A TRANS Formation – Chapter 11 – Realities and Choices

"Her first week being a girl, Jill discovers new joys and new decisions she will have to make"

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Jerry thought about it all day at work. As soon as he walks into his apartment, he can’t wait to get his boy clothes off, and put on a bra. Walking into the bathroom to look in the mirror, he likes the look, except for his flat chest. He thinks for a moment, then rips off a long strip of toilet paper and stuffs the cups of the bra. ‘That’s better,’ he thinks, ‘Now I’m Jill again’.

After putting on the slip she wore last night, Jill walks into the living room to roll a joint and relax. She was worried about how things would go at work today, when she’d have to explain why Jerry’s mustache was gone. But to her surprise, no one hardly noticed, or even cared. 

There was a moment during lunch when Troy, the shop bully, made fun of him, saying Jerry wasn’t ‘man enough’ to grow a ‘real’ mustache. All the guys laughed at him for a few minutes, but other than that, the day was without incident.

After getting stoned, she goes into the kitchen to make something to eat. She’s so proud, every time she sees her new pots and pans. She gets a little depressed when she thinks about all the other things she’d like to have, but can’t afford right now. How nice it was when Jerry found that $50 bill in his pocket, just for giving Norm a blowjob. Without that $50, she wouldn’t have her new pots and pans.

Going into the living room to eat, she turns on the TV. She can’t help but notice how shitty the picture looks on the small black-and-white TV her mom gave her. She’d really like to have a color TV, but again, she’ll have to wait until she has the money. Growing up in a large family, with an alcoholic father, they always lived paycheck-to-paycheck. Jill is used to not having nice things like everybody else does. Tight money is nothing new to her. Her $105 paycheck at the print shop is enough to pay the bills, but there isn’t a lot left over to buy other things. 

After eating, she starts thinking about Allie. She wants to talk to her, but thinks it’s too soon to call. She picks up her cookbook, just for something to do. Since she’s already read most of it, she puts it back down. She thinks about calling Allie again. ‘No, Allie’s probably too busy,’ she tells herself. She turns the TV back on, then turns it off. 

She really wants to talk to Allie. Finally, she works up the courage, and picks up the phone. After the third ring, she hears the voice she’s been longing to hear. “Hello?” says Allie.

“Hi, Allie, it’s Jill.”

“Jill! I’m so glad you called!”

“I wasn’t sure if I should call you this soon, but I needed to hear your voice. I took a chance, and dialed your number.”

“I’m glad you did. I wanted to call you, too. But I wasn’t sure if it was too soon, either. How are you feeling? Do you still feel like a girl like you did yesterday?”

“Oh, yes, I do… I couldn’t wait to get home from work, so I could put on my girl clothes.”

“I’m wearing my girl clothes, too. They just feel better. How did work go today? You were worried about having to explain Jerry’s missing mustache.”

“Work went better than I thought it would. There was a moment during lunch, when this guy Troy, he’s the biggest asshole, he made fun of me, but it didn’t last long.”

“What did he say?”

“Oh, he just said that I wasn’t man enough to grow a ‘real’ man’s mustache.”

“Well, he was an asshole for saying that, but we both know why your mustache was so wimpy, don’t we?”

“Yeah, it’s because I’m not really a man. I’m a girl inside, you showed me that last weekend. I’ve thought about it all day. I thought about how much I loved being a girl, especially when you were fucking me.”

“I’ve thought about it all day too, Jill. I loved fucking you, of course, but you know what I loved more than that?”

“What?… what could be more fun than fucking?”

“Well, the thing I loved most, was kissing you. I’ve never felt like kissing anyone more than I wanted to kiss you.”

“Mmmmm… yes… I loved the kissing too. I’ve never really kissed anyone like that before, so I don’t have anything to compare it to. I just know I loved it.”

“I’ve done a lot of fucking, Jill, but I’ve never really been close to anyone before, either. I just know this feels different. I want to keep seeing you, and see where this goes.”

