We both left the living room after little fanfare and went directly to the bathroom to shower. We both stripped whatever clothes we had left on and dedicated a significant amount of time to caressing each other in the shower. It was loving and magical. Our hands roamed over the other’s body inch by inch without missing a single bit. We kissed more often than we touched, and I don’t know if we ever felt more in love than we did that night. Sharing our sexuality with everyone was an amazing feeling, but to be able to come together and feel our renewed hearts beat strong again for each other was a feeling that defied words.
We wrapped ourselves in towels and drifted off to our room hand in hand. When we passed through the door, we slammed it shut, dropped our towels and wandered to the bed naked. We both threw ourselves into the bed and stared into each other’s eyes as we fell asleep.
It would stand to reason we would wake up the same way, but it turned out we wanted to cuddle. She was the little spoon when we woke up in the morning and my cock was growing hard against her ass as I did my duties as the big spoon.
It would have to wait, however, since her exertions the day before left her more exhausted than I realized, and she needed to sleep more than what she was used to. I kissed her cheek before I got up, dressed, and made my way downstairs.
As I managed my way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, James and Hannah were already there. They were both sipping their own hot coffee as I walked in.
They both greeted me as I walked in.
“Hey, guys,” I said, rubbing my eyes still.
“Hi, Uncle Frank,” Hannah said jubilantly.
“Hi, dear,” I said as I poured the rest of the pot of coffee into my mug. I put sugar and cream in the mug before going to the table and taking a seat.
I looked at each of the young ones before speaking my mind.
“So, when did you two start having sex?” I asked bluntly.
I took the time I had to learn as much as I could about everyone and what events led to where they were. It was all assuming they were actually related, which seemed to be more and more a possibility as time moved forward.
I would not have normally been so blunt first thing in the morning, but it was a question I was dying to have the answer to. Since they were both down there, I figured it was a perfect time for them to be honest with me and give me the details they may not have otherwise shared if someone else was in the room.
James laughed, clearly not expecting my sudden question.
“We spent our later teen years driving each other crazy by teasing each other,” Hannah said. “It started as your typical accidental nudity sighting, but I decided to make a game of it.”
“Yeah,” James added, “she would show off her body to me whenever she could then I took the same queue and would walk out of the shower still drying off but revealing everything.”
“So, again, when did you start fucking?” I asked, taking another sip of my coffee.
“It was a couple years after we graduated. Mom invited us both home for a weekend stay. We had spent years teasing each other and the first opportunity I had to get into her pants, I made a move,” James stated.
“He cornered me in the hallway while he was naked. His dick was hard, and I pretended to not know what he wanted,” Hannah snorted out in laughter.
“As she played dumb, I hooked a finger at the binding of her towel between her tits and pulled. Next thing we knew, she was naked with me. She didn’t budge or act embarrassed at all, and I knew what I wanted. I put my hand on her shoulder and pushed her down to her knees. I wasn’t sure she would submit to that act. Being naked in front of each other, even that close, was not surprising. If she wasn’t willing, I knew she would politely tell me, and I was prepared to accept it without argument.”
“I guess you could say that’s how it started. After I sucked his cock in the hallway, I dragged him into my old room and he fucked me for hours,” Hannah admitted.
“Was that when your mother caught you?” I asked.
They both shrugged, “We don’t know when that happened,” Hannah confessed, “She just told me one day what she saw. Between the first day we had sex and that day, we had fucked so many times, it would be impossible to pinpoint when she caught us fucking without asking and we never wanted to. It probably would have been too traumatic for her to describe the position we were in.”
“So, you both seemed to have been thinking the same thing? I mean, he pulled your towel off you and it seems you had been either expecting it or flat out didn’t mind it when it happened.”
Hannah looked at James before turning back to me and said, “It just made sense to me, y’know? I had given it some thought and over time I guess I just expected we would get there eventually. We teased a little here and there and when the moment came, I could tell by the way he was looking at me what he wanted.”
“We talked about it after,” James added, “and didn’t see a reason to stop. We had already done it once. That and we would spend our entire lives unconditionally loving the other. If anything in our lives would go wrong, we knew we could fall back on each other.”
He shifted his gaze to Hannah for a moment, “Plus, it was pretty damn good!”
Hannah smiled softly, “It was. We both had a new secret, and it was simple for us. If we got horny, we didn’t have to seek someone outside the house. I could just saunter over to his room, and I knew I wouldn’t be denied.”
