A Mother’s Helping Hand

"A mother is willing to do anything to lead her son on the right path."

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It is a lovely, warm day outside. Megan is with her best friend, Sarah, who is also her workmate at the office. They are both enjoying a coffee at the local cafe place in their hometown.

“I’m telling you, Megan. You should keep a close eye on James. Porn can destroy the psyche! Especially at a young age like that… How old is he again?

“He’s sixteen-“

“-Sixteen! There you go! The prime age to be getting into that sort of stuff.”

Luckily, for the both of them, they are in a more secluded part of the cafe. So they’re not getting any odd looks from other people.

“Sarah…” Megan sighs. “I mean, I don’t think my James is into that sort of stuff yet… And if he is then he needs to, you know… release somehow.”

“Of course! But porn should not be the source to be turning to,” Sarah protests.

Megan sighs again. “Where did you even get all of this information from?”

“An article online. Remember the guy I always go on about? He writes all sorts of different articles about lifestyle and such. They all have been very trustworthy up until this point.”

Megan sits there with her legs crossed as she listens to her best friend. The guy Sarah is going on about has always been very trustworthy. He has always been a reliable source when it comes to information. Megan finds herself zoning out a bit, thinking about all of this.

“Look, Megan. You know I love James. He’s the kind of son I would love to have if I had one. I want him to do good in life. Which is why you should at least look over the article. I’ll send it to you later, okay?”

Megan nods. “Okay, okay… I’ll have a look at it. You know how much I love my baby. I don’t want any harm to come to him. He is all I have.”

Sarah nods back at her. “I know. This is why James has to stay away from porn. It is very dangerous.”


After they both finished their coffee they exit the cafe. They give one another a gentle goodbye hug and go their separate ways.

‘It is very dangerous… very dangerous… dangerous,’ goes through Megan’s head as she makes her way home.

As she continues on the path, she takes her phone out. Not being able to wait anymore, she opens the link Sarah has already sent her and begins to read the article from the very start.

There’s so much to take in that she finds a nearby bench to sit down on. She stares into her phone screen, getting in all of the information that the article has to offer. So many things told in detail. Megan gets a good idea of how harmful porn can be, and what the damages are; totally immersed as she continues to scroll down.


Megan finally arrives at the house after having read the article at least twice to make sure she got every little detail.

As she makes her way up the short steps, she then unlocks the door and enters, locking the door after her. As she makes her way through the hall she stops midway and takes off her long jacket, hanging it up on the hanger on the wall. Also taking off her boots. Having gone to the cafe right after work, she’s still in her office attire which is a white buttoned-up shirt, tight grey office skirt and some black stockings.

James, her sixteen-year-old son, is just putting a plate in the sink as she enters. She looks at him with a motherly smile.

“Hi, honey. How was school,” Megan asks.

“Hi! Ah, you know. The usual. Still doing that class project we started last week.”

She nods happily. “Well, are you hungry? I can get started with dinner!”

James shakes his head gently. “I just had a sandwich, so, I guess, you can make dinner a little bit later. I’ll be up in my room doing some homework.”

“Okay,” she answers back happily.

James walks past her. Exiting the kitchen and quickly going up the stairs and into his bedroom. Closing the door after him of course.

‘There’s no way my baby would watch that sort of stuff… Would he?’ Megan asks herself.

She quickly shakes her head and smiles. “Okay, enough of that! I’ll make myself another coffee and then go get dressed!”


After a while, Megan finally makes her way up the stairs. Passing James’ bedroom as she heads towards hers. Although, she quickly gets curious as she stops and looks back at her son’s bedroom door.

‘He’s just doing his homework… like he said. Right?’ Megan tries to reassure herself.

She bites her lip as her curiosity gets the better of her. She slowly makes her way down the hall again, this time stopping at James’ door. 

As quietly as she could, she puts both of her hands on the door, then leans up closer to it. Pressing her gentle ear up against it and closes her eyes. Megan cannot fully make it out but from what she can hear James is definitely exhaling heavily.

‘Was that a moan!? What if he’s watching it now!? He shouldn’t be…! It’s dangerous!’ Megan thinks to herself.

Megan bites her lower lip even harder, trying to make up a decision of what to do next. 

She makes the decision to open her eyes and knock on her son’s door.

“James… honey?” she calls out in her gentle tone.

“Yeah…!?” James quickly calls back. “What is it, mom?”

“Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something.”

“Can we, um… talk about it later? I’m kind of busy right now.”

“This is serious, James. We need to talk about it now.”

She grabs the handle of the door, turning it slowly. 


