Turning Stephanie Insatiable: Chapter Two

"Stephanie's newfound desires lead her to a deliciously frustrating day."

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“Stephanie, you fucking love this, don’t you?” Susan yelled as she was bent over and taking an absolute pounding from Liam.

“Miss perfect likes to watch her friend take this strong young man’s cock, doesn’t she?” she yelled again.  Stephanie was transfixed on watching Susan’s tits bounce with each of Liam’s thrusts from behind.

“Or maybe you’re more interested in me?” She moaned as she laughed, looking Stephanie right in the eyes, tauntingly laughing.  The laughing turned to a cackle and got louder.

Stephanie felt the heat of embarrassment creep over her face.  Was it true?  Was her wanton lust taking over?  Why couldn’t she control these desires erupting within her?

She felt shaking on her shoulder.  It was gentle at first but then became more vigorous.

“Stephanie,” Susan’s lips were moving but it was a man’s voice coming out of her mouth.  “Stephanie?  STEPHANIE!!!”

She blinked, opened her eyes and there was Daniel shaking her awake in her own bed looking somewhat alarmed.

“Stephanie, wake up!  We’re late!  It’s after eight!” he frantically exclaimed.  “We never set an alarm last night!”

“Shit,” she whispered.

“I have to go, like right now.  I can’t miss this partner meeting,” he said as he kissed her cheek and hurriedly putting on his dress shirt.  “Love you, Stephie.  That was fucking worth it!” he yelled from the hallway as she heard him rumble down the stairs.

She and Daniel had passed out after what could have been one of their most passionate nights together in years.  As she lumbered out of bed moving her legs over the edge, she was aware of the soreness in her pussy from the night before.  Daniel had truly given her everything he had.

In the bathroom, she realized she just didn’t have time for a shower.  She’d have to get one after the gym.  A tingle crept between her legs when she realized that her pussy was a mess from the night before, her pubic hair matted and crusty.  She had just enough time to quickly wash her face and brush her teeth.  Well past being out of time, she whirled through the house collecting the kids from the kitchen.  They had fended for themselves without either parent prodding them this morning.  She smiled inside at how independent they had become.  Maybe she needed to give them some room to grow on their own, she thought.  This was a small consolation to just how late she was.

The car ride to school was uneventful until they reached the light just before the school.  Stephanie’s phone began to chime over and over again.  The light turned green before she had a chance to look at her phone.  Soon she was doing the late walk of shame to the school office with her kids in tow to sign them in.

She dismissed the school secretary’s small talk and kissed the kids on the forehead sending them to class.  As she walked out, she glanced at her phone.  Four new messages from Susan:

Late-night last night?

Missed you at drop-off?

You must have had trouble sleeping after such a delightful showing at the gala? 

Come over to my place for coffee after you drop off your kids…

Stephanie’s face flushed and her well-used pussy stirred just at the thought of Susan bent over and thoroughly fucked the night before.  She took a deep breath and stared at her phone not knowing what to do.  Hopping in her perfect little Porche Cayenne SUV and closing the door she sat there staring at the four lines from Susan.  Then, as she was about to text, the three bubbles appeared.  Even though she could see Susan was typing, she still jumped when the chimes for the new message rang.

Don’t be coy

We obviously have a lot to talk about

Stephanie didn’t know how she was going to face Susan, but it didn’t seem like she had a choice now.  Her phone was shaking in her hand as she replied simply:

On the way

Driving to Susan’s house, Stephanie was wracked with insecurities, anxiety, and what was most concerning for her, a rapidly building arousal.  The sight of Liam cumming into Susan’s bare pussy was flashing repeatedly in her mind again and again further stoking her sudden need.  Stephanie drove past Susan’s house several times, unwilling to acquiesce to the drive between her legs.  Finally, she was able to pull the SUV into the driveway and made her way to the front door.

Stephanie startled herself by pushing the doorbell and stood patiently waiting for Susan.  A minute passed with no answer at the door or even a hint of activity in the house.  She pressed the doorbell again.  This time, her phone chimed shortly after:

Let yourself in, I’m in the living room

Be quiet, Katrina just went down

With some trepidation, her shaky hand turned the knob and opened the door.  Walking towards the living room, Stephanie heard a familiar rhythmic whirl that she could not quite place in her head.  The closer she got to her destination, the louder the sound became.

