it’s been six months since I was made redundant from my previous job; I had worked in expenses for a shopping company. At first, I worked from home but as my workload decreased rapidly I knew the possibility of redundancy was not far off.
Without my regular income, I retreated back to my parents’ for lockdown, back to my old bedroom. My girlfriend soon followed my job in disappearing as the time apart gave her thinking space about our relationship. In that, she did not miss me and would be better off without my Zoom calls.
I wallowed in self-pity and internet porn for the next few months. Staying up all night watching Netflix, getting up late, and vegetating in my room. My only excitement was the daily wank to porn, some days more than once. It took the constant shouts of my parents to even get me to start to exercise.
By the time the lockdown started to ease I was at least running on a more regular basis, which made me feel a bit better about myself, burning off some of the lockdown gut I had grown, and I counted down the days to the barbers reopening to rid myself of my moptop hairdo.
As I returned from my run I noticed my local grocery was advertising for staff; normally I wouldn’t have seen myself doing this but circumstances had most definitely changed. The chances of an office job seemed far from possible right now and my cash flow was nonexistent. As I’ve now received my first jab, I popped in and I received a form to complete from the girl behind the counter and I returned later with the form.
The interview, if that’s what it was, was very brief. The woman, who I later found to be Mrs. Kabak, the wife of the owner, was an attractive brunette in her early thirties. The usual questions of work history, why do you want the job, what can you bring to the job and some personal information were flown through. When she shook my hand and congratulated me on getting the job with a very alluring smile, I was speechless.
She showed me to the door and leaned in close, ” You will start on Monday at 8.00 with my husband, he will show you the ropes.” As she closed the door I was sure that she winked.
By the time Monday came around, I had procured my hair cut and now I possessed a much more manageable cropped crewcut and was ready to start my new career. The man who opened the door was as handsome as his wife was attractive. I looked up at the towering figure before me, well over six feet and his muscles tightly packed into his white T-shirt.
“You must be Liam, come in.” His large hand squeezed mine as he welcomed me in. His perfectly groomed beard complemented his slicked-back black hair and his smile showed his gleaming white teeth. Slapping me on the back, he explained my daily routines as we explored the shop. “I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it soon, no worries. I like the hairstyle,” he laughed as he ran his hand through my cropped hair.
I’m sure I must have blushed and jumped several times during this meeting. Working in an office with an almost entirely female team, there had been none of this sort of touching. I’m quite sure anything like this and I’d have been to HR. I guess working in a shop is entirely different as Mr. Kabak did not seem worried in the slightest.
As the day went on and I got used to working the till, I started to feel much more at ease. When Mr. Kabak would check over at me and wink I would happily grin back in the knowledge that I was learning the job. I got to see him up close, flirting with all the ladies who shopped there. By the time he flashed that smile, even behind his mask, they were crumbling before him. I wished I had that gift.
By the end of the day, he gripped my shoulder and leaned in, “You’ve done very well, I knew you would.” There was that smile again, and I left the shop grinning like a Cheshire cat.
The week flew by and between customers, I got to know him better. He’d been keeping in shape in his home gym and was aching for the gyms to reopen. His physique certainly backed that up; he hadn’t gone flabby in lockdown. Mrs. Kabak, he explained, was the brains of the setup and he was better with people although she took over the running of the shop on Saturdays.
The only quibble I had with the job was the butt slaps; to explain every now and again, Mr. Kabak would slap my butt in passing and grin. I probably should have complained the first time but I was a little shocked and just blushed and continued working. A few weeks in and this was a regular occurrence, gladly though when the shop was empty.
“You need to keep running, it’s getting rounder,” and he’d smack my butt and it would be bouncing as I tried to fill the shelf. Smack as he squeezed past me, “I can barely get by with that bubble butt.” They were always accompanied by his laugh and cheeky grin.
I started to check my butt out at home to see if was true, had it got bigger, was it that round? No girls had mentioned my butt at work before and previous girlfriends had not paid this much attention to it. It might have got some weight on over lockdown but I must have worked that off by now. Looking at it in the mirror it did look rounder than most guys; lads I’d see in the gyms had more muscular butts than mine.