When she fully opens the door James is sitting up against the back backboard of the bed. He is wearing his t-shirt, and most of his lower body is under the sheets. His laptop close to his leg on the bed. Closed now, but was probably open seconds ago.

“I’m sorry. We just need to talk about this, okay…? James, are you watching it?” she asks bluntly. Her hands together as she looks at him.

“Watching it…? W-What do you mean mom?”

“Porn.” Megan looks like her son. “You’re not in trouble, baby. Just tell me the truth, please.”

Reluctantly, she finally makes her first step towards his bed. Still in her sexy office outfit. Innocent, motherly cleavage out. She sits at the side of the bed as she looks over her son. She waits for him to answer her question.

James stayed quiet for a moment as she looked at his mother.

“… I, well…”

“It’s okay. Take your time, honey.”

“… I… Yes,” James finally admits. “I’m watching porn, mom.”

Megan was certainly not happy that he had already experienced it, but she was not about to give up.

“Okay. Thank you for being honest with me.”

She innocently puts her hand on his knee that is under the sheets. She really doesn’t know what that kind of touch could make James feel in his state.

“Look, baby, you cannot watch it anymore, okay? I’ve read about the dangers and how can damage a young soul like you.”

James continues to look at her as he listens.

“But… But, mom, how… What do you mean? How am I gonna, you know, let it all out?”

Megan looks away to think of an answer.

“I understand your concern, but I really just don’t want you to watch it anymore. Really. You are going to have to find some other way to help you release.”

“What other way, mom? There’s no way I’m getting rid of it without any material… It’s impossible, mom. I mean… Right now I’m…”

James stops. He looks down at his crotch area that is covered by the sheet still. Megan just now quickly realises that James might still be hard down there.

‘Surely he’s not still erect while talking to me… Right?’ she thinks to herself as she looks down at his crotch area.

‘It’s such a hassle when it doesn’t want to go down.’

Megan is in her head, thinking about how she could help. She doesn’t want her baby to suffer from not having this media anymore to help him.

“Lay down, James, and close your eyes,” she blurts out.

“Wha… What do you mean, mom?” his eyes widen.

“Just do it and trust me,” Megan reassures her son.

Having one last look at his mother, James lays down. Resting his head on his comfy pillow and closing his eyes. A tent is already visible where his crotch is.

“Under no circumstances open your eyes,” she says quietly.


James continues to lay there with his eyes closed. Still not fully sure what is going to happen. Megan takes a deep breath and then exhales. 

“Let me just take this…”

She grabs the laptop that is on the bed, picking it up and settings it down on James’ study desk. After that is done, she then grabs the corner of the sheet that is covering her son’s body. Quickly, without a warning, she pulls it to the side, revealing that James is not wearing any pants, or underwear for that matter. His hard, young cock in full display, Megan’s eyes widen as she looks at her son’s member.

“M-Mom…!?” James calls out in embarrassment, trying to cover up his penis.

‘Oh my goodness… Look at the size of that thing…’ Megan gets lost in her thoughts as she subconsciously can’t stop staring at her son’s monstrous and healthy cock.

She shakes it off. ‘Focus, Megan! Your boy needs your help right now!’

“It’s… It’s okay, baby. Set your hands by your sides like a good boy,” she tries to reassure him.

Up until this point, James has kept his eyes closed. Mostly from the embarrassment of his own mother seeing his hard, erect cock. His cheeks are burning red. Finally, then, he decides to uncover his penis, not that he could hide much and sets his hands by his sides.

Megan marvels at the sight of her son’s humongous cock. In her own weird way making her happy that she could make such a strong and healthy man.

‘He’s grown up so much.’ She thinks and shakes her head again. ‘Focus, Megan!’

Without wasting any more time she puts her warm and gentle hand around her son’s cock, at first, just admiring how big it still is in her hand.

James, on the other hand, gasps and lets out a quiet little moan as he feels his mom’s warm hand.

Megan begins the stroke up and down his size.

“It’s okay, baby, just relax, okay?” she says in a caring and slow whisper.

James begins to moan a little bit more. His breath begins to get heavier as he continues. His heart is pounding hard in his chest.

“O-Okay, mom… ahh-“

Megan smiles when she hears him. Watching as her hand goes up and down his length.

‘I don’t want him to suffer, and I don’t want him to watch that disgusting stuff anymore. He needs my help! What kind of a mother would I be if I didn’t help my baby boy?’ Megan tries to justify her actions in her head.

Megan slides her free hand under James’ t-shirt. Caressing his soft stomach as she continues to stroke his cock.

