A TRANS Formation – Chapter 18 – The Intriguing Dr. Walt

"On her first date with Dr. Walt, Jill discovers some clues about her femininity..."

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Waiting for her at the door, Allie gives Jill a kiss when she gets home from work. They’re both in very good moods, still emotionally high from their incredible weekend. A week ago, who would have guessed they’d be in love and living together? But yet, here they are, following their intuitions and letting their feelings guide their next move.

Jill’s been looking forward to her date with Dr. Walt ever since he asked her to go out with him at the Club meeting Saturday night.

“You look excited about your date tonight, Jill,” Allie remarks.

“I am, Allie. I’ve been looking forward to it all day. I don’t know what it is… I just feel a strong attraction to him,” Jill says as she goes into the bathroom for a quick shower.

Allie wraps a dry towel around her when she steps out and says, “Thanks for putting dinner in the crockpot before you went to work this morning.”

As she caresses Jill’s wet body with the dry towel she adds, “The apartment smelled so good when I got home. I’m not used to having someone cook for me.”

“Well, you can start getting used to me cooking for you.” Jill says, “I like to cook and it’s another way I can give you pleasure. Isn’t that crockpot convenient? I’m so glad I bought it. While we’re at work, it cooks our dinner for us. What will they think of next?”

“Yeah… It’s real convenient for me, especially since I can’t cook shit.” Allie laughs.

“Well, you don’t have to cook shit… cuz I’ll be your cook.”

Jill starts to giggle and adds, “Not only can I be your cook, but I can be your whore and your stud whenever you want, too.”

Allie hugs her and says, “You’re all those things to me and more, but what you are most… you’re my best friend. And I’ll always your stud and your whore anytime you want, too.”

“Speaking of being a whore,” Jill says, “I’m Walt’s little whore tonight, so I better get to it. I don’t want to be late.”

As Jill goes into the boy room to get dressed, Allie gets her overnight bag and packs it with what she thinks Jill will need. After she dresses in Jerry’s best clothes, she asks Allie to put her necklace around her neck.

“I’ll feel you with me tonight when I’m wearing this necklace, Allie. I love the way it feels. I just wish I could wear it everywhere, but it wouldn’t go over too well at work,” Jill says. “You know, we need to find something we can wear all the time to remind us we’re in love,” she adds.

Allie kisses her and says, “I’ll be thinking about you tonight, babe. You’ll like Dr. Walt. I packed my overnight bag for you with what I think he’ll like you to wear.”

“Aww… Thanks, Allie. That’s a big help. Well… I guess I’ll be going now. Wish me luck.”

Jill’s excited about her date when she drives into the hotel parking lot. She sees Walt waiting for her when she walks into the lobby with Allie’s overnight bag over her shoulder.

Walt walks up shakes her hand, “Hi, Jill. Thanks for meeting with me. I’ve really been looking forward to this.”

“So have I, Walt. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with you.”

As they ride the elevator up to the room by themselves, Walt hands Jill a small envelope.

“Put this in your pocket, Jill. It’s my appreciation for you meeting with me.”

“Aww… Thanks, Walt,” Jill says, as she puts her arms around Walt’s waist and puts her head on his chest for a few seconds.

Jill feels comfortable with him as they walk down the hall to their room. Once inside, Jill notices Walt has reserved a room with a Jacuzzi. There is also a small couch against the wall and a small table and chairs. A food menu is on the table.

“Hmmm… I see you got a Jacuzzi room.” Jill asks, “Do you like Jacuzzis, Walt?”

“Yeah… they can be very relaxing,” he says.

“Well, I like ’em too. It’ll be nice to get in it with you later,” Jill says.

“Are you hungry?” asks Walt, “I know I am.”

Jill says, “Yeah… I just got off work. I’m starved.”

They choose the same pasta dish from the menu and Walt says, “Tell you what, Jill. The service is faster if I order it in person. Why don’t I go down and order our dinner while you change into that pretty little girl I saw the other night.”

