A Plumber Is Called And Fixes More Than A Broken Pipe.

"A plumber is called to fix a broken pipe and fixes more than he bargained for..."

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I had been married to my husband for over thirteen years and we were not getting along together very well. The love that once existed had gone for no reason. We still lived together but had decided to divorce.

Bill decided to take a break and go back to where he had lived as a teenager to see if some of the old families still lived in the area. My guess was he wanted to look up a few of his old friends and decide if he wanted to return to his old hometown. I was aware before we were married, he had several affairs with various girls and was heartbroken when one of them married another guy when she was on an overseas holiday.

The guy had swept her off her feet and she married him after a month and continued to live overseas. After a few years, I realised he married me on the rebound.

While Bill was away, I had a major plumbing failure, so I rang Bill and he arranged for a plumber to come around and fix the problem.

In the process of completing the repair, he was relaying new pipes and another unrelated pipe had broken.

We had to ring the water authority as the pipe was not on our property and was part of the district supply. In the process of trying to stem the flow of water, which was spouting up about three metres high, he got soaking wet directing the flood away from our property.

After he had some success in what he was trying to do, I invited him into the house to remove his wet clothes and offered him some of my husband’s clothes as he was about the same size.

He had undressed and when I went to give him a towel to dry off, I saw him completely naked. I was impressed with his whole body. He was solidly built, young and fit, a real tradesman. He was well endowed with a long fat penis which immediately took my eye and attention. He would have been about twenty-five years old.

I had never seen the guy before but the sight of him naked had stirred me. It was sudden and unexpected, and I had never had such a feeling for any man before.

I stared at his naked body and as soon as he realised I was staring, he took the towel and turned away. Suddenly my nipples became hard and sensitive, my pants became wet, and I had this funny feeling in my tummy and head. If he had attempted to have sex with me, I would not have resisted. I could not believe the fact I was having such a feeling.

When he was dressed, we went out where we could see the water still gushing up from the ground. He was concerned he may have been the cause of the problem but could not see how. I could not get that feeling I had earlier out of my head when standing next to him. It was the most unusual experience I could ever remember having.

It took the water authority about forty-five minutes to arrive, and they soon had the water supply turned off to determine the problem. Once they had exposed the broken pipe, they confirmed that our plumber had not caused the problem. He was not considered responsible.

They went about fixing it and Jim, our plumber, said he would go home and get some more dry work clothes before completing the repair.

In the meanwhile, I had put his wet clothing in the clothes washer. He said there had been no need to do that, but it was just something I did without giving it a great deal of thought. They were soaking wet and had to be removed from the bedroom he had changed in, so I just did it as a natural thing.

While he was away, the feelings I had earlier got me aroused and I could not get over them. I removed my clothes and began to masturbate. Masturbating was something I had not done regularly but had recently begun to do more often, given my husband’s reluctance to have sex with me over the past few months.

Having enjoyed myself and reaching my orgasm using my wand, I decided when I was getting dressed again, not to wear my bra and pants, just my shorts and a very thin almost transparent loose open-neck blouse and leave an extra button undone. This would reveal my topless state and expose my cleavage more than I usually did.

I wanted to be daring in front of Jim and see how long I could continue to have this desire for sex with a man. A feeling I was enjoying for the first time in many months. I had no intentions to seduce Jim but if a situation developed, I would have not hesitated and broken my marriage vows for the first time.

When Jim returned, he handed me my husband’s clothes neatly folded. I said his clothes would soon be dry as I had put them in the clothes dryer. In handing them to me our hands touched, and I could not believe the feeling that went through me. It was like I was sixteen again and with a boyfriend. Immediately my nipples hardened and became obvious having no bra on.

Jim, I was sure, noticed them and the fact I was now braless. He went back to work on the plumbing and was soon hot and sweaty working in the sun.

After half an hour I took him a long cold glass of homemade lemonade. As I stood there waiting for him to take the glass, I saw him looking at the bare flesh I had exposed and the cleavage between my breasts. I had deliberately held the ice-cold glass to them to make my nipples prominent again.

To pass him the glass, I had to bend down as he was standing in a trench and in doing so my blouse billowed out as I had planned. Both breasts were obvious and fully exposed drooping down, so I stood like this for longer than necessary to ensure he did not miss seeing them.

“I hope you like lemonade?” I asked. “I make it myself.”

