breasts were B cups and I’ve always liked being good-looking enough for men to want to stare at.
I laughed and thanked him for the compliment, then leaned over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. But as I moved forward, he moved with me and the quick kiss on the cheek I had planned for turned into anything but, as our lips met. I was surprised and I froze just long enough for Jason to take my immobility as acceptance. Jason deepened the kiss and when I began to pull back Jason moved with me, keeping our lips touching as his hands moved to my waist to stop my retreat. Maybe it was because I was horny from Jason’s Dad not paying any attention to my needs, but after a moment I was kissing back just as eagerly as Jason was kissing me.
I’m sure Jason was as sexually frustrated as only a 17 year old virgin can be for him to have mustered the courage to kiss me. I couldn’t blame him. He was a teenager, I was the adult in the room and I should have pulled away, but Oh, God… It felt so good to be desired again after being almost completely ignored for months by my husband. I could tell Jason wanted to move beyond a kiss, but he was as unsure as I was whether or not to. My own lack of good sex decided things as I took his hand in mine and moved it from my waist to my breast.
After that Jason’s inexperienced hands were all over my tits. Without conscious thought I leaned in reverse until I was on my back with Jason propped up on an elbow beside me. We kissed with his arm under my neck, his hand on my shoulder pulling me tight against his athletic body while his other hand never stopped exploring my tits through my shirt and bra… It was like I was fifteen again in the backseat of my boyfriend’s Mustang. It felt wonderful after months of unsatisfying sex with his Dad.
His hand squeezing my tits had my nipples hard. But another part of me was wet and demanding attention! Jason seemed unsure if he should push his luck and touch me between my legs. To give him the green light, I moved my hand trapped between our bodies until I could grip the stiff cock forming that tent in his athletic shorts. There was no hesitation now as Jason’s hand left my tit and skimmed down my flat stomach. Opening my legs wider to let his hand take possession of all of me in his grasp, a groan from the back of my throat flavored our kiss.
I broke our kiss, closed my eyes… I couldn’t stop my soft, quiet demands asking Jason to rub the crotch of my jeans harder and faster. I bent my legs and spread them wider so my hips could push me up against Jason’s hand more. I was already so wet my panties were sliding over my pussy lips as if dipped in oil. I wonder what Jason must have thought watching me hump his hand while begging to be touched harder and faster. I know I would have come even through my jeans, if I hadn’t begun to realize what my hand was holding.
Even as my brain focused on the wonderful sensations between my legs, I hadn’t stopped slowly stroking Jason’s cock through the thin material of his athletic shorts. Sliding up and up… And up more… Then down an amazing length of thick, thick, shaft. It slowly sank into my sex-fogged brain that I had a huge, fucking cock in my hand! I’d fucked a couple of large cocks before, but what I had in my hand felt longer and thicker than either of those.
I wasn’t even five years older than Jason. I had all the youthful hormones he had and I was sexually frustrated as hell from months of piss-poor sex with his dad. Horny and now very curious about what I was stroking, I pushed Jason until he was on his back. He was very eager to follow my lead and lift his hips as I stripped his shorts and underwear down to his knees. Curious eyes, wondering what I would do next, followed my every move as I straddled his thighs.
Jason was content to lie unmoving while I stroked his cock to full hardness and got my first good look at what I had in my hands. That damned cock (I later measured) was over nine inches long. But what amazed me just as much as its length was how thick it was. It looked thicker than my wrist where it disappeared into Jason’s pubic hair. It tapered towards the end but even the circumcised tip was large and purple as I stroked an amazing amount of pre-cum free of it. Using my thumb to rub the pre-cum over the head of his cock had Jason moving his hips and moaning how good it felt. My husband and his ex-wife had made one incredible cock on this boy!
I didn’t stop to think. My body was moving and my mind followed… Jason’s breaths were quick and ragged as he propped himself up on his elbows and watched me move to straddle his ankles so I could lean forward to lick the large, clear drop of pre-cum from his tip. I watched Jason watching me as I took my time licking his shaft from root to tip. Listening to his breath catch, as I took his crown between my lips. Just the head filled my mouth. Swirling my tongue over the soft, sensitive head caused Jason to close his eyes and whisper, ‘Oooh, God… That feels so good…’
I like to take my time giving blow jobs. I love doing them and I like knowing I’m making the guy I’m with happy. But I didn’t take long tonguing Jason’s huge cock head before taking more of him inside my mouth. Wetting each new inch thoroughly with my saliva as I bobbed my head over Jason’s crotch. Once enough of the shaft was wet, I paused and held my breath, then drove my head down to completely fill my mouth with hard cock. I don’t have a small mouth but it felt as if I’d have to dislocate my jaw to take this monster. I love a challenge and I pushed more cock between my lips until I choked and had to pull my head back.
My first attempt a failure, I continued to play with my new found toy, stroking and sucking it. Holding my breath at times, pushing my head down to try taking more of the long shaft into my mouth until I couldn’t manage any more… I’d let Jason’s cock slip from my mouth, long strings of saliva between cock and my lips breaking as I cleared my throat and swallowed, readying my throat for my next attempt to take more… I have a very weak gag reflex, as numerous boyfriends from my past have enjoyed discovering, but Jason’s cock was more than I could take very far past the back of my throat without choking, though I wished I had all day to try.