With Walt out of the room, she goes into the bathroom to change. She didn’t look in the overnight bag before she left, because she trusted Allie to know what she should wear. All she finds inside the bag is her black bra with enough cotton to stuff the cups, black panties, and one of her every day, pull-over dresses.

Jill smiles as she reads a note that Allie left for her inside:

Walt likes plain girls. He doesn’t like too much sexy lingerie. He’ll like you in your everyday dress for your first date. He won’t be wanting to fuck you. Give him a nice slow suck and he’ll love you. Have fun!

The envelope Walt gave her is still in her pants pocket, unopened, and she decides she won’t open it until their date is over. After putting on her black panties and bra, she slips her dress over her head and walks barefoot, back into the room.

Her date has not yet returned, so she waits for him on the couch. When Walt returns, he joins her on the couch and says, “I like what you’re wearing, Jill. I was hoping you wouldn’t be overdressed with lingerie.”

“Thank you, Walt,” Jill replies, “I’m not all that fond of overly-sexy lingerie myself. I like to just be comfortable and make you feel comfortable.”

“Do you go on a lot of dates like this?” Walt asks her.

“No, not really. I just started going out with guys like this. This is only my second date so far, but I’ll probably be going on more in the future. It all depends if I get asked out and who asks me.”

“When Allie introduced you as her ‘little sister’ at the Ladies’ Night meeting, it didn’t appear to me that you’ve been doing this very long.”

“You’re right, Walt. It’s only been a couple of months since I’ve accepted myself as a girl. It’s like… once I knew for sure this is how I really feel inside, I just jumped into it headfirst. So here I am now, having sex with lots of guys and dating men like this. That probably sounds a little weird, huh?”

Walt puts his arm around Jill’s shoulder and says, “No, it doesn’t, Jill. It’s not weird at all. Not if this is how you really feel. You’ve probably felt this way for a long, long time before you actually became aware of it.”

“I don’t know what it is, Walt, but when I met Allie, she showed me things about myself. I must be female inside, or I wouldn’t have accepted it so easily. When I’m wearing girl’s clothes, acting like a girl, and having sex as a girl, it’s like the most liberating feeling I’ve ever known. I’m not sure what it is, I just know it’s there, and it’s real.”

“What it probably is, Jill, is the balance of male and female hormones in your body. You’re obviously more female than you are male, even though you were born in a male body. If it wasn’t real, you wouldn’t be doing it. No man would ever wear girls’ clothes like you’re wearing right now. Only a girl would. You’re more female than male, that’s for sure.”

Jill’s curiosity is aroused when he mentioned hormones. Walt seems to know about this. Then she remembers she’s talking to a doctor. A doctor who has his arm around her, and she can learn from him. She remembers what Norm told her on her first date with him, the part about taking advantage of your opportunities. She decides to ask him more questions.

“What do you mean, hormones? I don’t really know anything about them, I thought we either had male or female hormones.”

“Actually, Jill, everyone has both testosterone and estrogen in their bodies. Men who have higher levels of estrogen are more likely to be attracted to other males to varying degrees. Lots of men have it, but not very many actually act on it unless something triggers it. Every guy in the Club has an elevated estrogen level, otherwise we wouldn’t have a desire for male genitalia. We all have it at different levels.”

“So you mean my estrogen level is probably very high? That’s why I feel so much like a girl?”

“That’s right, Jill. You probably have low testosterone levels, too. But it takes special testing to know exactly. I’m certainly no expert on the subject.”

“You sure know a lot more than I ever will. I’ve just had to accept the way I feel, even though I have no idea why.”

“I only know a little about it because I’m a doctor, but I’m just a general physician. I know a little bit about a lot of areas, but I’m not a specialist in any one area.”

As Jill and Walt move closer together on the couch, there is a knock on the door. “That must be our dinner,” Walt says. Jill jumps out of the couch in a panic and runs to the other side of the room. She doesn’t want anyone besides Walt to see her dressed like this.

She hears a woman say, “Room Service,” from the hall. Walt steps into the hall and takes care of everything. In a few minutes, he wheels a food cart into the room.

