As Daniella placed her pretty naked body between his own cock and the one she had purchased, Eric sought to marshal his fighting spirit. He owed it to himself to do that much. Then she flicked the cap on the bottle of lubricant, spilled the stuff all over the upper slopes of her breasts and let it roll down till it dripped from her nipples. His pitiful resistance crumbled, inwardly at least.
“Shit.” Why not say it? She knew from his face as she rubbed the oil tenderly into her tits what the sight was doing to him. The smirking vixen applied more from the bottle till she was a slippery mess, then she smoothed it all over her top half, so that she acquired the same even sheen as she’d given him. She set the bottle aside.
“How about some ‘up close and personal’?” She gripped the back of the chair and made good on her suggestion, pulling close and undulating on him in a fluid up-and-down motion, massaging his torso with her pert breasts and stopping occasionally on the up-slide so she could plant a kiss on his jaw. Every sense was heightened to erotic overload. Slippery flesh on flesh, punctuated by her rigid nipples grating against his with every graceful stroke of her body. Scent of lotion, sweat and wet cunt in his nostrils, the slithering rustle of her body in his ears. His cock a great iron-forged pillar and doomed to retain that form until his sweet bitch tormentor chose otherwise.
“Isn’t this nice? Don’t you love how we feel together? How does it feel for your cock right now?”
Agony. It’s fucking agony. Can you have any idea how bad it’s getting? Christ, I’m going to fucking die.
“Do you know, babe, every time I sink down I can feel the fake one rubbing right between my ass cheeks? It’s all ready for me just like you are. Which one am I going to sit on?”
You want me to plead, don’t you? You want me to beg, you fucking little slut. Well I’m not going …
She pulled herself up higher on him and shoved her breast to his mouth. “Suck on me. Suck on my tit, sweetheart.”
He was ravenous for her and gobbled her into his mouth, sucking hard, pinching with his teeth and thrashing with his tongue, feasting on what he could of her and burning for more.
“That’s it. That’s it, babe. Hard as you like—but if you bite, you know I’m going to make you pay.”
I’ll fucking make you pay. But he knew the sentiment was futile, so he caressed her with his mouth like that would win her over instead. She simply clung to the chair back with one hand and reached down to finger herself with the other, close against him, uttering delirious blissful moans. Every way he was beaten.
She slipped from his mouth and slid down to kiss him, her lips tender on his. Her question was whispered and his answer hoarse. “You want to fuck me?”
“You damn well know I do.”
Her fingers kneaded his scalp through his damp hair and her mouth nuzzled his cheek.
“You want me to get you off, darling? With my hands, or my mouth, or my sweet tight cunt?”
“You want to shoot your cum all over me?”
“Yes.” Goddamn you yes.
“Then you know what to say. Those three little words. Remember?”
Oh he remembered. They burned through the haze of lust and he cursed himself for agreeing to all this, because he knew he could not say them. Not till his cock burst. “I can’t. I won’t.”
“Pity. ‘Cos I’ve got so much tease left in me.”
She kissed his face again, then she climbed off him, turned about and reached for the bottle where she’d set in on the floor, giving him a full shot of her spreading ass as she bent down.
“Watch this and weep,” she said, staring behind at him.
She reached back, aimed the nozzle and squirted most of the bottle’s remaining contents down the small of her back. He stared as it reached in translucent fingers over her bum till she was soaked in glistening lubricant. She tipped some more, closer down, so that it drizzled straight into her crack, trickling into her asshole so that it winked and slithering over her pussy’s swollen lips. Her hands reached, claimed those peachy round cheeks and massaged lovingly, coating them evenly till they wore the same satin sheen as her tits. An utterly unnecessary preparation for what she intended, but then her peering over her shoulder with lip-biting concentration was equally pointless, since he was the only one with a clear view of her ass. All for show—and as shows went, hers was multi-award-winning.