His hand came out to take the glass and because he was looking at my breasts, his hand missed the glass and he stumbled and lost his footing in the trench and his hand touched my breasts.

“Sorry,” he said. “That wasn’t intentional.”

“Don’t be sorry, it was very naughty of me to bend over like that.”

He said no more but I could see his face was a little flushed and it was not through his exertion, he was blushing.

We both stood there as he took the glass and slowly drank the lemonade. His eyes somehow never left mine. My breasts were now covered again as I stood up straight. I believe he knew I was prick teasing him.

We stood there silently both realising that what had just happened had affected both of us. He was aware I had not recoiled from his touch and had not stood up to allow my dress to cover my breasts until he had had an unobstructed view of them.

After he finished the drink, he gave me back the glass and I again bent forward to take it from him and exposed them once more. I did not bend as low this time but enough for him to see as far as my nipples.

“Lovely,” he said.

I got very cheeky and said, “I think so too.”

“I meant the lemonade,” he said.

“I hope you meant something else,” I replied.

“They are lovely too,” he said as he went back to work. I looked to see if he had a hard-on, but his work trousers were heavy and did not reveal the state of his cock.

I walked back to the house and looking at his reflection in the window to see if his eyes were following me. They were. I wiggled my bum. I wondered if he had realised I was prick testing him or serious about displaying my body, hoping for him to make a move.

I left him to his work but now and again I went to the door to see how he was progressing. He saw me and waved. I waved back and asked if he would like another drink. He said no and put his head down working again.

As the afternoon progressed and I could see he had completed a major part of the work, I went down and asked, “Will you be finished this afternoon, or will you need to come back tomorrow?”

“I will only be another half hour or so,” He replied.

“Good. When you are finished, I will make us a coffee. It will be too late to start another job today,” I turned and did not wait for his reply which may have been negative.

I prepared myself and had worked out ways I might attract him to stay for more than the cup of coffee.

I contacted a friend who I believe knew him and asked some polite questions and found out he was not married. His love was football at weekends, and he trained most afternoons. He lived alone, following a breakup with a girlfriend.

She had told me ‘in confidence,’ (haha) that she had ‘heard’ he had used the bedroom to get his bill paid on one or two occasions. She had not been one of them. I knew my husband would be paying his bill, but I might get him to fix a plumbing problem I had personally, right between my legs.

I kept an eye on him and was prepared for when he finished covering the trench and had completed his work. Then he started to take his tools to his vehicle and my heart skipped a beat. I was waiting and watching. Maybe he was not going to come in for the coffee as I had planned.

I was ready for him to make the last trip and as he did so I sang out,” Don’t forget your clothes and the coffee is made.”

“I will be right back,” he said.

He arrived at the back door, quite dirty after all the work in the trench etcetera.

“Come in. Would you like to take a shower? You have all these clean clothes to change back into, “ I suggested.

“That would be very much appreciated,” He replied.

I showed him the spare bedroom and bathroom we have for guests. I had deliberately not put a towel there or put his clothes in the room for obvious reasons. He went in and closed the door without realising and started to shower.

After he had finished showering, he opened the door a short distance and called for me. “Do you have a towel?”

I was ready, I had the towel in one hand and his clothes in the other.

I virtually barged through the door, walked into the room, and handed everything to him. He was taken back and tried to cover himself which was difficult with his arms full of his clothing. I was looking at that beautiful naked body again.

“I don’t know about you, but I like what I see,” I told him.

“Shit, I didn’t mean for you to see me like this,” He stammered.

“I did,” I replied, and as I was saying it, I was beginning to remove my shorts and blouse. Within seconds, I was as naked as he was.

“There we are, two peas in a pod,” I said and went to him and put my arms around his neck and kissed him pressing my naked body to his.

He resisted for a moment and then with my tongue halfway down his throat he responded similarly. His cock rose between us as I kissed him. I continued to kiss him for about a minute and then broke away taking one of his hands and placing it on one of my breasts.

“I want you,“ I said. “Right here and now.”

Before he could say a word, I slid down and took his soft cock straight into my mouth. I did not give him time to even think about what we were doing.

I felt that he was in a state of confusion or shock at my sudden announcement to seduce him. It took him a minute to realise what I had done, where I was, and what I was doing. His cock began to rise and harden in my mouth.

“Oh God,” he said. “You don’t waste any time, do you? Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.”