“I wanna keep seeing you, too, Allie.”

They talk for another hour, just enjoying their time together. Before they end the call, Jill says, “Do you want to talk again tomorrow?”

“Yes, of course I do, I’ll call you tomorrow, OK?” 

“I’ll be waiting for you, Allie,” Jill says before she hangs up the phone.

When Jill hangs up the phone, she is happy that she and Allie feel the same about each other as they did over the weekend. But deep inside, she feels some conflicting feelings. The smaller part of her, Jerry, still wants to find a girlfriend, get married, and have kids, like everyone else does. 

The larger part of her, Jill, wants to pursue this new path she’s discovered. She’s waited a long time to come out, and she has no intention of turning back now. She’s in control and intends to stay in control. Over the next few days, she guides Jill’s thinking, letting her know this is the right path.

One day after work, she guides Jill to stop by the drugstore. She buys a box of latex gloves to help keep her hands clean at work, because girls don’t go around with dirty hands. She’s also guided to pick up a box of cotton, to stuff her bra cups. Cotton will feel much better than the toilet paper she’s been using. Her curiosity takes her down the makeup aisle. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s looking at, but knows this is something she needs to learn about.

Wednesday evening, Jill is happily making dinner in the kitchen. She’s wearing her long slip, enjoying how the silky fabric caresses her legs as she moves about. She has a Joni Mitchell album on the stereo, and she’s singing along in the highest pitched voice she can. She’s having a wonderful time with herself, when her phone rings.


“Hi, Jerry, it’s Rog. Or should I have said Jill?”

“Hi, Rog. Nice to hear from you. And yes, you should have said Jill.”

“I thought I should have said Jill, the way you looked the other night dressed as Jill. It seemed so natural for you.”

“Yeah, I don’t know what it is, Rog. I just feel better. I’m so much calmer, thinking of myself as female.”

“I think it fits you well. But hey… I don’t have a lot of time… I just called to ask you… You said you liked the Club meeting we went to two weeks ago. There’s another one this weekend. I was wondering if you want to go again.”

“Yes, of course I’d like to go again. I had a good time there.”

“There’ll be more people there this time. It should be a lot more fun. Can I ask you to do me a favor?”

“Sure, what would you like?”

“Well, I was just wondering, would you wear a pair of sexy panties and nylons under your pants for me?”

“Hmmm… I think I could do that. In fact, I like panties so much, I may not wear men’s underwear anymore.”

“That would be so hot, Jill. You won’t regret it. But I need to get going. How about I pick you up around six o’clock and take you to dinner, like we did last time?”

“That sounds wonderful, Rog. I’ll be ready.”

Jill is excited when she hangs up the phone. She has another great weekend lined up. Life is good for her. There is still a part of her that thinks she’s moving too fast. She’s come a long way in a short time, and she wonders if maybe she’s throwing caution to the wind. For now, though, the girl inside is in control, and she looks forward to the weekend.

Thursday at work, she remembers that she hasn’t seen or talked to her family in over four weeks. She already has plans for the weekend, so she is going to have to call home tonight. After she finishes eating, she wants to call Allie, but calls home first.

The call doesn’t exactly go well. She only talks to her mom. Her dad is probably out drinking, but her mom doesn’t say. Instead of asking how Jerry’s life was going, her mom spends most of the time chewing him out for not calling for so long. Jill can’t tell her mom what she’s really been doing, so she has to make up some lies. 

She tells her Jerry wanted to come home last weekend, but couldn’t because of the snowstorm. She says Jerry can’t come home this weekend either. He’s been working a lot of overtime, and has to work all day Saturday, she tells her mom. 

Her mom isn’t happy about it, only saying, “Well, your father is going to be disappointed.” Jill tells her mom that Jerry will try to come home next weekend, if he doesn’t have to work. She ends the call as soon as she can. She feels relieved when she hangs up the phone. 

