Driving to pick up her car left at Abbie and Tim’s the night before, Sam tells Grace about the game the day before and how awesome everything had been. But more than the food, drinks, and great football game; the talk between Luke, Tim, Brian, and him about his construction business. His concerns about meeting all the requests at the level he wants.
Brian offered terrific suggestions on the financial side and Luke on managing higher volumes of supplies and staff. Tim was just supportive and provided insight about the organization to make things flow properly. All the comments have given Sam a lot to think about.
He laughed to Grace, “The best part was when Brian said our conversation now made the day a total business write-off for him—discussing possibilities with a potential client. Hearing that, Grace, made me think perhaps this could happen. I told Brian that I would turn to him and his bank, for sure, for financing if I take this plunge.”
Grace encourages and congratulates him, “Sam, I think the next few years are going to be so exciting for both of us. Diving into new waters and making our dreams realities. I can’t wait to see where this all leads us.”
After getting the car and back home, her new wardrobe hung in the closet, with a few delays modeling some of the outfits and many lingerie pairs for Sam. The last pale green set encourages Sam to grab Grace toward him and kiss her neck and down to her chest and breasts.
“You look lovely in these. I could eat you up,” Sam tells Grace as he continues to lick and nibble all over her body. On her back on the bed, Sam moves down from her breast to her stomach and belly button, which he rims and sticks his tongue in.
Then down further. Sam does not want to take Grace’s panties off yet, even though he can feel her wetness through them. Instead, with his fingers, first, rubbing against her slit through the fabric, then his kisses, licks, and bites at the crotch of her panties. His hands now rub and pinch her inner thighs.
Grace is going crazy with this attention. Sighing profoundly and crying out ‘oohs and ahhs.’ Her body is trembling from Sam’s touch, causing it to wiggle under him as he teases her to cum.
She tried to reach down to grab his cock, but he presses her hand away. Stopping for a minute, he stands over her as she watches him pull his shirt off and then his pants. Grace sighs hard seeing Sam naked. She can’t believe how lucky she is to have found this gorgeous man. Who is so kind, considerate, knowledgeable, and fun to be with. Not to mention magnificent in all sexual endeavors.
Sam leans down and pulls Grace’s panties off finally. His large cock swinging between her spread legs, waiting for him. He rubs his cock up and down her dripping cunt and around her clit, making Grace cry out again with pleasure. Finally, he presses his cock head in her to start. Just that much, holding it there as Sam bends and kisses Grace over and over.
His cock, even that little in, can feel her throbbing for him already, but she can wait. It will make her more eager. Kissing her more, with such passion on both sides. Sam moves lower and pushes her bra down, so Grace’s lovely nipples are free and on display.
Sam takes his time over each of them. Backing off when Grace tries to raise herself to take more of his cock in. Keeping her on tenterhooks for more of him in her. Only after enjoying both of her nipples does Sam raise himself, so he is on his knees between Grace’s spread legs.
Sam thrusts himself fully up in her as she gives out a cry of surprise at such sudden action. Grace throbs against Sam, welcoming his prick finally into her warm and wanting cave of desire. Over and over, he backs out only to come in harder again and again. Sam is pounding her at a fast pace now.
Both want it this way. Both want to cum soon.
Over and over, they feel the vibrations coming from each of them. The wanting desire each needs to have fulfilled. Grace pulsating against Sam at each thrust. Sam is beating against Grace, feeling him up in her and his balls pounding against her ass cheeks.
Crying out to Grace as he pumps in a hard last time, holding himself in her as she vibrates against him and all his cum burst from him. Grace’s moans join in as she throbs against him over and over, squeezing everything from Sam.
They lay together for a good while, just content in each other’s arms. Then, stroking Grace’s hair, Sam says. “Grace, that was so good. I would do anything for you. It is still amazing that I found you that day as I did. You complete my life, and I want you always in it.
“I know we both have different goals in life, but I am sure, together, we can make it work. And anything, anything, I can do to help you, I will try my best to do,” Sam concluded.
Grace is quiet for a few minutes, just laying as they are, thinking if Sam really means what he is saying. She rolls to look him in the eyes, and seeing the caring and devotion there, she feels confident.