“Mmmm… the food smells good, Jill,” he says, as he puts the covered platters on the small table.

Jill puts her arm around him and says, “Sure does, Walt, I’m starved.”

Jill finds Walt’s quiet voice and kind personality attractive and reassuring. As they enjoy eating and talking with each other, Jill rubs her bare feet along Walt’s pant legs under the table. It’s clear to Jill that Walt was feeling nervous when they first met in the lobby, but Jill’s subtle advances are making him feel more comfortable.

The two have similar personalities in some respects, and they are drawn to each other as they eat. As they talk, Jill wants to know more about him, and in the course of their conversation, she asks, “So… what made you decide to be a doctor, Walt?”

Feeling more comfortable being with Jill now, Walt tells her, “I grew up wanting to help people, Jill. You see, I was born into a very wealthy family. I’ve always had everything handed to me. My dad was a very successful businessman and he gave my sister and me everything we wanted.

“I never thought it was fair that everything came to me so easy, while so many others had to struggle for everything they have. Being a doctor lets me help a lot of people every day at my clinic.”

“Well… I know about having to struggle for everything I have, that’s for sure. I grew up pretty poor, but now I try to only look ahead and forget about the past.”

“That’s the best way to look at things, Jill. I see a lot of potential in both you and Allie… But on a different note, we sure did a job on this pasta, didn’t we? We must have been hungry. Are you ready for some dessert?”

“What!… You got dessert too?”

“Yeah… I took the liberty of ordering some cheesecake for us.”

“Oh… that was sweet of you, Walt. I’d love some. I haven’t had cheesecake for so long I can’t remember how it tastes.”

Actually, Jill’s never tasted cheesecake. They were always too poor to buy something as expensive as cheesecake when she was growing up, but she’s too embarrassed to tell Walt. As she tastes it for the first time, she’s amazed at how light and tasty it is. She feels like a rich person as she savors every bite.

When they finish their dessert, Walt asks her, “Would you like to relax on the couch for a while?”

“That would be nice. I’d like to do anything you’d like to do. I’m here to please you in every way I can. Did you still want to get into the Jacuzzi later?”

“I’d love to relax in the Jacuzzi with you, that is if you want to.” Walt answers.

Again, Jill is impressed and attracted to how polite Walt is in everything he says and does. He starts the water in the Jacuzzi and sits down on the couch. Instead of sitting next to him, Jill gets on the floor and takes his shoes and socks off for him. As they talk, she massages his feet and runs her hands up the inside of his pants.

“That was interesting, what you were telling me earlier about those hormones in our bodies,” she says, “Do you know a lot about it?”

Walt is feeling more and more comfortable as he feels Jill’s fingers gently caressing his bare legs under his pants.

“Not really, Jill,” Walt starts to explain, “No one really knows a lot about it. It’s something they’re just starting to study in-depth. With all the breakthroughs associated with the so-called ‘sexual revolution’ in the ’60s, we’re starting to see more studies on sexuality between men and women.

“But homosexuality is still looked down upon as evil, deviant behavior. A few medical circles are just now researching how hormone levels affect a person’s attraction to the same sex. But since society, and especially the churches are so against it, it’s still something people like us have to hide, because we’d get destroyed if anyone found out about it.”

Jill is keenly interested in what Walt is telling her. She gets up on the couch next to him and rubs his thigh as Walt continues to talk. Walt is feeling closer to Jill now as she puts her head on his shoulder. He opens up a little more to her.

“The only reason I know anything about it at all is because of an old girlfriend I had in medical school.” Walt tells her, “Her name is Maggie, and we were actually engaged to be married before the war. But when war broke out, I was drafted into the military as a medical officer.

“During the war, something changed in me that caused us to break off our engagement. I’ve wondered what might have been ever since. I still love her, and we still see each other from time to time, at medical conferences and such.

“Maggie’s a psychologist now in Chicago, working with a research team at Northrop University. They’re working on experimental hormonal therapy treatment programs. They’re getting some fascinating results from what she tells me…

“They’re actually working with girls like you and Allie, using hormone treatments to make their bodies become less male, and more female in appearance. She tells me they’re really excited about the results they’re seeing.”

