Being sick of my neighbours’ constant screw-ups was an understatement. From the idiot husband calling me the wrong name for the past three years, to the dotish wife’s trees growing over my fence.
Believe me, there was much more than that. The latest mess, however, was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Their moronic daughter and two guy pals climbed over my fence and decided an attempted threesome in my yard was the best way to spend an afternoon – I hollered at them before any parts were exposed. A ten-minute shouting session directed at her parents left me hopeful that I would never hear from them again. My words must’ve struck a chord because later that night Steffi – the offending party – visited me. Nineteen years old, petite with shoulder-length blonde hair; she apologized profusely at my doorway until I invited her in for a chat.
“I’ll be honest; I don’t see why I should accept your apology. What you did showed complete disregard for my property and disrespect for me period.” I paced left to right with a cold beer as she sat tracing my movements with her light-grey eyes, hooded by the peak of a baseball cap.
“I’m really sorry, Mr Miller. I… I wasn’t thinking.” She shrugged her shoulders and bowed her head. I looked down at her legs as she did since much wasn’t left to the imagination anyway. Her white, denim shorts were all that covered her lower area, but the top was more modest at least – A pink armhole vest.
“By right, I should have you charged with trespassing. You do know that?” I raised my eyebrows and took another sip.
“Please, Mr Miller, please don’t do that.” Steffi clasped her hands together as if in prayer and scrambled out of the couch to the ground before me. I tried to keep it clean upstairs, but her knelt in front of me, making eye contact with her little butt poked out proved to be a challenge.
“Steffi, for God’s sakes get up,” I said while shaking my head. The remainder of my beer disappeared down my gullet and I placed the empty bottle on the centre table. Steffi remained grounded and her eyes welled with tears.
“Please, Mr Miller, I can’t have a criminal record at all. If the college that accepted me found out, they’d kick me out before I even had orientation.” Water ran down her cheeks and the sniffles started. She scuttled towards me and grabbed the track pants’ hip portion while continuing to plead.
“Well, you should’ve thought about that before you decided to slut it out on my property.” I kept it together with my words and body language for the most part, but my slowly hardening dick jumped against my bottoms. Her mouth formed into an ‘O’ shape as she looked up at me.
“Mr Miller,” she said in a patronizing tone, “this is very inappropriate.” The sniffles subsided into giggles as she loosened her grip, and rubbed my legs from hip to thigh in slow motion.
“No more inappropriate than you kneeling in front of me and begging me. What, you trying to finish what you couldn’t yesterday in my yard?”
“Do you want me to?” She smiled and folded her lips.
“What? No, no of course not.” I knitted my eyebrows and swung both arms in front of me in a hell no motion.
“You sure? When I talked to one of the guys this morning, he told me you were watching for a while before you said anything. In fact, I believe his exact words were, ‘Dude was totally watching us make out.’ ”
I had no defense because she was right. Work ran out and I left there earlier than scheduled – earlier than those kids figured too. Opening a cold brew and seeing my neighbours’ daughter in a heavy make-out session with two guys was the last thing I expected to see when I got home.
“So what?” I asked. “I wa-was stunned that’s all.”
“I know you wanna fuck me, Mr Miller.” She trapped her index and middle fingers from both hands into the sides of the waistband.
“Steffi… you’re a nineteen-year-old kid. I mean, c’mon I’m more than twice your age. Just stop. Stop!” I covered her hands with my larger palms to prevent her from pulling my pants down.
“I know what you need.”
“Yeah, for you to get out of my house.” I pointed at the door with my expression set like stone.
“And then you press charges against me?”
“Of course.”
“How about we have sex and I go scot-free?”
“Real life isn’t sleazy internet porn, Steffi.”
“True, but maybe you want it to be.” She exchanged glances between me and my fully erect cock. That rebel leaned forward and licked the outline and I did nothing to stop her.
“Okay then.” I released her hands and she immediately pulled my pants down, allowing for my manhood to smack her thin lips and nose.
“Wow, that’s heavy.” She held it up with one hand and cupped my balls with the other. The contrast against her tiny hands sent additional litres of blood southward, increasing the size difference.
“I’m so fucking sick of you and your family, so tell you what: I fuck you the way I want. I gave your parents a piece of my mind earlier today, but I’m gonna take out the rest of my frustration on you.” I pointed at her on the ending phrase.
“Sounds fun.” She pecked my glans and then pushed forward to swallow it, sheathing the shaft and staring at me. Her pixie-like innocence absorbing my rod made it seem massive in comparison. At that moment, I understood why the porn industry had so many small women. With her snapback still on – backwards now – I held her head with the cap peak between the middle and ring fingers. Up and down she bobbed, humping her spine when it went further than expected.
“Enough of this; I want your little ass,” I snarled after pulling her away from my meat. She gasped as spit strings drooped between us.
“But, Mr Miller, I prepped that for my boyfriend later on tonight. Can’t you just fuck my pussy?” she asked with watery eyes and spit bubbles on her chin.