Thump… thump… thump…

She stepped into the living room and turned to see Susan topless on the couch, clear plastic cones attached to both breasts with the bottles underneath the cones more than half full.  Susan had a coffee cup in one hand and was massaging a tit with the other.  Stephanie had stopped dead in her tracks taking in the strangely erotic scene in front of her.  A familiar warmth crept into her along with a little tingle within her pussy.  The pumping reminded her of the sound of Liam thrusting away at Susan and that image seared in her brain yet again.

“Are you just going to watch from the doorway again, Stephanie?” Susan asked quietly, wryly smiling the whole time.

Stephanie was startled and shaken out of her gaze with the words.  Uneasily, she strode forward to the opposing chair.  She had disliked the whole process of pumping and breastfeeding with her children, but as always, she did what was the very best for them.  She now thought to herself that she might have missed out on something.

“Uh, no, I guess,” she stammered in return.

“Jesus, Stephanie, you look like hell.  Did you even get any sleep last night?” Susan asked, greatly enjoying putting Stephanie on the spot.  “There’s coffee over there.  I made you a cup a while ago, just the way you take it, but you must have been really late getting the kids to school as I’m sure it’s cold now.  Just pour yourself another cup in the kitchen.  Try to be quiet, Katrina just went down,” she said pointing to the kitchen nonchalantly.

Stephanie could barely take her eyes off Susan’s supple breasts being pumped rhythmically one after the other.  The sight of her nipples being extended with each pump was mesmerizing.  The constant cadence of the pump seemed to pulse directly through her rapidly moistening pussy.  Her legs felt unsteady as she made her way to the French press sitting on the granite countertop.  The wide-open floor plan allowed her to watch Susan continue to pump and massage her ample breasts while she struggled to make a simple cup of coffee.  Flashes of Liam cumming in Susan’s bare pussy kept burning in her head.  She couldn’t control all these desires bubbling to the surface all at once.

Thump… thump… thump…

Again, the constant sound was driving her arousal with her heart racing to the cadence of the pump.  She was thinking about Susan and she was thinking about how incredible Daniel felt when he had taken her last night.  She felt each thump in her core much like she had felt with her husband just hours ago.  Her pussy yearned for that thump to be something, or someone pounding her needy pussy yet again.

“Stephanie?  Are you OK?”

She looked down to see that she’d been overflowing the cup she’d been pouring coffee into.  Why couldn’t she control herself all of the sudden?  It was so embarrassing, she thought.

“Uh, sorry.  I’m a little off this morning,” she said unevenly.

Susan smiled as she watched Stephanie clean up her mess on the counter.  She inwardly laughed at how affected poor Stephanie had become by everything.  The time for her to push was certainly now.

“There’s milk in the fridge,” she paused.  “Or… on the counter.”

Stephanie looked around and saw a filled bottle from her breast pump sitting at the end of the kitchen island.  A small gasp escaped her mouth.  Sure, she had tried her own with her kids, but this was entirely different.  She made her way to the refrigerator to retrieve the milk.  Susan glanced over and watched the indecision on her friend’s face and wondered what side was going to win out.  She thought maybe just a little further push was in order.

“Katrina doesn’t eat nearly as much as I make, and while these,” she said pointing to her breasts, “should be self-limiting, they certainly are not.”  She paused to look at Stephanie enraptured by every word and the sight of the pumps on her bare breasts.

“I don’t know what yours tasted like, but I do love the taste of mine.”  She raised her coffee cup and took a very slow and long sip trying to suppress a smile.

Before she realized it, Stephanie was pouring Susan’s freshly pumped breast milk in her coffee.  It was at that point she realized she was no longer in control of herself.  This sent alarm bells ringing in her head at the same time the thought of this taboo further galvanized the arousal that was rapidly consuming her.

Stephanie walked out of the kitchen and made her way back to the chair opposing Susan.  It was everything she could do not to stare at her friend’s bare breasts in front of her.  Susan was delightfully intrigued at the confusion and arousal so plainly painted on her face.

“I bet you don’t miss this,” Susan asked as she massaged her breasts to express more milk.  “Or maybe you do?”  She smiled slyly.

Stephanie was at a loss for words in a struggle for herself and suddenly blurted out, “What the fuck, Susan? Fucking Liam?”

“You certainly didn’t seem to mind at the time.  In fact, I’m fairly sure you’re thinking about it right now,” she calmly retorted.

“Susan, you fucking gave him the award and you’re screwing him?” she asked, trying to muster as much anger as she possibly could, but still well aware of her pussy twinging at every incessant thump of the pump.

