The Sandy Bay

"It was the wrong kind of boredom."

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I did not want to do this, but the lights were on, and Xavier had returned. He had something of mine I wanted. Worse, I needed it for tomorrow.

It was late and the last chapter of a less-than-impressive day. I only wanted a long soak in the bath and an early night to sleep off this funk. Today was a day of many mishaps; nothing went right. The final insult was my parcel delivered a day early when I was out.

My husband was away from home again, and whilst my work occupied me, the evenings were very different. Time was becoming my enemy, and filling it with anything more than tedium was an increasing struggle. Our house was remote, and getting anywhere required me to use our car. After today, I just wanted to stay in.

They say only stupid people get bored, but it was not that kind of boredom.

Our homes were two bungalows built on different sides of a valley with a narrow road connecting us. Dawdling toward Xavier’s house, I made slow progress uphill. Like ours, the master bedroom had a view over the bay and its beach.

There were no security lights as if Xavier would remember to turn them on… teenagers. Fresh from University, Xavier had the run of the place, and we knew his parents well enough. So, they asked us to keep an eye on him. They were blameless for wanting a holiday, and their instructions were simple.

Yes, I was the party pooper.

When two figures appeared on the balcony of the master bedroom, I don’t know why, but I ducked into the shadow of an overhanging willow tree. What was an innocent intent was now an intrusion. I do not know what was going through my mind. I could handle Xavier, just not this.

I recognised him immediately; he was a striking young man and shirtless. Dressed in a satin robe, I had never seen his redheaded companion before. They were similar in age, and her beguiling beauty struck me.

Why trash the place with a party when you could trash something else entirely?

Like his parent’s marital bed.

God, I felt old, lonely, and fucking horny. I was in a fuck-you-world mood too. It was the perfect conjunction to inspire trouble. The need for excitement was a drug, and this felt ridiculous. Forty-six years old and hiding, spying on my neighbour’s son.

When she dipped in for a kiss, it triggered the devious part of my mind that my husband kept occupied. Being torn between leaving or staying, I did not contemplate it for long. My husband was not here, and my curiosity turned into action.

Removing my sandals, I crept barefoot, silent as a thief in the night. I craved excitement, and the sense of danger was the perfect tonic for these mundane few days. Under a dusky blood-red sky, crouched in a place with the darkest shadows, they would never see me. I might be here for five minutes or longer; I might see something or nothing. Even if it only indulged my growing crush on the shirtless Xavier, it would entertain me tonight with my fingers for company.

From the master bedroom, the lights were down low; long shadows and a yellowy hue cast an ethereal glow over his body. Xavier sat at the edge of the bed, perhaps a metaphor for his anticipation. I leered at his body, well-defined, limber, with the right balance of strength and endurance; this vision latched onto my mind and propelled my body into submission.

The redhead approached slowly, graceful as a gazelle. She was attractive, with brittle, elfin features and a comely smile. The robe was a mere accessory and did not hide her treasures when opened. There was no modesty as it fell from her body.

Oh fuck, it’s going to happen.

Aphrodite herself moulded her body. Slender in limbs, with sleek, long legs and broad-shouldered through her taut body, she was a wonder to behold. With wide handfuls for breasts, they would be well-hidden under clothing yet flared from her torso. Moulded to her body with no overhang, she bore the hallmarks of an athlete. In terms of build, we were similar; perhaps she was Xavier’s type, and my deviant mind wished it so.

Together as a couple, they were a feast for the eyes. With only the tom-tom beat of my heart for company, my tawdriest thoughts ran through my mind and merged into the dirtiest of fantasies.

I forgot my prosaic reason for being here. They would not hear my gasp when the redhead fished his erection from those linen trousers. It was a beauty, darker than his biscuit-toned skin, a brute if poorly handled. It required confidence to experience and a bruiser if you were timid with it.

My response was automatic. Too confined to remove my panties, I was grateful they stretched readily to accommodate my fingers. I was hot there and, when breached… liquid with passion.

It was not a masterful act, but their enthusiasm compensated. Neither was it a tick list of touch this, caress that, and shove that magnificent penis in there. Her porcelain thighs opened to reveal the candy-pink pillows of her highly aroused sex. The redhead did not have the measure of Xavier. Maybe they were new to each other, but she was passive, almost submissive. I pleaded with my imagination to fill in the details; we swapped places because I would take charge. I would pin Xavier down and ride him. Men like him needed to understand one thing; women can fuck harder and for longer.