“Sam, I feel the same for you. When I think of all the events of the last few months, how one thing led to another, and the best one was it lead to you, I am overwhelmed. I thank God every day that he brought you into my life. And I want to be everything you need me to be.”
Grace kisses Sam over and over, deeper and deeper. Then, pulling back some, looking into Sam’s eyes, Grace goes on, “Sam, you know how over-hyper I get about my schoolwork and such. I know I get more agitated than I need to, but I do have this need for perfection in those things.
“That said, when I get off course, and while others might feel that I am still doing fine, I think I am not focused. I need something to help me get back centered.
“You know about Abigail’s room and her list of rules. You do understand what that more or less involves? I think that is what I need when I get into such states. I think it would help me to have set rules, and the discipline that goes with it, to help me through, at least these next few years,” Grace concludes, looking at Sam to see his reaction.
Sam’s face is blank, but his mind is on turbo, trying to take in what Grace is asking him and what it might all involve. Yes, he has imagined what goes on in the room that he more or less made for Tim and Abbie. What started the need for the room? Or the list he has seen on the refrigerator. It does outline issues Abbie seems to need to work through. And Grace seems to feel she also has issues requiring attention.
“Baby, I think I can do what you are asking, but can I think about it for just a bit? I think I would like to talk to Tim about it some if that would be okay? Then, I guess we would have to make rules for you to follow,” Sam starts to answer.
“But while I know you want them to center on you excelling in your academics, I think some should also be about you getting too absorbed in that pursuit that you lose focus on day-to-day things, and us,” Sam suggests.
Grace, hearing this, realizes that Sam is more or less saying he would be willing, just needing a bit of time. And offering some rules in other ways is showing he has bought into the idea. She hugs Sam and thanks him, “Take your time to understand and get to a point you feel okay with this. I am happy that you will even consider it.”
After a few more hugs and kisses, the two redress and get on with the rest of their Sunday. Both put aside their work for the day and just have a quiet, loving day together.
The following week Sam calls Tim and asks if they could get together to talk about something personal. Tim thinks at first it might be about Abbie and Grace’s dalliance on Saturday, but Sam’s tone seems to suggest something else. They decide to meet after work on Wednesday.
Tim can see Sam is nervous to start, and when he mentions Abigail’s room, giving Tim the direction of the conversation, Tim is a bit surprised. He eases Sam’s tension and tells him he guesses that Grace would like to include that as part of their lives as Abbie did him.
That relaxes Sam a great deal, and he admits yes. Sam says that if it is something Grace feels she needs, he will do it for her but has no idea how to go about it. The rules, how are they enforced? Is there protocol, what is used, and how is Grace to be spanked?
Tim laughs and assures him that it is a different world really to enter, but he will help as much as he can. And then, for the next couple of hours, they talk. Each texting their mates that they will be late getting home. Abbie and Grace, not knowing the two are meeting, wonder about the delay.
Tim begins, “Sam, it was a bit different start with Abbie and me, I think. It was early on when one night, in tears, Abbie confessed she had ‘misbehaved’ in her view and should be spanked.
“She was so adamant about it and begged to be. I did comply. Abbie was so calmed and feeling better for her earlier silly actions. When the next day, she asked me to set rules for her to follow and discipline her if stepping out of line, it just seemed like the right thing to do if she needed that.
“From our initial conversation, I made a list of rules, which I am sure you have seen at our house. She read and agreed to them and even added a couple more. Since then, due to new issues arising, we have added to the list.
“It is not that often now that we need to go that route, but sometimes, I almost think Abbie misbehaves to be spanked, which is another side of it. Being spanked while helping her correct her behavior is also sexually stimulating for her.
“She will become very aroused from being spanked. Unless it is a major issue we are dealing with, some extremely hot and heavy sex will follow. Not to mention, for some reason, spanking her does excite me also. Seeing her cheeks turn this rosy red as she wiggles under my hand is rather exotic.
“I spank her for the most part bare bottom over my knee. I use my hand to start but will use a hairbrush or leather paddle if a longer spanking is required. And taking Abbie to pick out the brush and paddle was rather a fun adventure in itself.” Tim advises Sam.
