Jerry had fallen into a deep sleep after Roger left last night. His first experience at the Club exposed him to a level of sexual activity he hadn’t expected. He must have dreamt about it all night, because when he starts waking up, he feels like he’s still there. He doesn’t want to wake up. The dreams feel good to him; he doesn’t want them to end. He goes back to sleep and wakes up several times, before finally giving in to the morning light.
Walking into the kitchen, he feels soreness around his ass from the fucking Roger gave him. Roger was not gentle last night, not like he was the first time. Jerry recalls how the unexpected pain actually felt more thrilling than unpleasant. The intense pleasure that followed is what sticks in his mind this morning. He has no feelings of remorse today, no feelings of guilt.
Sipping his coffee, he notices how wonderful he feels. He gets turned on again, thinking about how he let Norm play with his cock last night like it was a toy. He remembers how he couldn’t stop watching Allen fucking those two guys, and how he was so willing to suck off Norm when Roger suggested it. Yes, he really enjoyed the time he spent at the Club last night. He knows he will be going there again.
After his second cup of coffee, Jerry figures he’s spent enough time dreaming about last night. He is planning to do some cooking today, and that’s not going to happen if he keeps thinking about sex.
He’s been reading his new cookbook all week, and he’s anxious to try a recipe. Jerry has always been a person who, once he gets interested in something, will pursue it one-hundred percent. It’s one of the few good traits he picked up from his dad.
He wants to make a beef stew recipe, but he needs to buy a soup pot before he can make it. After spending $15 on pot Friday, he doesn’t have much cash left for the week. He hopes he can find something at the mall today that he can afford.
After taking a bath and eating breakfast, he is almost ready to go to the mall. He still needs to fold up the bed. He’s left it down all morning, on purpose, to remember what happened on it last night. Folding it up, he sees the clothes he was wearing last night, still on the floor.
Picking up his pants, he checks the pockets to make sure they are empty before he hangs them up. At the bottom of a front pocket, he feels a piece of paper. Pulling it out, he discovers he is holding a $50 bill. ‘What the fuck?’ he thinks to himself, ‘Where did this come from? I’ve never had a $50 bill in my life’.
Then it hits him… He remembers getting ready the leave the Club meeting last night. He remembers Norm putting his arms around him from behind. Norm had put his hand deep into his pocket when he thanked him for the blow job. Norm must have put that money in his pocket.
A big smile comes across Jerry’s face. He has fifty dollars in his hand, for doing something he totally enjoyed doing, when he did it… ‘Un. Fucking. Real.’ Jerry thinks.
Driving to the mall, Jerry feels like the happiest guy in town. Now he doesn’t have to look for the cheapest soup pot. He can buy any one he wants. He remembers seeing a kitchen specialty store in the mall last week when he bought his cookbook. He’ll go there first.
At the kitchen store, he finds an entire set of pots and pans on sale for $24.95. It has two frying pans, two sauce pans, and a large soup pot. Every piece has a glass lid, and it also includes a few utensils, like spatulas and spoons. It’s the perfect set for a guy who has basically nothing.
He’s also able to buy a couple of other things he wanted, but didn’t think he’d be able to afford. Thanks to Norm’s generosity, and Jerry’s willingness to give him a blow job last night, he is able to buy more than he thought he could. And he still has ten dollars left from his $50 bill.
Back at the apartment, Jerry feels like a bride at her wedding shower. Opening the boxes, holding all his new things, it’s all so much fun. He wastes no time grabbing his cookbook, anxious to start making his recipe.
While making his stew, he has brief moments when he feels a little girlish, like a girl in her kitchen, doing girl things. The moments don’t last long; he hardly notices them. But the feelings are definitely there. He’s really enjoying doing something new in his clean kitchen. After he gets everything in the pot, he turns the stove on low. All he has to do now is wait a few hours for it to cook.
It is three o’clock, Jerry is tired and needs a rest. He puts on a record and rolls up a joint. He gets very stoned, and feels very happy about how this weekend has gone. His body is still tired from last night, so when he finishes smoking the joint, he closes his eyes and takes a nap.
Three hours later, he wakes up to a delicious aroma filling his apartment. His beef stew has been slowly cooking while he was asleep, and now it’s ready to eat. He gets himself a bowl, turns on the TV, and enjoys the delicious meal he made. It’s the perfect end to a perfect weekend.
Jerry’s perfect weekend pays dividends when he gets home from work the next few days. How convenient it is to have a great tasting meal ready to go in the fridge. He likes coming home, rolling up a joint, warming up dinner, and relaxing the rest of the night, watching TV, or listening to records.
Tuesday night he is listening to a record, when his phone rings.
“Hi, Jerry, this is Allen. How’s it going?”
“It’s going great, Allen. How about you?”