She sits there for a while to relax a bit before she calls Allie. Before she feels relaxed enough to call Allie, her phone rings.


“Hi, Jill, it’s Allie.”

“Hi, Allie! I was going to call you, but I had to call home first.”

“Oh yeah? How did that go?”

“Not real well. My mom was pissed because I wasn’t coming home this weekend.”

“I know what you mean. My parents get pissed all time too, because I don’t come home much. I just decided to say ‘fuck ’em’. I mean, I still love ’em and all that, but I refuse to let them run my life.”

“That’s about how I feel right now, too. My mom wasn’t interested in what I was doing, she was just pissed about me not coming home. I wonder how pissed she’d be if she knew I was wearing panties, a bra, and a slip when I was talking to her.”

Allie busts out laughing when Jill says that. Jill starts laughing, too. When Allie stops laughing enough to talk, she says, “Yeah, I wonder what my parents would say if they knew what a little slut I can be sometimes.” Both girls bust out laughing again. After they stop laughing, Jill’s mood becomes happy again. They enjoy talking for another hour or so, when Allie brings up the weekend ahead.

“You know there’s a Club meeting this weekend, right?”

“Yeah. Roger called me about it. I told him I’d go with him. I hope that’s alright with you.”

“I’m glad you’re going with Roger. I have to be there a couple hours early, so I can get ready.”

“Get ready?”

“Yeah. I’m getting dressed for the guys. You wanted to see me dressed as a girl, well, Saturday night you will.”

“I can’t wait to see you all dressed up, Allie. I had such a good time the first time I went. I hope it’s as much fun this time.”

“Oh, it’ll be ten times as much fun as last time. Here’s what I was thinking, and tell me what you think. Why don’t you come over tomorrow, and spend the night? I think it might be fun if we shaved each other. One thing girls like us have to do every week is shave our man hair. Then we could get in the tub for some girl time together. After that, we can go into Allie’s room and get really erotic with each other, does that sound like fun?”

“That sounds like a lot of fun, Allie. I can even bring the food. I have enough leftovers in the fridge for us to eat. I’d love to spend tomorrow night with you. I’ve been missing you all week.”

“I’ve been missing you all week too, Jill. I can’t wait to be with you again.” 

The next day after work, Jill almost gets a speeding ticket going home. She rushes into her apartment to get the food and change clothes. She even puts on a bra, just because she can. She gets a rush of excitement when she pulls up at Allie’s back door. When she rings the doorbell, Allie is there, waiting for her.

“Hello, my little sister, your big sister has been waiting for you,” Allie says.

As soon as Jill walks in the door, they embrace in a long, passionate kiss. As they hold each other, they press their foreheads against each other, starring into each other’s eyes.

“I missed you so much, Jill.”

“I missed you too, Allie. Oh my God, I love what you’re wearing.”

Allie is wearing a full-length robe just transparent enough to show the black bra, panties, and nylons she has on underneath. She has her hair brushed out like a girl. This is the first time Jill has seen Allie dressed like this, and she likes what she sees.

“This is how I like to dress when I’m home,” Allie says, “OK… maybe this is a little more fancy, but only because I knew you were coming over. I think we need to get you out of Jerry’s clothes, and find something nice for Jill to wear.”

“Yeah, I’m ready for that. I can’t believe how much I’ve enjoyed wearing girl clothes all week. I can’t wait to get home every night, so I can take these boy clothes off.”

In Allen’s room, Allie is impressed watching Jill undress, seeing she’s already wearing her bra. They go into Allie’s room and find a nice robe for Jill to put on. “Now that’s better,” says Allie, “Now you look like Jill again. Come here so I can hug you.”

Allie opens the front of her robe for Jill as she approaches, and Jill loves feeling Allie’s bare skin as they embrace. Jill instantly feels her submission to Allie as their lips press against each other. Both girls feel the heat of their passion, holding each other close. 

