I stared at my office door, as if it would open via thought alone, revealing Tabby on her knees. A demonstration of her obedience. Her needs.
My focus flicked between the door and the spreadsheet she’d asked me to review. I scrolled past endless columns of numbers. Added a formula. Deleted it. Gulped some water.
Like any of her regular employees, I’d knocked on her open door earlier and patiently given her time to admit me. Knowing it was me, she kept me waiting. Minx.
As I approached her desk, the air between us crackled with sexual energy, our eyes flitting from loaded gazes to body parts. I’d swear she’d undone her blouse one button further than strictly necessary so I could catch a glimpse of creamy cleavage plunging into the hint of mauve bra. I wondered idly if the faint bruises from my finger marks were still dusted on her soft skin.
She’d dished out the spreadsheet task for the benefit of anyone within earshot of her still open door, leaning forward to indicate key points on the screen in front of her. All I could think about was how those fingers had gripped the very desk at which she sat, knuckles whitening when I spanked her a few nights before. Each crack replayed in my head like splintering wood, her mewls shortly following as her voluptuous arse pinkened, skirt flipped up, panties yanked to her knees.
When she’d finally admitted she was my needy little slut and begged me to fuck her, I did. Hard. Sprawled forward, tits spilled and crushed to the desk surface, I’d dug fingertips into her behind and slammed my length home. Ploughed her until the slaps of flesh on flesh were drowned by groans, and our climaxes collided inside her, before dripping into the underwear stretched between her legs.
She brought me back from my reverie, tracing a manicured nail up and down a set of numbers.
“See here, this figure might need… massaging.”
I caught the flash in her eyes that darted to the outline of my bulge.
“And that column, well, it’s too hard to believe. Actually, maybe you should insert your own column and see what you can come up with.”
I suppressed a grin. Scanned the data, periodically flicking my gaze to her.
“If we limit the values here…” I dragged a fingertip across the screen and brushed her wrist, watching goose bumps flare on her forearm, “…Apply restraint. Will it keep things under control?”
Her gaze slid to mine and she breathed out, pupils dilating a fraction.
“That might just work.”
Straightening, I cast a wistful glance into her cleavage.
“I’ll see what I can do. Shall we go over the changes later?”
She nodded. “I’m fully booked all day. Can we do it after that?”
“Sure. I’ll let the family know I’ll be working late.”
I strode away without looking back because I knew it would drive her mad. Returned to my office and thought. I had a need to push beyond her comfort zone. To try something daring and new.
During lunch when she disappeared to the sandwich shop, I grabbed an ‘Internal Only’ mail envelope from the stationary area, unlocked my lower desk drawer and snuck her leather collar and leash into the pouch.
With a fluttering need in my belly and the beginnings of an erection that would stay with me most of the day, I strode back through the open plan rented space, the clicking of keyboards and low-level buzz of conversations a constant reminder of how wrong our actions were.
I made it to her office. After a cursory glance back through the open door, I placed the items on the seat of her chair. Grabbing a pen from the pot on her desk, I printed her name on the outside, then scribbled a Post-It and placed it inside the envelope.
Crawl to my office @7pm. Bring these.
I pushed the chair under the desk out of view, and returned to my office. Lost count of the number of times I glanced at the door.
As the general hubbub on the office floor tailed off amid cheery ‘see you tomorrows’, my anticipation grew alongside my erection.
When the office fully quietened, the motion sensitive lights gradually flicked off until just mine and hers remained on, separated by a dark expanse peppered with the glow from computer screens that had yet to enter sleep mode.
The wall clock inched further towards 7pm. I jigged my leg under the table. Changed a few digits. Changed them back. Gave up trying to focus on the spreadsheet and just leaned back in my chair, fingers steepled, watching the open door.
The two-metre square of overhead diffuser bulbs adjacent to her office flashed and illuminated. Motion detected. I gripped the armrest and stared.
Then the next square flickered on, bathing the desks beneath in soft white light. Then the next.
My breath hitched as the squares turned ninety degrees, following the layout of the walkways between clusters of desks, illuminating a path from her office to mine, area by area.
The lights outside my office eventually came on and, moments later, there she was. On all fours in a slightly gaping blouse and tight work skirt that accentuated her curvy figure. She had the collar on, lead clipped to it, the free end between her teeth.
My cock firmed as she knelt up in the doorway, her cheeks flushed from either the exertion of crawling or arousal. I didn’t care which at this point.
Neither of us spoke, our rising and falling chests separated by three scant metres, the blood thundering through our veins almost connecting us. I beckoned with one finger and Tabby complied, crawling with swinging hips in an obviously exaggerated pendulum to taunt me. It worked.
