A New Year’s to Remember

"Alyssa had sone special plans in mind for her brother's visit"

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Alyssa was a young woman in her early twenties. She lived in a different state than that of her parents and brother, Brian.

She wanted to get home for Christmas. But instead, it was a working holiday. Alyssa covered a shift, so one of her co-workers could go see his elderly parents. Her vacation time came after Christmas. Then, she had New Year’s Eve and the first week of January off.

Brian’s birthday happened to fall on the last day of December. Alyssa invited him to come up and spend the week with her. Their parents thought it was nice that the two siblings were so close. But his sister had her own ulterior motives for him.

That afternoon, Alyssa met her brother at the airport. “Wow, Sis, you look great!” Brian exclaimed. “You didn’t have to get dressed up for me.” She deliberately chose one of her best dresses to wear that day.

“I wanted to look nice for my brother.” She was pleased he noticed.

“Well, you do.”

She smiled and said, “Thanks.”

They made small talk while he collected his baggage. Then they headed to the car for the drive back to her apartment.

“So, it’s your birthday, and it’s New Year’s Eve, Brian. Got anything you’d like to do?”

“No, I’d be happy just to hang out with you. I don’t really want to go to a bar or a party.”

“That sounds good,” she said. It fit perfectly into her plans.

“This week, I’ll show you the sights around here. Maybe some other things, too.” The last part was a subtle reference to what she hoped would happen during her brother’s visit.

“So, what else have you been up to, Brian? Got any special girlfriends?”

“Oh, come on, Alyssa. You sound like Mom.”

“Alright, then I want to ask you something else. It’ll be sort of personal. But I promise you, this conversation will stay between us and go no further. I want you to be honest with me. Are you a virgin?”

“Alyssa, why would you ask me that?”

“Brian, just answer the question. I’ll explain why in a minute. Remember, I’m your sister. You can tell me anything.”

Embarrassed, Brian answered, “Yes.”

Alyssa smiled. “Well, I think that is about to end.”

“Do you know someone who would want to go to bed with me? I’ve never met any of your girlfriends.”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Even better, you’re a lot closer to her than you think.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ll give you a hint; she’s sitting next to you.”

It took a few seconds for Brian to process that remark.

“What, you? You’re my sister. We can’t do that.”

“Why not? Over the last few years, I’ve seen you develop into a pretty good-looking guy. I don’t know why some other girl hasn’t noticed that. Let me tell you something else. Taking you to bed is something I’ve wanted for a long time. The idea first occurred to me in my late teens. Now, we’re both adults. That idea still appeals to me.”

“Look at it this way,” she continued. “We both get something we want out of this. You get to lose your virginity. I am going to teach you how to be with a woman, namely me. Then I also get my fantasy fulfilled. I want to make love to my brother.”

“Alyssa, if this is supposed to be a joke, you have a strange sense of humor,” Brian said.

“No, it’s no joke. I’m serious. Once we are back at my place, you get unpacked. Then, we can start, although I want the real fun to wait for tonight. I told Mom I’d let you crash on my couch. But this week, you are not going to sleep on the couch. You’ll be sharing my bed. It’s big enough for both of us.”

Alyssa continued, “Look, if this makes you uneasy, then I’ll drop the subject. I’ll still enjoy hanging out with my brother for the week. But if you agree, we could have even more fun.”

She smiled. “My bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch!”

Brian was still unsure about what his sister had told him. But he noticed how hot she looked in that dress. Maybe he’d give this a shot. So what if she was his sister? Alyssa said she wanted to do it. Screwing her would be better than jerking off. Instead of dreaming about it, he could finally get laid.

They got inside her apartment. Brian followed her to her bedroom, then dropped off his suitcases.

She began to undress and took off her bra. Her brother stood there, his mouth agape.

“Wow, Sis, you have nice tits.”

“Thanks, Bro. If you want them, they’re all yours to enjoy this week.”