“Wow, Walt. I always wondered why I never felt like other boys when I was growing up. Like… Why do I feel the way I do? Even before Allie showed me I was a girl inside, I felt that way. I was depressed all the time when I was growing up. I’ve never heard about anything like hormones having anything to do with it before.”

“No one has, Jill. It’s still all in research right now. There just isn’t that much information out there on it. And there aren’t even that many interested in doing the research. It’s such a new area.”

“So there’s no way to find out more about it?” Jill asks.

“Not really, but I can ask Maggie about it next time I see her”

Walt then changes the subject. “It looks like the Jacuzzi is about filled,” he says.

Jill wants to talk more about hormones. Then she remembers she’s Walt’s date. She’s his whore tonight, and what he wants to do is more important than what she wants to do.

“I bet it’s ready for us, Walt.” Jill says, “Can I undress you and get you really get relaxed?”

“Mmmm… I’d love that,” he says as he stands up. Jill stands up and giggles as she takes off his shirt. Walt has been rather shy all night, but he loosens up more when Jill unzips his pants and unbuckles his belt. Jill kneels on the floor and helps him out of his pants.

When she pulls his underwear down and caresses his legs, she sees she’s going to have a challenge. His cock is rather unimpressive as she looks at it. Being totally soft, it’s only about three inches long and looks tiny sitting above his ball sack. Walt is the oldest man she’s been with so far, and she wonders if she’ll be able to get him off.

Like the good little whore she is, she goes to work on his balls first. She licks up his thighs and looks up at him as she rolls each of his balls in her mouth.  She can see him smiling, so she thinks she must be doing something right. As she starts to kiss and lick his totally limp cock, she hears sounds of pleasure coming from him as she takes him into her mouth.

She sucks him in, but he’s so small and limp there’s no way she’s going to be able to run her tight lips up and down his shaft like she does with a hard cock. With his head in her mouth, she rolls her tongue around it, but it’s not getting hard. She’s not sure what to do. She’s never sucked a limp cock this small before, and she hopes she’s not disappointing him.

Walt assures her when he says, “That feels so good, what you’re doing down there, Jill. But I have to warn you, I don’t normally get very hard anymore. I don’t want you to think you’re not doing a good job,” Walt says, with a little sadness in his voice.

After sucking him for several minutes and not still getting him hard, she stands up and says, “You wanna undress me, Walt? Maybe we can get you hard in the Jacuzzi.”

She turns around and raises her arms to let Walt lift her dress over her head. He puts his arms around her and kisses her neck. She lets out a few fake moans as Walt unsnaps her bra and rubs his hands over her chest and plays with her nipples.

“I wish I had real tits for you to play with,” she says.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Jill. I knew what was under that bra when I took it off,” Walt assures her. “I’m attracted to your female personality more than your body. I’ve never been with two males who are so female in their personalities as you and Allie.”

As his hands push her panties down, Jill steps out of them and turns to face him. As he hugs her, Jill sucks on his nipples and rests her head against his chest. Jill can feel their cocks touching each other, so she lets her head fall back, inviting him to kiss her as she starts to rock her hips up and down, rubbing her cock against his.

Feeling Jill’s cock rubbing against him, the blood starts to flow in Walt’s cock. He starts getting a little hard when runs his fingertips along her half-hard shaft.

Jill asks him, “Do you like my cock, Walt?”

Walt has a little trouble talking, admitting to her, “Y… Ye… Yes… Yes… I do like it. I like it a lot.”

“Would you like to play with it?” she asks.

When Walt says he would, Jill says, “Why don’t we get in the Jacuzzi, and you can play with it all you want.” 

She takes his hand and leads him to the warm Jacuzzi. As they get in, Jill reaches over to turn on the jets, but Walt stops her and says he prefers to leave them off.

“I like the quiet intimacy of the warm water without the jets making so much noise,” he tells her.