When she was within a couple of feet, I turned my chair a few degrees to face her. Waited for her to settle at my side, and demurely gaze up. I took the leash handle from her mouth and stroked her cheek with it.
“Good girl.”
She purred and I traced a pair of fingertips across the oval of her lips, pressing inside for her to wet them. Dragging them from her, I trailed them down her front, and over her blouse to pinch a firm nipple through the material. Her eyes fluttered closed as the pain seeped into her mind, but she held back from making a sound. I pinched harder until she hissed, immediately stroking to soothe the sting.
“Look at you, Tabby. So obedient. So pretty. So… mine.”
She nodded, eyes mere slits and a guttural moan rumbling as I stroked her nipple and moved to flick, pinch and caress the other.
Rolling the pebbled peak between thumb and forefinger, I tightened my grip and pulled upward, coning the flesh slightly.
“Working late again, Tabitha?”
I let go and trailed my fingers to tilt her chin up a fraction, our eyes locking.
“And fucking a colleague behind your husband’s back too? You’re such a filthy slut.”
Her nostrils flared and her pupils dilated, her gaze burning into mine. She remained silent except for her elevated breathing, but I knew what this did to her. She was so used to being in control, so used to dishing out the orders and evaluating everyone else. I knew first-hand how wet it made her to face the stark reality of the nature of our affair while she was on her knees for me.
“Hold out your tongue.”
She complied and I swept the grip of the lead over it to wet it.
“The trouble with being naughty is it has consequences. Punishment. You know what that means, don’t you?”
She didn’t move Immediately when I twirled my finger. Her eyes flashed at the gesture and I could practically see the torment on her face as she struggled with doing as she was told. Finally, she shuffled around to face away from me and provocatively slithered her hands up her thighs to trace the curvature of her hips, dragging the skirt material up with it. I held my breath.
The mauve of her underwear began to ease into view, skirt stretching… stretching, then snapping up as the elastic contracted, bunching at her waist. Dropping again to all fours, she wiggled her luscious backside in my direction, the material arcing between her cheeks. Delicious dark bands of sheer hold-ups held court a few inches below.
I reached down and stroked her rear. Fed the leash between her legs so it looped beneath her, from collar to my hand, then gradually tightened. When I pulled it up towards me, her head bowed, butt raising, and she groaned as the metal links dragged through her slit, deforming her panties. She was clearly already wet.
Gently releasing and tugging the leash back and forth sawed it against her wetness, and the fabric darkened further. As she moaned into the carpet tiles, I gave a firm tug. Both gusset and the links were swallowed between her pussy lips and she drew a sharp lungful of air while I teased.
Yanking the leather strap free, I swooped a hand in to cup her snatch, massaging as she wiggled against my palm. I circled my thumb over her panty-clad arsehole and she groaned, long and low.
“Oh, Tabby. Do you act this way for your husband?”
The breathy “Fuck, no” made my cock fatten against its confines. I slid my hand up to the waistband of her panties and dragged them skyward, her puffy pussy lips spilling either side of the fabric strip.
“So you’re a slut just for me?”
She gasped as I tugged the underwear free of her slit and yanked it in again, massaging her entrance with the now sodden material.
“Y-Yes… Yours.”
“Mmmm yes. Mine. My plaything. My…” I snapped the waistband back against her skin and she yelped, “…sexy little fucktoy.”
Her soft peach rolled against my palm as I massaged.
“Do you know what being my fucktoy means?”
I patted her rear, once, twice, three times, each slightly harder than the one before, not giving her a chance to answer before I swatted her hard on the fourth. My voice gained an edge at her reaction.
“It means I can do what the fuck I like to you. Make you plead and beg for release.”
Taking the handle of the lead, I traced it over her curvy behind. Soothed the pink pigment that had raised where my handprint struck. Then lifted the leash handle and cracked it against the opposite arse cheek.
She hissed into the floor as a dark strip stained the surface, disturbing the alabastrine uniformity of her skin. I gingerly reached to stroke it, soothing the strike point. Just fingertips then full fingers, then palm until she purred and pressed against me.
Raising my hand, I tightened my grip on the lead handle and swung it down to her other cheek. She yelped, the sting evident in the vowel that bounced off my office walls. I soothed the pinkness again.
She breathed in. Her butt steeled against my palm and she nodded.
I lifted the leash. Paused. Held it until I felt sure she thought I might be affording her mercy. Then struck.
Her howl coincided with the lights adjacent to her office extinguishing.
Avoiding the immediate heat, I centred instead on her covered pussy lips, stroking my finger through the nectar that seeped from the entrance beneath.
“Oh you like that, huh?”
Her voice was quiet. Almost subdued.
I brought my finger laden with her juices to my lips and licked. Tangy and delicious.