I took my mouth off his cock long enough to say, “Don’t tell me you have never done this before?” before returning it into my mouth.

“Look, I am no prude but to be whisked off my feet like this is something else. I thought seeing your tits was a bonus, but this is unbelievable. “

I continued to suck on his wonderful cock, and he relaxed and began to accept my actions and began to enjoy me doing what I was doing. I played with his balls which were now hanging loose in their sac.

“My God, you do that well,” he said.

“Practice makes perfect, the more the merrier,” I said between sucks.

The two of us just accepted what was happening. It was obvious this was not the first time he had his cock sucked and I knew now that I was going to get what I wanted and needed.

I sucked and stroked his cock for more than five minutes before he said, “I am about to cum. Can I cum in your mouth or…?”

I did not want to miss any of his cum and said while I still had a mouth full of cock, “In ma moouth.”

He began to cum and like that broken pipe earlier, it spurted out in great volume. There was so much in the first couple of spurts, I swallowed the first lot and then held the next couple of spurts and what else he managed to give me in my mouth and enjoyed the feeling of his warm syrupy spunk. It tasted wonderful.

It was something I had not done since before my marriage. It was a wonderful return to something that I had enjoyed years ago. I had a reputation for being good at it at college. Bill did not like me doing it to him, so I had not done it for years. I realised I had not lost the desire or the taste of it even after so many years.

I stood up and swallowed the remainder of his cum. “That was just perfect,” I told him. “I loved that.”

“Shit, Jan, I am still getting over the fact that we are doing this. This is something I never expected from you. What will Bill say when he learns that I got the bill paid by you?”

“He will never know; you will send the bill to him and get it paid the way it should be. This is a bonus for you and something I not only wanted to do but something I needed. Bill and I have not slept in the same bed for months. We are on the verge of a divorce. We are just not compatible anymore. I can promise you he will never learn of what we are doing from me. You don’t have to worry; nobody will know you fucked me.”

“Shit, you want me to fuck you too?”

“Is the Pope a Catholic?“ I replied. “There is nothing more I want more than for you and me to fuck the daylights out of each other. I gave you enough come on earlier with my tit show.”

“Oh God, all my Sundays have come at once,” he stammered. “You are amazing.”

“Then let me prove it,” I said. “Let us have a drink and get ready for the main event, which was just the curtain-raiser,” I told him.

We went through into the lounge, and I asked, “Beer, wine or spirits?”

“A beer, please. I am thirsty. I need it and maybe another before the day is over,” He said.

“The day is over for you, and the night is just beginning. Is there anybody you need to let know you have just remembered a prior engagement tonight?” I asked.

“You mean the whole night?” he asked.

“You will be busy plugging a leak here,” I informed him.

I then got him a beer and a glass of wine for myself.

We sat and we chatted for a while, and I explained the situation about Bill and me. I assured him there was nothing to worry about sleeping with me. Bill would not care. He was away and no doubt looking for somewhere to move to in his old stamping ground. We had both agreed to divorce.

We chatted quite amicably, and he said he had never sat naked and talked to another woman as we were talking. I suggested, “We should do it more often. I am enjoying it.”

After a second beer, I suggested we order some home delivery and get down to business ourselves. I asked him what he would prefer, and his response was, “Fur Burger.”

“Let’s get better acquainted and we can discuss what we have enjoyed so far over a meal and a glass of wine,” I suggested.

“Good thinking, something here needs the services of a plumber it’s beginning to leak,” taking his soft cock in his hand.

“Good as I have a problem too that needs a plumber. There is a leaking pipe that I am sure the Water Authority is not interested in plugging. It’s not quite as bad as the one out front and I am sure you can fix it for me.”

I went to him as he stood up, then used my finger to remove the precum leaking from his cock and sucked my finger. Then I took his hand and we made our way to my bedroom. I was getting quite excited at the prospect of feeling a man doing what I love men doing best. It had been a long time since I was as excited at the prospect of having a man fuck me. For the last year, I have only been a cum bucket for Bill.

Once we were in the bedroom, I pulled the covers off and just left the sheet there.

“Do you want to fuck or suck first?” Jim asked.

“If we fuck then I will be full of your cum and I don’t think you would appreciate me like that,” I responded.

“It won’t be the first time,” he told me.

We were now very relaxed after the drinks, and I got up onto the bed while he was stroking his cock getting it hard.