On Thursday a beetroot jar has smashed all over me and my jeans were a lovely shade of purple. I showed Mr. Kabak and he let me run home and change my pants; I returned in my usual just for knocking around the house jogging pants. Not the most attractive of clothing and a little bit too tight for being outside in.
I was working the till and as my customer left I felt Mr. Kabak brush past and I knew what was coming. Being spanked on my jeans was okay; the material is harder and thicker but jogging pants are not. The slap made me jump like an electric spark had been sent through me, accompanied by a yelp.
Mr. Kabak couldn’t contain his laughter, “I was going to ask you to order the outdoor fruit but I think you should stay behind the counter.” His finger pointed to my crotch and I looked down, ashamed to see my pants tenting from my growing cock. I daren’t look him in the eye and I prayed for a customer to enter the shop. My prayers were answered, but they did ask if I was okay as I seemed very flushed.
“No, he’s OK, I’m just working him too hard,” Mr. Kabak laughed over my shoulder. His body pressed against me as he chatted to the customer and I realized how lucky Mrs. Kabak actually was. The growing bulge in his trousers rubbed against my butt as he laughed and joked with the woman. She was attractive but not outstanding and it felt like he was getting very aroused.
When she left he followed her to the door and bade farewell and closed the door. “I think we’ll call it a day a bit early, we’ve earned it.” His smile relaxed me and I went into the back to collect my coat as he closed the shutters. As I went to wave goodbye he wagged his finger back at me.
“Oh no, I think you deserve little punishment for today’s behavior, don’t you?” As he slipped my coat back off, he maneuvered me back behind the counter. “I can’t have my staff waving their hard-ons around the shop now, can I?”
I was now blushing bright red as he towered over. “It was an accident, I really didn’t mean to.” I was flustered and nervous, stumbling over my words, “The spank you gave me was such a shock, it just happened.” I felt like a small boy back at school being admonished, not the grown man I was.
“Oh, then why are you still tenting those pants in front of me, boy?” he pointed down to the telltale bulge.
I did not need to look; I knew he was right. I did not know why; why was being treated like this having this effect on me. I would not have put up with this treatment any time before; why now?
His large hand patted the counter, “I think you should bend over here and take your punishment and we will say no more about it.” The smile had dropped from his face, “Don’t make me ask you twice.”
I couldn’t believe this is really what he wanted me to do, to be spanked by another man at my age. It was preposterous, “No, this is not right, you cannot do this, I will tell Mrs. Kabak what you have tried to do to me.”
His hand slammed down on the wooden top, “My wife did not know she had hired a little pervert, and whose word do you think she will believe, me or you?” With one movement he lifted me and placed me over the counter, my round butt pointed up and out.
I was held in place with one strong hand whilst the other caressed my butt, running a circular motion around my cheeks. Why I didn’t fight back or struggle I cannot explain; I meekly surrendered to my predicament.
“I want you to count each spank out loud with a thank you, do you understand?”
I nodded helplessly and gripped the edge of the counter in anticipation. Teasingly he stroked my butt, gently tapping but never finishing. Then he hit, and he hit hard; I cried out instantly the number and thanked him. Each spank sent my head spinning; the electricity ran throughout me. By the sixth, my eyes had watered and I could feel tears falling.
Mr. Kabak dropped me back to my feet and wiped away my tears, “Now you know the full requirements of this job. I treat my staff well but any misdemeanors must be and will be punished.”
As he unlocked the door, his hand patted my sore throbbing bottom. “I do hope I will see you again tomorrow,” and he relocked, whistling to himself happily.
I stormed away, refusing to look back. I cursed him and his shop, I would have him arrested for assault, I would get revenge on him for belittling me. For reducing me to a crying baby boy, for making me feel less of a real man. My face was red with anger although not nearly as red as my butt, as I would later see.
There was no way I would ever return to that shop; never would I step foot in there again. My butt throbbed as I walked, desperately pulling my coat down to hide the rock-hard cock tenting my pants.