
"Caught between love and domination, I chose to surrender..."

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You texted me while I was at the gym. “I want you to get slutty.”

I responded, “I could tie my T-shirt in a knot, get it really tight across my breasts, and pull my leggings up so my pussy is really visible.” I wasn’t wearing panties, of course.

“That’ll work. Find a girl or a guy, show off for them… make a date if you can,” you added.

I looked around when I came back from the ladies’ room. Of course, all the guys were gawking. I mean, I’m not a young chicken (and there are usually a few in there) but I have to say I don’t look bad for fifty-seven. And I had a mask on of course, so all they were really looking at was a woman with short blonde/grey hair, small-busted but with a good ass and legs. My belly was bare with the T-shirt knotted and my leggings pulled up in my… well, you know.

Guys are easy. I had someone else in mind, someone I had noticed a lot over the past few weeks.

Kristina is a tall woman, late twenties I thought, with raven-black hair and lots of colorful tats on both arms. She is usually with a guy. They come in together, work out together, and leave together. She usually wears pretty much full coverage gym clothes; spandex pants, big sneakers, and a workout top, usually like a sports bra or something similar. She also normally wears a large sweatband, her hair sticking out of the top. I’ve never seen her without a mask. Didn’t look like she smiled very much, as best as I could tell. Didn’t interact with anyone else, other than the guy she came in with. Always pretty heavy weights, lots of free weights, but occasionally, she would use some of the machines.

The day you decided I should act “slutty” though, Kristina was by herself. When you told me that, I was standing in the free weight section, looking right at Kristina, who I had never seen by herself. She happened to turn her head at that moment and gave me direct look. Maybe a little smile? Couldn’t really tell with the mask. So when I went and adjusted my clothes, she was an obvious target. Fortunately, the free weight area was (mostly) clear of guys when I came back.

I really showed off for her, mainly just watching her, prancing around, occasionally picking up a weight, working it a bit, and then laying it back down. She knew I usually worked out there, she had seen me a few times (I assumed) so she knew I was up to something. I dropped my mask, looked at her, cocked my head, bit my lip and generally tried to get her attention by acting coquettish. She was obviously into the workout.

She finally sighed, went to her gym bag and wrote out a number and her name “Kristina” and handed it to me. She looked at me. It looked like there might have been a little smile under the mask. nd went back to her workout. I took the hint and left.

As you directed, I texted her when I was in my car. Again I laid it out, telling her (as you told me to say), “I hoped you liked my show,” etcetera. A little bit later, she responded. She allowed as how she had definitely enjoyed the show and gave me a time and a place, a bar in the next town over, the following day.

The next morning, again as instructed, I texted her about how she would like to see me dress. “Good morning Kristina! So looking forward to our date today. I would love to dress for you. Anything, in particular, would like me to wear?”

She responded, “I’d love to see you dressed up like for a real date. You looked so hot in your gym outfit! I wonder what you would look like dressed up. K.”

So, after discussing it with you, I decided to wear a black bodycon dress, my black patent five-inch closed-toe heels, taupe stay-ups, a black cupless bra… and my day collar.

I arrived at the bar in time to park and walk in. I didn’t see her at first. I ordered a rum and diet coke and stood at the bar. Like all Georgia bars at this point, few masks were seen. But I’ve had my shots (essential worker and in the right place at the right time). I didn’t know about Kristina. There were a lot of loopholes, essential workers, health care, etcetera, so it was possible.

She was in the back, in the shadows, waiting for me to come in. She walked up, looked me up and down in a very forward way, and whistled. Her hair was looser than I had seen it, held back today by a red scrunchie and she had on heavy horn-rimmed glasses. She was wearing a pretty T-shirt with a pink flamingo and the words “always love freedom” and jeans and ankle boots. She looked older than I thought when I had seen her, masked, in the gym, mid-thirties I guess. Without a word, she reached out and took my hand and walked me back to the table. Shortly after we sat down, she went to the ladies room.

