Julie arrived at the hotel later than she had planned. There was a traffic accident that held things up and by the time she was able to get around it she was behind schedule. She knew she would be late she just hoped she wasn’t so late she missed him!
She remembered what he had said the first time about being late, although she had tried to show him she wanted to cooperate and hoped that this wouldn’t cause him to do anything rash. She parked the car in the first spot she found.
Fortunately, it wasn’t far from the door and she raced in as fast as running on heels allowed. Straight to the elevator she went and up to the second floor. She ran down the hallway to room 210 and found the door cracked open like last time.
Oh good, he’s still here! she thought. She went inside and stood in the middle of the living room area.
“I’m here, Sir! I’m here!” she said loudly, hoping he was watching and listening.
She looked over at the table and there was a note. His instructions this time were to get undressed down to her panties and put on the hood just like last time. But this time he wanted her to sit in the wooden desk chair that had been pulled a short distance from the desk.
Quickly, Julie started undressing, hoping that he was watching and seeing her do as he instructed. There had been no indication except for the door and the note that he had been there and no way of knowing that he still was.
As soon as she was properly prepared for him she sat down, dressed only in her panties, hood over her head and eyes, with her back to the door. She waited, still praying that she wasn’t too late.
Her heart was racing and she couldn’t have heard him over the pounding in her ears if had been wearing army boots and walking on bubble wrap. But just like the first time, he came into the room wearing only socks and walking silently across the carpeted floor. Julie had no idea he was there until he spoke.
“You are late!” he said, standing right behind her.
“Oh, Sir, I am sorry! There was this car accident on the way over and I…”
“QUIET!” he barked, cutting Julie off mid-sentence. “This is only our second meeting and you are late. Are you trying to test me, young lady?”
“No Sir,” she said quietly. Julie hung her head. He wasn’t accepting excuses. She was late, and he was angry.
“You realize I am going to have to punish you. You need to start thinking ahead and perhaps leave a little earlier just in case there’s something that alters your route. It is better to be a little early and wait in the lobby a few minutes than to be late.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“So what kind of punishment do you think being late warrants? What do you do to an employee that shows up late, Julie?” he asked.
“We write them up and dock their pay for the time they were late, Sir,” she said quietly.
“Well, writing you up and docking your pay won’t work in this instance, but I am going to dock you one thing. You see, after we reached such an amiable agreement last week, I was feeling pretty good about us. And so I was planning on maybe having a little fun today… after all, I’m not in the habit of letting such a lovely thing as you go unappreciated.
“However, since you were late I can’t exactly do as I had planned – it would be as if I was rewarding bad behavior. So I will have to come up with something else for today.”
“No Sir, please! Please, I won’t be late anymore! Please, let’s do what you wanted to do! Please, Sir! I’ve done nothing but think about that all week! I was going to ask you if you would use me today! Please!”
“Hmm…” he said, thinking about the matter. “I will tell you what. Since this is your first offense, I am going to give you a chance to make amends. But that is going to require a big commitment from you. Do you think you are able to keep your promise?”
“Oh yes, Sir! I will do whatever you ask! I promise!” she said eagerly.
“Well, I hope so… I don’t want to have to punish you twice – once for being late today, and once for breaking a trust!”
“Oh no, Sir. I will not break a trust! What is the commitment? What do I have to do?” she asked.
“I want you to promise me that no matter what goes on today, you will not masturbate at all until we meet again. Do you think you can do that? Now I will warn you that if you make this promise I will play with you today and I will get you so aroused and horny you will beg me to let you cum.
“But I won’t make you cum and I do not want you to make yourself cum when we leave today. You will have to wait until we meet again. That is your punishment. Knowing you didn’t get to cum and that you will have to wait until I make you cum the next time we meet.”
“But Sir…” she whined.
“Tut!” he said. “That’s the deal. Either you promise me you won’t masturbate, or… I will give you a sound spanking. And I guarantee it will be a very uncomfortable ride home later!”
“No! No, Sir, I promise! I promise! I won’t masturbate until we meet again! Please don’t spank me! I HATE being spanked!” she said fervently.
“Oh? And why is that?” he asked.
“Because, Sir, it makes me feel like a child. It is embarrassing and makes me feel ashamed and immature. I mean, I am a branch manager… a top executive at my company. I worked hard to show everyone that I was able to handle the job. And being turned over your knee and having my ass spanked would be too humiliating!” she said quietly, her head down.
“Ah yes, that old purple monster pride!” he said. “Well, that is good information to know, Julie. Now I know the one punishment that you most dislike. Although I know a lot of women who like and even want to be turned over a man’s knee and their bare ass spanked, knowing you don’t, gives me some more ammunition to use.” he said.