“It doesn’t bother me now, the first time I tasted my cum was after a girl who had sucked me off, kissed me.”

He continued, “I met a girl at the technical college when doing my plumbing course and we used to fuck in the car after our lectures. On graduation night, we had a few drinks and we were as randy as all hell. We went to a hotel, stripped off completely, and we fucked on a bed for the first time. After I fucked her, she dared me to go down on her. I had been down on her before but always before we fucked.

“The drinks had me in the mood for anything. I just took a deep breath and went down. It was different but after she had cum, I realised it was not as bad as I imagined, and I insisted we kiss afterwards. Then she insisted we fuck again and go sixty-nine afterwards. It is amazing what you do when you are half pissed.

“We stayed together for a while after that, and I took her away a few times for naughty weekends. That became part of our orgies, and we did a sixty-nine together immediately after nearly every fuck.”

I then suggested, “Let me see how I like it, getting fucked, and then sucked. I have not been sucked out myself since before I married Bill. He won’t do it. This was going to be interesting.” I told him.

“I have found it works for both of us as after I cum, I take a while to get it up again. While I am sucking on you, it gets hard again and I can fuck you again straight after you have cum. You get two for the price of one.”

The decision was Jim’s, and he had no inhibitions about doing it this way. I was not going to object.

I was getting excited as I positioned myself. This was to be my first real fuck for me for a few months, and one I was looking forward to. Before our falling out, Bill would fuck me and cum and that would be that. I rarely got to cum myself. Often, I would masturbate afterwards with his cum leaking out of me to have an orgasm.

Jim was ready and I had these butterflies in my tummy. He was to be the first man to fuck me since my marriage to Bill. My nipples were hard with the excitement I was feeling.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Willing and able,” I replied as I pulled my legs back until my knees were on my shoulders.

I was completely exposed and ready for him. I was so excited and knowing full well what was about to happen. I was about to commit adultery.

I watched as Jim held his cock in his hand and looked down as he put his cock against the lips of my vagina, then paused as he looked up at me and smiled. We both knew what was going to happen, we had been there and done this many times, but to me, it was like my first time all over again. Without a word, he slid his hard cock into me. I held my breath and concentrated on what he was doing.

He could see I was anxious and without a word or hesitation just pushed his bum forward and slid his cock into me. I was concentrating on the feelings it was giving me. I could feel it going into me deeper and deeper until he was right up inside me, right up to his balls. He did not hesitate and began to fuck me.

I gave a huge sigh of relief and satisfaction. I had achieved both with one thrust of his cock into me.

I was in heaven. It was one of the nicest feelings I could remember. I was doing something with a man that was not my husband, a stranger, to all intents and purposes. I did not give it one moment thought other than to think, ‘I am loving this.’ My first time being unfaithful and with a man I hardly knew, a man with who I had believed I would enjoy fucking me, and I had flouted myself at to encourage him.

It was too late to change my mind; I was determined I was going to enjoy it. He took my legs and put them onto his shoulders, as he made us both comfortable as we fucked.

I had not felt so good for months. I relaxed and just let myself get into the mood for a good fuck. A mood I have had many times but not recently. I was going to try and make up for the lost time.

Within a minute, I had joined him in the rhythm that one can enjoy when fucking. I was lying there being fucked and thinking of so many things that I was now enjoying that I had enjoyed before, but not for some time, and with a man I hardly knew. I wanted him to enjoy fucking me as much as I was enjoying his cock. The feeling of having a real man over me again was overwhelming. I had not realised how wonderful it was to be naked with a man and just having one of the most satisfying experiences one can have. His cock was bigger than Bill’s and giving me feelings that I had never enjoyed before.

A few hours earlier I had not met Jim. Within an hour, I had exposed my breasts to him, not realising at the time I was challenging him to react the way he did, more to the point the way I wanted him to. At the time, I had not considered him fucking me, I was just being a tease. Unwittingly I got what I wanted and masturbated and then allowed myself to go further and encourage him to have sex with me, something I had never considered for thirteen years since marrying Bill. I was committing adultery and enjoying it and not regretting it for a moment. I never realised what I had been missing and had just been putting up with.

He had now been fucking me for a few minutes as all these thoughts flashed through my head in a minute. I was beginning to feel the wonderful sensation of having a man inside me, stirring up the emotions and the feelings through one part of me that was theoretically forbidden to other than my husband. I had become an adulteress and I was now going to make the most of it. I did not feel guilty in any way.