She sat down and we talked a bit. Turns out she is married, with no kids. Her husband is a dump-truck driver, but is occasionally gone for a week at a time, living onsite where a big construction or road job might be. Yesterday had been the start of one of those times. After a little small talk, she asked me if I’d like to come back to her place. I agreed, of course, as you had instructed.

She gave me the address and we planned to meet there in a few minutes. As we were going out, I asked if she might let me take her picture (as you had requested). She didn’t seem too happy, perhaps it was too soon to ask, but she allowed it. She crossed her arms and looked pretty intimidating in the photo. No smile.

Inside her place, it was a simple apartment, two bedrooms. Open kitchen, TV, stereo receiver, the usual. Some workout and yoga gear in a corner. She offered me a glass of wine, a nice Oregon pinot noir, and we sat companionably on the couch. It was only a few minutes into this that she leaned over and kissed me. It was a nice kiss. Soft. It went on for quite a while, and I returned it enthusiastically. She leaned back and suddenly asked, “Why?”

“Why?” I said.

She said, “Sure. Why all of a sudden did you tighten up your outfit and show off to me? You weren’t dressed like that earlier. I saw you.”

I was a little dumbfounded. Then I said, “I’ve never seen you without your husband before. I’ve always admired you. Thought I would put it out there.”

“Well, you sure put it out there. Still want to put it out there?”


“Then strip. Now.”

Just like that. the atmosphere changed. I stood up and began to peel my clothes off. She sat back and watched me. I unzipped the black bodycon dress, easy because the zipper ran right down the front, folded it and laid it on the couch beside her and stood there for a moment in my cupless bra, stay-ups, and heels, little gold rings visible in my nipples and labia… my labia already shining with dampness, easily seen since I am permanently smooth.

“Wow. You came ready to put out. Nice little slut.”

She admired me. Told me to turn around, bend over, spread my cheeks, really putting me through my paces. She tugged on all my rings a bit. Then she stood up, ran a finger around the front of my collar and looked me in the eyes. “Not treading on anyone’s toes, am I?” I shook my head.

She obviously knew what the collar meant. She moved in close with another order, “Undress me, bitch.”

I began to unbuckle her belt, unsnap and unzip her jeans. She had on a white thong. I knelt and pulled the thong out and lowered it. She was smooth, looked like lotion or laser, not shaved. I unzipped her boots and removed them, as she stepped out of them one by one and the socks. I started to remove her top and she sat down, opened her legs, and said, “Get busy, cunt.”

So I did. I licked her to one ear-shattering orgasm, then another, then she turned over, and I knew what that meant. I put my tongue on her rim, she had obviously cleaned it well in the ladies’ room and began to suck and tongue for all I was worth. I am told I am pretty good at this, and I think Kristina would have to agree. She came again. Gasping this time, out of breath.

She pulled me up on the couch beside her, and kissed me passionately, like the first kiss. She reached down and put her fingers in my pussy, and worked me expertly until I came, kissing her all the time.

After that, we sat there and talked some more, touching each other, kind of snuggling. The rough talk was gone. She finally got up, still half-naked and pulled a few things together out of her fridge and started a little light dinner. I started to pull my dress together and she looked over at me and shook her head. So I stayed as I was.

“You are a beautiful and classy woman. Whoever sent you to me… thank them. I enjoyed it. You have a very expert tongue. If you want to do it again, you know how to find me. Next time, I might not be so gentle.”

We ate in silence after that. I didn’t know what to say, exactly, and then I finally asked, “Would YOU like to do it again?” She just smiled.

She’s really beautiful when she smiles.

I helped her clean up the kitchen, put my dress on, and got ready to leave. As she led me to the door, she kissed me oh-so-gently on the lips. And said, “Yes.”

Then I left, and went home to my wife

After I kissed her, I went in and wrote up this story for you, as you had instructed.

Published 4 years ago

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