I was only peripherally aware of the effects my playtime was having on Jason. Given his virginity and youth I should have known better. It was while I had his tip pressed to the back of my throat, trying to take just a little more without gagging, that I realized Jason was going to come. Though I’d made many of my former lovers ejaculate with my mouth and hands, I’d never let any of them come in my mouth. But I’d brought Jason so close, so quickly, to pull away before he came would have been cruel. Also, I didn’t want his first time coming with a woman to be remembered as ending with a messy pool of cum left on his stomach. I decided I could swallow one load of cum if it gave Jason a happier memory of his first blow job. I kept sucking on the tip and stroking the shaft as he groaned, his head bent back to press into the mattress as his body stiffened and he came.
Jet after jet of hot cum splashed against the back of my throat as Jason’s hips drove upwards trying to get more of his cock into my mouth while his hands went to the back of my head trying to force my mouth down to take more of his shaft. I moved as he moved to keep him in my mouth and not let him choke me or let him slip out while my hand continued to stroke the cum from his cock. God, I’d forgotten just how much cum a teenager can shoot, I thought, as more cum flooded my mouth and ran over my tongue to pool against my lips where they were clamped around his cock.
His breathing ragged, Jason’s hips stilled. After milking his shaft a few more times with my hand, I began lifting my head. One or two drops of cum escaped, but I kept most of his cum behind the dam of my lips clamped around his cock. Pressing my lips together as I let his tip slip past, I lifted my head and saw Jason watching me as I swallowed. I guess I’d always been put off of letting men come in my mouth, thinking it was just too gross and slimy. I admit it wasn’t the best thing I’d ever tasted. But seeing the lust and satisfaction on Jason’s face as I licked my lips, I knew I’d never hesitate again to swallow cum.
It’s been years since that afternoon and things blur, but I know I fended Jason off when he wanted more. It was too close to his Dad’s time to arrive home and Jason’s first time with a pussy deserved to be more than a quickie while watching the clock. Also, despite what had just happened, I still wasn’t sure I wanted to make more of this than just one really, really bad decision on my part. Jason was a teenage boy and there was no doubt or hesitation on his part. He wanted sex! NOW! Telling him I had to think about what had just happened, I fended off his hands trying to pull me to the bed and left to start dinner.
I’ve never had a problem with lubrication. I make a lot of pussy cream when I’m horny, like I was now. My husband once said he’d never been with a women who got as wet as I did. Considering the number of women he’d been with… I took it as a compliment at the time. On many occasions I’d come back from dates while in high school with my panties soaked and the crotch of my jeans showing a wet spot I had to hide from my parents, even if I hadn’t had sex. I didn’t have to hide from my parents this time, but the crotch of my panties was soaked with my juice and my jeans showed a large-ish wet spot that would tell anyone how horny I was. I detoured from the path to the kitchen to go change and had to lock the door of my bedroom behind me to keep a very horny teen from following.
God, I barely touched my swollen clit with a fingertip and my breath caught in my throat. My clit, like Jason, wanted sex! NOW! Sliding one and then two fingers as deep as I could, they moved easily up my wet pussy. Fucking Hell! I hadn’t felt this frustrated in years! My pussy was gushing juice, my nipples were rock hard, my pussy lips were puffy with desire and my tits felt swollen in my bra… I looked at the clock and, with a groan of despair, realized I didn’t have time to masturbate to relieve the tension that was making me ache demanding release. All I had time for was a damp cloth to wash between my thighs and a quick change of clothes. I decided on a skirt in case I wet the crotch of another pair of jeans.
Jason was in the kitchen waiting for me. As I began prepping for supper, he followed me around like a puppy dog. But instead of merely being underfoot and wanting me to throw a ball he could fetch, Jason wanted to pin me against anything handy. Table, wall, counter, refrigerator… Kissing my lips and neck and playing with my tits… His hand under my skirt… I stopped him before a finger could slip past my panties to penetrate me but his pressing, sliding fingers between my legs let me know I’d filled the crotch of another pair of panties with my cream. Through all this I was constantly aware of Jason’s big cock pressed against me. I had to be pretty stern, both with myself as well as with Jason to push him away. To make him stop and sit at the table. Stay, Jason! Stay! Good boy!
It was later than usual for my husband to arrive and I called my friend at his work to see if there was a meeting that had gone long. He told me that my hubby had left early with his current sex kitten. That had happened with me often enough during our pre-marital fling that I had a pretty good idea which hotel he was at getting some afternoon nookie before taking a shower and coming home.
Hanging up the phone, it was right then and there that I decided I was going to have my fun if my husband was going to have his. I was not going to be the nice, stay-at-home wife satisfied with what was becoming two or three times a month ho-hum, wam-bam-thank-you-ma’am quickies. I was going to have cock! I didn’t want to make love! I wanted to have pound-me-into-next-week, energetic, mind-blowing, sex! Yea, I wanted cock… And looking at the horny teen practically vibrating in his chair from his desire to jump me, I knew where I could get all the cock I wanted!
Chapter Two Coming…