As she sits next to him, his hand instantly goes for her cock. Jill is starting to figure out what turns Walt on… it’s her cock. She’s not getting hard as he fondles her, so she starts thinking about Allie, and how Allie turns her on. She gets herself hard thinking about Allie, and Walt is starting to get hard, thinking he’s turning Jill on.

Jill lies and tells him, “I love how you’re making my cock hard, Walt,” as she strokes Walt’s hardening cock. “Would you like me to suck you, and see if we can get you hard?”

“I’d rather suck you if you don’t mind,” he replies.

“Of course you can suck me,” she says. “I love to get sucked. You can do whatever you want with me.”

She tries to make it interesting by standing up and moving to the middle of the Jacuzzi. She takes her cock into her hand and slaps it on the water a few times. She slowly strokes herself as she says, “You want it, Walt? You wanna suck me? I bet you do. I know you do, don’t you?” She puts both hands on her hips and pushes her hips forward, bouncing her cock on the water to entice Walt’s desire.

Walt gets turned on seeing her hard cock with the water dripping off her balls. He slides off the seat and walks on his knees to Jill. She’s wiggling her hips and making her cock bounce all over, enticing him to come get it.

Walt lets himself go when he reaches her cock, cupping her balls in his hand and licking up and down her shaft. This is what Walt has wanted to do all night. He’s wanted to suck Jill’s cock ever since he saw it so hard at the Club.

Since Walt is such a shy, private person inside, he couldn’t allow himself to fulfill his desires in a room full of other guys. Now that he is alone with Jill, his desires are free to manifest. Walt’s shyness leaves him as he hungrily worships Jill’s cock in the warm water.

“Oh God, Jill, I’ve wanted to hold your cock like ever since I saw it,” he says, panting a bit.

“It’s all yours, sweetie.” Jill encourages, “Have all the fun you want with it, that’s why we’re here.”

Jill is hoping he has his fun and gets her off before she loses her hard-on. The necklace around Jill’s neck helps her think about how she feels when Allie is making love to her. She imagines Walt’s lips and mouth are Allie’s. Her cock gets harder as she thinks about her lover. She wants to cum so she can end this date and head home to Allie.

Walt sucks her harder now, thinking his mouth is what’s making Jill so hard. He takes her balls into his mouth and jacks her off with his hand. Jill lets out a series of fake moans when her cock finally releases its load. Jill looks down at Walt eagerly licking up the cum dripping down her shaft. She’s happy she was able to cum for him, cuz, after all, that’s what he’s paying her to do.

Walt puts her cock back in his mouth, sucking the last few drops from her as she deflates. When Jill goes completely soft, Walt takes his mouth off it and stands up to kiss her. Jill lies again and tells him how wonderful she felt when he was sucking her cock, as she gently touches and strokes his half-limp dick.

She wants to be a good little whore and she’s wondering if she should try sucking him off or not. She doesn’t have to think about it long, because Walt tells her, “I just loved having your cock all to myself, Jill. That’s what I was really wanting tonight. I think it’s about time for me to get going. Would you join me in the shower?”

“I’d love to join you in the shower. Can I wash your body for you?”

In the shower, Walt feels close to her as she caresses his body with soapy hands like she does with Allie. Even though he hasn’t turned her on sexually, she feels a different kind of closeness as she washes him. Her soapy hands run along his thighs, and she gets on her knees to wash his legs.

With his half-hard cock dangling in her face, she takes it in her mouth, wanting to make him feel good before they leave. As she sucks him again, her hands roam up the backs of his legs and over his ass cheeks as he stands in the shower stream. Jill notices his cock getting hard when she rubs his ass.

She sucks him a little harder and runs her fingers up and down his wet crack. Jill senses Walt likes his ass being played with because his cock keeps getting harder in her mouth. It’s hard enough now for her to bob her head up and down his less-than-six-inch length. Jill’s intuition tells her Walt gets off on ass play, so she goes a little farther. Her fingers probe his crack until she finds his hole.