Alyssa turned to her brother and said, “I’m going to take a shower. Would you like to join me? Or maybe you’d like to touch these before that? Go ahead!”

Brian realized chances like this didn’t come along very often. So, he grasped his sister’s breasts. His hands caressed them, his thumbs ran across her nipples. He kissed one, then the other.

Alyssa sighed. “Brian, that feels so nice.”She kissed him.

“Hey, judging from that bulge in your pants, I’d say you are enjoying this. I want to see what you have there.”

Brian took off his pants and underwear. Alyssa admired her brother’s erection. “Ooh, nice one, Bro. This is going to be fun.”

She paused for a moment. “You know, on second thought, I bet you’ll be able to do it again tonight. Guys your age have a lot of stamina. I don’t want to wait. Let’s go take that shower. Then I’m going to give you the time of your life! Or at least the first time. I expect we’ll have more opportunities before you have to go home.”

Alyssa laughed and said, “Screwing me all week is your price of admittance. I doubt you’ll object.” She took his hand, and they walked off.

A steamy bathroom reflected the steamy action between the brother and sister. Their hands caressed each other as the hot water sprayed across them. Two mouths met in sensuous kisses. Alyssa grabbed her brother’s erection and slowly stroked it. Brian’s hands moved across her breasts. One arm crept down to the opening between her legs. A finger entered her vagina, then moved in and out.

“Oh god, Brian, I could do this all day.”

They continued to hold and caress each other. Then Alyssa turned off the water.

“But we can’t do this all day. There are other things, instead.”

They dried each other off. Alyssa grabbed her brother’s erection and led him to the bedroom.

“Alright, Sis, I’m coming, I’m coming,” he laughed.

Alyssa lay back on her bed and said, “Let’s see what you can do with your tongue. Lick me, Bro. Up a little more. Oh, close. Yes, that’s the spot!”

Brian’s tongue flicked in, out, up, and down his sister’s vagina.

She wriggled in enjoyment.

Alyssa said, “I’m going to give you a sneak preview of tonight. Lay down on the bed.”

She switched places with her brother. A moment later, his erection was in her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down on Brian’s penis.

“Oh god, Sis. This is amazing.”

She stopped for a second and said, “Oh, believe me, it’s my pleasure. But you don’t get to cum in my mouth, now. That’s how we’re ringing in the new year. Instead, it’s time to make you a man. Goodbye, virginity!”

“What about a condom?”

“I’m on the pill. You get to cum in me, but it better not be too soon!”

She lay down on the bed and helped him guide his pole into her slit.

Brian slid into the wet vagina awaiting him and began to pump. Alyssa smiled as her brother entered her. Her longtime dream was coming true. She moved her hands across his back as he continued his motions.

With each push from her brother, Alyssa let out little noises.

“Ooh, ooh, Brian. This feels so good. You’re doing great. Keep fucking me!”

At this point, Brian was beyond caring that he was screwing his own sister. Her pussy felt too good to stop.

Then she whispered, “Wait a minute, Bro.” She got on all fours. “Do me doggy style!”

He entered her again. Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened in pleasure.

“Oooh,” she moaned. “Oooh, oooh.”

Brian grunted with each of his movements. The room was filled with the slap, slap, slap as he moved back and forth against her body.

“Oohhh!” she moaned some more.

Alyssa felt an orgasm overtake her. She yelled, “Yes, yes, oh my god!”

“I’m going to cum, Sis.” Brian shot off into his sister’s pussy.

He withdrew. They flopped over, next to each other.

“Wow, Sis. When you invited me here, it never occurred to me that we’d end up screwing each other.”

“Yeah, I know it,” she laughed. “I was afraid that you’d freak out at the idea. But I’d say you did pretty well for your first time.”

“Alyssa, I want to thank you for this. You may be my sister, but you’re an amazing chick.”

“Your thanks will be to screw me a lot more this week. That includes tonight if you can get it up. I’m also going to give you that blowjob I promised you earlier.”