“I can’t complain… hey… I was wanting to ask you, how did you like the Club meeting Saturday?”
“I liked it… yeah… I had a good time. They all seemed like nice guys.”
“Yeah, I saw you over in the corner in the side room. You looked like you were having a great time. Who were you with?”
“His name was Norm. Roger introduced me to him, like, maybe ten minutes before.”
“No shit?”
“Yeah… before I even knew what was happening, they had me in that room and Norm was in my pants.”
“Ahh… Good ole Norm. He’s a great guy, horny as hell. I’ve been with him a couple times. He’s a lot of fun, and he’s generous with his tips.”
“What do you mean?… Tips?”
“Well… yeah… remember when I told they’ll treat you real good if they take a liking to you?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well, that’s what I mean. You do them favors, and they give you tips.”
“I see… So that’s why I found a $50 bill in my pants pocket?”
“Exactly. Norm was letting you know how much he enjoyed what you did for him.”
“All I did was suck him after he sucked me… $50? That’s a lot of money.”
Allen laughs when he tells Jerry, “Fifty dollars might be a lot to you, but to Norm?… it’s like fifty cents to him. All those guys… they have tons of money. It’s nothing to them.”
“Man, I never imagined. Roger told me they were all successful businessmen and professionals, but I never thought of it like that.”
“Well, did you like doing what you did with Norm?”
“Well…yeah… I guess I did.”
“OK, so… if you liked it… and he liked it… what’s wrong if he wants to be a little generous with you?”
“Nothing, I guess. The money sure came in handy. I bought myself a set of pots and pans I needed.”
“Yeah, a little extra change always comes in handy. I took home a little extra myself.”
“Damn… I noticed… I couldn’t stop watching you with those two guys.”
“Did you like watching us?”
“Oh yeah… I liked it a lot. You looked like you were having fun.”
“You bet I was… I love getting fucked. It triggers the ‘inner female’ in me.”
“Wow, I guess I haven’t really done it enough to feel like that yet.”
“The more you do it… the more you’ll like it… but anyways, to change the subject… what I really called about was… do you remember when we were talking about doing some acid together?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“Well… I think I know where I can score some paper acid. Do you still want to do it?”
(Author’s note: Paper acid is a liquid form of LSD, dropped onto small pieces of newsprint. The drug absorbs into the paper, and the paper is moistened in the mouth and swallowed. It was popular in the late 1960s and early 70s because it was easy to hide from law enforcement.)
“Yeah, for sure I want to do it.”
“Would you want to do it this weekend?”
“I don’t know about this weekend. I need to see my folks. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been home.”
“Where do your folks live?’
“Storm Lake.”
“Did you know it’s supposed to storm this weekend? The roads are going to be bad.”
“Well, if that’s the case, I won’t be going. Do you want to do it Saturday?”
“No, not Saturday. Let’s take it Friday night, after work. That way, we can stay up all night Friday, be strung out on Saturday, and still have all day Sunday to recover.”
“Yeah, that sounds like fun. I’m ready.”
“Alright then. I’ll work on getting it and I’ll call you when I get it.”
“Sounds good. I’ll be looking forward to it. Take it easy.”
“OK. Later. Bye.”
Jerry is excited when he hangs up the phone. He remembers how much fun he had when he took LSD a few times in the Army. What Jerry doesn’t fully realize is, he’s more excited about spending the night with Allen, than he is about taking the acid.
Ever since he watched Allen fuck those two guys at the Club, he’s wanted to know him better. Allen is older and more experienced than he is. He’s very curious to find out more about what Allen knows.
The next night Jerry is relaxing on the couch listening to music. He just finished smoking a joint and is feeling very stoned, when Roger calls him on the phone.
“Hi, Jerry, it’s Rog.”
“Hi, Rog, I was hoping you’d call me this week. How are you doing?”
“I was more interested in how you are doing. I have a little time, so I thought I’d call and see you if you might be in the mood?”
“Come on over, Rog. It won’t take much to get me in the mood.”
“Great. I won’t waste any time talking on the phone then. I’ll be there in about twenty minutes.”
Jerry smiles, knowing Roger is on his way. Many times since Saturday, he’s thought about how he got fucked, and he wants to get fucked again. Jerry is horny when Roger knocks on the door.
“Rog… C’mon in.”
When they sit down on the couch, their hands instantly find each other’s cock. Roger starts to talk as he rubs Jerry’s cock through his pants.
“So… How did you like it at the Club Saturday night?” Roger asks.
“I think I liked it a lot. I was kinda nervous at first, but those guys made me feel comfortable.”
“Yeah, you had a good time in the side room with Norm, didn’t you?”
Rog rubs Jerry’s cock harder.
“Yeah, after I got over being nervous.”