Their cocks are soon standing straight up, and they rub them against each other. Allie puts her hand around Jill’s cock and Jill puts her hand around Allie’s. As they kiss and stroke each other, they rub their heads together, making them slippery and sensitive from the pre-cum freely flowing from each.

“Oh, Allie, it feels so good to be with you again. I’m feeling so close to you,” says Jill.

“It feels good for me too, Jill. I’ve never felt like this with anyone before.”

“I’ve never been with anyone before, so I don’t have anything to compare it to. I just know I love how I feel.”

“I really haven’t been with anyone before either Jill, not like this. This path we’re on, we’re traveling it together.”

“Well, I like this path we’re on, but right now, I think our path leads to the kitchen. I just got off work, and I’m starved.”

“I’m sorry, Jill. I forgot all about you just getting off work. Let’s go get something to eat.”

They slowly walk into the kitchen, arms around each other, and stopping to kiss a couple of times. As Jill gets the food out of her bag, Allie says, “I hope you don’t mind my messy kitchen. I’ve never been good in the kitchen.” Jill is appalled by the mess she sees, but doesn’t say anything. She finds a pan that will work, and heats up the food.

As they eat on the couch, Allie says, “This food tastes so good, Jill. I wish I could cook like you.”

“You can,” Jill replies, “All you need is a recipe, and follow directions. That’s all I did.”

“Well, maybe someday, but I just don’t have any interest right now.”

After they eat, Allie starts to roll a joint and Jill can’t resist getting into Allie’s panties to play with her beautiful cock. Allie loves it. Allie is used to having older men in her panties all the time, and having a nice young lover like Jill is such a breath of fresh air to her. 

Before she lights the joint, Allie goes into the bathroom to turn on the hot water in the tub. While they smoke the joint together, their hands are all over each other’s hard cock, as their desire for each other grows. They take turns sucking each other while they inhale sweet marijuana smoke. When Allie puts the roach in the ashtray, they are both stoned and horny.

They walk arm in arm to Allie’s room and undress each other. Jill feels so erotic, walking naked into the bathroom with Allie. The room is foggy from the steam of the hot water, and the aromas from the scented bath oils stimulate her senses. Jill can’t control her desire as she kisses Allie’s body, and enjoys Allie kissing hers. 

Jill gets on her knees to kiss Allie’s cock. She’s been wanting her cock all day, and she feels the pleasure pulsing through her body as she puts her lips around her foreskin and takes her in. She lets herself go as she sucks her shaft and kisses her balls. She especially enjoys pulling her foreskin down and rolling her tongue around Allie’s exposed head. As her tongue slides up and down her hard shaft, Allie feels herself close to cumming, so she lifts Jill to her feet and kisses her. 

Allie then gets on her knees and sucks Jill’s cock. She, too, has been craving Jill’s cock all day. She loves licking around Jill’s balls and shaft before she puts her lips around her head and takes her in deep. She gives Jill all the oral pleasure she can give until she senses that Jill is about to cum. Allie stands up and leads Jill into the tub, pulling her by her cock. In the tub, they roll around in the warm water, rubbing their bodies together, kissing, and hugging. They especially love sucking each other’s cock until the water starts to cool down and Allie lifts Jill out of the tub.

As Allie opens the drain, she says to Jill, “I’m going to shave you while this water drains out. And then you can shave me while the hot water fills up, then we can get back in.”

Jill loves watching Allie shaving the little hairs that have grown around her cock from last week. As Allie moves up to Jill’s face, she asks her if she’s shaved her face this week. When Jill shakes her head no, Allie says, “That’s amazing, Jill. You hardly have any hair on your face at all. And there was hardly any on your legs, either. You’ve got such a girl’s face, such a girl’s body.”

When Allie finishes shaving Jill, she turns the hot water back on in the tub. She kisses Jill and says, “Are you ready to shave me now?”