After we had settled down to a good rhythm and I had cleared my head to concentrate on every wonderful moment of having him inside me, doing things to me that I have suppressed for almost a year. I was now going to renew each one of those experiences I had been missing. I began to feel like the naughty seventeen-year-old girl I was when I let a boy fuck me for the first time.

He was thrusting and withdrawing, and I could feel his cock rubbing against the walls of my cunt and particularly around the lips of my vagina. His cock is thicker than Bill’s and I could feel my lips gripping his cock as he thrust. It felt good. I lay there enjoying the feeling of him inside me and then looked at him intently for the first time since we were naked together. He was strong and had a firm hard chest. His tummy was taut, and his body hair was dark. Bill has none of these attributes. He was an office worker, soft and a bit flabby. Jim was an outdoor man and a labourer; he was built like a brick shithouse.

For the first time in my life, I was feeling like I was being fucked by a big strong man. His hands were rough, and his arms muscled and suntanned up to where his shirt covered him. He was an outdoor worker. His legs and chest covered in dark hair. I wondered how it would feel when he came inside me. I had tasted his cum when he ejaculated in my mouth. It was no different to any I had tasted before, only there was more of it.

The feelings I was now enjoying were getting better and better, stronger, and stronger. I had been distracted while observing him and not realised I was getting close to cumming. I had never cum this quickly before. It was the sign I was being fucked by a real man with a big cock. I was loving it.

I quickly told him, “Jim, I think I am going to cum in a minute. Don’t stop when I do, just keep going. I want you to keep going until you are ready, and I hope you can last longer than I have.”

I only took a few more seconds and the first spasm hit me, I jerked as my clit sent a surge of electricity up into my body. My tummy muscles twitched and began to spasm. I was gasping for breath and my eyes were rolling in their sockets. The feeling in my cunt was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. It was intense. It felt like it was on fire.

My cunt muscles gripped his cock tightly and my ass hole puckered and squeezed tightly with each spasm. I grabbed my breasts and nipples and squeezed them hard as the pounding of his cock continued to maintain my climax. My entire body was shaking. I had only felt like this once or twice before when I was masturbating using my wand. The feelings were so intense. Bill had never got me to cum like this in all the years we had been married.

“Go my beauty, go,“ I heard him telling me through the cloud of euphoria as he continued to thrust his cock hard and fast into me and stoked that fire in my belly.

Never had I ever cum as hard or with the intensity in my entire body.

Jim continued to fuck me as I lay there spent and breathless. He had slowed his thrusts down to a slow gentle thrust. He was bringing me down off the highest peak in my life slowly.

I am in my mid-thirties and never in my life have I had an orgasm as strong as that. I needed it… I wanted it… and I got it. If I never came again, I would be satisfied… until next time.

It took me a few minutes to recover and get my breath back. I could now feel his cock thrusting inside me again, I said to him, “That was the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life.”

“I am glad, I must admit I have never had a woman react to her orgasm as strongly as that before. You worried me for a moment until I realise you were not having a fit.”

“Have you fucked many women as old as me?”

“A few, you would be surprised how many women are prepared to work off my fee this way.”

“You would go broke if you relied on me for your money. However, have no fear, you will get paid by my husband and this will be the tip.”

By now had recovered, and Jim began to get his rhythm back and began to fuck me normally.

I asked, “How many women want you to come back?”

“There are a few widows around that want their taps fixed every few months, but once they realise the first one was free, and subsequent visits they have to pay for, the calls stop coming.”

“Haha, looks like I had better make the most of this one then.”

“I will have to give that some thought. I have not met a woman like you before. I have not had as much fun as this for a long time. You are the first woman that I can honestly say has not just laid there and let me do it. I am enjoying this as much as I believe you are.”

“Thank you, you are the first man to have done this with me since I have been married. When Bill and I have sex, it is just sex and that is that. He is not adventurous and just gets on, does his thing, cums and gets off, and goes to the bathroom. There is no foreplay or excitement, no afterglow. It is a fuck and that is that. “

“I am sorry, maybe I can spice it up for you a bit. Would you like to do it another way?”


“I will show you. I will take it out and then you can get on your hands and knees.”

“Not that way. I wouldn’t like it like that.”

“No, not that way, but I think you will like it. Come on let’s play.”

