
"Grace has some fun at a friend's pool party"

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“Who all did you say was going to be there again?” Grace asked me as we pulled out of our driveway.

“Well,” I replied, “Peter and Jess, obviously…” They had just bought a house and we were on our way to their housewarming party. “…I imagine Peter invited Mark, not sure who else. Definitely a small get-together.”

We pulled up to the house within a few minutes. I recognized Mark’s car in the driveway behind Peter and Jess’ as well as one car I didn’t recognize. Before we could knock on the front door, it swung open revealing Peter, clearly excited to see us and wearing swim trunks. He greeted us and led us into his beautiful new home. He showed us around the main floor for a few minutes before it dawned on me that we hadn’t seen anyone else in the house.

“Where’s Jess?” I asked curiously, “and everyone else?”

“Oh! They’re just outside by the pool!” Peter replied. Then looking down at our empty hands he asked, “Did you guys, uh, bring pool stuff?”

Grace and I shook our heads at each other and then him.

“No, we didn’t bring anything for the pool!” I responded, “Didn’t know there was one!”

“Ah, shit, I must’ve forgotten to tell you! Here, check this out.” Peter said, leading the way towards the back of the house. He opened a back door to a gorgeous patio and pool area where Jess, Mark, and someone I hadn’t met were sitting. They glanced our way and greeted us warmly. Jess introduced the new face as Scott. After a minute of introductions and some brief catching up, Peter explained to Jess that he forgot to tell us to bring pool gear. Jess gave him a playfully annoyed glance before smiling at us.

“No problem, you guys can borrow some of ours!”

I could instantly see the look of hesitation on Grace’s face. Although Peter and I were about the same size, Jess was tiny- barely 5 feet and although plenty attractive, flat as a board. Grace was probably a head taller than her and had C cups and a beautiful bubble butt. There was no way that Grace would fit into any of Jess’s swimsuits. I smiled at Grace and responded to Jess graciously before Grace could answer, “Oh, that would be awesome, thanks!”


The hosting couple led us inside and we waited at the bottom of the stairs while the two of them ran upstairs. Peter returned within seconds with a pair of board shorts in my size. Jess called down for Grace to come up and pick out a suit. Peter went to join the rest of the guys outside as I entered the downstairs bathroom to change into the swim shorts. Just as I was tying the string, my phone pinged. Grace had texted me from upstairs:

“Oh my god, none of these suits are gonna fit me”

Haha, I guess pick the best one!” I responded.

I went out to join everyone out by the pool. We sat in a circle around a table with drinks and few snacks. Jess explained that we’d have dinner in a few hours whenever everyone was hungry.

A few minutes later Grace opened the patio door shyly and stepped out with a towel wrapped tightly around herself. I could not wait to see what was underneath. She pulled a chair up to the patio table and we all opened drinks and continued catching up for several minutes. Scott fit right in with the group, and I quickly felt like I had known him for longer. He explained that this get-together was bittersweet, as this was his last week in town before moving across the country to Colorado. We carried on for a while talking about moving, and then he and Peter relived a few hilarious stories from their time in college together.

Eventually, Jess motioned her drink towards Grace and said,

“So, you work something out?”

“Kind of-“ Grace started.

“-Kind of?! C’mon, let’s see! Or are you going to wear that towel into the pool?” Jess teased.

I could see Grace’s face turning a slight shade of red. Everyone had stopped their conversations and turned their attention towards her. She smirked at me, stood up, and whipped open her towel in a sarcastically showy way.

I could feel my jaw open as a wave of tingling washed over my body. Jess’s bikini was even smaller on Grace than I’d imagined. The triangles, which were probably small even on Jess’ A-cups, covered little more than Grace’s nipples. Grace’s boobs spilled out of the sides of the bikini in a way that drew the eye immediately to them. The bottoms were the same, a thin strip that covered up her pussy- but little else.

Everyone was quiet. Either no one wanted to say anything, or everyone was just rendered speechless.

I uttered, “Nice!” and nodded my head in approval. Everyone looked over to me and burst out laughing. Looking back at Grace, Jess did a twirling motion with her fingers. Grace rolled her eyes and spun around to show us all the back. All eyes were glued back on Grace. I felt all the blood in my body rush to my cock. Like the rest of her swimsuit, the back of the bottoms was a tiny strip that was immediately swallowed by her bubble ass. Grace teasingly gave it a little shake. I saw Mark whisper something into Scott’s ear. I watched Scott’s eyes go from Grace’s ass back to Mark, who he grinned at in clear agreement.

Eventually, everyone went back to conversing, eating, drinking, and enjoying themselves. Every now and then I would catch a stray pair of eyes on Grace when she would get up to get another drink. I loved watching her ass jiggle in that tiny thong, and I wasn’t the only one. She must have noticed the attention, but I think she started to enjoy it, as I noticed her loosening up and becoming more confident in her posture and movements by the minute. She was the life of the party.

I’d been standing talking with the guys for a few mins when I walked over to the cooler to get a drink. Grace and Jess had been chatting in the shallow end of the pool. I noticed Grace tugging at her bikini top frustratedly talking to Jess. I overheard the tail end of her saying,

“It’s fine, it’s just really digging into me.”

“Yeah, I can tell.” Jess responded laughingly, “You look great in it, but I bet it’s uncomfortable.”

“Hey, I mean… we’re all like family here!” Came a voice from the guys, who clearly had been listening in as well. I spun my head towards them to see Mark shrugging his arms in a suggestive manner towards Jess and Grace, Scott and Peter laughing beside him. I froze where I stood, eager to see how this would unfold.

“Ha, ha!” replied Grace sarcastically. “Shut up, Mark!” She turned towards Jess, who gave Grace the same suggestive shrug that Mark had first given her.