“So tell me, Tabitha, where would you like the next lash to land? Which part do you want me to mark?”
Tabby exhaled. Seemed to be considering her next move. After arcing her back with feline grace, she knelt up and shuffled around to face me. Both of us focused on her fingers as she unfastened the remaining buttons holding her blouse closed. The garment gaped, her chest heaving and she traced her hands up her skin to bring them to rest under her tits. Cupped them. Lifted to spill generous cleavage from the confines of her bra and slid her gaze demurely to mine.
I brought my hand out to stroke her cheek. Tracked a fingertip over her jawline. She air-snapped and I dodged it, wagging my finger. Dragged it down to circle the band of leather around her neck then pinched the hoop where the leash was attached. Tugged a little and let the strap slither through my fingers until I reached the handle. I trailed it across her collarbone in a zigzag, each sweep slightly lower than the last until it brushed her nipples through the lacy mauve material.
Our eyes connected when I drew the handle away. I held it at her eye level and let it dangle from my grip. Waited for her attention to flit to the lead, then swung. A reassuring crack preceded her gasp. She sucked in heavy air a few times and snarled, “Again.”
I raised the makeshift whip and flashed it across the other breast. A yelp escaped her lips and she forced her cleavage higher, breathing deep.
Taking half a step back I let out more of the leather. Her eyes widened a fraction before I flashed the handle down to stripe her tits.
Reaching out, I stroked the marks. Crouched and kept my fingers moving until they skimmed her panties. Rotating my wrist, I slipped beneath the waistband and slid along her slit. Dripping. I extracted my glistening digit and sampled her, our gazes connected.
“Fuck, you’re tasty.”
“Mmmm.” She drew in a deep breath and squeezed her cleavage together, spilling more flesh and the very edge of crinkled areola. “You know how to make more.”
Reinserting the fingers of my left hand into her sopping snatch, I angled myself so I could swing.
Leaning in, I kissed her hard, tongues entwining, lips moving as one. As I drew back, I snapped the leash forward. It caught her squarely across her chest, pussy lips clenching around my fingers. Fresh juice drizzled around them as she spat, “FUCK!”
Her gaze steeled when I arched an eyebrow, lifting the leash again in front of her. Waiting a fraction longer this time, I crashed the handle against her tits and she gasped, uncupping them to rub and pinch the flesh through the fabric. I withdrew too and slid my fingers up to her mouth. She eagerly sucked as she massaged the stripes on her breasts.
Electricity seemed to flow from my fingers to her, and back up my arm. Like we were somehow connected by more than the physical. A curious symbiosis; her trust placed in me to wrench away the control that she wielded over everyone in the office on a daily basis. To tread that line between pleasure and pain that ignited her senses and fuelled mine. Yet through it all, she retained her command. Her power. Even when I took it away.
The discoveries we had made about one another since that fateful night when our guards dropped and passion overwhelmed us, ran deeper than skin on skin, leashes and chains and power play. It clawed at the fabric of who we were, each exploration into our needs both suffocating in intensity, yet freeing.
There seemed no end to the siding along which we rocketed, our vows to our partners still intact, still binding on the main track. The thrill of the unknown, of how far we could push one another was simply exhilarating. I loved my wife still, but I worshipped Tabby.
I stood, removing my fingers from her mouth and stared down at her.
“Have you had enough?”
I swear I could see her internal battle as she closed her eyes fleetingly. When she opened them, they bore into mine as she clenched her jaw.
“Do you think I’ve had enough?”
My cock surged as I replied quietly.
She held my gaze as she eased herself to stand in front of me. Leaned against the desk, inching her thighs apart. Her fingertips gripped the edge alongside her thighs and she hopped up, chest heaving.
I stepped in, slipped my fingers inside her and brought them out to lick clean, slowly and deliberately, her scent drifting in the inches between our faces.
Slithering my hand along her leg I eased it all the way up her body to her throat. Gripped her momentarily, brushed the collar and drew the leash through my fingers again until I stopped about three inches before the handle.
She took one long breath in and held it until the leather whipped against her wet cunt, when it exploded in a wail. I’m not sure I’d ever heard her shriek as loudly. I clamped my palm to her dripping snatch and massaged until she purred.
“God that stings sooo good.”
I slid my palm, damp with her juices, up to squeeze her breast hard, then up to circle her throat. Gripping her neck, I applied pressure and raised the leash in the air again. Her eyes lidded, voice box vibrating beneath my hand in a low growl.
The crack of the makeshift whip stung her cunt and she convulsed, emitting a strangled scream and rocking her hips as I pinned her to the desk by her throat. I let go and snaked my hand down to rub the impact. Soothed it, the strip of panty material between her lips drenched.
“Jesus, Tabby. You’re fucking soaked.”
