“So?” Kim asked, smiling. “How was it?”
“How was what?” I shook my head absently, finishing a term paper for my English & Literature class.
The showroom was empty because of the weather. Rain definitely shuts our dealership down. Fortunately, my boss lets me use the time to do school work. I had a feeling my writing assignment was good enough to call it finished. I also had a feeling Kim was really expecting me to talk to her instead of just making pleasantries.
“Come on, Heather,” Kim giggled. “I may not have an interest in men now, but I can tell when a girl has… taken that big leap.”
Kim is a knockout. My dad is absolutely infatuated with her. He has made so many remarks about Kim, but I can tell he’s intimidated by how beautiful she is. And she isn’t at all like the masculine lesbians that come into our showroom. Her confidence and the flirty things she wears… nobody would suspect Kim’s sexual appetite didn’t include men.
I felt my face go red. Normally, I do not get embarrassed easily. But Kim has a way of making me feel comfortable telling her anything, and at the same time, making me feel uncomfortable—wondering if she’s coming on to me. Not that I would mind. I’d be flattered.
I’ve never been attracted to other girls or cared to experiment with my sexuality. I’d be more comfortable talking to one of the guys about sex, honestly. Not that I am put off by someone with same-sex attraction. I just don’t understand it.
Quit tripping. Be nice. You can trust Kim completely, I reprimanded myself.
“Oh,” I started, closing my notebook and giving Kim my full attention. “That,” I giggled.
Kim nodded, urging me to continue.
“Hmm,” I said, not really sure how to answer that question. Does Kim mean, how was it for me emotionally? Or did it hurt? Or how big was CJ’s cock?
“It was… wonderful,” I told Kim. “What didn’t hurt was beautiful. Actually…even the hurt was kinda beautiful,” I added, giggling.
“Awww, Sweetie!” Kim pulled me into a warm, quick hug. “You are such a treasure,” she said quietly. When she stepped back to look at me, Kim’s eyes were a bit misty. “I’m so happy for you. I dated boys for years, and I remember how it was my first time. Yes, the hurt IS kinda beautiful. Nicely said, Sweetie.”
“Can I ask you something personal?” I asked Kim, looking around to make sure we couldn’t be overheard.
“Of course! Do you want to go to my office?”
I nodded and followed Kim back to her office. I didn’t really know who else to talk to about the bloody mess I made in CJ’s bed. It was embarrassing, but Kim’s sincerity eased my mind.
“I bled… a lot,” I told Kim. “Is that normal?”
“Oh, Sweetheart,” she comforted. “It can be a lot sometimes. But you shouldn’t expect that again. Maybe a little spotting.”
“Well, I was actually expecting just a little spotting the first time. I didn’t know I would actually BLEED,” I admitted. “Was it that way with you?”
“Not my first time,” Kim told me. “But I had already popped my cherry with a vibrator,” she laughed, lightening the tone of our conversation.
“Oh,” I giggled.
“Are you still bleeding?”
“No. I mean, I don’t know. We only did it that one time. And I ruined his sheets. I don’t want that to happen again.”
“Well, have you masturbated since?” Kim asked, so nonchalantly.
Am I REALLY going to tell someone, this woman, this LESBIAN woman, that I masturbate? My mind jumped through a hundred mental hurdles, and all I could do was turn red and try to keep my eyes from popping out of my head.
“Relax,” Kim said, laughing. “We’re talking about sex. And everybody masturbates, so don’t think that’s a big, dirty secret.”
“Yes,” I admitted, exhaling hard. “I did last night.”
“I don’t think I bled at all. But my fingers…” feeling so weird about describing the actual self-gratification I performed. “I can’t get… that far in.”
“Well, where the blood comes from isn’t that far in, Sweetie. If you didn’t have any blood on your fingers, then I think you’re good.”
I let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled.
“Might just do it in the shower or something next time, if you’re worried about it, though,” Kim suggested.
“Masturbate?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Sex, silly!” Kim laughed. “Although, far be it from me to downplay the fun of rubbing one out in the shower!”
“Oh God!” I laughed. “Sorry. Stupid question.”
“Not at all,” Kim smiled. “Girls know how to touch down there… better than boys. But nobody’s ever gonna know your body like you do. Thanks for that mental image, though!” That made us both crack up.
“Stop!” I said, laughing with a red face. “I don’t need you looking at me that way too. I get enough of it from Bryce and Harp!”
“Well… Don’t worry. I’m not like them. I’m smart enough to keep my thoughts to myself,” Kim joked.