“I think so,” Jill says, “I’ve never done this before, I’m a little afraid I might cut you.”

“Just let your feelings guide your hand,” Allie assures her, “You’ll do fine. I trust you.”

As Jill begins to shave Allie’s body, she is pleasantly surprised to find it isn’t as hard as she thought it would be. She likes shaving Allie’s cock and balls, gently holding them in her hand as she shaves around them. When she finishes, they get back into the tub to soak in the hot water again. 

“That felt wonderful, Jill. I’ve never had anyone shave me before. We might have to do this every week.” 

“Yeah… that was nice. That’s one more new thing I experienced since last week,” Jill says, “I’ve experienced so many new things, Allie. Sometimes it feels like I’m going too fast with this. And then other times… it’s like this is what I’ve always wanted, so I’m really just making up for lost time.”

“I think I know what you mean, Jill. It certainly didn’t take long for us to fall into each other’s arms.”

They don’t say too much more after that. They just hold each other close until the water cools down. When they get out of the tub, and dry each other off, Allie says, “Jill, would you like to go into Allie’s room and lay under the covers with me?” 

“I think I’d like that a lot, Allie. I just feel like holding you and being held by you.” 

When they walk into Allie’s room with their arms around each other, Allie pulls the covers down and they both get under the silky pink sheets. As they snuggle up, they feel closer to each other than they ever have, but not in a sexual way. They lie together for a few minutes, holding each other without talking. Finally, Allie is the first one to speak. 

“You know, Jill, when we got out of the tub, I thought we would come in here and just fuck the rest of the night. But now, I don’t feel like sex at all. I feel like there’s something bothering you. Do you want to talk about it?”

“I’m not sure what I’m feeling right now, Allie. Like I started telling you in the tub, most of me likes being a girl, but a part of me is saying I’m going way too fast, and it’s pulling me back.”

“Well… It’s only been a week since you accepted yourself as female. Are you having second thoughts about your femininity?”

“No, it’s not that. I know I’m a girl inside. There’s no doubt about that. It’s just that… I think how unsuccessful I was being a boy. And I wonder… is it going to be any different being a girl? I mean… How will I make it financially? I don’t make enough at the print shop to buy all the things a girl needs to have.”

“I had the same feelings when I first accepted myself as female. I couldn’t afford all the stuff a girl needs either. But the guys at the Club, they made it so I can afford all those things.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you know last time, when Norm gave you that $50 bill for sucking his cock?”

“Yeah, that was so nice of him to do that.”

“OK, when you were sucking him, you also saw me in there fucking those two guys, right?”

“Yeah, I remember I couldn’t stop watching you.”

“Well, those two guys each gave me a $100 tip for fucking them. And I loved fucking them too, because being a girl, I love to get fucked.”

“You mean, you just fuck the guys at the Club for money?”

“Yeah, pretty much… I do.”

“You mean, like a whore?”

“Call it what you want. I call it giving rich guys the male sex they crave while I get the sex I crave. And in return, they give me tips. I get the money to afford all of my feminine needs.”

“What would you do for sex, if you didn’t fuck guys at the Club?”

“I’d have to be a slut, and look for cock at The Mixx. But probably, I’d just go without sex, because I wouldn’t fuck most of the guys at The Mixx. It’s a good way to catch the clap, and you really don’t know who you’re going out with. I could get my throat slit real easy.

“At the Club, all the guys are perfect gentlemen. They’re clean, and they always treat me with respect. When I’m with them, I know I’m safe, and I’m not going to catch a disease.”

“Don’t you ever feel guilty, or ashamed of what you’re doing?”

“No. Never. There’s no reason to feel ashamed of doing what I love to do. I look at it like this, Jill…Do you remember being a boy? and agonizing over asking them out for a date? and all the fucking head trips they put you through? The few times I took girls out, I ended up spending all my money on them, and could only hope I could beg them enough to have sex with me. And almost all the time, I never even got laid.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Jill says, “I already told you, no girl would even go out with me. No way was I ever going to win that game.”