When she starts rimming him with her fingers, Walt starts breathing faster, putting his hands on her head. Jill has him going now, and she sucks hard and fast, hoping she makes him cum. Walt pumps her mouth when Jill presses her finger against his asshole. She puts more and more pressure on it until finally, she makes him cum.

Walt lets out a sigh of relief when his cock blows. He shakes like he hasn’t in a long time as Jill holds his length in her mouth while his balls empty into her throat. He rapidly goes soft, and when she lets it fall out, she stands up and giggles.

“See, Walt,” she says, “you can still get it up.”

“Jill, do you know how long it’s been since someone has made me cum like that?” Walt asks.

“I don’t care, Walt, you got off just now, and that’s all that matters. I hope I can get you off again if we have another date together.”

Walt hugs her and tells her, “thank you,” at least a dozen times before they step out of the shower.

Walt reaches for a towel, but Jill stops him and says, “Let me do that for you, Walt. I’m your date and I want to do everything I can for you while we’re together.” Walt thoroughly enjoys the service Jill is giving him.

When they are both dressed and ready to end the date, Walt takes her in his arms and says, “I really enjoyed our time together, Jill. I especially enjoyed talking with you before we got into the Jacuzzi. I enjoyed the conversation with you as much as the sex with you. I really like you, Jill. Can we do this again?”

“Of course we can do this again, Walt. I loved talking with you and I’d love to date you again.”

“Can we do this again next Tuesday? Tuesday is a good night for me. My wife plays cards with her girlfriends every Tuesday, and this is much better than sitting alone at home.”

“Looks like we have another date for next Tuesday, Walt. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

They decide it would be better if they left the room separately, so Walt kisses her goodbye and leaves first.

When Jill gets home, Allie is there to greet her. ‘How nice it is to come home to loving arms,’ she thinks.

“So… how was your date with Dr. Walt?” Allie asks her.

“It was different, but I liked it. He’s a very interesting man. We made another date for next Tuesday.”

“He must like you, Jill if he wants to date you again.”

“He likes my cock. All he wanted to do was suck my cock. Can you imagine that? I was able to finally suck him off in the shower. He really liked that.”

“When you get these guys alone, you get to see a side of them that you don’t see when they’re with a group of other men,” Allie tells her.

“Well, enough of that for right now,” Jill says, “I need to get into Jill’s nightgown and smoke a joint with my lover.”

Jill feels like herself again when she puts her nightgown on. “Whoa… Allie!” she says when she walks into the kitchen, “You cleaned the crockpot and put the leftovers in the fridge, and in a covered bowl, too… I’m so proud of you!”

When she joins Allie on the couch, she gives her a big hug and tells her, “I’m really impressed with how you’re getting into living clean, my sweetheart. This apartment is really feeling like home to me.”

Allie smiles from ear to ear when she hears Jill’s compliment. “Knowing you’re living here now makes me want to keep this place clean, and it feels more like home than it ever did before. And it’s because you’re here, Jill. I feel so much more like a girl since you came into my life.”

After they give each other kisses, Allie lights the joint she’s rolled. Passing the joint back and forth, Jill tells Allie about what Walt had told her when he talked about the high estrogen levels they probably both have in their bodies.

“That’s really interesting, Jill,” Allie says, “I’ve never heard about anything like that before. But if it’s true, it would explain why we feel like girls so much.”

“Yes, it would. Walt is such a kind and interesting man. I really loved that about him. I’m want to learn more about what he knows.” Jill says, “But anyways, what did you do tonight, Allie?”

“I had a great time, Jill, even if you weren’t with me. I spent a lot of time reading that meditation book of yours. I even tried to do it for a few minutes. I don’t think I did it right, cuz I wasn’t thinking of anything when I did it.”

“That’s what you do when you meditate. You make your mind quiet. Sounds like you did it right. I’m not an expert at it, but I know I feel calm after I do it.”

“Yeah, I felt good when I was done. I want to do it more and see what happens.” Allie tells her.

Jill lays her head on Allie’s lap. The marijuana has relaxed her, and she feels safe and secure on the couch with Allie. They spend the next hour watching TV while Allie caresses her face as she rests.