Oh my God! Was I flirting? Did I send some lesbian signal? If she already had thoughts of me… I just talked to her about masturbating! I am surrounded by a bunch of horny motherfuckers! I swear to God, if she doesn’t stop looking at me like th…. What the fuck? I just drenched my panties.
“I better get back out there,” I said, a bit breathlessly, trying to keep my heart from pounding out of my chest. “Bryce’s thoughts almost got him fired.”
“Good idea,” Kim replied, still looking at me with eyes full of lust. “My thoughts would probably land me behind bars,” she finished, laughing.
I had to get out of Kim’s office. If she could tell I had just given away my virginity, she no doubt could tell I was aroused by her seduction. The ladies’ room became the most important place in the world as I exited Kim’s office. I got safely behind the locked door and traded amusement for shock when I saw the amount of wetness I had produced.
You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you? I asked the glistening puffy thing in my panties. Is that what I can expect now? You got fucked ONCE! Then you flood my underwear the next time someone gives us some fucking attention?
I peeled the soaked G-string down and off, tossing it in the trash. Carrying an extra pair of panties in my purse isn’t exactly the answer I was looking for.
I know you have class tonight. But can I see you after? I texted CJ.
I’d love that! CJ replied. Usually out by 8. Pick you up at your house?
Going shopping for a few things, obviously some new panties. Was thinking I could bring them over?
That’s right, Heather, my fitful mind started its condemnation. Why not give him a booty call? Just bring it to him. No dinner date. No limousine. My my, aren’t we the little slut.
Sounds great! CJ texted. Should be home by 8:30.
Shopping isn’t my favorite thing, but it was a decent distraction from the weirdness of my day. I picked out a few outfits that I could leave at CJ’s – a dress, skirt, a few tops…more panties, obviously. My exchange with Kim had fucked up my head, and I needed to right the ship on my sexuality.
I texted my dad, honoring his wishes by communicating my plans. He won’t give me any grief as long as I get home safe and I’m able to be up for school. I felt like joking with Daddy about Kim, telling him that she’s more interested in ME than she’d ever be interested in him. But I decided against it. Don’t need the mental picture of my dad getting off to that!
CJ and I got to Shale Rock at the same time. So he helped me carry my new clothes into the house. I knew CJ would want to see what I picked out, but I had an immediate need for his touch, his kisses.
I tossed my bags on the floor in a bit of a dramatic display of impatience. My arms and hands wrapped around CJ, pulling him to me and onto me as we fell into his bed. I plunged into CJ’s mouth with my tongue, validating my ‘straight girl’ identity and overruling any notions that Kim had changed me.
CJ fed his hands on my body, unbuttoning my blouse as I kissed him furiously. I pulled one of his hands down to go inside my skirt. I wanted, needed him to feel the wetness brought on by kissing my boyfriend. HE was all I needed. Only HE could satisfy my desires. CJ groaned into our kiss when he found me panty-less and soaked.
I felt a finger slide between my folds. My hips reacted, instinctively pressing for more. CJ began kissing my neck, down my chest to my breasts, licking and tasting the flesh between the cups of my satin and lace bra. CJ and his kisses moved down my body, settling between my legs. I moaned loudly when he lifted my skirt and spread my legs with authority.
“Ohhhhh my God!” I groaned when CJ took my slippery folds between his lips. He sucked one vigorously, then the other. I felt my body slipping into that deep space of climax as CJ’s lips and tongue pleased me, consuming me from inside out.
This is what Kim wants to do to you, I suddenly thought. I tried pushing the image out of my traitorous mind, not allowing the gush of wetness to betray me. I was too late, as the flood of desire flowed out of me and into CJ’s panting, gulping mouth.
I pulled CJ back on top of me, locking his mouth on mine, dispersing my wet essence between us. Nothing except the penetration of CJ’s cock could displace the image and fantasy of Kim eating my pussy. As my hands went to work on CJ’s pants, he helped in the effort, swiftly shoving them down enough to free his very hard cock.
Undressing completely was a luxury of time that simply couldn’t be afforded. Making love was a nice notion, but it wasn’t what I needed. My passionate throes gave rise to CJ’s own abandon as his cock bored into me. He drove my body into the bed with a forceful display of manhood, fucking me as only a man can. Every thrust of CJ’s cock reinforced my sexual identity.
This is what you want. Kim could never please you this way, I challenged my impertinent vagina.
I could feel the rising tide of orgasm beginning to take me as CJ’s thrusts reached an intensity bordering on violence. The buzz and heat of my climax traveled down my body and up from my legs, settling in the center of our joined bodies. I arrived, pulling CJ down on me and driving my hips upward. I wrapped my legs around him at the same time his cock released inside me.
That was exactly what I needed.
End of Part 10