Instead, he devoured her with a hunger only the young possessed. His muscular body was swollen as he laboured, banging the life out of her frantic body. He was assertive, dominating, maybe. With me, I would be a fiercer challenge.

Stabbing at my sex, I knew they could not hear me, but I was so wet. Sticky noises added to the frisson of excitement. Xavier’s tousled hair shook, bleached by the sun, and lank with exertion. The timid redhead clung to his body; her taut sinews tried to contain him, and she failed. She would feel that thick shaft inside her tomorrow.

They did not hear my muted orgasm as I appreciated their urgent fucking. She clasped the sheets as Xavier powered into her from behind. Braced as she shook, her nubile body trembled, and the black void of her mouth made the loudest petition through the thick panes of glass.

Good girl, take your climax. He gave you that, at least.

Recognising how his body seized, I heard Xavier’s groans at the apex of their union. He stabbed hard enough to make her breasts quiver. I doubted that he was so easily appeased. He wouldn’t treat me like that, and the tables would be turned. I would be the baying, untameable slut that readjusted his attitude. On that thought, the wave peaked, crashing through my wretched body, and blunted the gnawing ache.

My pallor might be peaky with a post-orgasmic glow, but I knocked on the door anyway. Smiling with my eyes, Xavier was sheepish, with his half-naked body still flushed. I tried to be all innocent, but muscle memory can be a complete bitch. I doubt I looked it.

Making my request, he chuckled with nervous relief and disappeared. From a distant doorway, that white satin robe hid her body again, and she smiled nervously. Although, she had the sixth sense of female intuition when she acknowledged my grin. I suppressed the shiver that his cum wettened her inner thighs.

For once, I had age on my side and made it clear I was next to have him. The redhead had a choice, let me have him alone or join in to help me. I think she understood because she melted back into the room.

Yes, be the messenger. Plant the seed because it will flourish in his mind.

Xavier handed over the small cardboard box, and I let my eyes speak for me. Thanking him, it lingered as an explicit need. He might understand what was unsaid, but that was too much to ask.

My plan was hatched as I sauntered downhill with a spring in my step. The redhead might try to exhaust Xavier tonight; good luck with that. I would have him soon and create a memory he would never forget.

Warm in bed, I writhed to release it. The image of them fucking propelled my imagination and brought me to the rapture of bone-rattling shudders.

That is the trouble with danger… the profound exhilaration it creates.

I needed more of it.


I left it a couple of days, and this time, the parcel arrived on time as expected. Yes, I would snare Xavier under false pretences, and he would not care when he was balls-deep in me. A problem in our en-suite bathroom would lure him into my boudoir. I needed a man to help me replace the shower hose. It might sound like the script of a mediocre porn film, but Xavier was young, and it would work. There was plenty of time to apply charm, some very overt flirting, and the spider would trap the fly.

Walking towards his house, as the double garage appeared over the crest of the hill, there were no parked cars, and my heart sank. My trip was a wasted one, and just as I was about to turn for home when I glanced at the front door. There, seated on the floor and propped against it, she had her head in her hands.

It was the redheaded girl, and I could hear muted sobbing.


The sudden movement suggested I startled her. Looking up, I saw her mascara was not waterproof.

“Are you okay?”

She was not, but what else could I say?

Her features contorted, stricken with pain; there were not many reasons why for someone so young. Fighting back more tears, she shook her head.

Poor thing and I crouched down to her level.

“Let me guess, men, huh?”

Still speechless, her skittish nodding threatened another outburst.

“I’m Ines, the neighbour,” gesturing to the house next door.

“Yes, I remember.” Her breathing stuttered, “I’m Eve.”

The need to cry snatched her breath away to say more. Still, she managed a weak smile, and I sat down to join her. I kept a pack of tissues in my handbag and handed them over.


“I would say that he’s not worth it. Clearly, he is to you.”

Dabbing her eyes, she blew her nose. With tears, snot, and runny mascara, the woman had it bad.

“So you are waiting for Xavier?”

“Yes… I text… texted him. But… but he just dump….”