During a commercial, Allie asks, “I meant to ask you, did Walt give you a nice tip?”

Jill laughs as she tells her, “I forgot to open the envelope. Let me get it from Jerry’s pants pocket.” She removes the envelope and opens it. “Looks like he tipped me $150. Not bad for letting someone suck my cock.”

“He didn’t even cum?” Allie asks.

“No, not at first. I sucked him, but he never even got hard, he told me he doesn’t get very hard anymore. He only got half-hard when he was sucking me. I had a hard time getting an erection myself because he wasn’t turning me on at all.”

“How did you get hard?”

“I felt the necklace you gave me around my neck, and when I imagined myself getting sucked by you, I was able to get hard and cum for him. He licked it all up, too.

“I’m glad I was finally able to suck him off in the shower. When I started playing with his ass, he got really hard. That’s how I got him to cum. I think he has a sensitive asshole like we do. Next week, I think I’ll probe it a little more and see how he reacts.”

“Easy money, sweetheart. As long as he’s happy, you’re happy.”

“That’s right. I’m starting to get the hang of this dating game we play. With his tip money tonight, I’ve made a thousand dollars in a week.”

Allie jokes, “Rich Bitch Jill.” They both laugh. “What you going to do with all that money?” Allie asks.

“Put it in my savings account, where else? I saved $1500 from the first time they gang banged us, another thousand will be $2500.”

“That’s what I need to do. Get a savings account.”

“What? You’ve been milking these guys almost a year? And you haven’t saved anything? What have you spent it on?”

“Mostly my car and all the girl stuff Allie’s room. But I have to admit, I’ve wasted a lot of it, too.”

“Allie, we have a chance to make a lot of money. We need to save as much as we can because we might not always be able to make this kind of easy money.”

“What do you mean? They love us.”

“Oh yeah, right now they do. But what if someone else comes along and they like them better? That can happen, you know. They don’t love us, Allie, they love to fuck us. We’re just their whores, we need to always remember that.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love being a little whore for them, just as much as you do. But it would be crazy to think we’ll still be their whores, say, ten years from now.

“We need to save most of this money while we can. It’s something we should talk about sometime, but not tonight. I’m getting tired, I’m about ready for bed.”

“I’m ready for bed too. I do have to admit though, I’m just as bad with money, as I was with keeping my apartment clean. You make a lot of sense, Jill. We do need to sit down and talk about our money.”

“Let’s do that this weekend after we get all my stuff over here.”

As they lay in bed together, they’re feeling very close to each other. They’re both tired and don’t have the energy to fuck. They play with each other’s cock for a few minutes, but neither one of them is getting hard. Jill tells Allie she doesn’t need to cum, since she got off with Walt on her date. She turns over and curls her body close to Allie.

“I’m sorry I can’t get hard for you, Allie.” Jill says, “I’m just really tired from working all day and doing a date. Do you need to cum? Do you want me to suck you off? I will, you know.”

“Naw… that’s OK, Jill. I’m not getting hard either. We’ve done a lot of fucking the past few days. It looks like we’ve finally reached our burn-out point.”

“I never thought I’d have so much sex,” Jill says, “that I wouldn’t be able to get hard. But it feels kinda good, you know, being saturated with sex. It means I’m really loved.”

“Yeah,” Allie agrees, “I guess we shouldn’t think we have to have sex every night. I mean… we didn’t have sex every night when we lived alone. Maybe living together means we don’t have to have sex to be intimate with each other.”

“I think you’re right, Allie. Sex is fun, and we’ll keep having a lot of it, but I don’t need it to feel intimate with you. Maybe that’s the next phase of being in love. I’m feeling so close and in love with you, right now. And it doesn’t have anything to do with sex. It’s like my soul is connected with your soul. I can’t imagine being any more intimate than that.”

“Mmm… That’s a good way to look at it, Jill. We won’t always be horny, but we’ll always be connected. I like that. Let me hug you to sleep, my sweet Jill. I love you so much. Pleasant dreams, my love.”



Published 4 years ago

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