Breeding Mommy: Chapter IX

"A surprise revelation introduces a new experience for our couple"

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“That was a great class,” I said in a slight pant, rolling up my yoga mat and turning my head towards Vanessa.

“It definitely was,” she agreed, drops of perspiration beading down her face, “what are you doing after class?”

“I was going to head to the floor and do a quick workout,” I replied.

My workout was almost exclusively a butt and leg workout meant to tone and fatten my butt for Tiger, but I didn’t tell Vanessa that.

“Okay, well, I want to go for a coffee if you have the time. Maybe after your workout?” she asked in an eager tone.

“How about we just go up to the smoothie bar and talk. My workout can wait,” I replied.

“Are you sure?” she protested.

“Ya, it’s no problem,” I assured her.

We got our smoothies and sat down. It was relatively quiet and except for the people working behind the counter, we were the only ones there.

“So that wedding was something, wasn’t it?” she began.

“Ya, it was wonderful. Very lovely wedding and reception,” I replied, scratching my neck with a tinge of guilt at having passionate sex with my teen son at someone’s wedding.

“How did James like it?” she asked curiously, “you both left during the middle of the night, I was hoping the night wasn’t ruined for him.”

“Oh no,” I assured her, “he popped a couple of tums and called it an early night. We just spent the rest of the evening watching tv.”

She took a sip of her smoothie and held my gaze, not buying a word I was saying.

“Hon,” she looked at me and lightly touched my hand, “I was in the room next to you. I heard everything.”

My face must’ve gone white with horror.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I deflected.

“Sweetie, that’s how I knew which room you were in. I knew what happened between you and… ‘Tiger’, is it?”

She did hear everything! I was horrified. I had no words and felt ashamed. But before I could stammer out some sort of half-hearted rebuttal, she said something that shocked me.

“….and I fully support it.”

I was taken aback.

“Uhhh….you…you do?” I probed sheepishly.

“Of course, sweetie. I think it’s amazing,” she encouraged softly.

As mentioned previously, Vanessa is a curvaceous woman with wide hips, a narrow waist and full, C cup breasts. She has long, black hair, similar to mine that frames her oval face, large chestnut eyes and puffy lips. What I didn’t mention is that Vanessa teaches Spanish at one of the catholic high schools. So what came next floored me.

“I have a confession to make,” she continued softly after a long, contemplative pause, “I’ve thought about some of my students like the way you think about James and doing those things with them.”

“You want to sleep with your students?” I asked in shock, leaning in so as not to be overheard.

“Yes,” she admitted, “I don’t know what it is, but I find some of them so hot and the idea of having sex with them turns me on.”

I obviously empathized with her and held no judgements but found myself shocked all the same.

“I completely understand,” touching her hand, “and I think it’s completely natural to have these feelings as I obviously have them myself. But have you considered how this would affect your job?”

“I know, I obviously can’t do anything,” she lamented, “which is why I wanted to ask you…”

Her words trailed off as if she was rethinking what she wanted to say.

“Ask me what?” I queried.

“I was wondering…if…you’d be willing to let me have sex with James.”

As if I couldn’t be taken aback enough, a grown woman was asking permission to have sex with my 16-year-old son.

I opened my mouth to respond but no words came out. I didn’t know how to respond.

“You can totally say no and I’d understand,” Vanessa quickly uttered, trying to backtrack.

I sat silently considering her proposal. Vanessa gets to fuck a teenage boy like she wants and I give Tiger a new experience with another woman. It wasn’t a terrible idea.

“I’d be okay with that,” I finally replied, cautiously.

“Really?” she asked, her eyes lighting up and an expression of relief washed over her face.

“Yes. It’d be good for him to get new experiences,” I consented, “let me just run it by him and I’ll let you know.”

“Okay! Thank you so much,” she nearly squealed with excitement, a wide smile growing across her face.

It left me with the question of how many women out there fantasize about having sex with teenage boys. Perhaps more than I thought.