I did not need the last syllable, nor would I let her suffer.

“Aw, ma cherie. I am sorry to hear that.”

I admired her resolve, pulling herself together.

“I don’t think he’ll be back soon. He has a summer job.”

I think it registered, but she maintained that faraway gaze. I let her process the inevitable conclusion she could not stay here.

“Eve, I cannot leave you like this, and you can say no if you like. You are welcome to come to mine, yes? Dry your eyes, straighten yourself out. It’s only me there, and my husband is away. What is it you English like in this situation, a cup of tea?”

It was a muted chuckle, “Yeah, a cup of tea would be great.”

Eve turned to look at me and smiled, “Thanks.”

I gestured to my home, “Come on, and if it helps, a problem shared is a problem halved, non?”

Holding out my hand, I aided her onto her feet.


“Up the stairs, first door on the left. In the en-suite, there’s everything you might need in there. Help yourself. I will put the kettle on.”

Her doe eyes settled on mine, “You are very kind.”

I returned a kindly smile; I adore compliments, “And your tea?”

“Oh, a little milk, no sugar.”

“Sweet enough, ma cherie?”

Eve chuckled, “Something like that,” she paused, “Ines, thank you.”

I liked her sincerity and smiled, “De rien, no problem. We are women, and I have been where you are now.”

Restored to all her youthful glory, we sat on the patio sipping on two mugs of tea. It was a pleasant enough afternoon, a little cloudy, and the sea breeze kept the temperature moderate. Eve told me everything. Xavier was a copper-bottomed shit, thinking with what was between his legs and not what little he had between his ears. It was a ‘one and done’ thing and felt used. Regaling her sense of stupidity, I would have none of it.

At a mere eighteen, her emotions had turned from sadness to anger with herself.

“I was such an idiot to fall for him.”

“You, and all over the world, probably millions of women are falling for the same trick.”

She huffed, “If that is your way of making me feel better… it’s worked.”

I laughed, “Well, I am glad. Men like Xavier are not worth it. A good man would never do that to you.”

I admit I would not fuck him now; beauty on the inside mattered to me as well.

“You are right,” she sighed, “and he is not worth my tears.”

Her bright eyes were no longer tainted pink, and the little makeup she used amplified her beauty.

“Eve, you are a very striking woman. You should have them eating out of your hand.”

I doubted she would make them do such a thing. She struck me as a woman that wanted them to take charge. This would be a rocky road for such a fragile creature and littered with a lot of heartache. Men with the required skill for such a delicate rose were few and far between.

“I imagine you make them jump through hoops to get to you,” she grinned.

I waved away the notion, “Once upon a time. I am French, and it is what we do. I am older now, too old for that kind of attention.”

“No, I think you are attractive.”

“Thank you,” my whimsical smile made her respond in kind. “Maybe, Eve, I could pass on a few tips?”

“From a woman of experience?”

Oooh, that look, that was unexpected and forward.

I flashed my eyes, “Perhaps.”

A prickle of heat rose from her feline cheeks. Of course, I indulged our connivance with a neutral expression, a calling card to see if we were on the same wavelength.

“You know, Ines, this is the funniest thing….”

And she halted; there was a natural hesitancy in her expression.

“It’s okay, you can tell me. It is possible I have heard it before… and maybe experienced it.”

Eve toyed with the handle of her mug, “Well…” and leaned in to take me into her confidence, “He wasn’t that good in bed.”

So, she had someone else to compare it to – another man. Her innuendo was a mirror image of what we shared that night. It was a transference, a hardwired moment of more than female intuition. With her gimlet eyes locked on mine, I had the gender wrong. Then, it dawned on me that I gave her that ‘fuck me’ expression that night.

I was misconstrued, and my body flushed in this bold silence. I had almost thirty years on Eve. It was outrageous, this eighteen-year-old woman might be naïve with men, but she undressed me with her eyes.

Her gaze would not quit, “When you collected that parcel, you wanted him?”

“Why not? He is handsome enough.”

“You’re married, though.”

It was a lopsided smile, something mysterious but a hint nonetheless, “My husband and I have a very accommodating arrangement.”

Now, I was out on a limb and revelled in that sense of danger again. We were on that wavelength, and it seized my mind as the implication soaked through me. Reaching out, Eve took my hand, and the spark of our connection ignited my body.