She turned around and poured the remaining lube over the purple phallus. (Jesus, his own cock wasn’t a dissimilar colour by now.) Having finally discarded the bottle, she gripped the cock and wanked it, gorgeously, lasciviously, fixing him with a stare so filthy that it made him groan out loud. “Getting my new boyfriend all ready,” she said. “He and I are going to have a really good time.”
She backed onto him again and positioned herself with precision above her new favourite toy. He’d already watched her screw herself silly on the thing, but the sight of her neat waist swelling out into that oiled-up ass and her sheer proximity was too much. In a further cruel twist she was leaning her palms on his upper thighs as she began to lower herself.
“God, he fills me up, this boy. He fucks me really nice.”
Eric’s cock had endured plentiful suffering and finally the protest was forced from his lips. “No. Please.”
Daniella paused, hovering. The dildo’s head must already have been prising apart her puffed lips, for all he could see. Her chin was raised, hair trailing behind, like she was bracing herself for bliss. “What was that?”
He didn’t think he could bear to see her plunge down onto any dick other than his, even a fake one. “I said ‘please’. Please don’t. Don’t do that.”
She pushed herself off his thighs and away from the waiting purple cock, then turned around to face him. “Why not?”
He fought for words, his throat now dry. “Because … I want you to sit on me, not your new boyfriend.”
She bent at the waist, ass thrusting behind, and gripped the back of the chair so that her face could brush against his. “And why exactly should I make that choice?”
One final gambit was there to be played. He croaked it in her ear. “Because sooner or later you’re going to have to untie me. I mean we both know you’re not going to leave me here indefinitely and when …”
“When I set you free,” she said with her cheek caressing his, “I’ll be packed and ready to go. I’ll loosen the ropes enough for you to do the rest yourself, but by the time you’ve finished I’ll be out of here and you’ll see me when you see me. If ever. But I’ve got a whole lot of Sunday left to play before it comes to that. Like you said, hardball.”
He knew she wasn’t joking, that there were no more cards left to play. Hell, he’d surrendered his hand to her before they’d begun that day. “Because,” he admitted, “I want you to fuck me. I … need you to fuck me. Now.”
“Well then, you know the words. You know what you have to say.”
“I can’t say it. Dani, you know I can’t. Not that.”
“Why not?”
“Because in your heart of hearts even you don’t want me to. Because I’m not.”
“You’re not … what?”
“I’m not your bitch.”
The fingers of one delicate hand seized him by the hair and she pressed her mouth to his ear. “Really? Well no more am I yours.”
Her words sank slowly in and he pondered them silently a moment. Then spontaneously he began to laugh, her little fist still clutched to his scalp. His body was a mass of arousal, his cock bulging to the point of pain, but something close to hilarity ran through him in an unstoppable wave. “I know it. And if I didn’t before, I sure as fuck do now.”
Her grip on him eased and she drew back enough for him to see the mollified expression on her face. He was sure she was resisting the urge to laugh with him. “That’s better. It is. But it’s not quite enough yet. What else have you got to say? I need you to compensate for that safe-word.”
Gorgeous little game-playing bitch. He wanted to kiss her as much as he wanted to fuck her sore. “That right now,” he said, staring into her eyes, “right now in this moment you own my ass. Like no other woman has ever owned it. That you’re a crazy, dirty, demented, amazing girl and you drive me out of my fucking mind whether or not you’ve got me tied up. That … That, that bloody cock-ring is starting to hurt and since I obliged when you asked me to take off the nipple clamps yesterday, I’m asking you to take it off me now. And then if you’d be so kind, I’d like you to fuck the living hell out of me right here on this chair.”
She looked at him calmly, the promise of a smile on her lips. “There’s a little word I seem to recall I used.”
“Please.” He offered it up to her like a prayer. “Please, Daniella, I’m asking as nicely as I know how.”
“I begged. You made me beg.”
“Well this is me doing it right back.”
“For the removal or the fucking?”