“I can’t tell you how wrong that is.  I know he deserved it, but just the perception of impropriety would kill the donations to the food bank.  What the hell, Susan?”

Susan paid token attention to the ranting Stephanie.  She’d caught a glimpse of something else in her and now the old Stephanie was back.  Worried that she had lost the moment, she decided to hurl it right back.

“That’s so like you,” Susan calmly stated.  “Look at you going on a tirade about how it could crush your position at the food bank because, let’s face it, you don’t really care about me or the food bank in particular.  You just care about the scandal and tarnishing your pristine name.”

Stephanie blinked, taken aback by those words.  Without reflecting, she pushed forward.

“We feed hundreds of people a week on donations of money and food.  You really want to take food out of their mouths for a fling, Susan?” she spat back at her.

“Oh, that’s rich,” Susan retorted calmly.  “All you care about is yourself and your image.  You haven’t even asked me one fucking question about me or my family on all this, have you?”

There was a lengthy pause.

“No, you fucking didn’t.  Look, Stephanie, I like you.  You’re everything I’m not and I respect the hell out of the life you’ve made for yourself.  I didn’t go out there doing this for you to see or for it to affect you in the least.  But you have to get beyond yourself here.  Fucking live a little bit.”

Casually, she turned the pumps off and removed the suction cones from her tits promptly unscrewing the partially milk-filled bottles below them.  A tiny rivulet of milk dripped down off her breast onto her soft stomach.

Stephanie was fixated on the tiny drop slowly rolling down her friend’s breast onto her stomach.  She was now fully taken away from the conversation.  She licked her lips subconsciously.  Without looking at her, Susan took a finger and scooped the droplet up, and seductively sucked it in her mouth.

“Mmmm, tasty,” she said with a mischievous smile.  “Kyle and Liam certainly think so.”

Slowly she pulled her white sports bra on and then a bright white long-sleeved workout top over that.  She watched as Stephanie’s eyes were glued to her the whole time.

Stephanie was flush with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.

“What?  You already got a taste.  I see you’re not complaining about the creamer in your coffee, are you?”

Stephanie looked down at her coffee with the realization of what she’s saying, diving her even wilder.  She took another reluctant sip.

“Such a naughty girl hiding in there, isn’t there, Stephanie?” she expectantly asked.

Stephanie did not reply, and Susan finished putting the pumps away nonchalantly.  She finally worked up the courage to ask the unsaid.

“I… I’m not sure what to say.  This is a lot to take in. You know I do care about you, Susan.  I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t… What about Kyle?” she tentatively asked, shifting the conversation’s focus to Susan’s husband.

A smile crept over Susan’s face, “He knows about Liam.  Last week they were taking turns on me together for the better part of a Saturday afternoon.”

Stephanie was squirming now.  Susan watched her neck turn splotchy red, plainly giving away her friend’s growing arousal.  A wide grin emerged from the smile as she took this all in.

“I’m sorry?” she squeaked.

“We play together sometimes.  We play apart others.  He loves to bring me playthings.  Kyle has especially good taste in playthings, especially female playthings.”  She looked longingly at Stephanie and smiled at the look of raw lust in her friend’s eyes.  She had lingered on the word female a bit longer to emphasize her openness.  Maybe, just maybe, she thought to herself…

“So, he knows?”  Susan nodded to the question.

“Yes, Stephanie.  He knows and encourages it.”  She took a deliberate slow sip of her coffee.  “Come on.  We’ve got two young kids and have been together since college.  We both had waning desires and after Max was born, well, we both needed something more.”

Stephanie swallowed dryly.  Her mouth felt like it was suddenly devoid of all moisture.  A flush was creeping into her face and burned between her legs with blistering intensity.  Her friend was admitting that she had been tag-teamed by her husband and this college boy.  She had just admitted that she plays with other men and women.  The thought made her squirm in unanticipated excitement.  She sobered a bit thinking how any of this getting out would ruin Susan’s reputation.  Surely, she had some sense to think of that, Stephanie thought.

“But, Susan, what if word got out about this?  I mean, it could ruin everything for you.”  Stephanie said with a puzzled look.  “What if someone finds out?”

Susan looked at her friend with a tinge of sadness.  Stephanie just couldn’t get around appearances.  It was so important to her that nothing else mattered.  Susan couldn’t understand it, but she resolved to make sure she wasn’t going to ruin it for her.