For another hour, Sam asks questions and Tim answers. Some are about Abigail’s room and its significance, which Sam takes into consideration. All in all, both feel better for having someone to talk to about this alternative lifestyle. They agree that whenever needed, the two will talk more about what is going on with each couple in this arena.
While not going into details about some of the recent issues Tim and Abbie have dealt with, Tim does counsel Sam that Grace’s rules should probably not be focused on her being perfect in her field. Instead, on maintaining balance in her life and not letting any one area overtake others.
Sam understands and agrees completely, which helps him think more about how he wants to proceed with things with Grace. Sam now feels better prepared to help Grace in this area, especially knowing she will soon face midterms and be in hyper mode. But their discussion would have to wait a bit.
The next day is Thursday’s gang’s dinner; Friday, sports night at the bar; Saturday, the christening of Timara plus Grace and Sam’s first meeting the lovely baby. It is not until Sunday, a week after their initial conversation, that Sam can talk about the new regime Grace would like.
After breakfast is cleared away, Sam tells Grace to remain at the table. He brings paper and pens and sits opposite her. “Grace, I want you to write down the rule you would like to establish for your behavior to be monitored. I will do the same. After, we will compare the lists, modify them if needed, including manners of discipline administered, and combine them to be your rules of conduct,” Sam says in a profoundly serious voice. “After, you will copy the rules out several times to learn them.”
Grace, looking first intensely into Sam’s eyes, then down at the blank paper in front of her, feels herself start to throb. This is real. Sam is willing. And Sam is taking the dominant position to make her feel how she realizes she needs to feel. She starts to tear up some as she looks back up at Sam.
He reaches over the table and wipes them away with his thumb. “Baby, we will make this work for you. However you need,” Sam says in the softest, kindest voice. Grace smiles back at him and picks up her pen.
An hour later, she has the rules she wants, related mostly to focusing on her studies. Sam also has a list, which emphasizes Grace balancing her life to keep the tension and stress from building too much. As they go over the lists together, Grace realizes that everything Sam has outlined is for her good. Perhaps succeeding so highly in school or even a career down the road is not the path to happiness.
Damn, Grace feels so petty and undeserving at the moment. How childish of her. Even the rules about her performance Sam had worded differently for a healthier balance and not some lofty height.
Changes like ‘she will always excel’ to ‘she will offer her best’ while seeming the same makes her realize what Sam is trying to tell her. He is happy to help discipline her to ‘keep in line,’ but that line focuses on and values the relationship they have first and foremost.
Together they compose a final list, which, surprising to Grace, centers more on what Sam wrote than what she did. This list to follow will help her the most in the long run. Many of the things she wrote are discarded as really self-focused and rather selfish. The rules Sam wrote were showing concern for her well-being and his love for her.
And Grace, in these minutes, acknowledges that is what she wants. Sure, before she met Sam, her concentration and goals were all scholastically and self-centered, front and centered where she must excel and be the best. The time now spent with Sam, and now Abbie and Tim, and all the others, gives her more pleasure than conquering new languages.
And she does grasp that what she really needs to be disciplined, spanked for is not getting less than one hundred percent, but shunning others, putting overstudying over the people she loves.
As Grace’s eyes open wide, she suggests shyly, “Perhaps Sam, different than I thought, you could sometimes give me a spanking the evening before a test to help me relax and acknowledge I am more than prepared. Rather than after the fact if I get less than one hundred percent.”
Sam smiles widely at Grace, happy that she is beginning to understand the big picture now. “That could be arranged, but also Grace, from the rules we have written, they go both ways. I know with all that is happening with my work, I will find myself not living up to these rules either at times. If that happens, would you be willing to discipline me in the same manner?”
Grace is shocked hearing this. It is not something she expected at all. But looking over the rules they have outlined, Grace does see how they apply to Sam also. Could she take the role of disciplinarian also when needed?
It is new ground for both of them. Grace knows that Sam is so devoted to her, it would take a lot for him to step over the line, but his asking for equal accountability touches her deeply.