Lying in Tiger’s arms after a round of steamy sex, I thought this would be the perfect time to bring up the topic.

“Honey, can I ask you something?” I gently began my query.

“Sure,” he agreed.

“You remember Vanessa from the wedding?” I continued cautiously.

“Ya, I remember her,” he replied.

“Well, I was with her earlier in the day and…I don’t really know how to say this, but she knows about us.”

“Oh,” he replied with a mixture of confusion and concern.

“Don’t worry, she fully supports it and thinks what we’re doing is great,” I rushed to assure him.

“How’d she find out?” he asked curiously.

“Apparently she was in the room next to us and overheard us,” I admitted.

“Well, we were pretty loud,” he remarked with a sly, knowing smile breaking across his youthful face.

“Ya, we were,” I similarly smiled, thinking back to the amazing orgasms I had as he ravaged me that night, “well, it seems that she, too, is sexually attracted to guys your age, and asked me if she could have sex with you.”

There was a long pause and I looked up to see Tiger’s face since he wasn’t replying.

“Really?” he replied quizzically, visibly taken aback by my revelation.

“Yes, that’s what she told me,” I affirmed.

“Well, what did you say?” he probed curiously.

“I said that I’d be okay with it, but I’d ask you,” I replied.

“Really?” he said, confused by my agreeableness with the idea, “I didn’t think you’d be cool with that.”

“Ya, I figured it’d be good for you to experience another woman,” giving my rationale, “plus, you’re probably getting tired of my pussy and want another one.”

“Don’t be silly, mom,” he said, lightly scratching my head, “I’m definitely not getting tired of your pussy. It’s amazing and you’re amazing.”

My heart swelled and my eyes lit up as I tried to conceal a smile.

“I’d only sleep with her if you were there too,” he continued, “I want both of you at the same time.”

“Oh ya?” I replied, turning over and resting my chin on his chest, “you wanna fuck both of us together, you nasty boy?”

“Uh huh,” he affirmed, “I want you to watch me fuck your friend and her to watch you fuck your own son.”

“Oh, you are nasty,” I replied amused and turned on, “I’ll let her know to come by on Friday.”


Hey hon, I spoke with James last night and he loves the idea

I stared at my text and contemplated the repercussions of hitting send.

‘Was this the best idea?’ I thought to myself.

‘Yes,’ I answered, pressing the send button and committing myself to this salacious triste.

I waited for her response with bated breath. I didn’t know why I was anxious. It was her idea after all, but I felt this tightness in my chest that I made a mistake by sending it.

A couple of minutes passed and my phone vibrated eagerly on my desk. I was hesitant to pick it up but did so anyways.

OMG I’m so excited!!!! When? What time? What should I wear?

Her response glowed with enthusiasm and any apprehension I had quickly abated.

8 pm Friday. Wear something comfy. He likes tight clothing!

OK! I’ll see you soon. I can’t wait!!!!!!

I could practically hear her squealing with excitement while reading her text.


Friday evening came around and I spent the entire day thinking about what was to come, leaving me rather unproductive at work. My mind was thinking about all of the possible things that could happen. All of the scenarios, the positions, the good, the bad. Everything. I was an absolute scatterbrain. But it was almost time.


I heard the doorbell ring and knew this was the moment. I walked up to the door wearing a pair of tight white yoga pants and a loose, low-cut t-shirt showing off my deep cleavage. Taking a deep breath, I turned the doorknob and opened the door.

“Hey, hon!” I exclaimed, smiling widely and embracing Vanessa with a gentle hug.

“You look amazing!” she replied warmly, admiring my curvy appearance.

“So do you, hon. I like your outfit,” I said, taking in her figure.

She wore a black skirt that tightly wrapped around her large butt and a black halter top with her midriff exposed.

“Do you think he’ll like it?” she asked hesitantly.

“Yes, he’ll love it,” I reassured her, “let’s go see him”.

As I was closing the door behind her, Tiger appeared to greet us both.