Susan loudly sighed and replied, “We are discrete, but if something gets out, it’s not the end of the world.  Stephanie,” she said as she paused, “I’ve never felt so alive.  I’ve never been this deeply satisfied.  Is this going to last forever?  No.  Am I going to enjoy the hell out of it while it lasts?  You fucking bet I am.”  She took another long pull off out of her coffee mug, never breaking eye contact with Stephanie.

Stephanie was riveted to the furniture, mouth dry, and slack-jawed.  Waves of heat were overtaking her.  Her arousal creeping up within her, unabated.  She uncrossed and crossed her legs and felt her pussy swimming in her desire with just the slightest twinge of a reminder of the night before.  Susan saw it right there and then.  She’d awoken something deep within Stephanie.  Something dormant that she might have not even realized was there.

“How?” Stephanie managed to utter tentatively.

“How did it start?”  Stephanie nodded and yet another smile crept over Susan’s face.

“Things were pretty stale with Kyle and me after Max.  I wasn’t feeling very attractive, and Kyle’s appetite was pretty large considering we slowed down towards the end of my pregnancy and for a good while after.  He’s a good husband.  He tried to lift me up and reassure me, but I just couldn’t get into it.  Then Alexis and I were having some wine one night.”

“Alexis Reich?” Stephanie asked incredulously.  Alexis was always trying to one-up her on everything.

“Yes, that Alexis.”

“I’ve never even seen you talk to her?”

“Well, we talked that night.  A bunch of us were out and it was the first time I’d really been out since Max.  You were in Aruba with Dan at the time, I believe.  Anyway, we ended up talking at the bar and she started talking about Kyle.  She was surprisingly forward.  Talking about how he was the triple threat of handsome, intelligent, and suave, and how lucky I was to have him.  She started prying about intimate details and eventually, she said if I ever wanted her to join us, to just let her know.  Then it jumped right back to a normal conversation like nothing had happened.”  She was studying Stephanie for a response.  Her obvious prior arousal was now tempered by contempt for her rival.

“Alexis Reich wanted to have a threesome with you?  What was her angle?  She always has an angle,” she said with a confused and questioning look.

“Yeah, it sounds like someone else I know.  Long story short, Stephanie, Kyle, and I were driving home. I was completely hammered at this point.  I think it might have been the first time I had been drinking since having Max.  Jokingly, I told him about Alexis’ proposal.”  She was now looking coyly at Stephanie.

“And, let me guess.  He took it seriously and convinced you to have her join?” Stephanie asked in a condescending tone.

Susan smiled and softly chuckled, “He actually didn’t say anything about it when I mentioned it.  When we got home, he treated me like a queen.  I mean really went all out like he used to when we first met.”  She closed her eyes and leaned her head backwards feeling a stirring inside just thinking about it.  Stephanie was watching her intently and immediately noticed the change in Susan’s demeanor.

“Oh god, he called me beautiful and reassured me in every way.  I think he sensed how vulnerable I felt.  He told me he loved every part of me and lovingly. kissed each part as he told me,” she trailed off softly.  Stephanie noticed her friend’s eyes started to well up.

“He picked me up at my lowest,” she said as her voice was uneven now fighting the tears of her emotions.  “And it freed me.  It showed me everything and I lost the hang-ups.  It was just us and it was amazing.  I lost count of the times he made me cum that night.  Fuck, I got a foot cramp at one point I came so hard.  Kyle stopped and massaged it out and I ended up in a position where he took me from behind.  Fuck,” Susan lowly exhaled as she threw her head back with the last word.

Stephanie was riveted by the story.  She watched her friend get visibly worked up from telling her all of this.  Her own body responded in kind with the fire that had been smoldering within her set ablaze again.  Her pussy incessantly throbbed with need.

“He took me, Stephanie.  We’d been going for a long time and he was massaging my foot and he just took me.  Something inside of him was unleashed, and it was unleashed on me.  He pounded me over and over again.  I came once, he didn’t stop.  I came again and he just grunted.  Then, just as I thought he was losing steam, he went into a frenzy sending both of us over the edge.  I’d never felt that way before.  Mmm.”

Susan lifted her head opening her eyes.  Stephanie was enraptured again, but this time with the words of Susan’s story and not her bare breasts.  There was something there in Stephanie too that needed to be released, she thought.

“That was the start of it.  We didn’t even talk about Alexis until months later.  It was obvious by that time that we’d uncaged some growing beast and our appetites were growing beyond our ability to satiate them.”  She nodded at Stephanie.

“So, Kyle wasn’t enough all of the sudden?  How did that happen?” she asked, and Susan chuckled softly.