I slid my fingers past the gusset and drove them inside her. Built up a pace using my thumb as an anchor on her clit. Massaged and finger fucked her as she jerked and groaned under my touches, gasps reaching a crescendo, deep panting giving way to a garbled moan when I stopped.
Her eyes steeled on mine as she lunged for my wrist, clinging to it and holding me in place.
“Don’t. Fucking. Stop. You fucker.”
I grinned.
“Well that’s not begging.”
The pleading in her eyes was wired directly to the surging bulge in my trousers. “Fuck. Make me fucking come. Please.”
I tapped her clit with my thumb in a rhythm.
“Will this do it?”
“No!” She groaned. “Finger me. Fuck me and crush my clit. God. Pleeease.”
She tugged my forearm towards her body in an attempt to make me restart. I just smiled and held still. Wiggled my fingers inside her.
“Like this?”
Tabby squirmed in breathless abandon. “Nearly… fuck. Just f-finish me already. I’ll be a good girl for you. A really good girl.”
Reaching for my phone, I flicked on the voice recorder app. Held it to her mouth.
“What was that now?”
I wiggled my fingers inside her drooling channel. Paused. She gasped into the mouthpiece, voice a throaty rasp, “Make me come now and I’ll do anything you ask like a good fucking girl. Fucking anything.”
Drawing the mic a little way from her so it didn’t overload, I caught her hooded gaze, withdrew my fingers and plunged them in, jamming my thumb to her clit. I rolled it over the aching bud as I ploughed my fingers inside her needy cunt. Tabby rocked her shoulders against the desk, gasping as the pressure overwhelmed her.
All the microphone picked up for five long seconds was the writhing of her body as she shook and convulsed on my embedded fingers. Then the moans began as the crescendo peaked within and her orgasm thundered.
Deep, guttural rasps filled the office and I could have easily yanked her forward, freed my prick and fucked her on the desk as she came around my invading length. I fought the urge and held the phone steady to capture every nuance of her climax until the gasping returned to mewls and then to whimpers as she quivered.
I shut off the recording and reclaimed my fingers from her sopping slit, cleaning them. The desperation of her orgasm seemed to permeate every lick and I couldn’t hold back my own need. Pressing Play on the device, her voice filtered in:
Make me come now and I’ll do anything you ask like a good fucking girl. Fucking anything.
I reached for the leash and yanked her off the desk amid a yelp of surprise. Dragged her to the floor where she hungrily eyed me and scrabbled for the belt of my trousers, unbuckling it, popping the catch and tearing down the fly. She freed my solid prick, its tip glistening in the office lighting and I pulled the leash to impale her on me.
Tabby’s mouth is exquisite when wrapped around my cock. She has the ability to take me deep with little warm up and, within a few strokes, I was buried in her throat. She gurgled appreciation, the vibrations of her moans rekindling her orgasm and kickstarting mine.
Mercilessly tugging her by the leash I fucked her mouth for a handful more strokes, while her recorded moans played back from the phone I’d dropped to the desk. As my balls tightened, I clamped my free hand to the back of her head and held her to me as she coughed, spit drooling from my shaved sac, and the first jet of milky come splashed against her throat.
It was my turn for groans to fill the room as I fired the next inside her then tore free, fisting my cock roughly and directing the remaining spurts onto her lips, chin and cheeks.
She kept her eyes on me as I claimed her, made her mine, hissing, “My pretty slut,” through gritted teeth. I stroked her cheek with my thumb as gravity influenced the rivulets and globs. Swept my warm come towards her eagerly waiting lips and fed it to her.
Not a drop was wasted. Tabby lapped the tip of my withering cock, cleaning me fully before tucking me away and refastening my belt. I patiently waited for her to finish then helped her stand. We kissed, a long and sensual embrace, hands exploring curves and clothes as our heart rates returned to normal.
I stepped away, the final lingering touch to her collar. “Don’t think you’d get away with wearing this home.”
She lifted her hair and turned around to allow me to remove it. I unclasped the leather, tossed the assembly onto the desk and ran a fingertip over her wrist. Traced up her arm and elbow, then across to her chest. Catching the fabric of her blouse on either side, I covered her assets and buttoned slowly from the bottom, brushing her skin at every opportunity, my breath close to her ear.
When her top half was presentable, I skimmed my hands down her curves and tugged her skirt into place, then spun her around.
“There. By all outward appearances you’re the boss again.”
We kissed briefly. Passionately. I had to tear myself away or the heat would have fired me up again and we’d never make it home.
She took a few steps backward, heading for the door.
“When are you next working late?”
I grinned. “Whenever my boss needs a column inserted into her figures.”
Her smile mirrored mine. “Good. That might be sooner than you think.”