Debbie dried dishes while singing, Onward Christian Soldiers, acapella with her mother. This filled her mother with pride and elicited a rare smile on a face which typically depicted lips that were pursed as if she had just been sucking on a lemon.
Debbie’s mother had been ever so proud when Debbie had signed the pledge committing herself to abstinence and chastity. Even more so when she looked at her daughter with her E cup breasts and cheerleader’s uniform, which was so short, it barely covered her butt and realized the dangers her daughter faced in life. That Debbie had pledged to preserve her pearl of high value till she was married was a major relief to her mother.
Unbeknownst to her mother, Debbie, on the same day she signed the pledge, was seduced and lost her virginity to the Bates couple she was supposedly babysitting for that day. Lured over to their house on the pretext of babysitting both Randy and Fanny Bates had taught her the pleasure of both Sapphic and heterosexual fornication and so much more.
The session had ended with an invitation by Fanny to come over on Wednesday for a sleepover and to bring the rest of the cheerleading squad with her. Debbie smiled to herself as she considered how to involve Milly, Molly and Mandy, her squad mates, besties, and the three other best-looking girls in the senior year at her high school. The four of them had signed that ridiculous pledge together at the same time.
“Mommy, Wednesday we have been invited to attend a prayer meeting and worship service by Mrs. Bates. May I go?”
“The Bates? Debbie, I don’t trust that Mr. Bates with that ridiculous pornstache of his and his porn star good looks.”
What would you know about porn stars? Debbie thought, as, despite herself, she felt a sudden pussy twinge while recollecting how he had ravished her last Friday.
“Mr. Bates will be out of town, Mommy. It’ll be just Mrs. Bates and the rest of the cheerleading squad. Please, mommy, can I go.”
“Well… if you promise to be on your best behavior, worship dutifully, I can see no harm in you going. So OK.”
‘Yes,’ exulted Debbie to herself. ‘Now, how do I rope in my besties into going? And yes, I definitely plan to worship; at the altar of Aphrodite.’
After cheerleader squad practice the next day, Debbie and the girls assembled at the local diner as was their wont. Despite being pledged, they sat there and drooled over the football team’s studs while drinking their milkshakes. When the song ‘I Touch Myself’ by the Divinyls started blasting through the cheap speakers, the studs threw pointed glances at them, and the pledged badges pinned to their tunics and snickered. Mandy started to blush.
“Mandy, why are you blushing?” asked Debbie.
“I don’t know why,” Mandy answered. “I’m not sure we made the right decision. Hank asked me out, and because of the pledging, I turned him down. He really is a hunk, and his reputation precedes him. They call him Hank the Hands.”
“Ha! So did you think about those hands and do something with your hands last night. Well, don’t worry about that. You kept your oath, so no harm was done. I have a suggestion. Mrs. Bates has invited me to go to a prayer meeting on Wednesday and told me I could bring other worshipers with me. It might be a good idea if we all went and did some worshiping together to reinforce our decision. What do you say?”
Is Mrs. Bates that gorgeous woman who comes to church with that dreamy husband? The ones who always sit in the back row,” Molly asked.
“Yes, the very ones. However, Mr. Bates will be out of town.”
“OH! Too bad he has such a nice face with those blue eyes and friendly smile.”
Two down, thought Debbie. “What about you, Milly? Will you go?”
“It’ll be just us and Mrs. Bates?”
“I believe so. Are you in?”
Parental permissions obtained, the four of them arrived at the Bates residence right after cheerleading practice. Mrs. Bates opened the door and ushered them into the living room.
“Now, who have we here, Debbie?”
“Molly, Mindy and Mandy, Mrs. Bates.”
“What mellifluous names,” she giggled. “They look as tasty as M&Ms. I am so pleased you could all come. It’s a pity that it is raining outside, or we could have relaxed in the hot tub and had a bite to eat before starting the worship service. However, I have ordered pizza, and we will eat in the dining room before proceeding with the rituals.”
“What rituals, Mrs. Bates?”