“It wasn’t like that at all.  One heated night, in the middle of some very spicy dirty talk, I dropped Alexis’ name into our play.  It snowballed from a fantasy.  Eventually, it led to a real conversation outside of the bedroom.”

Stephanie subconsciously licked her lips and spoke, “You and Alexis?  You, Kyle, and Alexis?  Alexis?  The self-absorbed ice queen?”

“You two are more alike than you realize.  I can see why you think she’s a threat to whatever you’re trying to accomplish.”  She paused and intently looked at Stephanie.  “What exactly are you trying to accomplish?”

“I’m sorry?”

“You heard me.  What the hell are you doing?  You’re killing yourself for this pinnacle you perceive that you need to reach.  Do you even enjoy it?  What’s the sense of all of it if you can’t stop to enjoy it?”  Susan glanced down to her coffee and back at Stephanie who was blankly staring back at her.

“I do it all for my family!  To give them the things I never had…” she trailed off as the nearby baby monitory sprung to life with a small cry.

“Ugh, I usually get more than an hour or two out of her in the morning,” Susan said with a bit of annoyance.  Stephanie looked down at her diamond-encrusted watch, an anniversary gift from Daniel, and realized she’d been there for far longer than it had seemed.  It was almost midday.

“Look, Stephanie, the way just this whole thing has gotten to you makes me think there’s a bit more in life that you are missing and didn’t even know it.  You do a lot for a lot of people.  Hell, I wouldn’t have even considered the food bank without you setting the example like you do.”  The crying from the monitor was louder and more urgent each passing moment now.

“I’ve got to go get her.  Just do me a favor.  Think about what you really want in life, not what you think anyone else expects you to be.  You don’t have to be the gold standard for everything, you know.  I’m pretty fucking happy with the way things are for me right now with a hell of a lot less effort.” Susan paused and gave her friend a cursory look.  “But I think you saw that last night,” she said with the biggest of smiles and the softest of laughs.

Katrina was borderline screaming at this point as Susan stood and instead of turning for the stairs, she stepped towards her friend.

“Come here,” she beckoned.  Stephanie rose to her feet somewhat unsurely as Susan earnestly wrapped her arms around her, bringing her into one of the most reassuring hugs she’d ever had.  The tension of the moment just melted away into the embrace.  Through it all, she couldn’t help to notice her friend’s breasts, the ones that were just so recently on full display to her, pressed against her tantalizing her own.  She confusingly shuddered ever so slightly at the thought and reflexively hugged Susan even tighter.

Susan, hearing the desperate cries, broke this tender moment and looked into her friend’s eyes while sensing the fragile and conflicted state she was in. 

“It’s OK.  If anyone can figure it out, it’s you.  Your freaking superpower is being perfect, too perfect.  It’s your Achilles heel too.”  The care and concern for her friend in her eyes were touching.  “You’ll figure it out.  You’re too good not to.”

Stephanie leaned forward to hug Susan again.  Her heartfelt concern was making her think that she indeed was missing out on more than she knew.  That there might be something unfulfilled in her life she hadn’t seen before.  As all of those thoughts danced between synapses, Susan likewise leaned forward, but her intentions were a bit different than those of her suddenly unsure friend.

In an unforeseen twist to Stephanie, Susan’s soft lips found her own.  All the pent-up feelings and desires exploded within her and she instantly acquiesced, melting into her bold friend.  Stephanie felt it from her earlobes to her toes, every fiber jolted, her body a bastion of need again.  Just as she had accepted what was unfolding and was opening her mouth for more, Susan pulled back as abruptly as she had started.

Smiling, she turned for the stairs in the adjacent hallway to retrieve the distressed infant.  She paused a quarter of the way up.  Stephanie, mouth open, still rooted to the same spot she had left her, was lost in it all.

“It was just a little something to help you start figuring out what else there is out there,” she wryly smiled.  “You’ll figure it out, and I’m here for you too.  Now go get your shit together!  I’m sure your well behind the thousand things you had stuffed into your schedule today.”  With that, she simply finished walking up the stairs disappearing from Stephanie’s sight.


In a fog, she swam out the door and back into her SUV.  Her hands shook as she turned the key.  Every emotion was filling her, but her desire was the most urgent.  As if she was on autopilot, she found herself in the ladies’ locker room of her gym, not particularly remembering how she got there.  Already dressed for the gym, she stowed her bag in a locker and headed for the gym floor.