Roger unzips Jerry’s pants.
“What were you nervous about?”
“Well, for one, I just met him. And two, it felt weird playing with him when I was there with you. You know… like I was your date, and I was supposed to be with you.”
“Listen, Jerry, don’t ever let that bother you. We were there just to have fun. All those guys, including me, have relationships that we’re committed to. And in time, Jerry, you’ll have a relationship, too. We can have our relationships, and still have our fun. Don’t ever think you’re cheating on me if you want to have fun with someone else.”
As Roger is talking, Jerry has taken Roger’s cock out, running his fingers over it.
“Let me make it a little easier for you to get to,” Roger says.
He gets up, takes off his pants, and stands in front of Jerry. Jerry knows what to do by now. Without hesitation, he gets on the edge of the couch and licks the head of Roger’s dick. It isn’t long before he has it all in his mouth, loving the taste of Roger’s cock again. Roger lets him suck a while longer, then he sits back down next to him.
When Roger goes for Jerry’s cock again, Jerry lifts his butt and slides his pants down to his ankles. But Roger doesn’t take his cock into his hand. Instead, he dances his fingertips all over it, giving Jerry little tingling sensations.
Roger starts to talk, “How did you feel when Norm was sucking your cock the other night?”
“I’m not sure what I felt at first. There was so much going on.”
“What did you see at first?”
“I saw Allen over by the bed, sucking those two guys. I couldn’t stop watching.”
“Were you more turned by Allen? or the two guys he was sucking?”
“I was turned on by Allen… and when he stood up… and they took his pants off, I really liked the girl’s panties he was wearing.”
Jerry’s cock gets harder as Roger continues to stimulate it with only his fingertips.
“Were you liking what Norm was doing to you?”
“I did. It felt hot, knowing that I only met Norm a few minutes before, and now he was sucking me. And you were behind me, holding my arms back, kissing my neck. I got really turned on.”
“Did you want to suck Norm’s cock?”
“Well… actually… I wasn’t thinking about it too much. I was too busy watching Allen get on the bed with those two guys. I almost started to cum when they started to fuck him.”
“I remember… you were shaking like you were getting ready to blow. That’s why I thought it would be a good time for you to suck Norm’s cock. How did it feel when you had Norm’s cock in your mouth?”
“I felt good, because I knew I was making Norm feel good, and I was doing what you told me.”
“I didn’t really ‘tell’ you, Jerry. I just suggested it to you, because that’s what Norm was hoping you’d do. I was just giving you a little nudge, showing you what to do, so to speak. Did you like it when Norm shot his cum in your mouth?”
“Kinda. I’m not all that hot on tasting cum. It’s just something I have to do.”
“How did you feel when you stood up?”
“I felt good, seeing that you and Norm were pleased with me… And I saw Allen still getting fucked hard by those guys.”
“Did you wish it was you getting fucked?”
“Yeah… I did. It really turned me on.”
“You know Norm really appreciated what you did for him, don’t you?”
“I did the next day… I found a $50 bill in my pants pocket, Norm had to have put it there.”
“That’s not unusual for Norm, he’s very generous when a nice young, ‘hung’ guy like you does what you did for him. We call it ‘tipping’.”
Roger has been teasing Jerry’s cock all while they have been talking. Between Roger’s fingers all over his cock, his provocative questions, and the pot Jerry smoked before Roger got there, Jerry is in a state of erotic frenzy.
“So what are you feeling right now?”
“I’m feeling very horny. You’re making my cock feel like it’s going to cum any second.”
“I bet you feel like getting fucked again, don’t you?”
“Yes. I feel like getting fucked. I want you to fuck me again.”
“Let’s fold the bed down and take care of it. I’m going to fuck you, because you want it.”
“Yes… I want it.”
When they get the bed unfolded, Roger stands next to it and tells Jerry, “Show me how much you want me to fuck you.”
Jerry gets on the floor and crawls over to Roger. To show him he is submissive to him, he looks up at him as he takes his balls into his mouth. Jerry then sucks and kisses Roger’s cock all over, loving the thought that he’s about to get fucked. The more he sucks, the more he wants to get fucked. He sucks for a long time, until Rogers asks him, “Where is the bottle of lube I left here the other night?”
“It’s over there, by the stereo.”
“Go get it, and put some on my cock.”
Jerry does as he is told. He sits on edge of the bed, running the lube up and down Roger’s shaft, making it slippery and shiny.
Roger then tells him, “Good job, Jerry. Now, lay on your back and lube up your asshole for me.”
Jerry wonders why Roger is telling him to do this. Last time, Roger licked his asshole and put the lube on for him. He doesn’t say anything; he just does what he is told.