“No way!” Grace said, more affirmatively this time, looking towards me for support. I offered her none, giving her the same shrug that everyone had given her. Just when a look of disbelief at me began to wash over her face, Jess snuck up behind her with a mischievous smile and quickly yanked Grace’s top off.

“HEY!” Grace called out, covering her boobs with her hands. Jess ran towards the pool stairs, waving Grace’s top around in her hands. Grace chased after her, but Jess was already out of the pool by the time Grace was halfway to the stairs.

Grace turned to me, her arms tightly covering her breasts, and pleaded, “Bring me a towel?”

I just grinned at her and looked over to see everyone else grinning as well. Jess held up her empty hands tauntingly to show that she wasn’t even holding the top anymore. I shrugged at Grace and shook my head. Clearly defeated, Grace stood there in the pool staring at me for a few seconds covering her bare titties. When it was evident that no one was going to help her, her lips bent into a mischievous smile.

“Fine.” That was all she said before letting go of her breasts and holding her hands up sarcastically in the same shrug we’d all given her. Everyone cheered as my wife stood there in the pool with her bare breasts out on display. I felt another intense rush go to my cock. She walked up the pool steps and nonchalantly grabbed a drink out of the cooler in front of me. Smiling at me with her head cocked, she opened her drink and took a big sip, standing on Jess and Peter’s pool deck completely topless. 


Everyone else did their best to go back to normal, putting in a noticeable effort to strike up new conversations. I was useless for that. I could barely hear the conversations everyone was having, much less participate. I was so turned on by Grace’s toplessness around all these people I couldn’t focus on much of everything. Nobody bothered trying to hide their glances anymore, either. It seemed like at least one pair of eyes were on Grace’s tits at any given time. She and I caught each other’s glance several times throughout the various conversations. Each time she gave me a naughty smile or wink. I was loving every second of this.

Eventually, the sun started to go down and Jess, Peter, and Mark got up and went inside to get dinner ready. Grace, Scott, and I each offered to help, but Jess insisted it already wouldn’t take long with the three of them working on it.

Turning to Scott, Grace started, “You better soak up this warm weather before the big move, huh?”

“Yeah, the cold is going to take some getting used to,” Scott said agreeingly.

“When is the next time you can enjoy a pool like this?” Grace asked motioning toward the pool. When she said that I realized that I hadn’t even gotten in the pool yet, and I didn’t think Scott had either. It was still warm enough outside to enjoy and I could’ve used the excuse to cool off for the past few hours.

“That is a great point, we should probably get in!” Scott looked over towards Grace and then me. I nodded my head and stood up. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Grace watching intently as Scott peeled his shirt off. I chuckled to myself a little, as she must’ve thought I couldn’t see her. I didn’t care at all, nor did blame her; Scott was a good-looking dude who took care of himself. Plus, it’s not as if I hadn’t snuck a few quick peeks at Jess earlier, to me that was all just part of the fun at a pool party!


The three of us walked over to the pool and got in. We each swam around in our own worlds for a few minutes, quietly enjoying the cool water.

Eventually, we stopped our swimming and struck up a conversation in the shallow end of the pool. Seeing the two of them talking made it dawn on me yet again just how hot it was that Grace was standing there nonchalantly talking to someone with her boobs out. I loved it when she showed off and she loved showing off, but this was more than a quick flash. I thought about how quickly she got comfortable with it and smiled to myself. For the most part, I stood there politely smiling while the two of them talked, occasionally contributing a word in agreement, or nodding my head. I still wasn’t up for paying too close attention to anything.

“Well I gotta say, it’s a shame to be meeting you right before you leave!” Grace said to Scott as I started making myself more aware in the conversation.

“Yeah,” I agreed, my first time chiming in in a few minutes, “You fit right in with this group.” I walked up behind Grace and wrapped my arms around her in a bear hug from behind, inadvertently pressing my cock onto her ass a little. Almost immediately it began to harden. Trying to shake it off and not look obvious, I looked back up at Scott I asked, “You think you’ll be back in town any time soon?”

“Probably not,” Scott smiled, “I start work almost immediately, and I doubt I’ll be taking any time off for several months…”

After a few seconds of silence, Scott laughed and said, “…but this was a lot of fun,” then widened his eyes and dropped them directly on Grace’s chest, “trust me I won’t soon forget it!”

Grace nudged her ass back up against my bulge, which was now completely hard. She smiled and laughed at Scott. I had wondered how she’d take his comment, and it was very clear she didn’t mind one bit. I laughed too, thinking to myself I also would never forget this. Scott started laughing too, probably relieved at how coolly we had reacted to his blatant flirting. We stood laughing in the shallow end for several seconds. Then a silence washed over the three of us. Grace grinned at Scott, who returned it to her. I covertly nudged Grace with my hips, not even sure what signal I was trying to send, let alone sure that she would get it. She turned her neck to look back at me, and I kissed her deeply, while I slowly walked her a few steps toward Scott.

She bit her bottom lip, smiling at me for a moment, then stealthily gave my cock a gentle squeeze with her hand before turning back to face Scott. Grace put her hands on his stomach and when he didn’t stop her, slid them down to the drawstring of his swim trunks. My cock throbbed up against her ass, and I felt her push back onto me again as she started to untie Scott’s bathing suit. I grabbed Grace’s boobs from behind and started slowly massaging them, and she let out a little gasp in response. Grace smiled up at Scott who was smiling back at her in disbelief. With one hand she pulled at his waistband and her other hand reached down into his trunks. Scott let out a slow, heavy breath.

Suddenly, we heard the patio door open. Grace quickly ripped her hand out of Scott’s trunks, and we all turned to see Jess waving us in her direction.

“Alright, you guys come on in; Dinner’s ready!”


Published 4 years ago

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