Early afternoon at her gym was usually quiet and this day was no different.  A smattering of others were scattered across the floor of the very upscale establishment’s varied equipment.  She settled on a bike in a separate spin studio off the main floor which was empty.  In the time she took to adjust the spin bike and her water bottle, a man and a woman walked into the studio talking to each other.  When they saw Stephanie, they stopped talking.  The woman, a tall and fit redhead with her long hair in an intricately braided ponytail, approached her.

“Hey there!” she said bubbling with enthusiasm.  “I’m sorry I’m a bit late, but it’s usually just Josh in class on Friday afternoons and we weren’t in a rush.”  The dark and handsome gentleman waved ‘hi’ at the mention of his name.  Both looked to be five to ten years younger than her and in alarmingly good shape, thought Stephanie.

“I’m super pumped to have you though!’ she continued.  “I’m Kylie!”

“Ah, hi Kylie.  I’m Stephanie.”

“So nice to meet you!  Let me get set up and we’ll get going.  I hope you’re ready to pedal your ass off, Stephanie!”

“Em, yeah,” Stephanie stumbled out reluctantly.

Inside her head was a cacophony of frustration that she wasn’t going to be alone, and on top of it, she was going to have to endure a class with perpetually perky Kylie.  She very much wanted to be alone so she could try to start making some sense of the last twenty-four hours.

Josh, of course, set up right next to Stephanie as Kylie started pumping electronica through the speakers in the studio.  The deep beat was starting to remind her of the thumping of Susan’s breast pump which was decidedly not helpful in her current situation.

As Stephanie mounted the bike, the seat pushed against her bottom and beyond.  A low hum emanated from the back of her throat as she sat.  She hoped it wasn’t audible to the others with the loud music pumping.

“Alright you two, let’s get into it!” Kylie bubbled.

The class started and Stephanie’s competitive drive took over.  Kylie proved to be a feisty taskmaster, pushing her and Josh over and over again.  The seat would occasionally hit her in the right, or wrong, spot which was irritating in a sense, but irritating in a cumulatively arousing way.  She couldn’t take much more of it and proactively stood on the bike to pedal.

“Yeah, that’s it!  Get after it, girl!” the redheaded instructor yelled seeing Stephanie upright on the bike.

She looked up at Kylie, fifteen minutes into this thing and while she had a glowing sheen of sweat, she was barely breathing hard.  Meanwhile, Stephanie was sweating buckets and her lungs burned deeply.  The hell if I’m going to let this bitch outpace me, she defiantly thought.

She looked to her right at Josh, he too seemed little affected by the exercise.  His muscular legs pushing the bike to its mechanical limits.  Gazing upwards from his pistoning legs, she could have sworn she saw the outline of his cock tight against his shorts.  The thought sent a delicious thrill through her.  He saw her looking and eventually caught her glance and shot a glowing smile back.  That smile started to spin the swirling tornado of desire that had been temporarily tamed by the rigorous exercise.  That guy was fucking a snack, she instantly thought seeing the attractively beaming smile.

Stephanie was able to barely refocus her attention to the perky instructor to try to distract herself from Josh.  That also had the opposite effect as she happened to be leaning forward onto the handlebars bearing down on the bike like it was an instrument for her legs to abuse.  Stephanie caught a straight shot into the purple sports bra of the vivacious instructor with a hint of a hazy outline of a pale puffy pink nipple visible through her own sweat-stung eyes.

Immediately, this brought the image of Susan being pounded from behind by Liam the night before, breasts swinging and leaking, in the air.  She welded her eyes shut hoping that would help, but the images of the last day rapidly shot through her head.  She rode faster and faster trying to pedal away from all of this.

What the fuck was wrong with her, she thought.

“Ok you two, let’s bring it down now,” Kylie beckoned bringing Stephanie back to reality.

She sat back down on the seat which caused her to fleetingly hold her breath.  During the entire cool-down, the seat acted as an implement of tantalizingly frustrating torture.  She desperately needed to get out of this.  Minutes later, the session mercifully ended and both Kylie and Josh were next to her as she was wiping off the sweat-soaked bike.

“You’re an animal, Stephanie!” Kylie gushed.  “You gave Josh and me a run for our money there.  I thought I’d have to go easy, but you can really hang!”

A pang of pride swelled up deep inside the recesses of Stephanie’s brain.  She had shown them, despite the fact she could have had almost a decade on them.  She inwardly smiled.

“Josh and I usually get a smoothie after class.  Care to come with?  It’s on me after that kick-ass performance,” the redhead pleadingly asked.