“Yes, Sir.”
“All right stand up, pretty.” Julie stood up carefully.
“Good. Now, turn one-quarter turn to your right.” She obeyed his direction.
“Okay, now ahead of you about five or six steps is the wall. Find it and turn so your back is against it.”
Julie walked forward carefully feeling for the wall. Then she turned as he directed and placed her back against the wall, gasping a bit because it was cold.
“Good girl. Now I want you to put your hands on your head and lace your fingers together. Keep them there until I tell you to put them down, understand? Don’t you move those arms, no matter what!” he said, a serious tone to his voice.
“Yes, Sir.” She did as he said and when she was ready he continued.
“Now, do I have your permission to touch you?” he asked.
“Yes, Sir. Thank you for asking.” Julie said.
“I told you I wouldn’t touch you without your permission,” he said simply, “But I also said that you would have to beg me. So if you want me to touch you then beg for it.”
His calm, self-assured tone and the whole naked and helpless scene she was in were just too much for her. Yes, she wanted him to touch her! She wanted it so much that she dropped all pretenses for him.
She begged. “Oh please, Sir! Please touch me! Do whatever you want with me! Please, Sir, I want to feel your touch. I want to feel your hands on me, Please!”
She trembled as she stood there. He could see her need was indeed genuine.
“You really are quite beautiful my pretty. I thought so from the first time I saw you,” he said gently running his fingertips along the inside of her arm. He traced his fingers across her collarbone and up the side of her neck.
“Y-you saw me… before we first met? Where? Please tell me!” Julie said.
He chuckled. “Oh, my dear, I have seen you a lot of places. Remember, I have been researching you for some time! I thought when I first saw you that you were attractive and you had a nice figure. Of course, I wasn’t able to see you this close… or in this state of undress. You definitely have improved your standing with me, my dear!”
Julie blushed under the hood. “Thank you, Sir,” she said.
Julie gave herself over to his caresses. His touch was kind and gentle, but with just enough roughness to let her know he was most definitely a man. And his confident, assertive manner told her he was a man used to getting what he wanted. These traits were very attractive to Julie. And very arousing as well.
“Ohhh, Sir…” Julie moaned softly. She rested her head against the wall and tried to concentrate on keeping her hands where they were supposed to be. But it was getting hard.
His fingers trailed down her sternum, moving through the valley of her breasts, and then followed the crease to her side. He moved around up and over her left breast to come down and draw agonizing circles around the edge of her areola.
Julie arched her back, thrusting her breasts at him, hoping against hope that he would touch and play with her achingly hard nipples.
“Please, Sir… play with my nipples… it always gets me so… hot,” she whimpered. He knew what she wanted. He watched as she twisted and maneuvered, trying to get him to touch her so she could show him what nipple play did for her.
However, he purposely avoided that hot spot, for now, wanting instead to bring her to a boil slowly. He wanted to tease her, to torment her until she couldn’t think straight until she couldn’t think of anything except her own driving need. Until she was his.
She was well on her way too, as she squirmed and moaned under his skilled hand. But there were other more powerful forces he could bring to bear on her.
Leaving her breasts unsatisfied, his fingertips trailed down her stomach leaving a fiery trail of desire in their wake. Julie knew exactly where he was headed and she groaned still louder as he moved past her navel without slowing down. Lightly moving over her quivering belly, he reached the waistband of her panties.
Julie held her breath for a moment wondering if he was going to remove her panties, go under them, or remain on top. She didn’t really care – she would take any of the options, so long as he just continued to touch her.
She froze there, breathlessly waiting for his next move. He smiled, knowing the anticipation must be gnawing at her. With his hand pulled slightly away from her, he gave no indication of his choice, either. Suddenly his hand covered her mound and began rubbing, her panties between giving added friction and sensation.
“Oh God, Sir! Ohhh!” she cried out. She spread her legs wide, granting him license to play in her lap however he wished. He took advantage of her generous offer too, cupping her crotch and rubbing her panties firmly against her dripping pussy.
Julie quickly began humping against the hand that was driving her to distraction. She was finding it almost impossible to keep her hands where they belonged now and they slipped a few times. But she quickly recovered and put them back in place–hopefully before he noticed her error.
He did notice and grinned silently, but he continued for a few more moments until another, even more, evil idea came to him.
“Now turn around, my sweet, and put your hands behind your back,” he instructed her. She turned around and placed her hands behind her back. Then she felt something cold and heard the click-click-click sound of handcuffs being tightened on her wrists.