“OK… So now that we know we’re girls, we get to play the girls’ game. We’ve switched sides, Jill. Now, we don’t chase after them, they chase after us. And they pay for everything too, we don’t have to pay for a thing. We’ve turned the tables, in our favor.”

“You mean, like when Roger kept coming to my apartment trying to get me to fuck him?”

“Exactly. And when you realized that you actually did want to fuck him, what happened?”

“Well, he bought me a phone. He’s taken me out to dinner twice, and he’s taking me out tomorrow night, too. And yes, I do like fucking him.”

“OK, so if you already know you like to get fucked, why not fuck rich guys? Rich guys who want to buy you things, and give you money? That’s what tomorrow night is about. Do you know why they call it Ladies’ Night? Do you know why I’m dressing up for them?”

“So they can fuck you like a girl?”

“That’s right. And I love getting fucked like a girl, just like you love getting fucked like a girl. Tomorrow night, I’m gonna get fucked by lots of guys, and they’re all going to give me tips. And I’m going to be having the time of my life.”

“It’s starting to make sense to me now, the more you talk about it,” Jill admits, “But that’s what I mean about going too fast. I’m not sure if I’m ready to have a bunch of guys fucking me all at once like that. I’m afraid I might be crossing a line, doing something I might regret later.”

“You only do what you’re comfortable doing, Jill. No one will try to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. All the guys there treat you with respect. You saw that last time you were there.”

“That’s true. I really liked the guys I talked to last time,” Jill agrees.

“And there’s something else I do,” Allie confesses, “sometimes, the guys ask me out on dates. We usually meet at a nice restaurant, they buy me a nice fancy dinner, then we go to a classy motel. I get dressed as Allie, and he gets to fuck me, however he wants to fuck me. And I get tipped $100, minimum.”

“So, you get $100? Just for a guy to take you to dinner and fuck you? My paycheck at the print shop is only like $105 a week.”

“Do you know what my paycheck at the grocery store is? $97 a week. At the Club, I can make that much in an hour, and get fucked as much as I want. Plus, I have all the money I need to buy the girl things I need.”

“It’s starting to make sense to me a little,” Jill says, “hearing you talk about it like that.”

“You know you already like Norm. If Norm is there, he might ask you out for a date, and if you say yes, he’ll tip you more than $100, and he’ll treat you really nice, too.”

“That doesn’t sound bad at all,” Jill admits, “It sounds kinda fun, actually.”

“I’m glad we’re having this talk, Jill. I wanted to tell you this before now, but I didn’t know how. I’ve never felt like this about anyone else, the way I feel about you. With everyone else I’ve been with, it’s just been for fucking, and that was it. It’s different with you. 

“I feel like you’re someone I’d like to have a relationship with, one that’s much deeper than just fucking. I think it’s important for you to know this about me, before we get any deeper involved with each other. So now that you know, I hope you still feel the same way about me.”

Jill thinks a while before she tells Allie, “Yes, I still feel the same way about you, Allie. I really appreciate you being so honest with me, and I feel closer to you now, than I did before. I’m glad you’re telling me this. It’s better I know about it now, than if I had to find out about it by myself, a little at a time. 

“I think I’d like to explore having a relationship with you, too. And what you’re saying about fucking guys at the club, it does appeal to me. It’s just that this is a lot of stuff for me to consider. This is all so new to me. I have a lot to digest before tomorrow night. 

“So right now, Allie, I’d just like to hold you, and I want you to hold me. I’ll have to see how I feel about it tomorrow.”

Jill turns to Allie and sees a few tears running down her cheeks. Jill’s eyes begin to tear up as well. They just hold each other, gently kissing each other until they fall asleep in each other’s arms.

Jill has some big decisions to make. Tomorrow night will be a very important night in Jill’s life.




Published 4 years ago

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