“Ines, does that accommodation extend to women, too?”

Complete with coquettish eyes… fuck, that’s one hell of a come-on.

I had to purr with encouragement, “Clearly, it extends to women for you also.”

The idea that this nubile, young thing might sate my loneliness filled my body with an intense longing. Eve’s fingers toyed with my diamond engagement ring.

She nodded thoughtfully, “And I saw this glistening in the shadows that night.”

From aroused to superheated, I was found out, “Eve… I…”

“It’s okay,” delivered suddenly, a sense of vulnerability cast a pall over her features, “What did you think of me?”

I was spluttering, “You were beautiful… you are beautiful.”

“So are you…” she whispered, “I won’t say anything.”

“Th… thanks.”

I realised the courage on display was uncharacteristic, and I was indebted to her discretion. No doubt, Eve worked herself up today to quench a sexual need. Her emotions ran high, and regardless of her distress, I knew their power to seize the moment… any moment.

Pure instinct took over, and it was pointless to deny it. I did not want to, so I stood, dragging the chair over the stone slabs. With a fragile expression that betrayed Eve’s inexperience, I could take full advantage of her, and she would let me.

No… I would never do that.

Holding out my hand, a kindly smile made my invitation, “Would you like to find out how beautiful you are?”

Sliding hers into mine, she stood. Already lost, her uncertain eyes provoked the need for my reassurance.

“Eve, have you done this before?”

She nodded, chewing on her bottom lip, “Yes.”

That was enough for me, and I wrapped my arms over her shoulders. Eve’s gaze dipped to my lips, and then with wide, defenceless eyes, she tilted her head. I placed it there, my longing and a salve for her sullen heart. Those silken pillows, reticent at first, yielded a statement of nascent passion. Heady with its tenderness, the promise of tutoring this young flower surged through my body. Only my experience kept my passion in check.

“You have done this before,” she smiled.

“Oh yes.”

I offered my lips to hers, and she planted more than reticence onto them. Tit-for-tat, and each kiss soared through my famished body. I led the way now, folding her into my arms and exploring her slender body. My longing encouraged her sensual nature, and she followed suit. This was her forte, it explained her timidity with Xavier, and it was so obvious to me now. He was the path least trodden on, and this was her need.

Against the vista of the sandy bay, Eve descended into whimpers as the fluidity of her touch revealed her rising confidence. The sensuality of our lips grazing, nibbling, and sucking revealed more of her true self.

“Let me look at you, Eve.”

Unbuttoning the front of her dress, Eve bit her bottom lip again. There was no one else for miles; no one could see the vixen before me in such sensual underwear. Virginal white, I revelled in the irony.

I wanted the breeze to caress her body as I would and the sun’s warmth like the glow of a delicious climax. With the unspoken words in my gaze, she would experience the insanity of her unrequited desire. I would quench it and propel her into a more confident and assured sense of womanhood.

Ours was a descent into the lyrical. Eve was my flower in its first bloom, too beautiful to pluck. As a testimony to her desires, she quivered as my caress savoured her slender curves. There was no rush as my delicate fingertips enticed her. They teased as a long arc around her breast. Along her side and followed the cinch of her waist to her lithe flank.

“Eve, don’t let anyone tell you that you are not beautiful, inside and out.”

She nodded.

“And your body, with your mind, could make anyone do anything.”


Her azure eyes narrowed when her simpering lips parted with a gasp. I had to place my lips upon her and seal it with a tender kiss. Smiling, she followed suit with something so demure.

“Let’s take this to the bedroom.”

“Yes,” she gasped, lost in my gaze.

As we walked through my house, her hand in mine. This would not be some cloying thrash as a paint-by-numbers experience, and we headed to my boudoir.


I went first and removed my brasserie; my cotton smock long departed and cast to the floor. Despite my confidence, she surveyed my semi-naked body without a word spoken. I wanted her to admire me… to yearn for me. It was hard work to maintain the figure of my youth and a more brutal sacrifice as each year past forty.

She smiled, “I hope I look that gorgeous when I am older.”

The civility of her touch melted my heart, “You will, I am sure.”