“I see,” I said before looking at James, “With all that’s going on, what do you think about fucking your mother?”
It was another blunt question, but there were two things left that I needed to happen before calling it a fulfilled fantasy. I needed for him and me to fuck my sister; separately of course.
“I would love to,” he responded quickly.
“What are you doing to make that happen?” I asked.
He stared at me blankly.
“What can I do?” he asked.
“I’ve already helped you out. I told her you thought she was attractive. I don’t know if I could do anything else.”
“Okay, so, she perhaps knows he wants to fuck her,” Hannah stated, “but how is he supposed to convince her?”
I thought about how I would convince Angie if I were him before I finally responded.
“Well, she knows so, I would expect something to happen if I were her. Maybe make superficial physical contact with her until she gives in. If I had to guess, I would say she just needs sufficient proof that you want to fuck her before she gave in. I don’t know under what circumstance she would let you take her, though.”
James thought for a few moments, “What do you mean?”
I responded simply, “I don’t know if she would choose to fuck you in front of others or would she pull you into a secluded spot for your first time. She seems to be coming more to grips with it as a thing that could possibly happen. Maybe she’s just waiting for you to make the move, so she feels less guilty.”
“First time?” Hannah asked.
“Did you think it was the first and last time it would happen when you fucked your brother?” I asked.
“Point taken,” she said.
“I just think that if you made physical moves, she would respond. She is more ready today than she was yesterday. She gave me a blowjob yesterday as a result of watching you two fuck, so she’s clearly turned on by this whole concept. She’s fucked Aunt Brandie, she’s sucked my dick, and she’s waiting impatiently to fuck you and me.”
James stared straight ahead, thinking about how he would proceed. Meanwhile, I started considering the real Angie. Could this roleplay be a prelude to me seeking out my real sister? The image of my actual Angie came to mind, and I felt a small surge of guilt about thinking of her that way. The guilt came because I had absolutely no reason to believe she would reciprocate any advance I would make. As I continued deliberating my thoughts, James interrupted.
“Outside of unwelcomed touches, gropes or whatever, I don’t know how else I could do it.”
That kid didn’t have a clue. I stared at him as I developed a quick plan of action for him.
“Well, your inaction is going to cost you this time, kid,” I said as I winked at Hannah. She snorted briefly as she caught my intention.
James didn’t seem to understand what was going on. When he failed to speak again, Hannah shoved her elbow into him.
“Uncle Frank is going to fuck her first, dumbass.”
Again, he didn’t speak but the look on his face was priceless. As I observed the defeated look on his face, I remembered that everyone continued to act like we were all actually related including and especially me. I spoke to everyone as if they retained the relation to me that I addressed them as. The situation was truly unique, and I internally praised this company for developing the sense of realism that existed in that house. It was absolutely beyond my expectations. I was sure that someone would break their role and just do what came natural to them.
I went to get up and check on Brandie when Hannah stopped me.
“Uncle Frank?” she called.
I sat back on the couch. “Yeah?”
I watched her fumble with her hands and pick at her nails while she built up the courage to ask me her next question.
“You said Mom and Aunt Brandie had sex?”
“I did.”
She continued picking at her nails without saying a word.
“What do you want to ask me, Hannah?”
She forced her hands into her lap and looked intently into my eyes.
“Would Aunt Brandie want to be with me, by chance?” she asked, exhaling loudly as she finished.
“I think she would enjoy that, Hannah.” I chuckled thinking about Angie wearing Brandie out. “Your mother was very energetic and wore your aunt out. If you take it slow with her, she’ll enjoy it much more, I think.”
A smile slowly crept on her face. She bounced lightly in the chair with excitement, making me think that she had wanted to ask me that since we arrived.
I stood up again and took a final swig of coffee from the mug before returning it to the kitchen. As I was about to head upstairs, Brandie turned the corner.
“Oh! I was just about to come see if you needed anything. I’m surprised you’re up this early.”
“I couldn’t sleep anymore,” she said entirely while yawning.
“How come? Do you want coffee?”
She nodded, “We’re on vacation!” she said with a smile, “I’m looking forward to what today will bring.”
“Allow me to show you!” I said excitedly as I pointed to Hannah.
She peered through the kitchen and into the living room, “Hannah?” she whispered.
As I went to make Brandie a cup of coffee, she stood in place looking at Hannah while she talked to her brother. I brought her the coffee and stood next to her and watched her watch Hannah.
“What do you think?” I whispered, leaning closer to her.
Brandie continued to consider the young woman.