“You’re Mindy, aren’t you?”
“Mindy, worship service requires us to look our best before giving praise. When you go to church on Sundays, you dress up and look your best. Is that not so?”
“Of course. Mother insists.”
“Well, a private worship service is no different. After supper, we will all get ready by trying to look our best. Now, who would like to have a little wine with your pizza?”
“Mrs. Bates is not drinking wine sinful?”
“Of course not, is it not written in your holy book ‘Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for it is now that God favors what you do.’? You mean you have never had wine with your meals?”
The three girls erupted in a chorus of “no and never,” while Debbie, who suspected what was happening, giggled silently.
Mrs. Bates thought what a dull life they must lead while she took off her shoe and caressed Debbie’s thigh, who was sitting across from her. Debbie placed the foot in her lap and so that it was against her pussy and enjoyed the warmth against her tender bits and when the toes started to wriggle against her was hard put not to moan. Mrs. Bates smiled sweetly at her and, while the other girls were momentarily distracted, blew her a kiss which sent shivers of anticipation coursing through her body.
After supper, the girls helped Mrs. Bates do the dishes and cleaned up before being lead to the chamber of ablutions. The room they entered was illuminated by candles which wafted a seductive scent of sandalwood through the air. There was luxurious furniture arranged in secluded nooks around the room, and it featured a pool of translucent green water as its focal point.
“This is where we are going to prepare ourselves for the worship ritual,” Mrs. Bates explained as she removed every stitch of clothing from her magnificent body.
She stood before the awestruck girls in all her magnificence, her long black hair cascading down to cover her magnificent breasts. She seemed transformed from the simple housewife she had portrayed previously.
“Mrs. Bates, what are you doing?” shrieked Milly. “Why are you disrobing like that?”
“Milly, do you take your bath or shower in your clothes?”
“Uhh… No. But when I do, I am alone, and we all have taken the pledge.”
“Ah yes, the famous pledge. Now, if I remember right, you pledged yourself to chastity. Do you see any men in this room?”
“No, but…”
“Are you ashamed of the body you were blessed with?” asked Mrs. Bates, looking at the slim girl with her long blond hair, trim waist, bubble butt, and perky tits.
“No, Mrs. Bates.”
“First, when we are in ritual, my name is Lilith. Not Mrs. Bates. Second, if you want to participate, you will have to prepare. The robes you see hanging there will clothe you after you are cleansed. You must be at your most beautiful to take part in the worship service.”
“Enough of this,” Debbie said as she stripped, “I’m anxious to start, Lilith.”
The other three girls with blushes lending color to their faces followed suit.
Lilith smiled and led them to a pool of translucent green water. “Get in, and you will find that a bench runs around the pool. Sit down. Milly, come and sit next to me. Debbie, place yourself between Molly and Mandy across from us.”
Oohs and ahs were heard as the nude girls slipped into the warm water and found their spots. Having their charms hidden underwater, they soon relaxed and were chatting excitedly when Mandy yelled out, “That tickles!”
Lilith smiled at her, “Don’t be scared. These are my pet pooka fish. They will make your feet soft and beautiful. They will remove the dead skin and calluses from your feet. Doesn’t that feel good?”
“Yes, it feels so sensual. It just caught me by surprise. Are they doing your feet too?”
“Yes, they will do all our feet, making them soft and beautiful.”
It didn’t take long before the whole group was giggling as the pooka assiduously cleansed their feet and toes, tickling their tender digits. Eventually, the tickling stopped, and Lilith announced that the fish had done their task and it was time to cleanse their bodies.
The scent of the candles and the room’s warmth had soothed the unease that the girls had initially felt, and when Lilith had them take the loofas that were conveniently placed and told them to scrub the backs of their seatmates, they did so with no reservations.
Debbie was patiently waiting her turn to be scrubbed by either Molly or Mandy, who were doing each other. She was the first to feel it. Her pussy was being gently caressed by what seemed to be feather-soft touches titillating her tender bits. She bit her lip to keep silent, not wanting to alarm her besties.