Her gentle hands emulated mine, and those quizzical eyes remained with me as she relented to temptation, clasping my breast. A restless thumb fluttered my desire at the pit of my stomach. A solitary knee on the bed plotted our descent as flowing kisses chased her down until she reclined.

This uninterrupted tactile symphony revealed this different side of Eve. Her actions spoke for her, and we explored with an endless caress, ratcheting up the tension. Her throat hitched as I zeroed in on her simpering lips. Holding her breast, a stifled murmur rose that encouraged more, punctuated by the lip-locked expression of our intensifying passion. The delicious increments of these kisses brought her to a ragged trembling. She had no tolerance for such delirious pleasure.

Yes, burn for this.

My eyes did not quit on her, “You are beautiful, Eve.”

She swallowed and gasped, “You… you are, too.”

Entwined as star-crossed lovers, this was our mutual solace. I craved affection, and she sought what was denied to her by the fool next door. Clasping her pert behind, our mouths wet with saliva, and Eve’s evocative scent crumbled my self-control. Savouring her nubile body, I felt her eagerness on my lips. My delicate hands pushed her bra upward, freeing her divine breasts. I nurtured those perky nipples with a flick of my tongue. This was my innuendo to address the rising heat in her loins.

Running her fingers through my hair, she kept me there. She gasped and flinched as my hand eased down her midriff towards her sex. Maybe it tickled; perhaps she craved my fingers on her glowing sex.

“Ines…” It pleaded in tone, and her gasp halted her need for words.

Skirting around her mound, my hand lingered on her silky inner thigh; a fleeting touch of my little finger squeezed me to her. The heat was unmistakable as her florid kisses petitioned me.

“Oh God, please touch me.” 

Her helpless eyes were mesmerised by my enquiring gaze as I found her clit ensconced in lace. Those slender hips responded immediately, lip-locked, and her tongue slid against mine. Rubbing over her clad sex, she writhed and whimpered under my control. Easing into my panties, she breached my sex, painting a torrent of my juices onto her delicate fingers.

I moaned hard and clutched her tight, only momentarily as the deft pressure sent me reeling. That was no accident; I tried to be the temptress that incensed her instincts. No, this was a union of equals, and my body immolated at the prospect. Provoking her out of hiding, Eve would show me everything she was and what she craved.

Relenting to the heady, sensual pleasure as our tongues danced, I pulled her thighs open. Her calve rubbed its last against mine for now.

I revelled in her reaction as my thumb flicked at a hardened nipple, and my caress descended like a helter-skelter. Eve trembled as unconquered territory. Resting on her inner thigh, a hitch in her breathing burst out as a moan.


There was steel in her petition, and suddenly wide-eyed, I stirred her swollen clit. Her nostrils flared for air as this evocative touch provoked, enflamed by the passionate kisses that followed.

“Eve, remove your panties.”

“You, too,” she gasped.

They looped in separate arcs onto the floor.

Cupping her heated sex, the delicate petals opened, and she clutched my body. My fingers zig-zagged across her folds as she flexed to my touch. Her hips anticipated every movement, steering me to that swollen button. I drew slow circles like the patient tick-and-tock of a metronome around her clitoral hood. As a long, soft gasp, my eyes were there, waiting for hers to open. This was our shared communion of ecstasy as my lips stifled her whimpers.

My gaze into her dreamy eyes never wavered. Splayed legs crooked and slender arms aloft; her excited torso heaved. Her pale marble pallor was mottled with hot pink. She languished under my assault; those exquisite breasts stretched taut like upturned dinner plates. My teasing fingers buckled her body as I played with as scrunched nipple, proud, long, and delicious.

With a simple touch on her knee, her thighs fell open, and the bare hillock of her mons rose at their confluence. Wide eyes revealed the bottomless pool of her vulnerability, and she trembled with fractured breaths.

Each kiss was a signpost to my final destination. That look in Eve’s eyes on the patio was a lifetime ago. My purpose was to ignite this beautiful woman and burn her defences to the ground. There was latent power within her, an intensely feminine force that would enthuse and protect her. I would demonstrate mine and provoke hers.

Pulling her hip, she twisted them and opened her thighs. The tip of my sharp tongue could be acerbic. Now, it circled that tight knot of muscle as my fingers penetrated her dripping snatch. Calling out with an urgent moan, Eve clenched at the sheets. It pleased me how she begged with conviction. Easing my fingers between her folds, they joined this conspiracy.