“That’s a lot better than going out, anyway,” said Brian.


It was now close to midnight. Alyssa had been working on her brother’s cock for a couple of minutes. In the background, the TV was playing the countdown in Times Square.


Her head bobbed back and forth along the length of Brian’s cock. Sucking noises filled the room.


Alyssa’s tongue worshiped the stiffness in front of her.


She took Brian’s cock into her mouth completely.


“Oh my god, Sis. This is great. I don’t know how you do that, but don’t stop!”


“I’m loving it too, Bro.” She got back to work.


Alyssa’s hand moved along, pumping her brother’s cock. Her lips sucked on its head.


Brian watched as his sister’s head moved up and down his cock.


“Oh my god, sis, I’m going to cum!”


“Uh uh,” she replied. With her mouth full of her brother’s meat, it sounded more like, “Mm-mm.” She clamped her thumb down at the base of his cock.


Alyssa could feel her brother tensing to ejaculate, but not quite yet.


Crowds cheered in Times Square. “Auld Lang Syne” played in the background.

Alyssa released the pressure on her brother’s cock, then opened her mouth to catch his cum. Brian groaned and shot his load into his sister’s waiting mouth. She took his organ back into her mouth to see if she could coax anything else out.

Frank Sinatra’s version of “New York, New York” was now playing on the TV.

Alyssa licked the cum from around her brother’s cock, savoring the taste. A finger wiped the white dribbles from her mouth.

They kissed.

“Sis, this was the most incredible birthday present ever.”

“See? And you weren’t too sure about this when I first mentioned it,” she teased him.

“I changed my mind,” he laughed.

They sat on the couch and held each other for a while. Hie draped an arm around her shoulder. A hand caressed one of her breasts.

“I love the taste of a man’s cum,” Alyssa said. “Now that I’ve finally tasted yours, it will be tough to ever have anyone else. The first time I ever sucked a guy’s cock, I realized I wanted to suck yours. I’m glad you’re mine for this week.”

“So what do you think, Brian?” she asked. “Do you have anything else left for me tonight?”

“I don’t know, Sis. Let’s wait a little while. Maybe I can get it up again. If not, then I suppose we can try again in the morning.”

“Oh, okay. I want to take advantage of all the time we have together this week, you know.”

“So do I, Sis, so do I!”

Brian smiled. “I had another thought, Sis.”

“What’s that?” she said.

“I want to screw your ass this week. It’s beautiful. You let me fuck you from the front, so let’s try it from behind, too.”

Alyssa laughed. “Gee, you have just barely lost your virginity, and now you want to try that, too? Oh, I suppose. Honestly, I haven’t done that with a guy, although I thought about it. I was your first, so I guess you can be my first back there.”

“You know, Sis, I’m tired. It’s late, so let’s just crash for tonight. I’m sure we can pick up where we left off in the morning.”

“You’d better,” she teased him.

After a while, they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

New Year’s Day found Brian and Alyssa both very horny again. Another shower together started their morning off in a positive direction.

“So what do you think, Alyssa? Are you going to let me bury myself in your ass today?”

“You men are all alike. That appendage of yours controls you,” she grinned. “I said I would, so I’ll do it. There’s some lube in my nightstand drawer. My vibrator has gone in my butt a few times.”

“What did you think?”

“Actually, it wasn’t that bad,” she replied. “I think it’s just one of these things I’d do from time to time, but not every time.”

She positioned herself on all fours to give her brother access to her rear. Brain gently kissed her butt cheeks, then turned his attention to her puckered hole.

His tongue explored the opening, poking in and out.

“That feels nice, Brian.” Her muscles clenched his tongue. An arm reached back to rub her clitoris as he licked her.

After a while, Brian said, “Okay, let’s see how this does with something larger. Give me your vibrator, Sis.”

He dribbled some lube down between her butt cheeks, then worked his fingers in and out of her. Some of the lube also coated her toy. Brian slowly began to insert the device into his sister’s anus. She took it without a problem.

