Jill wakes up with Allen’s arms around her. After sleeping twelve hours, her body feels refreshed and recovered from the acid she took Friday. She turns over and looks at Allen, still sleeping soundly beside her. A soothing calmness comes over her as she recalls the surreal weekend they have shared together.
She softly kisses his neck, taking care not to wake him. Brushing her lips against his skin gives her pleasure, but she is not the least bit horny this morning. She feels loving, instead of horny, yet another new sensation she is experiencing for the first time.
She continues to kiss Allen’s skin as he sleeps, working her way down to his chest. Wanting to go lower, she ducks her head under the covers, loving Allen in the dark privacy of the blankets that keep them warm. Her silent kissing journey leads her to close to where his soft cock is resting.
She puts her nose close to his cock, sniffing the special aromas that reside there. She is unable to resist touching it with the tip of her tongue. Allen begins to stir, rolling over on his back when she lays her tongue flat against his soft shaft. Not wanting to wake him, she holds her tongue in place until she’s sure he’s sleeping again.
Closing her eyes in the darkness, Jill slowly licks and kisses every inch of the cock that fucked her so good. Allen stirs again, but Jill senses from his breathing that he is still asleep. She slowly takes him into her mouth, carefully caressing it with her tongue, and feeling it grow inside her mouth.
Allen stirs a little more, softly moaning the words, ‘Oooooh… babe,’ when he becomes aware of what Jill is doing. Jill doesn’t move her tongue faster as she feels Allen wake. She gently teases the head hiding under his fore-skinned sheath.
Jill knows Allen is waking up when she feels him place his hands on her head. With his cock now pushing against the back of her throat, she has to back off to avoid choking. She continues to lick his shaft and suck on his head, until she coaxes him to release his milky load into her mouth.
She wraps her lips tightly around him, preventing any of it to leak as it fills her. The taste of cum pleases her this morning. She rolls her tongue in it as she licks him, swallowing a little at a time. She keeps it in her mouth until his cum has coated her throat, and goes completely soft. Taking her mouth off it, she licks it again to make sure it is clean before kissing her way back up Allen’s body.
“Good morning, lover,” she says, when her head pops out from under the covers.
“Damn, baby, you sure know how to wake a guy up.”
Jill starts to giggle, “I was just lovin’ on you,” she says, still giggling.
“How am I going to top that?”
“You’re not. That was my morning gift to you.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. That was wonderful.”
They spend the next few minutes kissing before getting out of bed.
“How about some coffee?” Allen asks.
“I’d love some. I wonder what time it is?”
As they walk out to the living room, Allen looks at the time.
“Look, it’s only seven o’clock. I’m surprised we woke up this early.”
“Not really,” says Jill, “Roger left before seven last night and we didn’t get out of bed until now, so that’s like… twelve hours we slept.”
“I guess we were pretty burned out from that acid,” Allen says, as he turns on the coffee.
“Between the acid, and all the fucking, I’m lucky I survived. My hole hasn’t stopped stinging since you stretched me out Friday night.”
Allen laughs, “Baby, that’s called the ‘Ring of Fire’.”
Jill busts out laughing when she hears that, Allen laughs too, as they sit down on the couch. Allen rolls a joint while they wait for the coffee. Jill says, “I don’t want to smoke too much today, OK? It’s kinda nice having a clear head for a change.”
“I hear ya, baby. I just thought we could have a couple tokes with our coffee. Then I’m going to be Allie again, and take you into the tub to enjoy a little girl time with you.”
“That sounds nice. I’d like that.”
Jill lays her head on Allie’s shoulder while they share a few tokes, and let the caffeine stimulate their brains. Jill tells Allie she thinks it’s time to remove her fake boobs. Allie agrees, telling her she was going to do that before they got in the tub. They both agree the few tokes of weed they’ve smoked is all they need.
In the bathroom, Allie gets the bottle of solution to remove the breast forms off Jill’s chest.
“You know, Allie,” Jill says, “I was starting to get used to having tits. It’s sad to think I have to say goodbye to Jill soon.”
“You don’t gave to say goodbye to her, baby. She’s part of you now. Sometimes you’ll be living as Jill, and sometimes you’ll have to live as Jerry. But now, you will always be Jill, even though you sometimes will have to wear Jerry’s clothes, and go to Jerry’s job, and visit Jerry’s family.”
They get in the hot bath, and Jill lies back into Allie’s arms.
“I really liked being your girlfriend yesterday,” Jill says.