Jim got me to kneel and then got behind me. He spread the cheeks of my ass and then put his cock back into my cunt. I trusted him and was relieved when it wasn’t in my ass. I had never had sex this way before and was surprised by how lovely it felt with him fucking me in this position.

“How’s that?” He asked as he was sliding his cock back and forth into my now very juicy vagina.

“It feels amazing, I have never done it this way before and it feels fantastic. God, I wish I had married you.”

I was adjusting to the new thrill of my life being fucked from behind. Another thing I was enjoying was my tits swinging and swaying beneath me as Jim fucked me. I love the feeling in my tits when I masturbate and often have one hand on my pussy frigging myself and the other one squeezing my nipples. My nipples can feel like my clit at times. They serve no other purpose for me as Bill and I cannot have kids, his sperm count is too low. Another of the disappointments in my life was not having children.

I could tell from the way he was fucking me, he was enjoying the pleasure my body was giving him, and that he was giving me in a way I had never believed possible. This was one of the best days of my life.

It did not take long for me to adjust to the new position, and I began to move with him and as he pushed in, I pushed back and got into the swing of it in more ways than one. As I began to get more involved and enjoy It, he got more vigorous. We were creating a slapping sound when his body slapped against the cheeks of my ass. It not only felt good it was sounding good as well.

“This feels amazing,” I told him.

“Most women like it like this, it’s called a doggy fuck. It’s the way dogs do it.” Jim informed me.

“I have seen horses and cows fucking on a farm and yes I have seen dogs doing it like this in the street. We are fucking like animals are we not?” I questioned.

“Humans are about the only animal that does its missionary style, I think some apes or monkeys do it like that as well. I do not mind missionary as I can see the face of the person I am fucking and the pleasure I am giving her. I like it best his way though.”

“If you could see my face now there is a smile from ear to ear, I have never enjoyed anything like this before. I love it,” I exclaimed.

Then Jim rubbed a finger around the rim of my asshole as he fucked me. This was something again that I had never experienced. It felt amazing. It had the desired effect.

“Oh shit, I think I am going to cum again. Fuck me… fuck me a bit harder.”

I could not believe the way I was talking. I had used ‘fuck’ more times today than I have in my lifetime. Bill never liked to refer to fucking, it was always lovemaking to him.

Jim lifted the speed of his cock thrusts, and it only took me a second or two and I could feel his thick hard cock rubbing on my clit and I started to cum. The slapping got louder with the speed of his thrusting speeding up. I bent forward onto my elbows which pointed my bum into the air, and this got his cock right onto my clit. It was rubbing it and making me cum even harder.

My tits were now touching the sheet and as they swung my nipples rubbed on the sheet and gave me another new sensation. I could feel my cunt and asshole twitching, and my nipples were adding a stronger sensation to my cumming. It was an amazing brand-new sensation for me; I had never been fucked in the position before let alone cum like this. I could not believe anything could feel this good. It was heaven on earth.

As I was enjoying the physical pleasure of my orgasm, Jim sang out, “Get ready, Get ready… I’m cumming.”

There was silence for a minute and then I heard a grunt and felt him press his cock into me hard and stop thrusting. He gripped my waist extremely firmly and pulled me back against his body. It felt like he had his cock as far up me as he could, he was holding onto me as he jerked and spurted at the same time. I could feel each ejaculation as he pumped his cum into me. You have no idea how good I felt. I was having the most amazing time of my life, and without realising it, giving him the pleasure of fucking me.

We had been fucking for a good fifteen minutes and he must have built up another bucket full of semen. I could feel it inside me as my cunt filled with cum and the friction of his cock rubbing the walls of my cunt eased and his cock slid more easily inside me. I could not believe how much I was enjoying this amazing new sensation. He continued to fuck me very slowly with his cock still firm but slowly losing its hardness. Finally, it slipped out and it felt like a plug had been removed, which let our cum drip from me onto the sheet.

When Bill came, he just dribbled his cum into me, and then pulled out immediately. I got no sensation of him cumming other than he gave little grunts. It had taken me all these years to have the pleasure I assume most women enjoy whenever their husband fucks them.

The both of us were exhausted, me more so than him. We both collapsed and lay together on the bed.

“Did you enjoy that?” he asked.

“More than anything I have done in my life. I never realised that you could have that much fun and pleasure doing what we just did,” I told him and leaned over and kissed him.