“Both. Sweetheart, I’m asking you for both. I’m yours to fuck and I’d be obliged if you do it as hard as you know how. That’s all I’ve got.”
It was enough. And in truth Daniella was relieved. Much as she needed his respect, she didn’t want it at the expense of that infuriating sexy maleness. It truly would have been a disappointment if he’d gone and said the safe-word. What a clever boy to have negotiated his way around it. That in itself deserved rewarding.
“Darling,” she said, kissing him on the mouth, “you don’t have to beg. You’re going to get both your heart’s desires. Let me attend to the first one.”
It was with genuine affection and the merest touch of pity for all she’d put him through that she switched off the cock-ring’s vibrations. Using both hands she drew it all the way up his shaft. He vented a long aching groan as it made its journey. “There,” she said, drawing it delicately over the head of his cock and off. “That better?”
“Much.” His throat was so dry he could scarcely voice the sound.
“Poor sweetheart.” She caressed his heavy balls in her palm and his body twitched sharply in response. Then she ran the fingers of her other hand up the underside of his great shaft, while he continued to moan incoherence. How beautiful. How much she wanted to give this reward. All he wanted right now was release, whatever way she chose to bestow it.
“You’re not going to last a moment if I don’t give you a break,” she said, and he stared at her in pained disbelief. “It’s okay, I won’t be a moment.” She refilled his glass in the kitchen and he quaffed when she brought it to his lips, water spilling from both corners of his mouth. “See? You’ve been so good I let you drink it properly this time.”
She set it aside and returned to his cock, which had remained resolutely stiff in spite of the ring’s removal. Every vein stood out proud on his swollen trunk. “Let me give it some attention.” She ran the flat blade of her tongue from root to tip, lapping up the salty essence which had oozed down its surface before the application of the mail-order brake. He was concrete in her palm which she wrapped it around him. She gobbled up the head with gusto, the throb in her mouth made all the more delicious by his spontaneous response.
“Oh God—thank you. Fuck, don’t stop. Please. Now I’m really fucking begging.”
The pleas wouldn’t stop pouring out of his mouth, it seemed, now that they had begun. What a thrilling success. Daniella slavered her tongue back and forth over the head of his cock, massaging her mouth’s natural lubricant into the thick shaft. “Honestly, Eric, how mean do you think I am?”
“Beyond all fucking expectation,” he moaned, eyes rolling in his head. “But I’m being good. So don’t stop. I’ll beg more.”
“Much as I love the sound of it,” she said, palming all his inches down to his balls, “that won’t be necessary. ‘Cos I’m all set to blow your mind.” She stood close to him, tits in his face, positioning herself over the real cock this time and manipulating it till it was directly underneath her path of descent. “Ready for this tight pussy around your dick?”
“Yes. Ready. So ready.”
She held the moment. “Go on then, plead a little more.”
“Damn, you little bitch … Please.”
“You charm all the girls that way?” Daniella gripped his shoulders and eased herself down onto him, luxuriating in the sensation of a real hard-flesh cock filling her up this time. She didn’t stop till she’d bottomed out in his lap. Good boys got what they deserved. And so did bad girls.
Fuck! Thank you God.
Never had Eric’s cock felt so gorged with blood, so cranked with tension. Never had the clutch of a woman’s sex felt so gorgeous. Daniella’s ass nestled on his thighs and he strained to meet her descent with his own up-thrust. She clamped her hands to his head again and gripped hard. “Not yet. Not yet, sweetheart. Hold it.”
He dare not disobey her in case she climbed off him, so with restraint that struck him as fucking heroic, he held back from delivering a second thrust.
“I want to massage the part of you I missed,” she told him, and gripping hard she began to ease herself up and down on his length, letting the warm liquid velvet of her pussy slither over his every inch. “There.” There was emotional warmth as well as sexual heat in her voice. “How good is that?”