“I liked it too. I totally see you as the female you are, just as I see myself totally as a female. Unfortunately, we both have cocks between our legs. So, we have to live a double life… of sorts… otherwise society will crucify us for what we are.”
“I can’t wait to see you dressed up in girl clothes, Allie.”
“You will, soon. I would have gotten dressed yesterday, but I wanted to see you as a girl, from a male perspective. I’m glad you met Carla and Rosy. Carla told me she really sees the female in you.”
“Yeah, they were so nice to me. And to think I was scared to meet them. I guess I’ve always been afraid of girls. They’ve always treated me like I wasn’t even worthy to be with them.”
Allie softly runs her fingers over the scar on Jill’s arm, calling attention to it. She explains to Jill, “Well… we know this has something to do with it, right? But even if you didn’t have your scar, most girls might have treated you the same, because you’re not a real man. You never were, and neither was I. I’m so much happier now, knowing I’m a girl inside, accepting it, and living as a girl as much as I can.”
“I guess I’ve got a lot to learn. Like… how do I feel like Jill when I have to live as Jerry. It doesn’t seem fair. It’s still so new right now. When we had sex Friday night, it really hit me… I really am female inside.”
“Sex is great for that, baby. When I’m having sex as a girl, I get lost in myself when I really get it going. I totally forget that I have a dick. I’m all pussy, just craving cock.”
“Yeah, I noticed that too, when I stopped resisting having sex with Roger. I started to want his cock more and more. And with you the other night, oh my God, I couldn’t get enough.”
“For me,” Allie shares, “sex dissolves my tensions away, and I could see it in you yesterday and today. And the way you woke me up this morning? Jill, that was all woman. Only a woman could do that.”
“I just felt like doing it. Knowing I was doing it for you, that was the best part.”
“That’s what a woman does, I think. She just wants to please her lover. I think you should have as much sex as you can get, whether it’s with me, or Roger, or someone else. It doesn’t matter. Just have sex. Let that girl inside play all she wants right now. We’ll still have our thing, no matter what.”
“Well, I’ll have to see how I feel with that, time will tell.”
“Yes it will, but time has run out for this hot bath. The water’s cooling down. Let’s jump in the shower and wash each other.”
The two girls enjoy washing each other’s bodies in the hot shower, stopping now and then to suck a little cock, of course. After drying each other off, they go into the living room. Allie gets Jerry’s clothes for her.
“It’s going to hard putting these clothes back on,” says Jill.
“Well, I almost forgot one thing, and so did you,” Allie replies
“What’s that?”
“Look at your fingernails.”
Jill and Allie both laugh hard when Jill sees her pink fingernails.
“Oh shit, wouldn’t that be embarrassing.”
“Looks like it’s time for you to learn about polish remover.”
Allie removes the polish on one hand for her, and lets Jill do her other hand while she gets dressed and becomes Allen. Allen comes into the living room to see Jill start getting dressed. She stops her when Jill starts putting on Jerry’s underwear.
“You don’t have to wear men’s underwear anymore,” says Allen.
“Oh yeah! What was I thinking?” Jill remembers the bag of new girls’ clothes she got yesterday. She gets excited reaching in the sack, pulling out a package of cotton bikini panties.
“Let’s see, six pair in here. Shall I wear beige? pink? or navy? I’ll save these sexy lacey ones for special times. So many choices.”
“It’s more fun to get dressed as a girl,” Allen says as he watches Jill put on the pink ones. “Your panties are your private reminder that you’re always a girl. No one will know what you’re wearing under your pants.”
Jill nods in agreement as she finishes getting dressed, becoming Jerry again. Jerry gets his wallet out.
“Looks like I owe you about $20 for these clothes,” Jerry says.
“No, you don’t. Those clothes are my gift to you.”
Jerry goes over to Allen and gives him a big kiss.
“Thank you, big sister. I’m getting very hungry, how about we go get some breakfast and you let me pay?”
“That’s a great idea. I’m as starved as you are. I know a place that has a great breakfast buffet.”
“Let’s go eat!”
Jerry picks up his bag of girl clothes and they walk to the door with their arms around each other. They stop before they go outside. They look at each other, and start kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
“It’s hard to accept that this weekend is ending,” says Jerry.
“I know. It’s been so good. This weekend might be ending, but we have so many more to look forward to now.”
“That makes me happy,” says Jerry, as they walk out the door and into their own cars.
Jerry follows Allen to the restaurant he told him about. They enjoy a great breakfast, stuffing themselves to replenish energy the LSD had drained from bodies Friday night.