“Oh fuck, Ines… don’t stop, please…”

Flicking my tongue there, her rising cries began to echo off the walls. Each gasp was shorter than the last, her sex cleaved open, and a tirade of her enthusiasm spilt forth.

“Fuck… Ines, oh fuck… please don’t stop.”

I was not a monster, and this was an act of mercy. Easing her onto her back, I crept as a decisive hunter. Her surrendered body writhed for it. My lips pursed, and cool air bathed her glossy sex. A smooth pillow, with delicate labial lips, the white button of her clit prominent… it peeked through its hood. She bobbed as jetsam on a roused ocean, her sex offered to devour. So near, yet so far, and bit her bottom lip again. Eye-to-eye, a string of saliva fell towards her swollen vulva. On impact, she gasped black-mouthed. 

“Pay attention.”

She understood and nodded eagerly.

With a feline stretch, Eve flexed as my tantalising fingers edged closer towards her rapture. Denied, they retreated as her fidgeting hips betrayed her need. That pressure would swell, and she would endure for something worthy of her beauty. Eve’s breathing was so faint and ragged. Squeezing each breast, their long nipples plucked, I provoked a guttural moan. Edged to the precipice of release, held back again, she writhed on a plateau of arousal.

Tick and tock, tick and tock, as my fingers twisted inside her, each kiss on her inner thighs marked time. Loitering, she witnessed my determination with that fevered gaze. Taunting her, I backed away as the soft whimpers of frustration rose.

Eyes closed, Eve lamented with broken whimpers. Adrift on a sea of honey, I kissed her sex as my slow caress savoured her slender curves and came to rest on her breast. It was instinctive, an ecstasy shared. Bestowed upon her sex as an unforgettable lesson, this was my plea for her.

Mimic this act, darling. Do this to me. 

Opened like the petals of a flower, a flick of my tongue followed. The pointed tip lapped up and down, its cadence punctuated by her long airy moans. Her bittersweet confection flowed, easing my tongue into her folds; Eve’s hands gripped the bedsheet.

My lips ensconced her clit, and variations of fingers, my lips, and tongue sent airy gasps rising on the crisp air. The waves of rhythmic muscle built as Eve revealed her struggle. Another timid plea was insufficient, and the cycle began again. The flat pads of my fingers were so slippery against the smooth walls of her torrid sex.

“I need to cum, please, oh God, please.”

Her hands tried to direct me. The playful threat of restraint provoked a flood of her juices. It sloshed against my agile fingers; her animated cries rose with the ebb and flow of her restless body. Eve gripped the brass bedstead, and it rattled with a metallic complaint. Clasping her thighs, those louder cries begged for relief. Imploring me with a repetitive lament, and she trembled at its precipice.

Our eyes met, now she saw it in mine, and it clasped me to her sex. The strength of her cries grew, interrupting her breathless pleas. Her chin pointed skyward as her back arched, pulling her breasts taut. Those slender limbs went rigid, the rising judders reduced to a tensed quivering. Howling, her sinews stretched out, then vibrated as tight piano strings. The crush and release of tension revealed the conflagration of muscles beneath her flawless skin.

Her dishevelled hair rested as a fiery explosion. The cushion of her naked sex glistened, swollen and chastised. She was flushed, still buffeted by aftershocks, and whispering her mantra.

“Thank you…” it lacked strength, “thank you…”

It was a wistful smile, looking over her flushed body, taken from the pit of despair to the heights of climax in a few hours. I placed my feelings of tenderness on her waiting lips and scooped her up into my arms.


We were in no hurry. It was my turn to tremble with desire. Eve gave out clues, and I followed the trail of breadcrumbs until I could beg her with ease. Eve grinned, the first hint of mischief from this demure vixen. Of course, I would relent to her, just as she did to me.

Adapted as a living doll, she rolled me prone. She was hungry, trying to devour every inch of me with a peppering of sucking kisses. Cool exhaled air followed. A zephyr breeze caressed my overheated sex and tightest hole. As an act of mimicry, I had to giggle. Eve pulled on my hips, and my knees supported my weight. This was a silent statement of her experience, slavering over my aching pussy, rimming and teasing my ass.

