I have always been most comfortable outside naked. Well, to be honest, naked period. I can remember sneaking out at night so I could experience myself naked in the park I lived by. I would climb trees, hang out in the baseball park, run the bases, sit in the dugouts. All in the middle of the night, totally naked.
As I grew, I always kept the practice up wherever I could. Continuing through High School and University and into the adult working world. Wherever I moved, I would find a new outlet for my adventures. Never getting caught because I would scope out new locations to sort out any contingencies that might need to be made.
Near where I worked was a very large county park within about a five mile drive. There are a lot of trails and paths for walking or riding, all cut four foot wide. There were also some natural footpaths through the trees near the Boy Scout Camping area.
My goal for the summer had been to lose some weight and I had been walking when I went on lunch instead of eating. I had lost about twenty-five pounds by this time walking up to five miles a day.
It gets very hot in the summer and I was sweating up a storm. Usually, I had an hour and a half for lunch so time wasn’t really an issue. I would go out to an area of the park that was an old homestead. The area had long been designated for use as horse trails, but there were never any horses on them.
When the gates were open, I could drive in and park under a big oak tree. I angled my van so it blocked off the line of site from the entry road. This is where I would prefer to park so I could lay out, preferably nude. I could also hear if anyone new drove into the area, giving me time to cover up. Luckily, I heard a county sheriff drive up to see what I was up to one day. By the time he got to me everything was absolutely normal.
Having parked my van, I got out and undressed. After all I didn’t want to get my work clothes dirty or sweaty. Wearing nothing but a smile I organized my things in the van side door and put on my walking shorts. What I wore while walking (if anything) was a pair of sweat shorts that had been modified by shortening and cutting the crotch out of them. They had basically been turned into a skirt. The goal was lots of air between my legs.
After I ‘dressed’ I’d go off for my walk. A single loop on the horse trails was one point three miles. I would usually walk two laps at least with some stops for adventures along the way. Feeling the need to scratch my exhibitionist itch, I would drop my shorts occasionally and just take off down the path. If I met someone coming my way, there was literally nowhere to go. Luckily, I never met anyone.
There was a part of the trail that was seemingly no longer in use. There was a gate across the path made of a steel pole. I would often spread my butt cheeks wide and sit astride the post and masturbate attempting to cum along the pole. My aim was horrible at first but I got better at it after a while.
Continuing behind the pole, you could tell this was another access point for vehicles but it had not been used in a long time. The bushes and other vegetation was chest high. This old path led out to a state highway. Often, I would walk out through the bushes butt naked just to watch traffic pass.
I never saw anyone on the trails for several weeks. Then one day, just after I had put my shorts back on, a lady and her daughter riding a horse came upon me. They looked kind of unsure as to how to proceed. I mean here was this guy, barefoot, in what used to be shorts, walking in the woods. We chatted briefly and went our separate ways. I went back to lay out and catch some sun for a while.
I had been walking in the park for about two months when I decided I needed to change locations. There had been three or four occasions when I had been observed laying out. Two of them weren’t resolved kindly due to my nudity.
In another area of the park there, was a great huge field. It was near where the Boy Scouts camped out. Close by was an area that RC pilots could fly their planes. I decided to go over there. But I decided that I was just going to lay out and get some sun, I wasn’t going to walk for exercise. I had walked over there before and it was rocky, so I didn’t enjoy it since I always go barefoot. That was a ‘no’ from me.
I carried in a blanket and a towel, and found a spot that looked good to me. It was rather open ground but I was on the other side of the tall grass from the RC runway. No one could see me unless they were right with me.
Happy with my chosen spot, I laid down on my stomach to get more sun on my back. I made sure that my shorts were up over the bottom of my ass, pointed my dick down between my legs and spread them apart. I was there for about twenty to thirty minutes and must have fallen asleep.
When I woke up, I felt someone caressing and massaging my ass. I turned to see a man about my age, who looked like he had just come from an office. Blue short sleeves dress shirt and tan slacks. He didn’t seem threatening and what he was doing felt good. He was massaging my ass and upper thighs. After a while he pushed my cheeks apart so he could see my hole. He rubbed my virgin anus with a finger. Pushing gently, he inserted his finger. All I could do was moan softly but it was loud enough for him to hear.
He must have wet his finger in his mouth because he inserted his finger again, it was slick. He inserted and retracted his finger several times. I almost came. This had never happened before. I had always liked it but it had always been my fingers. This new sensation was fantastic. I was quickly getting an erection.
As my dick became hard as steel, it extended further down between my legs. He touched it with his other hand. Rubbing down the underside with one finger lightly. Squeezing my now purple spongy mushroom head. He continued caressing my dick but laying on my stomach became painful. Finally, he wrapped his hand around my hardened cock and started jerking me off. This was difficult as I was lying face down.
I rolled over away from him so my erect nine inch cock stood straight up toward the sky. I’ve always kept my pubic and anal area shaved totally bare as I like the way it looks, and it’s easier to keep clean. He rubbed around the base of my dick and said he liked the look of it as well. Neither of us said anything else, he just resumed jacking me off. He would change his rhythms, fast than slower than long strokes. After a bout five minutes I could feel the orgasm coming. It felt like it came from deep within me.
Then it happened. I came. I almost rolled into a ball. My stomach cramped, my toes curled and I think I blacked out a little bit. I had never felt an orgasm like that before. I shot about three feet over my head hitting him in the chest. My cum had decorated his left side getting on his shirt and splattered down his arm.
From the shocked look on his face, I don’t think he was ready for that. He took out a handkerchief and said, “Here, I’ll clean you up.”
I said “no thanks, I’ll take care of it myself, you need to take care of your situation.” After all it looked like he was dressed for work.
He turned and walked away and I rolled over and continued reading my book after I repositioned my dick back between my legs. I still had a hard on I guess because that had never happened before. After about thirty minutes, I got up and put my clothes on, gathered all my things, and went back to work.
Around the corner from where I had laid out was a very secluded, well shaded, public restroom. Used mostly by the boy scouts but maintained by the county, there was a ten foot wide space between the walls of the restroom and a tall hedge that surrounded the building. The day prior I had been totally naked, doing everything I could to photograph every inch of my body in nature. That was a fun day! But that is a story for another day.
After the personal interaction that day I returned to my normal walking area. I would often walk there when it was raining. There is nothing like a naked walk in the rain. It’s very refreshing, and calming. And the likelihood of anyone else being there in the rain was not very high. Not that that seemingly ever mattered to me before.