They stare into each other’s eyes as they eat. They notice how much easier it is for them to talk. They agree that being best friends is as important as being great lovers. As they walk back to their cars, Jerry tells Allen, “Well, I guess it’s back to our other world. Shit… I wish I could kiss you goodbye, but a handshake will have to do until we can kiss again.”
“It won’t be long,” says Allen, as they shake hands. “Goodbye, Jill.”
“Goodbye, Allie.”
Half an hour later, Jerry walks into his apartment, a different person than he was when he left. Last Friday morning seems like years ago. He sits down in his chair to gather his thoughts, and think about what he needs to do to be ready for the week ahead. It’s a little past noon, so he is in no hurry.
He closes his eyes and tries to recall everything that has happened, but so much has happened, he can’t focus on any one thing. He is content to just sit back and feel good about it all. So much has changed, he knows his life can never be the same now.
Jerry is having difficulty getting his mind focused on what he needs to do to get ready for the week ahead. He knows he has to make a trip to the grocery store. He’s not excited about going, but knows he has to. He’s anxious to try his new girl clothes on, but that’ll have to wait until he gets back from shopping.
At the grocery store, his panties feel good as he walks through the aisles, privately letting him feel feminine. He smiles inside when he realizes his new interest in cooking is his natural femininity, expressing itself. As he collects the items on his list, his nose picks up the aroma of scented candles. The girl inside leads him to the candles, and he puts two of them in his cart, along with some incense.
Back at the apartment, he hurries to put his groceries away and goes into the living room to look at his girl clothes. Since he’s already wearing pink panties, he lays a pink bra, nylons, and slip aside to wear, taking the rest to put away in the closet. He designates a special dresser drawer for girl clothes only, and hangs his slips in the closet.
Taking off Jerry’s clothes feels liberating now. Down to panties only, Jerry becomes Jill again, walking into the living room. She feels sexy again, wearing her women’s lingerie. She lights her new candles, puts on some soft music, and gets out her pot to roll a joint.
Jill totally enjoys herself the rest of the evening, dressed like the girl she is. She walks into her nice, clean kitchen. Sitting at the table, she remembers how her life had sucked so bad when her kitchen was a filthy mess. She smiles now, recalling how her life changed the moment she committed to cleaning up the space she lives in.
After the weekend she has had, her body needs rest. She gets really stoned and thinks about the sex she had with Allie. She dreams about how their new relationship might unfold. She feels like calling Allie, just to talk, but she doesn’t want to be pushy.
From time to time, her cock gets hard. She likes the way the top of her cock sticks out above her low-cut panties, exposing just the right parts of her clit area to fondle with her fingers.
When it’s time to go to sleep, she puts lube on her fingers and caresses her slippery clit with her thumb. Her asshole still stings a little from being stretched out by Allie. She makes it feel better when she slips her panties off and rubs her pussy with a lube-coated finger. With her finger inside her hole, she remembers how good it felt to be fucked, and how she wants to get fucked again.
She is stoned out of her mind as she closes her eyes. She plays with her asshole and her clit until she cums all over herself. Her stoned brain goes to a deeper level of consciousness as she rolls her fingertips in the cum on her tummy. Behind her eyelids, the image of a girl begins to appear again. Jill immediately recognizes her this time; she is Jillian, who last appeared to her two nights ago.
As they smile at each other, her inner girl comes close and kisses her on the cheek. She whispers, “Isn’t it nice to be the same person?” Jill tries to talk to her with her thoughts, but she disappears as fast as she appeared. Still, Jill is happy to catch even a glimpse of her again.
With her fingers rolling around her cum coated tummy, a voice inside says, “Go ahead, taste yourself, you know you want to.”
Jill slowly brings a cum-coated finger up to her lips. She lightly touches it to her tongue at first, then puts her finger in her mouth, sucking the cum off when she pulls it out.
She remembers how good her cum tasted last night, coming from Allen’s mouth as they kissed. She remembers how good Allen’s cum tasted this morning, when she sucked him off. She loves how her cum tastes right now. She giggles a little bit, thinking how she once thought eating cum was so gross. And now, she’s learned to love the taste of it.
She savors the next few erotic minutes with herself, coating her fingers with cum and licking it off. She swallows it all, coating her throat just like this morning.
Her weekend now complete, Jill curls up under the covers, a happy girl. She drifts off into a restful sleep, thinking about the seed she and Allie have planted, and how it might grow.