Jerry lies back and lifts his legs back as far as he can, spreading the lube on himself. He feels submissive in this position. Roger smiles at him as his fingers put the lube on his ass.
Roger then tells him, “Work it in real good, Jerry. Make your hole feel good… Put your fingers inside.”
Jerry gets more turned on. He is discovering how good he can make his asshole feel. He’s played with his ass before in the shower, but never like this. He likes this a lot. He feels sexy doing it in front of Roger. He wants to put his fingers further inside, but he can’t bend his body any further.
Without speaking, Roger spreads his legs apart, running his cock up and down Jerry’s slippery crack. He teases his asshole with his cock, and puts the head right on Jerry’s hole. He just holds it there, pushing on it just a little, looking into Jerry’s eyes. Jerry can’t take any more.
Jerry begs Roger to satisfy him, “Fuck me. Please fuck me,” he moans.
Roger pushes his cock in with one long, steady push until he is all the way in. Jerry again experiences the pain of being opened so quickly. He remembers from last time, how the pain went away when he relaxed. Roger pumps his cock in and out. Jerry squirms with both pain and pleasure, savoring the feeling of being fucked again.
Jerry feels only pleasure now, watching Roger pump his butt with slow, steady strokes. Every once in a while, Roger runs his thumb along the underside of Jerry’s hard, throbbing cock. Jerry is just getting into the groove, when Roger pulls his cock out. Roger tells him to turn over and get on his hands and knees. Jerry is quick to obey.
Roger tells him, “Back up on the edge of the bed for me.”
When Jerry is on the edge of the bed, Roger grabs both sides of his waist, and again, pushes his cock inside. This time, Jerry’s hole is fully relaxed. He feels only pleasure as the cock enters him. Jerry buries his head into the bed; he likes being fucked in this new position. Roger’s hands roam all over Jerry’s back and hips as he fucks. Roger squeezes Jerry’s skinny ass cheeks as he quickens the pace.
With Roger’s cock sliding faster against his prostate, Jerry squeezes his hands into the sheets. He gets another rush when Roger’s hand smacks his ass. Faster and harder they go until Roger thrusts his cock deep inside, holding it there as his cock erupts. Jerry goes almost unconscious as he feels Roger’s cum shooting into him.
Jerry thinks to himself, ‘Allen was right. The more you do it, the more you like it.”
In a few minutes, it is over, with Roger pulling his soft cock out and Jerry collapsing on the bed. Jerry’s cock is still hard and throbbing. Roger goes into the bathroom and gets cleaned up. When he comes out, he holds Jerry’s head in his hand, gently kissing him on the forehead. He gets dressed and goes back to Jerry’s side.
He takes Jerry’s hand, and puts lube on his thumb. Roger puts Jerry’s thumb on the underside of his hard cock, just below the head. He starts moving it up and down, just like last time.
He tells Jerry, “Remember last time?… how I told you to give yourself your own orgasm after I left? And that you would understand why when you reached your orgasm?”
“Yes, I remember.”
“And when you got your orgasm, did you understand why I wanted you to do it?”
“Yes… yes, I did… It was so I could enjoy it all over again… And I did.”
“Very good, Jerry… You’re a fast learner. This time, when I leave, I want you to do the same thing. But this time, you get to rub your thumb all over the head of your cock as well. I want you to remember how I fucked you tonight.
“And I want you to think about how you sucked Norm’s cock Saturday night. Think about how much you loved sucking him. Think about how much you pleased him.
“And then I want you to think about the $50 bill he put in your pocket. Think about how thrilled you were when you found it. Think about how you earned it, by doing something you really loved doing.
“You were magnificent then, and you are magnificent now. Enjoy giving yourself the orgasm you deserve.”
Roger gives Jerry a quick kiss on his lips, and walks out the door.
Jerry almost passed out when Roger was fucking him from behind, and his mind isn’t much clearer, now that Roger has gone. He lies on his back with his eyes closed, rubbing his cock like Roger told him.
Under his eyelids, many colors and shapes come and go. His thumb rolls around the tip of his cock and back down to the small area below the head, as Roger told him to do.
Behind his eyelids, once again, he sees the image of a girl’s face begin to form. As her image becomes clearer, he recognizes her. She is the same girl he saw Saturday night. She is just as beautiful now as she was then. His thumb caresses his cock head faster and harder now. The girl comes closer; she smiles at him. His body squirms; his cock wants to release the pressure.
The girl whispers some words to him, “Do you like me?”
Jerry can only think… ‘Yes… Yes… I like you.’
Jerry is on the edge of climax. He thinks to the girl, ‘Who are you?’
At that moment, his cock erupts from the pressure inside.
As the cum drains from his cock, Jerry watches the girl fade away. As she disappears, Jerry sees her smiling at him, saying the words, “I am you… I am you.”