I had never kissed or had sex with another man in all my married life. Today would go down as the most amazing and enjoyable experience I have ever had. I had believed my wedding day was the best day of my life… until a few months ago when everything began to unravel in our relationship. Now I know the sex I had with Bill was ordinary, very ordinary when compared with what I had experienced today. Today I had been reborn and now knew how beautiful sex can be with the right man.

After lying there together and telling each other how much we had each enjoyed what we had done together, his cum continued to run down and make another wet patch on the sheet.

I got up and said I was going to the shower. I do not know why but I asked him. “Would you like to join me?” I had never done that with Bill, but then I had not done a lot with Bill that I had with Jim today.

“Why not?” he said and got up and followed me to the bathroom.

Jim, it seems had far more experience than I had, and he began to rub the shower gel over my body without being asked. I would not have asked anyhow; the thought never crossed my mind. He was concentrating particularly between my legs and slipped a thick, rough finger into me. I put my arms around his neck, kissed him, and let him do as he pleased with me as he finger fucked me perfectly until I came once more.

Being masturbated and under a shower at the same time was another unique experience that I have never done before. I had more firsts in my life today than I had in my entire lifetime.

“I think we are done,” he said.

I kissed him once more and said, “Thank you for everything.”

After we dried off, I realised it was dark outside. “I think you had better stay for a meal, I have delayed you and it will be too late for you to cook anything.”

Jim did not hesitate, “That would be lovely, how about I order in a pizza or something?”

“That would be perfect,” I told him.

“How about a Vegetarian, they are really tasty from where I get them.” He said.

“Anything you like, I have not had a pizza for years. Bill doesn’t like them.”

“It seems Bill doesn’t like a lot of what is good for him,” Jim said as he picked up his mobile to order the Pizza.

“It will be forty minutes, they are busy,” Jim told me as he finished the call.

“Then we have time to do something I promised you,” he said.

We were still naked, and he lifted me onto the table and spread my legs.

“Is this the meat to complement the vegetables on the pizza?” I joked. I was in an incorrigible mood.

Jim bent forward and began to give me the first oral sex I have ever had. I had remembered my promise to let him go down on me after our fuck, but we had been so engrossed in everything else he had not asked, and I had not remembered. Jim did not hesitate. He had not realised this was the first time I had ever let a man do it to me, or for that matter, the first time any man had wanted to with me, I believe. Bill would never have entertained the thought.

I lay back and just let him do as he pleased. I was not going to remind him it was the first time for me. I was just going to let him have his way with me and I was going to enjoy it, come what may.

With all the action that had taken place down there in the past few hours, I was sensitive there and it only took a few minutes and I began to cum. Again, it was a sensation I have never experienced before. My orgasm was again quite different to any that I have had previously, but as intense as any I have enjoyed when I masturbate.

After I had cum, Jim went to the bathroom again and rinsed his mouth. This was obvious when he returned as he smelled of mouth wash. Then he came to me and kissed me. I could taste the mouth wash.

“How about a glass of wine while we wait?” I suggested.

“That would be perfect,” Jim replied.

I went to the bar, and I found a bottle of wine that Bill had been keeping for a special occasion. This was that occasion in my book. I took it back to the lounge room where Jim was sitting and asked if he would mind taking the cork out of the bottle.

“This is a bottle of ‘Grange,’” he said.

“Bill was saving it for a special occasion. This is it. Open it and we can toast ourselves and what we have achieved today. There is no better special occasion for me. I have waited a lifetime for this.”

“Would you believe that this bottle is twenty years old?” He said.

“Then there is no better time, Happy Birthday… I have been reborn,” I replied.

Jim then washed his mouth out with water, before tasting the wine to remove the mouthwash taste.

“Let us enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed being with you,“ he said.

We touched glasses and we both swallowed one of the finest glasses of wine that one can have. It was as wonderful as everything else that has passed my lips today. I do not think the wine was meant to be drunk with pizza, but so what. This was an amazing day, and it was not over yet. It was meant to happen… and it just did.

I had an inner feeling of complete satisfaction. This had been one of the most amazing days in my life. I had no regrets whatsoever about what I had done and what I allowed be done to me.

Jim, I am sure will now be the first of many men in my life from now on. I am sure he will be finding a lot of women like me willing to pay the bill in the bedroom, so he will not be around for long. I am going to make the most of him… in bed.


Published 4 years ago

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