“Uh, I think I’m good.  I’m a bit running later than I had expected,” she explained, just trying to find a way of making it home to find some relief from everything.  She could sense the two’s disappointment and added, “But I’ll take you up on it next time?”

“If that means you spinning with us again, absolutely!” Kylie beamed.

The two headed off and the sight of their two perfectly muscular asses dancing as they disappeared around the corner did nothing but push Stephanie’s growing need.  Once back in the ladies’ locker room, she walked by the mirror at the entrance.  She was drenched in sweat, soaking her black LuLu yoga pants from her tight stomach to her thighs as well as her black sports bra.  She looked a ragged mess with her hair drenched and tousled.  The last thing she wanted to do was get into her expensive SUV like this, so she grabbed her stuff and headed to the showers.

The hot water cascading over her head was a relief.  It washed away the sweat from the workout and the mess from the night before.  The relief was short-lived as she soaped up her body from head to toe.  Each stroke of her hand over her slippery breast made her purr.  Her hand slowly made its way down to her meticulously trimmed blonde tuft of hair slowly teasing herself.

The last day had been one of awakening with a roller coaster of arousal punctuated by a fleeting moment of relief the night before.  Now it was entirely different.  The need she felt the night before paled in comparison to her current needs.  Stephanie aimed to rectify that now, even if it was in some small way.  Her hand reached her folds and melted within it, aided by the slick suds.  She slowly closed her eyes.  Her breath was caught within her, unable to escape as her legs shook with unsteadiness with that slightest of touches.

Lost in herself, Stephanie hadn’t heard the redhead walk into the showers.  Only the sound of the squeaky faucet handle, the sudden hiss of rushing water, and the pattering of that water hitting the floor, jostled her out of her relief-driven haze.

Stephanie’s eyes shot wide open as she tried to tactfully extricate her hand from her sex.  Looking to her right a few showerheads away, stood her spin instructor completely naked and just stepping under the water.  Mesmerized she watched as her freckled alabaster skin began to catch the shower stream.  The drops seemed to dance in unison on her muscularly fit body. The glimpse of her breasts she had gotten earlier, paled in comparison to the perfect puffy, almost ghost-like areola, that accentuated her small breasts, perfect for her lithe frame.

Kylie watched the blonde intently without Stephanie even realizing it before she spoke, “Fancy seeing you again.”

Stephanie snapped to and rose her gaze the Kylie’s, “Hi, uh, I, um, thought you were getting a smoothie with Josh?” she managed to reply.

“Machine was broken and I’m seeing him later tonight, and probably a good chunk of the weekend anyway.  Are you OK there?  I didn’t… interrupt anything, did I?”  The tone made Stephanie unsure how long Kylie had been watching her prior to her realizing she was there.

“Sorry, I had a long night and you pushed me quite a bit back there.”

“You pushed us right back.  I think you had Josh a bit… distracted too.”  The two were staring at each other and Stephanie had started to worry, when she saw a perky smile punctuate Kylie’s face.

“Relax.  Yes, we’re together, but I let him look… and, well, you certainly are well worth more than a little attention,” she said as she took in the older blonde head to toe.

Stephanie blushed as Kylie made a show of her visual survey.

“Uh, thanks, I guess?” Stephanie stammered.

Stephanie took to looking straight ahead trying to avoid any further eye contact.  She was now completely vexed by her inability to abate her arousal.  She tried not to push it further by staring at the alluring instructor that had possibly just been flirting with her.  There was no response save for the sounds of the spin demon washing.  Stephanie was now washing off the suds accumulated on her body, consciously trying to avoid the most sensitive of areas.

Rinse complete, she turned the handle off, grabbed her towel covering herself, and started to step away.  She was unsure what to say as she left, but Kylie spoke before she had the chance to think any further about it.

“I’m sorry if I offended you.  I didn’t mean anything by it.  I just didn’t want you thinking I was the jealous type and I kinda like your competitiveness in a fun way.  Josh and I are at the one-thirty class on Wednesdays and Fridays.  Maybe we’ll see you there again?”

Unsure where any of this was going, Stephanie pondered back to what Susan had said to her hours earlier, about figuring out what else was out there.  An emphatic, fuck it, reverberated within her mind as she then made an even bigger show of checking out the ripe young instructor from head to toe.

“Maybe,” Stephanie nonchalantly quipped after completing her cursory inspection.