‘There you go, baby… Just relax for mommy. She’ll take good care of you. I promise,” she whispers again. Much more seductively this time around.

James is in absolute heaven right now. He always fantasized about his loving mother, just like most boys do, but never expected it to come true. It was just his fantasy. Something that would never happen. Impossible. Yet, now, he is laying down, listening to his mother’s gentle voice as she strokes his hard cock and caresses his stomach with her motherly hands.

“James… I want you to promise to stay off of those sites.”

“Ah mahh… Y-Yes, mom. I’ll stay off of them. I-I promise.” James moans agreeably.

“Good boy,” she whispers back. “Mommy loves you. I hope you know.”

Megan continues to pleasure him with a big smile on her face. She’s so happy that she can be so helpful to her boy. All she wants is for him to be happy in life and do good. He is the world to her.

“I… Oh God. I-I love you too, mom.”

She can’t help but melt hearing that come out of his mouth.

“Shhh, Just relax, baby. I’m here to take care of you,” she says in a soft and gentle mother voice.

This goes on for a few minutes. For James this feeling like eternity. Megan continues to stroke him off slowly. Examining the veins on it. She could feel James getting closer so she speeds up.

“Mmah… Oh my-” he moans.

Her loving hand continues to speed up. Knowing to focus on the head now. James can release any second, so she has to think quick if she doesn’t want to get him or the bed all messy.

Megan makes a quick impulsive decision as she leans up and puts the fat head off her son’s cock inside her warm and wet mouth, letting him release inside of it. James begins to moan uncontrollably. His whole body begins to shake from this immense pleasure. When he finally opens his eyes he is greeted by the sight of his own mother with his cock in her mouth. She begins to slightly suck on the head to get it all out of his system. The head of his cock is so sensitive that he begins to shake once more as he watches Megan suck the tip.

“M-M-Mom it hurts!” he shouts with a weak moan.

She instantly stops sucking when she hears him, swallowing all of his cum all at once. James is laid out on the bed once more, breathing heavily and feeling weak from all of the excitement. Struggling to keep his eyes open. When Megan looks at him she smiles.

“Oh, I must have gone a little too hard on you, sweetheart. But that’s okay you deserve a break.”

She comes over to his face and presses her wholesome lips up against his red, warm cheek. Kissing it lovingly.

“Enjoy your nap,” she whispers into his ear before kissing it as well.

Weirdly enough, she leans back down and kisses the shaft of his cock before covering him up with the bedsheet and tucking him in.

“I love you.”


For the next few days, Megan helps her son using her hand. Every time, at the end, swallowing his seed to not get it all over the place. After every time, James gets more comfortable with the helping hand. Perhaps too comfortable.

Once again she meets with Sarah, her best friend, at their favourite local cafe after work. Sarah very curious if Megan found a way to get her son off of porn. After the waiter serves them their coffee and leaves Sarah begins.

“So! Come on, get a talking! Is James off of porn or not? Have you read the article that I send you?”

Megan chuckles and nods.

“Yes, yes, Sarah, I’ve read it.”

“So, did it help!? Is he off of it?” Sarah asks impatiently.

Megan smiles seeing Sarah’s patients running low. “Yes, James is off of that filth. I got him off it. For good.”

“For good, huh? That’s great to hear! You’re saving his life. I am telling you. Does he have any alternative?”

Megan thinks before answering. “Well umm… I had a long and serious talk with him about it. I told him that from now on he has to… use his imagination.” 

“Mm, I see. Must be tough on him. Being used to something so mainstream.”

“Mmm yeah…” Megan zones out for a slight bit.

“… you… help him…?”

Megan quickly snaps out of it as she looks at Sarah quickly.

“W-What!? What?”

“Do you want me to help him out?” Sarah repeats herself.

Megan just stares at her with a confused expression.

“Hey, look… I know he’s still a kid but going cold turkey like that might not be the best for him after all. I’m very happy that he is off of porn, but I have no problem with helping him out a little. If you allow it, of course.”

She chuckles at Sarah, “What are you talking about? Don’t be silly. That’s crazy talk.”

“I could come over a few times a week for an hour, do the deed and be out of your hair,” Sarah says nonchalantly.

“Umm… No. I think that’s okay, Sarah. No need for that,” she chuckles a little.

“Okay, but remember: the offer still stands. I wouldn’t mind having a little taste.”

Megan’s eyes widen as she also smiles.


“What? He’s cute. Your son is cute, alright!?”

They both laugh it off as Megan shakes her head. If only she knew what is going on in that house.

Published 4 years ago

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