The same way that Sam has worded things that are focused on her as both school and work. Suggesting that they will be together long after she finishes her degrees. That is a long-term commitment also. Grace’s love for Sam increases tenfold as they sit at the table discussing these things. Somewhat out of the norm, but something that will help the vows they are now making to each other.
Sam also realizes the significance of what is happening between them right now. And his agreeing, no asking, to be spanked if he falls short too. That makes everything binding between them in a strange but wonderful way.
Sam and Grace agree on the final draft, and the next hour is spent with both of them, as the rules now are for them both, writing them out several times, then solemnly signing them. They will put one copy on the refrigerator, each takes one to place where they can regularly see it, and the others in a special drawer for later.
Finished, both filled with love for each other and lust which has been building up imagining being spanked or being the spanker. Standing at the table, they crush themselves together into each other’s arms, kissing and hugging.
Each is trying to show the deep love they have in their kisses and caresses. Their clothes are being discarded as they grope and nibble away at each other’s necks and over their shoulders.
Soon both nude, Sam lifts Grace on the table where she spreads her legs wide for Sam to stand between. His cock, on full alert, rubs up and down her sticky slit getting wetter and wetter. As his glans rubs against Grace’s clit, Sam sucks on her tits, turning them into hard marbles to press against his chest.
Sam lifts Grace’s legs, so they are up under his arms as she clings to his neck. Her breasts and his chest are rubbing as he guides his cock up in her waiting, thumping vag begging for him to bang her good.
At the moment, lust is winning out over love as it is hot animal passion running through them both as they bang over and over. Sam is pressing in deep each stroke making Grace cry out each time and clench his cock with her sides, begging him to stay. But again, he pulls almost out to strike into deeply.
On and on, they fuck, sweat is dripping off both, the release for each is close at hand, but they try to hold back as the ride is so good. Graces clinging to Sam’s neck tightly allows him to lift her from the table to slam into even deeper a few times before he brings her back down to the table.
Sam knows Grace has cum a couple of times already, the last when he just lifted her, but the big one is rumbling in both of them, about to explode. He pulls back, almost out of Grace, and then with one final plunge, he releases his wad of cum over and over in streams up in Grace.
She cries out in ecstasy as her juices join Sam’s to mingle in the cocktail of love they just share. And as they come down from the high they just had, both say to each other out loud for the first time, and in unison, “I love you.”
That simple decoration echoes through the house. Each says it over and over, expanding on how deep their love is for each other. It is a good while until they calm and un-cling. This Sunday has turned into a milestone day for the two in so many ways. All good.
They have both felt this love for each other for a while now. An unspoken thing between them. Why had they not voiced it before? Who knows. But at this moment, all flood gates open. Agreeing to this different agreement and its terms cement how much they care for each other. And how committed they both are both ways.
So yes, repeating the chorus of ‘I love you’ over and over is fitting.
After pulling themselves together, Grace and Sam turn to the copy of the rules on the refrigerator and read it over one more time. The final version read:
Grace’s and Sam’s rules:
Rule 1: Grace/Sam will keep a balance in her/his life, never letting one part take precedence over others that are just as important.
Rule 2: Grace/Sam will offer her/his best in her/his school and work performance.
Rule 3: Grace/Sam must own up to action and not try to hide things from the other. S/he must tell the other if s/he feels s/he has done something wrong or is worried about something. If discipline is needed, s/he will accept what is given.
Rule 4: If Grace/Sam hides things s/he did or worried about, the other will, in time, find out, and the discipline will be much more.
Rule 5: Grace/Sam will trust, obey, and be loyal and honest to the other as s/he will be to them. Grace/Sam’s relationship should be the number one thing for both of them. Neither should become so self-involved with school or business they lose focus on each other.
Rule 6: Neither Grace nor Sam will do anything to make the other question the love they share. By actions, words, or deeds that hurt the other intentionally or unintentionally.
Rule 7: Grace and Sam will comply with these rules without argument. Rules can be changed or added to if deemed needed.
Then Grace takes the pen and adds one more rule:
Rule 8: Grace and Sam love each other deeply and will not let anything change that without a gallant fight.
Sam turns to Grace and kisses her again to place his seal upon the document.