It was the young woman who now was at a loss for words as her spin student turned and headed back to the lockers confidently sashaying her towel-covered hips with each step.  Kylie turned back into the warm embrace of the shower starting to smile thinking back to watching the older woman touch herself oblivious to her earlier presence.

Stephanie dressed.  The lace of her matching blue panties and bra being donned didn’t help her heightened state.  She managed to finish getting dressed without further incident and before Kylie emerged from the shower.  She smiled brightly thinking of how she had one-upped that perky younger girl in the shower.  Not once did it cross her mind that her obviously checking out another naked woman in the shower was not something that she would have even remotely considered just yesterday.


Back into the car and speeding for home, Stephanie looked at the time.  At almost three o’clock, she likely had until five before she had to get the kids from afterschool practice.  Mom autopilot kicked in calculating that she enough time to get through the totals from the gala last night and start dinner, desperately trying to ignore her insatiable desire.  She pulled the car into her garage amid this conflict raging within herself. 

Finally making it to her home office, she pulled up the spreadsheet that the treasurer of the food bank had emailed her to see how well they’d actually done last night.  She meticulously went through the expenditures, making sure everything was in its place.  Glancing down the list, she reached the scholarship line item, the scholarship that Liam had been awarded.  An invisible dam within her mind had been breached.

Her focus waned and once again, she could not help but visualizing his young cock repeatedly pleasuring Susan.  The sight of Susan and her tits swaying with each thrust continued to push her concentration well away from the task at hand.  Inevitably, her mind went to Susan’s breast pumping earlier today.  She could suddenly feel the thump of the pump deep within her.

The kiss.  She could almost feel the soft supple lips upon her own.  Stephanie’s hand had now crept to her lap, caressing the inside of her thighs through her designer jeans.  Her skin burned and her heart raced as the excitement and building need of the day. The need that had been thwarted so many different times in so many different ways, was unavoidable now.

Thwarted, she thought, by Kylie… in the shower.  Stephanie’s hand started to stroke more urgently as she thought of the young fitness instructor naked showering next to her.  The same person who was regularly taking Josh’s hot young cock, she assumed.  The one that had devoured her with her eyes and that she’d devoured right back.

These thoughts twisted circularly in her head spinning the self-destructive tornado of desire to inescapable levels.  Stephanie could fight it no longer.  There was little hope of doing any work and she also had little hope of getting what she needed over these jeans.  She popped up and hurried into the adjacent guest bedroom and peeled them off.

Jumping onto her back and propping her head up on the pillows, she inhaled deeply as her hands started to explore her own body.  There was no time for teasing and toying with herself.  Her need was all-consuming.  Her hand shot under the waistband of her panties.  The fabric soaking with her pent-up desire.

Fingers darted over her clit building in intensity with each stroke.  Her legs writhed on the bed as she roughly plunged a finger, then two effortlessly within herself.  While the two fingers circularly worked in and out of her pussy, she kept her thumb firmly planted on her clit.

“Yesss,” she loudly hissed.

Licking her lips tongue darting around her mouth, she began to think of everyone and everything from the last day: Liam, Susan, Daniel, Josh, and Kylie, in no particular order.  They were all pleasuring her in different ways as she continued to pleasure herself.  Stephanie’s other hand reached under her shirt to grab a lace encrusted breast kneading it to the cadence of her fingers below.  That wasn’t enough.  She rhythmically began pulling and punching her nipple to the thump of Susan’s pump drumming in her mind.

This was everything, she thought, realizing that some relief, no matter how fleeting, was truly in sight.  The fingers bouncing in and out of her pussy met her hips that she had begun to rock earnestly against.  Her body yearned for this very moment since she had woken up this morning.  Her toes curled as she inhaled deeply, arching her back up off the bed, pinching the nipple ever harder in the process as the urgency of her fingering rose.

Her eyes closed; breath still held as if suspended over the precipice of her orgasm…

“Jesus, Stephie!”

Her eyes opened to see Daniel standing in the guest bedroom doorway, mouth agape looking at his wife lewdly splayed on the bed masturbating.  Too close to stop, she turned her head stared into his eyes and thrust her fingers deep within her as she used her thumb to push her clit down effectively pinching it against those buried fingers.  That combined with the fact that she was suddenly making her husband watch this sordid scene, pushed her over the edge.

Stephanie exploded as Daniel helplessly stood by and could only harden as he watched his wife shaking uncontrollably, being completely shattered by a self-induced orgasm of unimaginable intensity. 


Published 4 years ago

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