“No. Leave the pussy for your friends, I want that butthole.”
“So no college for you then? Just wanna linger around here, living with your folks fo–”
“Alright… alright.” Steffi wrinkled her nose and sprung to her feet while gripping my cock. She lead me to my couch which had a white covering with splotches of purple, blue and pink. Next thing you know, she was face down, ass up with her shorts and g-string settled in her knee-pits.
“Don’t you move,” I said before dribbling a long trail of spit onto her bunghole. I rubbed the outer ring and drooled again until it got moist enough for me to ease my index and middle fingers inside. Her rectum contracted and expanded in a breathing pattern until the time arrived to give her something thicker, making her reach behind and spread.
“Such a cute little booty,” I whispered. Meatier women were my preference. That said, Steffi’s backside being the same size as one butt cheek of my usual romps was quite the discovery. I stepped forward and pushed the reddening tip against her brown star before it was sucked in. I made her roll her hips with only the glans inside for a bit before stopping her with a spank on the bottom followed by a clasp. Further, I sank into her booty until my jaw dropped, nearly unhinging. Her stare was vacant and mouth agape as I rocked back and forth slowly; stiffening as her asshole distended upon my movement.
“Oh God, fuck my fucking ass.” Her spittle darkened my couch.
“What was that?” I asked while increasing my pace.
“I want you to keep fucking my ass, Mr Miller. Fuck, this is so fucking good!” Steffi’s eyes rolled back and she released a low hum as I pumped. While still inside, I stood up on the couch’s edge and squatted over her as I continued to pummel her sweet bottom. My dangly balls slapped her soppy, vacant cunt and her face contorted into sobs.
“Like being a slut, Steffi?” I hissed. “Like getting your tight little ass fucked by an older man?”
“Yeesss,” she drawled and reached between her legs to rub her clit. “Fuck this young, tight ass, you old pervert. Fuck, your dick is so biiiig.”
I was thirty-nine, but I get it. Anyone close to forty was ancient to a younger Mr Miller too.
Damn, she was a dainty thing though. The last time I performed anal on a woman this tiny was during my freshman days in college. My dormmate’s girlfriend was quite fast and gave up that booty to me before she ever did to him. Kind of felt for the guy – after I shot a month worth of sperm in her rectum of course and not a moment during or before.
I wonder if her mother likes it up her butt too?
The thought prompted me to shut off my vision and imagine her mother’s plumper buttocks bubbling with every thrust I gave. Her moron husband walking in and collapsing would be the coup de grace; damn moron.
“Fuck, Steffi, I’m gonna cum.”
“Please cum in my ass, Mr Miller,” she said with a look behind.
“Keep saying it.” I drove harder until the joyous sound of her clapping butt cheeks filled my ears.
“Please cum in my ass, Mr Miller.” She pouted at me this time.
“Don’t fucking stop!” I frothed while yanking her hips to meet my impactful thrusts.
“Please cum in my ass, sir.” She propped on one hand while masturbating with the other. “Please cum in my fucking ass, you dirty old perv! Fucking do it! Cum in my tight fucking ass!”
In moments, my living room was a blend of balls-slapped pussy, clapping cheeks and rage-filled orgasmic cries from myself and her. I shuddered above, dripping sweat onto her exposed back. Emptying out completely before withdrawing my limp penis; sending shivers through my perineum that refused to quit. She twerked her tiny buttocks before dropping down on her face again and reaching behind to spread. A follow-up fart pushed out some semen, leaving an entrance – or should I say exit – mottled with bubbles and leaking globs of the stuff.
“Now… get the hell out of my house.” I walked towards my pants and slung them over my shoulder.
“‘Kay.” She stood up, jumped and clapped her itty-bitty cheeks. Minimal noise, but it was still cute.
“Steffi, I’m not gonna press charges but you gotta go.”
“You shouldn’t feel guilty, Mr Miller.” Backing me, she bent over and pulled up her underwear and shorts, before spinning towards me with a smile. “I mean, you only did what most of these old pervs on this street wanna do.”
“I still feel terrible. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of… just go. Let’s not speak of this ever again. Not a word to anyone, you understand me?”
“Yes, Mr Miller.” She closed the distance between us but stopped about a foot away.
“Please call me Craig. Feels kinda disgusting you calling me Mr Miller after what we just did.”
“You mean fucking my tight teen ass?”
I sighed and said, “Yes, Steffi; fucking your ‘tight teen ass.’ Now, will you leave?”
“You probably wouldn’t have fucked me the same if I called you Craig.”
“I’m going, I’m going. Plus, it’s leaking so I gotta get home quick.” She moseyed over to the door, opened and stood outside, smiling while looking at me. I followed closely behind and we stared at each other in silence for seconds that risked turning into minutes.
“Goodbye, Steffi.” I slammed the door to end the prolonged send-off and walked to my bedroom to gather my towel for a much-needed shower.
All of a sudden, my neighbours didn’t seem so intolerable anymore.