“Outstandingly fucking good,” he groaned, as she enveloped him over and over. Glossy, tight and caressing every part of him. “You have no idea.”
“Oh I have a very good idea,” she panted as she slow-fucked him, making sure that her breasts brushed his chest on each rise and fall. “You made sure of that over two whole days. Now it’s your turn … to find out all about the rewards of delayed gratification. They’re sweet—you taught me that. How close are you?”
“Close. Really close.”
“You want to fuck me the rest of the way?”
“God yes.”
“Then what’s the word?”
“Please. Please let me fuck you.”
She smiled and gripped hard around the back of his neck. “See what good manners get you? Give it to me, baby.”
He drove into her hard. He gave all he fucking had, though he was so close to the sexual tipping point that it was doomed to be of limited duration. But damn, it was sweet while it lasted. He rammed to her depths, ass clenching on each reckless stroke. She cried out and laughed and clutched at her breasts and bounced on him, meeting the force of his surging thrusts with a building momentum of her own. “Fuck—oh yes, sweetheart, you’ve earned this. Let me have it. Let me fucking have it.”
He hadn’t even the wherewithal to speak. His mind raged with anger and lust and deep, deep gratitude as she gripped his neck and rode his frenzied bucking efforts. All his energy, every drop was invested in spearing her and in fucking his way to orgasm.
He signposted the event clearly, because she gripped his head even tighter, wresting his gaze to meet hers. “Get yourself off, baby,” she told him. “That’s it, get yourself off.” The result of an eternity’s tease and torment welled up within him for release. “Let it out,” she demanded. “I want to hear you. Let it all fucking out. Do it now.”
Christ, he had no option and he didn’t want one. It was all coming in a flood. His initial strangled scream opened out into a yell—full-throated, incoherent and glorious—as his balls off-loaded their accumulation one long hot spurt at a time. He was emptying of everything that had been pent up inside him, physically and emotionally, while Daniella held onto him hard and took it all. It spewed out of him for so long he couldn’t believe it was happening—noise and cum and the agony of a morning that he’d thought would never fucking end.
“Oh God! Oh God!” It was all he could articulate as his body shuddered and jolted its way to the last of his fulfilment. As he finally melted back, limp and drained into the hard embrace of the chair, he was dizzily aware of his lover bringing herself off one-handed on top of him. Shit, what a girl.
What a crazed, lunatic, resourceful, spectacular girl.
How fucking lucky was he? What kind of crazy fucking lucky …
“You okay? Sweetheart?”
Much panting had been done on both their parts before Daniella managed these words. Eric’s mind was drifting, his attention dissipated. She tried again. “How’re you doing, babe?”
His gaze found hers. “‘How’re you doing?’ she asks. Ties me up and tortures me—physically and psychologically—and asks me how I’m doing …” His dazed expression consolidated into a grin. “Pretty damn okay, as it happens.”
The smile Daniella returned was one of relief. In a single moment it was confirmed—however far she had taken her mission, it had not been too far. “I’m glad. Really glad.”
“And I’m impressed,” he admitted. “Fucking impressed. You got me good, no point in denying it. In fact you’ve still got me.” His arms jerked a little against their restraints.
“I’m sure you’ll get me back soon enough,” she said, and the implications of her recklessness caused a mild palpitation within her.
“Not as long as I’m tied here. And anyway, I figured today’s take-no-shit display was an attempt to move away from all that. Thought you’d had enough of my posturing.”
“I was making a point, that’s all.”
“Oh you made it. Made it well.”
She stroked his hair with a tenderness far removed from her dragging and tugging of earlier. “But … just because I’m no one’s bitch doesn’t mean I won’t enjoy playing at being yours. You already know how much I like it, no point in me denying that. Only …”
“You’d like me to remember that you’re capable of springing surprises of your own.”
She grinned wide and kissed him. “Exactly. I know that won’t cramp your creativity.”
Whatever thought first occurred to him, he visibly swallowed it. “I’m saying nothing so long as I’m trussed up like this. Is there any chance of you undoing me?”