Caught by surprise, I moaned when penetrated. Sodden, her skilful fingers slipped through the drenched heat. An outstretched thumb applied pressure against my ass; it circled and rubbed, delivering lightning bolts of bliss. Eve tried many combinations like a thief until she found her ill-gotten gains.

“Eve… please… please keep going.”

“Would you like this faster?”

There was no courtesy, and she took me. My sex sucked on my two digits, and squishy sounds competed with my shallow moans. Eve plundered it without violence, and my mournful cries bayed as a machine gun.

“Oh God,” I cried, “How?”

I reeled as she answered without words, “Fuck… oh, fuck!”

Wailing, the sloshing noises rose as the rapid judders built. Eve had me and ransacked my body in its heightened state. There was no slow build-up; what had I done to deserve this? There was no time to rationalise it as she possessed my mind. Nothing else mattered now, only the need to vent this frustration. My muscular walls clenched and eased. I bucked and shook, fighting to constrain it, eager to make this last a few seconds longer. The tip of her tongue squirmed in my ass.

“Oh fuck, Eve….”

She had unlocked my lust too easily; that place inside me ransacked by the eagerness only the young possessed. I was with her in spirit, cast back in time and safe in its embrace. Eve cast aside all my misconceptions with her experience. I surrendered to the losing battle, and with saliva-flecked howls, the storm gathered to its crescendo. Fighting the quaking tremors, I pleaded with my last broken breath.

“Take your orgasm, Ines.”

Her permission was unnecessary, but those perfunctory words sent me flying over the edge. Her confidence spiced the impending climax that might bare my soul. Consumed by lashings of electricity, my harsh cries exorcised the jagged spasms. My thighs shook as if they might break, and I raged with the violence of a breached dam.

The entirety of my sexual being vented with total abandon. Exposed and overwhelmed, the vast lungfuls of air matched my stricken convulsions. Flailing, crying aloud, I exorcised the pent-up state of my body and mind. Lost in a world where only we existed, she gathered my hair in her hand. Forced to arch my back, her fingers ploughed that spot. Completely undone, I cried out so loudly, I thought Xavier might hear it.

My addiction to her was complete. I ascended the summit of a second peak when the first had barely petered out. Shaking violently, the portent of another wave rose. Rushing from the depths of my frustration, it rose from a place that only my husband ever reached.

God knows what noises I was making; I was there at an unassailable peak.

“Oh… oh…”

I had to bear down, involuntarily squeezing as Eve’s relentless fingers threw me over the wave’s crest.


Endlessly repeating my words, I fell and kept falling. Ricocheting off the insane seizures, slammed helplessly by pounding spasms. Eve made me ride it out, held firm with her fingers twisting inside me. Shaking in a fit, she coaxed everything from me until I had to wrest her from my throbbing sex. Suddenly empty, released from her clutches, I twitched as if dying. Falling onto the bed, murmuring at each sudden aftershock, I hugged the world as it spun around me.

“Eve…” I gasped, “holy shit.”

She giggled.

Limp as a ragdoll, she gathered me into her arms and purred with contentment. Adorned by her loving caress, I rested in the warmth of our bodies, soothed by the cool breeze.

“Well, Ines… I suppose telling you I prefer women is a bit pointless.”

“Prefer?” I could not manage more, “Where did you….”

“Oh, my last girlfriend… and a lot of porn.”

She was so blasé… she was so fucking talented.

I tried to laugh but could not still my breathing, “Well… I want to thank her.”

She kissed the top of my head, “Yeah, me too. You are multi-orgasmic, like me.”

I mumbled, uncertain if I should acknowledge that. A feeble strength had returned, and I leaned up.

“Come, you rest against me.”

Nestled in close, I could not rest my hands on her nubile body, “Do you have anywhere you need to go?”

“No… my parents are on holiday. I have a few friends, but we weren’t doing anything tonight.”

“Do you want to stay here with me tonight?”

“If we can do this again, I might.”

I gave a weary sigh, “Oh yes, we might.”

Her squeeze of my body was her answer, “And your husband won’t mind?”

I smirked, “Oh, he won’t mind at all. He encourages me.”

How little did Eve know. All I needed to do was persuade her.

Published 2 years ago

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