The sensations became more intense as the tendrils parted her pussy lips and slid into her. She glanced at Lilith, who gave her a wink and a smile. The exquisite penetration continued and became more insistent as another tendril parted her ass cheeks and began probing her pucker before sliding deep into her ass. Once both her holes were filled, the tendrils started to massage her holes in tandem, making her squirm and moan. When her little bud was titillated, in turn, she almost passed out at the intensity of her orgasm. The tendrils, or whatever they were, withdrew, and she was left a panting mess with her head lolling from side to side as she attempted to regain her senses.
When she finally focused, she saw that she was not the only one who had experienced those sensations. Lilith had Milly sitting facing her on her lap and was teasing her tiny titties by pinching and tugging on her nipples while exploring her mouth with her tongue. Milly was not complaining at the treatment and was giving as good as she was receiving.
Molly and Mandy were similarly engaged next to her. She mischievously took a finger and slid it deep into Molly’s bum. Molly gasped at the intrusion and turned towards her and gave her a passionate wet kiss. While Mandy’s mouth latched on her nipple and sucked and licked at it with unbridled passion.
When finally the girls calmed down and realized what had just happened to them, they became shame-faced. Maud spoke first, “What the hell was that?”
Lilith giggled, “Did you enjoy my pets, dear?”
“Yes. They are darlings, aren’t they? Genetically modified octopuses who have been trained to clean out our privates.”
“But Octopuses are monsters.”
“You are very wrong, my dear. There are only monsters in your mind and among humans. My octopuses, actually, I call this breed octopussies, are friendly and do a remarkable job of cleaning you up for the further rituals.”
“Well, they certainly made me cum much more thoroughly than did Deacon Jones.”
“Maud, what are you saying,” Milly said in a shocked voice, “you took the pledge. You were to remain virginal till you got married.”
“What can I say? He caught me alone after the pledging ceremony and told me that there were exceptions to the rule and that, as a deacon, he was empowered to grant me a dispensation from the pledge. What about you guys? Are you all virgins?”
Molly grinned, “I’m not. Jake, the quarterback on the team, relieved me from that burden a few weeks ago. However, he did not have the skill to get me off the way the octopus just did.”
“What about you, Milly?”
“Well, I don’t like men very much, so, technically, I am a virgin in that no man has ever entered into me.”
“What is a technical virgin, Milly?” Debbie asked.
“I lost my virginity to my mother’s Feeldoe last year. She has been wondering where it disappeared to for ages. How about you, Debbie?”
“The day of our pledging, Lilith and her husband took care of that for me. The experience was so amazing that I wanted you guys to experience the same feelings.”
“So you schemed to get us all here on the pretext that this was going to be a worship service?” Molly asked.
“Yes, I did.”
“But it is a worship service, girls. Is there anything more beautiful than a human body? Take a look at yourselves. See how beautiful and sexy you all are. Rejoice at the possibilities now open to you in worshiping both men and women.”
“But sex is a sin,” blurted Milly.
“No, it isn’t. Sex is a blessing that makes life worth living. Now let’s get out of the water before we become all wrinkled.
Here are makeup tables and all the necessities to enhance your natural beauty. Get yourself ready for the rest of the rituals.”
Grinning at each other, the girls set out to do just that. Lilith went around to make suggestions to each one on how to enhance their looks. A dab of lipstick here on a nipple or on the pussy lips, a spray of perfume in strategic locations served to make the whole experience intensely erotic. When they were done, the girls donned filmy transparent robes, which highlighted their natural charms. Nipples were bare in most cases, and the robes gave unfettered access to their charms.
They were lead into another room where seated on a large throne-like chair was a… man? Naked as the day he was born with a majestic cock dangling between his legs over a set of gigantic testicles. A forked tail extended behind him. He stood up to welcome the girls, and the three girls shrieked, “It’s the devil!” While Debbie gushed, “Hello, Mr. Bates.”