Well she couldn’t leave him tied up forever. “Got to get off you first. Got to get you from inside of me.” She gripped his shoulders and set about the delightfully messy business of lifting herself off his cock. “Wow, we’re quite the gooey pair, aren’t we? Oh God, oh God, I’m gushing everywhere! Sorry!”
It took longer to untie him that it had to do the tying, so badly were her hands shaking. From post-orgasmic weakness and, she realised, from the thought of whatever intentions might have been in Eric’s head. Good plan to get him off before setting him loose. Take the edge off his vengeful lust. When the final rope tumbled free she half-expected him to leap, but his initial concern was to massage his wrists and ankles and to walk himself free of cramp.
“Good rope-work,” he reaffirmed, stretching himself and looking around at the detritus of his own living-room. “Good improvising. All around, an excellent day’s work.”
“Thank you.” The flattery ran strangely deep. Tentatively she reached out and touched his arm.
He wheeled around at the first contact and grappled her to him, roughly enough to make her squeal. “Come here.”
“Oh God. Oh God, I thought you’d …”
His mouth met hers, stifling all she had to say in a kiss that melted from hard to tender and sustained till several minutes had elapsed. “That,” he said, still holding her, “is for being an evil genius in a sexy economy-sized body.”
She hugged back. “So – and I’m a little bit scared to ask this – what are you going to do with this evil genius?”
“For now?” He kissed her again and took her by the hand. “Shower.”
Jets fired and ricocheted, encasing their entwined bodies in a watery cocoon. Eric held Daniella close to him and enjoyed her slippery nakedness against his.
He laughed at the thought which struck him. “Your scary friend is going to take some dealing with next time you two meet.”
She giggled and it sounded like sexy music. “What—you think she’s going to jump me?”
“Well she’s clearly as hot for you as I am. And scary bitch though she is, I can’t fault her taste.”
“She’d like to, but I’ve known that for over a year now and she’s not going to unless I invite her. We’re roommates, remember?”
“Roommates? God. I knew you had one, I just hadn’t made the connection.” He rocked her gently in his arms and adjusted to the realisation of how soon she’d be returning to her college course. “She’ll have you all to herself, even if it’s not in that way.”
“No.” Fuck it. “Yes. Yes, I’m jealous of everyone who’ll have the daily benefit of your company while I’m working away back here.”
She squeezed him tight within her arms. “Well they won’t have the benefit of my naked company. Not even Arabella. And you can bring your sexy ass to see me whenever you like.”
“In that case I will. We can go for delightful leisurely walks. You can show me all the local attractions and points of interest. It’ll be like a Jane Austen novel.”
“I’d like that. And then we can go be alone and get naked.”
“Very, very naked.”
“And very, very bad.”
“All kinds of bad.”
She laughed and he hugged her.
“Plus,” she said, “my holidays aren’t done yet.”
“Neither’s this weekend,” he reminded her, his lips close to her ear. “This crazy fucked-up invent-your-own-rules weekend.”
Her goose-bumps broke out under his touch. “Exactly what are you suggesting, Mr Lehane? Payback?”
“Not the word I’d use,” he said, growing granite-hard against her. You could hardly pay someone back for giving you the most insanely erotic experience of your life. “More like a reward for all your hard work. A harsh and uncompromising reward. But with no strings attached this time, no agenda. Just my enjoyment of your hot body. What do you think?”
She quivered in his arms and her breathing quickened. He recognised the same recklessness she’d shown two days prior, when she decided not to leave. “I’ve already picked a safe-word.”
“Which is?”
“Fuck me harder.”
“I like it. And I will. And afterwards when I’m all done, we’ll cuddle up in front of a DVD and just be together. How does that sound?”
She kissed his neck and held onto him tight, her excitement soaking into him and swelling him near to bursting.
“Sweetheart, it sounds perfect.”