“Wow, you both look incredible,” he said, eyeing both of us up and down. Taking in our curvy bodies, big butts, our ample breasts protruding from our toned figures, our long, dark hair, and puffy cock-sucking lips. If it weren’t for my lighter skin complexion, we could’ve been twins.

“Aww, thanks, James,” Vanessa replied bashfully, smiling and brushing her dark, straight hair behind her ear.

I began getting aroused from the thought of my young stallion, whose cock I could already see the outline of through his grey sweatpants, using both of us to get himself off as many times as he needed.

“Do you want anything before we get started?” I asked, turning to Vanessa.

“Oh no, hon. I’m good. Thank you,” she replied, peeling her eyes reluctantly off of my son’s svelte body.

“Okay. Sweetie, do you need anything?” I asked Tiger.

“No, I’m ready to get started whenever you two are,” he replied, the eagerness dripping off of his words.

“Okay, let’s go to our bedroom,” I replied, grabbing Tiger’s hand and leading them both down the hallway.

Once all three of us were in, I wasted little time kissing Tiger. Perhaps part of this was to show Vanessa that he was mine, but I threw myself at him, kissing him slowly and confidently, our tender lips caressing each others’ and reassuring each other that our love and passion was right, if not perfect.

I reached for the elastic to his sweatpants and pulled them down from his hips, letting them crash to the floor as I held his shirt up so Vanessa could see. We continued kissing slowly and deeply, without missing a beat. And as our lips danced, his cock grew, lengthening and thickening until his fat, pink glans curved itself upwards towards me and pulled itself from the safe, protective confines of his foreskin.

I slowly broke away from his kiss and gently turned my head towards Vanessa, who was focused intently on Tiger’s fully-grown cock. Her eyes were wide with desire and mouth agape in disbelief at his size. All 7.5” of his thick, smooth, pink, uncircumsized penis – impressive for any man but unexpected for a 16-year-old boy – stood there in the air, quivering eagerly with Vanessa’s attention rapt by it.

What was going through her mind, I didn’t know. But by the perverted and lustful look in her eyes, she was probably ecstatic about the thought of being pleasured by such an impressive specimen; about how she was about to live out her fantasy of having sex with a teenage boy whose cock was larger than any man she’d been with before.

I felt many of the same feelings as her when I started having sex with him; the horniness from the thrill. And I knew that Tiger, standing there with his large penis, trembling in the air, was just as eager to have his 16-year-old cock milked by two hot, slutty 30-something-year olds as we were to milk, suck, and fuck him; bathing ourselves in his youthful sexual energy, getting our fill of his creamy, virile semen, and losing ourselves in the forbidden nature of all of the salacious acts we were about to commit.

“Are you okay, honey?” I asked her, softy.

“Of course,” she responded, snapping back from her trance, “it’s just…so big,” she continued, unable to keep herself from smiling.

“I know,” I replied in pleasant agreement, turning back towards Tiger to give him a soft kiss of approval. “How about you help Vanessa get out of her skirt,” I gently instructed him.

He walked over towards Vanessa and removed his shirt, exposing his svelte body and visible abs. As he approached her, she smiled up at him bashfully and stroked her long, voluminous hair.

I watched Tiger purposefully unzip her skirt and pull it down off her wide hips. It was so tight to her that she had to gently wiggle to help it off.

As the fabric passed over the crest of her full, meaty butt, they fell effortlessly off of her revealing her black lace thong tucked neatly between her cheeks. She stepped out from her skirt and pulled her halter top over her head and dropped it beside her skirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra and Tiger took his time inspecting every inch of her caramel figure. I followed suit and took my shirt off and eagerly pulled my yoga pants down, leaving me in nothing but my baby blue thong.

I walked up to them both and laid my hand on Tiger’s chest. He was staring down at our amply sized breasts sticking out towards him. You could practically see the drool forming on his lower lip at the sight of our large, puffy areolae; mine pink and Vanessa’s a darker brown.