“Hello, delicious Debbie. I am delighted to see you again. I see you have come bearing gifts.”
“Marvelous gifts, darling husband,” said Lilith. “How did the meetings go?”
“Same old, my sweetheart. I get tired of these meetings every one hundred years.”
“Who attended?”
“The usual gang. My brother, his son, and the Holly Spook accompanied by the usual crowd of saints and sycophants. Once again, they tried to change the rules of entry to our realms. They lost, of course, as I hold over fifty percent of the voting rights in the council based on his stupid rules.”
Molly spoke up, “Mr. Bates, or should I call you Satan? Isn’t he God who created the universe?”
“You are Molly? Right? My true name is Lucifer which means God of light or light bearer. The universe was a huge construction project requiring 1000s of hours of work. We all joined in and built it together. My brother and I had a dispute when it was finished and agreed to divide the afterlife into heaven and hell. He got heaven, and I chose hell. HELL stands for ‘Here Eternally Live the Lovers’. My brother’s mistake was to insist that to get into his realm, people had to worship him. Bad mistake. Would you like to go to heaven?”
“Well, I guess so.”
“So you can see yourself playing the harp, wearing angel wings which do not permit you to lie down and singing hosannas for eternity? Do those things appeal to you?”
“Well, not really, but I don’t want to burn in hell for eternity. I have a very delicate complexion.”
“There is no fire in hell, dear. That was a PR campaign that my brother set up. It worked for a while, but people today have the sense to believe it to be what it always was. A Myth.”
“But what happens to really bad people?”
“Really bad people are rare. When we receive them, we assess if they are recoverable. In rare cases, people like Hitler and such just cease to exist forever. If you choose to join us, you will live in a beautiful place with fun people, good food, music, and unparalleled weather. Here I go sounding like a vacation resort salesman. Come with me to this window, girls.”
He drew a set of curtains from a window, and below was laid out what looked like a tropical paradise.
“It looks beautiful,” gushed Milly. “But aren’t there monsters in Hell.”
“We have some unusual creatures like imps and succubae and such. However, they might be mischievous, but they do no harm.”
“Now enough of this talk. Lilith, I’m thirsty and horny. Get us all something to drink. Which of you girls would like to come and cuddle with me?”
“Milly is mine, for now, Luci darling. I really want to explore her tender bits, and maybe Debbie would like to assist me.”
“Fine. Mandy and Molly, how would you like to experience a truly monstrous cock ravaging your tender holes?”
Lucifer went to one of the couches, and hesitantly, the two girls approached him. He spread them out in front of him and proceeded to give their pussies and asses the attention of his tongue. Their squeals of delight filled the room as he brought them both to cum copiously. Debbie watched as he proceeded to spread Molly wide open and slid his dick into her waiting and very wet pussy. To her surprise, he placed Mandy on her hands and knees next to him. His tail curled around and invaded her gaping asshole, which caused her to squeal with delight.
Lilith had brought an eager Milly to an adjacent couch and signaled to Debbie to join them. Milly’s legs were soon splayed open as she presented her tiny cunt to Lilith’s greedy mouth. Lilith signaled to Debbie to get on the couch and place herself over Milly’s face. Soon, her pussy was being lapped at by a more than willing Milly while her hands went to tease her friend’s tiny nipples. When Milly reached up and pinched and rubbed her clit, she could not restrain herself, and her orgasm almost drowned Milly with her juices.
Milly had also coated Lilith’s beautiful face with her juices as she came. Lilith got on all fours and placed the young girl under her so that she could pleasure her while she titillated the young girl’s pussy with her tongue and fingers. Debbie got behind Lilith and started rimming her beautiful star-shaped pucker and used her fingers on her pussy while Milly licked and sucked Lilith’s clit from below.
Glancing to the other couch, she saw that Lucifer had his cock into Mandy while his tail ass-fucked Molly.
He glanced at her and gave her a thumbs-up, which filled her with pride. “If this is hell,” she thought, “who needs heaven?”