“You better give me something more than that toy, Brian.”

“Oh no, Sis, we’re just getting started.” He worked the vibrator slowly in and out of her. She began to respond with little whimpers.

“Just remember, Brian, turnabout is fair play.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll tell you later. For now, just stick your cock in me. I want to feel the real thing.”

Brian poured some lube on his erection. His cock moved back and forth between her cheeks, teasing her butt hole. Then he positioned himself and slowly entered her. Little by little, he sank his cock into his sister’s back end. He pulled out almost all the way then pushed in again. Each time, he went in a little farther. Finally, his cock was buried to its hairy base.

Alyssa found that she liked the feeling of her brother’s cock up her rear. Once he began to move in and out, it was even better. The room was filled with the sound of the slap-slap-slap of his body against hers.

“Oww-oooh,” she cried out.

Brian murmured soft grunts of his own.

Their bodies rocked together. Alyssa cried out with each push.

“Don’t you dare stop, Brian!” she managed to whimper.

“Oooh! Ooh! Ooohh!”

“I’m going to cum, Sis.”

“Hold it, hold it. I want it in me a little longer.”

An orgasm swept over her. She cried out even louder, “Oooh!”

Brian managed to last a few more seconds then spurted into his sister.

He withdrew. Alyssa’s anal opening was stretched a little and red from the visitor that had just left. A dribble of cum leaked out.

“Okay, Sis, so neither one of us is an anal virgin anymore. What did you think? I have to admit I loved screwing you there.”

“I’m a little surprised. It was a lot better than I expected. We’ll have to do that again before you leave.”

They lay next to each other. Alyssa kissed her brother. “I bet you never expected a vacation like this.”

“No, I didn’t. It has been nice, so far.”

“We still have a few more days before you have to go home. I’m sure we’ll make the most of them.”

“Hey,” said Brian. “You said something about, ‘Turnabout is fair play.’”

“Oh, I had something I wanted to try later,” his sister responded. “But for now, let’s go out and enjoy the day. I want to show you around the city. There are a lot of interesting places to see. It will also give us some time to recharge our batteries, so to speak.”

After a day of seeing the sights, Alyssa and Brian returned to her place.

Brian asked her, “So, what surprise do you have for me now?”

“Why would you say I have a surprise for you?” Alyssa asked.

“You’re my sister. I think I know you that well. Not to mention you were hinting at something before.”

“Okay, we’ve been having a lot of fun. But I wanted to spice things up. I get in these moods sometimes.”

“Are you going to tell me?” asked Brian.

“Let’s get comfortable, first.” Alyssa began to undress. Brian followed his sister’s cue.

“Last night, you did me in my ass. It was fun. Now I’m going to return the favor, in a way. Why don’t you get on all fours, Brian?” said his sister.

By now, Brian was confused.

Alyssa walked over to her dresser. She pulled out a realistic-looking dildo shaped like a penis and testicles.

“But that’s your toy,” Brian said.

Alyssa responded, “Yes, but I told you I was going to return the favor. This is going to go into your ass. You’re about to have your prostate tickled.”

“Oh, come on, Sis. I don’t want to do that.”

“Nobody is asking you to have sex with a guy. I thought it would be fun. Even if you decide you’d like to try it with a guy after this, you’ll have to wait until you get home. As I told you before, you’re all mine this week.”

Brian continued to complain.

It was time for a different tactic. Alyssa knew how to use a tone of voice on guys that would make them melt.

“Please, Brian,” she said. “I really want to do this with you.”

Brian continued to gripe. But Alyssa felt her brother’s resistance beginning to crumble.

“Brian, I’m your sister. I love you and would never do anything to hurt you. Do it for me. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Ugh. You drive me crazy sometimes, Alyssa. All right, I’ll do it for you.”

Alyssa kissed her brother and said, “Thank you.”


Published 4 years ago

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