I gently got down onto my knees and Vanessa followed my lead. I took his large, pink cock in my hand and gently stroked up, letting Vanessa get an up-close look at his foreskin sliding gracefully over his fat, bulbous glans.

“Grab it, hon, and taste him,” I told Vanessa in a lustful tone.

She stared at my son’s throbbing cock and wrapped her hand around his smooth, hairless shaft, unable to get her fingers to touch. Looking up at him, she opened her mouth and leaned forward, slowly sealing her puffy lips to his warm, spongy glans.

Tiger placed his hand on her head and began scratching her scalp as she slid her hand up and down his shaft and bobbed her head on his glans.

I watched on with enjoyment as another woman sucked on my son’s cock. She slid her hand towards her mouth, bunching his foreskin up against her lip, while her lips slowly massaged his glans.

“How is it, hon?” I asked her, rubbing her back gently.

“Amazing!” she replied in a gleeful tone, pulling his penis from her mouth.

She pulled on his foreskin, over his glans and back down, admiring every vein of his thick, throbbing shaft.

“Here, I want to see you suck on him,” she said, passing him to me.

Without any hesitation, I gripped his penis and drooled all over him before shoving him into my mouth and sealing my lips tightly to him.

Partly to show off to Vanessa how well I suck my son’s cock, I worked him diligently, moaning as I sucked him passionately; my hand gliding up and down his length as my mouth crawled further down his thick shaft, taking more and more of him down my throat as I drooled and looked up at him.

“Oh my god, Denise!” Vanessa exclaimed as she looked on in amazement.

It was such a vulnerable moment; having someone else see me perform an intimate and salacious act on my teenage son, which made it more arousing.

“Uh, fuck mom,” I heard Tiger moan from above.

“Ya? You like having your gorgeous mom suck your big cock, don’t you?” Vanessa asked Tiger as she looked up at him with a perverted smile, “she’s so good, isn’t she?”

I pulled him out of me and gasped as drool covered my lips and his cock. Vanessa immediately grabbed his shaft and sealed her lips to him. Using my drool as lubricant, she slid her mouth and hand up and down him more aggressively this time, moaning as she enjoyed her first teen penis.

I rubbed her back and encouraged her. She tried to take more of him but began gagging. Clearly, she couldn’t deepthroat him like I could.

She kissed his glans and drooled on him while I rubbed his thigh.

“That’s such a big cock!” she remarked in amazement.

“I know!” I agreed, gripping my son’s girth and slipping him back inside my mouth.

Tiger rested his hand on my head and began to gently thrust into my mouth as I supplied more and more drool for him to easily slip down my throat. It didn’t take much time for his entire 7.5” to be down my throat and my tongue licking his tight, firm scrotum.

“Oh my god, Denise! I had no idea you could do that! I love it!” Vanessa gleefully erupted.

“She’s such a slut, isn’t she?” Tiger replied, amused.

I grabbed his butt cheeks and squeezed them as I slid his penis out of my mouth.

“And you love it!” I answered libidinously.

“Uh huh,” he replied, smirking down at me on my knees while he rewardingly scratched my head, “you’re my good mommy.”

Vanessa looked on with warmth at the tender, albeit salaciously inappropriate, moment Tiger and I shared. After a moment, she reached for his cock, still erect and twitching, and drooled generously on it, lathering it in by stroking his foreskin over his glans and back in long strokes.

Taking about half of his length into her mouth, she tightly wrapped her lips to him and sucked slowly, taking a cue from me and drooling as she slid up and down his length, pulling his foreskin with her hand as her lips slid on him.

“Mmmm, uh fuck Vanessa,” Tiger moaned, quietly encouraging her.

He placed a hand on her head and slowly pushed more of him into her mouth.

Looking up at him with trepidation, she accepted more of his cock. I watched my son gently face-fuck Vanessa and listened to the familiar squishing sound of his cock in a mouthful of drool.

“Ahhhh,” Vanessa gasped as Tiger finally…

Published 4 years ago

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