“I want her.”
“I thought you might. She wants you, too. She nervously asked me not too long ago this morning if you would be interested.”
“What did you say?” she asked, still gazing at her target.
“I told her that her mother wore you out but if she took it slow with you, you would enjoy it.”
Brandie slowly nodded in concurrence, “Accurate.”
Of course, it was accurate. I knew my wife.
“I’m going to take her swimming,” she said under her breath between sips of her coffee.
“I’m going to take her mom,” I muttered under my breath.
Brandie nearly snorted her coffee through her nose. I patted her on the back just before turning and leaving. As I walked away, it dawned on me that poor James wasn’t going to be getting any action.
“Oh well, he’ll have to settle for watching,” I thought before stopping in place.
I had an idea. I turned around and went back to the living room.
“James,” I said loudly, motioning with my finger for him to come to me.
He looked at Hannah and shrugged before getting up and coming to me. When he arrived, I laid out my new plan.
“I’m going to throw you a bone, kiddo. Keep an ear out and come into your mom’s room when you get the signal. You’ll know what the signal is. Come in and sit down and watch. I’ll have warmed her up to the idea of you being involved. If I haven’t, feel free to whip your dick out and stroke it. I’ll know how to move forward based on her reaction.”
As I finished relaying my scheme, I felt like I had taken the helm of this role-playing vacation. It seemed like I was calling the shots and it gave me a little sense of pride in my ability to coordinate things. I also acknowledged that it could have and was more than likely designed for me or someone to take control. It made sense. It was our vacation. Let us steer things where we wanted them to go. Regardless, I was enjoying my role.
“Sounds good,” he started, “but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to just pull it out right there.”
“If she lets you come in, it’ll be because I made her comfortable with all the possibilities. If you get to the chair, you’re golden. What you do from there is up to you,” I said before walking away.
I made my way upstairs and walked to the master bedroom. The door was closed so, I quietly tapped my knuckle on the door a few times and waited. After about a minute, the door opened, and Angie stood there in a silken robe looking as if she had been up for a while.
“Hi Frank, come on in.”
I walked in behind her and only partially closed the door to ensure James could hear what I hoped would be the sound of skin slapping against skin.
“What brings you up?” she asked, heading to the bathroom. It seemed she was in the middle of doing her hair and makeup for the day.
“I just got to thinking about last night.”
She came out of the bathroom still brushing her hair.
“I’ll be honest with you, watching those two fuck on the couch like that turned me on.”
“I could tell. You were very energetic as you gave me a blowjob,” I said as I continued to gauge her reactions to the things I said. She mildly blushed but kept brushing her hair.
“That kind of turned me on, too,” she admitted.
That’s what I was waiting for. I moved closer to her and took the brush from her hand. She looked vulnerable as I met her eyes with mine. It was like she was standing there waiting for me to make the first move between us. I had other plans. I guided her into the bathroom, got behind her and resumed the brushing of her hair. I was going to ask what she thought of me making a move on her, but the look in her eyes moments before already gave me that answer. I decided to alter my approach.
I brushed her hair then stopped and made it seem like I just had a thought come to me.
“It seems you’ve gotten used to the idea of you and I getting together,” I said, being sure to make it a statement instead of a question. I looked in the mirror at her and noticed she was looking at me, trying to dredge up a response she was okay with giving to me.
“I have,” was all she said.
With that said, I put the brush down and wrapped my arms around her and untied the knot holding her robe together. My eyes traveled back up to meet hers to see if there was panic on her face. She looked to be in a good place so, I continued.
When the knot was untied, I moved my hands up to her chest and pulled the robe open from both sides and slid it off her shoulders and away from her body. She stood naked in front of the mirror as I feasted upon every inch of her body. I was certain she expected me to bend her over the vanity and fuck her right then, but that didn’t fit my plan. Instead, I picked up the brush and brushed her hair. I did look in the mirror to see her reaction to my lack of sexual advance, but she seemed content with what I was doing until her next question was put out there.
“What about you?” she asked just louder than a whisper.
“Just waiting on you,” I replied, hoping she would understand my intention.
She didn’t miss a beat. She turned to face me and pulled my shorts down then stood and removed my shirt. When she was satisfied we were both where we should be in that moment, she turned and looked in the mirror. She had a certain smile on her face that told me she was happy with how things were moving. Before I continued brushing her hair, I considered my actual sister again and thought that if I were to approach her with sexual intent, that would be how I would do it. Each move that was made needed a cool-down period until we…