“What… Sir, what are you…?” she said visibly apprehensive at this new turn of events.
“Relax my dear… it’s all right. Trust me.”
When the handcuffs were on snugly but not too tight, he moved up closer to her back. He pressed himself into her and wrapped one arm around her to place a hand on her right tit. His right hand went south and slipped under her now wet panties and found the source of the dampness.
“Yes! Oh God yes, Sir! Oh, please! Please play with my pussy, Sir. Oh, I want you to so much, please!”
Her hands found something of interest themselves as she felt a large, impressive bulge in the front of his pants.
“Find something you like, my dear?” he said in a low soft tone in her ear.
Julie whimpered like a scolded puppy at his words.
“Go ahead, pretty, you can unzip my pants and reach in to feel it. I’m commando tonight so you shouldn’t have any trouble,” he said.
“But you have to beg.”
Julie knew just what to do now and she didn’t hesitate a moment. “Please, Sir! Please can I touch it, Can I hold your big cock? Please, Sir!”
“And what will you do for me if I let you? You have to earn the privilege you know.”
“Anything, Sir! I’ll do anything, I swear! Just please, please let me hold it, please!” she said.
Those were the words he’d been waiting for. “Stand right there then I will be right back.” He went into the bathroom and got the belt from the hotel robe. Wrapping it around her waist, he began pulling her.
“What what are you doing, Sir?” she asked.
“Just follow me and don’t argue.” She heard him open the door and the next thing she knew they were in the hallway! She was dressed in nothing but her panties, being walked down the hall of the hotel in a makeshift leash!
“Hello,” he said. “Oh, don’t mind her, she’s been a bad girl and this is her punishment!”
Julie was mortified! “Sir!” she whispered loudly, “Sir, please! let’s go back to the room! Please, Sir!”
“Not yet,” he said, continuing to drag her down the hallway. Julie was just thankful that he had left her hood on. At least the people in the hallway couldn’t tell it was her!
“Oh, it’s okay ma’am, we will be done with our walk soon!” he said. Julie was embarrassed beyond belief! This was almost as bad as having pictures on the Internet!
“Pardon us, folks,” he said. After that, he mercifully began the long walk back to the room.
Once safely inside, she began to read him the riot act.
“Sir! How could you do that to me!” she said fuming mad at him. “I thought I could trust you. I almost began to think you were a good guy! But now I am so mad I could spit!
“SIT DOWN!” he said, pushing her down on the desk chair. “First off, young lady, you are not in a position to be making the rules or chastising anyone. Remember what I have on you. I can still use it at any time.
“Now as for that walk in the hallway. I got this room today knowing there would be no other guests in this area of the hotel. Also, I made sure to tell housekeeping we wouldn’t need anything. So there was no one out in the hallway for you to be embarrassed at. We were all alone.”
“But who…”
“Who was I talking to? No one. I only wanted you to think I was parading you around. And you did.”
“But why, Sir?”
“Because I wanted you to know what it felt like to be publicly shamed. To be embarrassed in front of a bunch of people. Like you did to me and many others like me.”
“You, Sir? I don’t understand…”
He reached over to her and pulled the hood off Julie’s head.
Julie blinked a couple of times then looked at the man that she had been calling Sir.
“You don’t remember me, do you,” he said.
“No, I’m sorry, I don’t.”
“We that doesn’t surprise me. You didn’t give me much thought that night at the bar either.”
“The bar?”
“You know, Bottom’s Up. We were both there about a week before I left that first envelope on your car window. I came over because I saw a pretty lady who’d obviously had a tough week, sitting by herself.
“I only wanted to talk, maybe buy you a drink and hopefully help you forget about work. I wasn’t making a play for you. I’d had a pretty hard week myself. I thought maybe two suffering souls could have a drink and talk.
“But instead you acted as if you’d just caught me fucking your mother on the good sofa. I go to that bar often – it’s on my way home. And I knew people there that night. What you did made this ’embarrassing’ little walk down the hallway a piece of cake,” he said.
Now Julie really felt like shit. “I’m sorry Sir. I didn’t realize… It had been a really shitty week, but that’s no excuse. I guess I was just having a pity party for myself and didn’t think that maybe someone else could have a bad week too. Please, Sir, I’m so sorry I treated you like that.”
He helped her stand up then unlocked the handcuffs from her wrists. “Well now that you know why I did this and you’ve seen my face, I guess this whole thing is over. Don’t worry, you won’t hear from me again, so you can go back to your life. But I am going to find another drinking hole, just so you won’t have to worry if I come in,” he said.
He gathered up his things and turned to leave when Julie put her hand on…