I am not a biker chick! First off, my breasts do not sag! Okay, bad joke. I know, but it’s been my go-to line when some idiot makes a crack about me and my Harlie! Yes, I spell it with an ‘ie’, get over it. This time of year, I love riding my Sportster XLH833. No, it’s not freaking pink! Sure, I gave it a girlie name, but I am not riding a pink Sportster! The hills, the sun, the wind, and the winding roads just scream ‘freedom’ for me. I don’t do it often enough, but today just looked perfect!
Yes, I am a girl who likes motorcycles, but I was never interested in riding pillion! I do wear leathers, mainly because I have had to lay it down before due to the stupidity of people who got their driver’s license from the bottom of a cereal box. Trust me, leather is easier to replace than my skin! Sure Harlie needed work after it, but at least we both weren’t in the body shop!
Because of Harlie and my leathers, I have been accused of being a member of a biker gang that sometimes terrorizes my part of the state. I have no colors on my leathers, but some people can’t tell the difference. Not even the dark pink scarf I love to have streaming behind me gives them a clue.
So, this Saturday I headed out. The rumble of the engine might have woken up a few people, but it’s not like I do this all that often. I wanted to get going before it got too hot. Black leather looks good on me, but it can get warm quick. I planned a couple of hundred-mile ride through some foothills in upstate NY and just simply enjoy the day. I packed a lunch and some drinks in my panniers, donned my helmet, and headed out. Yes, I wear a freaking helmet! I look at it simply, if you have nothing to protect, go without!
It was a perfect day! I couldn’t have asked for a better one as the odometer spun with the miles under my tires. Harlie was behaving herself as well, I felt like I could ride forever! The road was winding nicely and gradually rose in elevation. The views started getting really nice on this late Spring day. I was flying!
The only discordant note was some rich asshole driving a Porsche blasting by me going way too fast for the road. Even over my engine and the helmet, I could hear his tires squealing as he passed me on a curve of all places. I didn’t flip him off, as I would normally do simply because I was in too good a mood.
About halfway into my planned route, there was an overlook and rest stop I decided was the perfect place to have lunch and stretch. I sat on the edge of a small rock wall looking out over a wooded valley. It would have been perfect too if Porsche-guy hadn’t gotten there before me. I didn’t notice him right away, he was parked on one side of the parking lot, next to an SUV, so I didn’t see him. I was closer to the overlook section rather than near the restrooms.
I got off Harlie, shook out my helmet hair, hung my jacket on the grips, and grabbed lunch. I sat down to enjoy the view. It lasted about fifteen minutes until I heard Porsche-guy arguing with who I guess was his girlfriend. The argument left the confines of their little car. I heard a door slam and glanced over, and I saw the two of them yelling at each other over the roof of the car. I have no idea what they were fighting about as I did my best to ignore them. I refused to let them wreck my day!
After a while, I heard the Porsche’s engine start up and leave the parking area in a shower of gravel as the idiot applied too much power. Testosterone is a dangerous thing in the wrong hands! I liked the fact that peace reigned, and I even heard the SUV leave. I had the overlook to myself! Things were looking up. I sat there admiring the valley. There was a small lake off to one side and even at this distance, I could see boats enjoying the day as well.
I policed up my stuff, never one to leave trash around. As I stashed it in my pannier, I saw I wasn’t as alone as I thought, a girl was sitting on one of the picnic tables under the shelter. She was sitting there fiddling with her phone. I almost wanted to laugh. I’d been up here plenty of times and unless she had a satellite phone, there was no service for miles around.
We were up in some hills on what started as a logging road a long time ago. It did have a state number to it, but she wasn’t going to get cell service until she got closer to the next town, at least six or seven miles away. I couldn’t just leave her sitting there, could I? She certainly wasn’t dressed for a motorcycle ride, that’s for damn sure. She was in a cute little dress that was tight across her bum. It was pretty short as well, and those heels were totally impractical. I couldn’t hear her, but her movements said she finally figured out she wasn’t going to call anyone.
“Hey!” I yelled over to her as I walked over. I hadn’t put my jacket back on, so it was pretty obvious I wasn’t some biker dude. “You okay?” I know, not the brightest thing to say because being left at a rest stop off a low traffic location with no cell service is not the thing you think of as ‘okay’. She wasn’t crying, which is a good thing! I hate criers and screamers, well unless they are screaming my name or ‘Oh God!’ in the right context.
“Fuck no! This asshole guy took me for a ride in his hot car and when I objected to him trying to stick his arm up my pussy, he got pissy. Fucker told me he’d be back soon to see if I would be more…”
“I get it! Asshole, definitely an asshole. I assume you don’t want to be here if the moron comes back?”
She looked over at my bike. It was one of the smaller Sportsters but can easily hold two people. The negative was my spare helmet was sitting in my garage and her dress and shoes were not suited to riding. But all things can be dealt with.
“Yea, I would love to be elsewhere, but…” She looked down at herself. “I’m not exactly dressed for riding on a bike?”
“First off, this is Harlie, and she’s a motorcycle, not a bike. Second, we’ll put your shoes in my bags and you’ll have to ride the pegs barefoot. As for the dress, if we tuck my jacket exactly right, I think we can avoid flashing the other drivers.” As I said that I realized she was pretty freaking cute, no wonder the Porsche moron picked her up.
She smiled, “Well if you can give me a ride to where I can use my phone, I would be really grateful.”
I was tempted to ask just how grateful, but I wasn’t about to play those games. It would make me sound more like Porsche-guy than I would ever want to. “I think we can handle that!”
It took a few minutes to get her settled. I put my helmet on her, she objected at first but I was insistent. I sat on the bottom edge of my jacket and we used the rest to cover her lap and the top of her thighs. It would at least keep from blowing sixty-plus MPH air up it. I wasn’t going to do anything foolish and hoped the other drivers would do the same. Laying down the bike with her would leave a shitload of skin on the asphalt. I climbed on and she pressed against my back with her arms around me. She felt pretty fucking good there. If it wasn’t for the situation, she would be welcome on Harlie any day! Of course, she would be dressed more for riding!
I headed back the way we both had come, figuring the asshole might actually be on his way back to the lookout and didn’t really want to run into him. She clung tight. I think several miles down the road she must have gotten cold or something because she started shaking a bit. I guess she settled down because it stopped. There wasn’t much I could do about it, she already had my jacket and riding Harlie in a bra and panties was the thing of daydreams, not reality.
We went about 10 miles before we got to a small town that I knew had cell service. I pull over to top off my small gas tank and turned off Harlie, but she staying clinging to my back. She practically had to peel her face away from my back and said “Holy fuck!”
“Fun huh?” I asked, thinking I might have made a new motorcycle convert, or else it scared the shit out of her. I didn’t do anything crazy, I was more worried about her if I lost it.
“Fun’s not the word, no wonder, it’s like having a freaking vibrator between your legs! Fuck, I think I came twice and … well … fuck!”
I had to laugh a bit. I was so used to it, I almost forgot about the first time I rode and it got me a little hot and bothered too! I don’t remember cumming, but then I wasn’t on the back hanging on someone!
Before I could dismount, she clung tighter to me and asked in a very sweet and sexy voice, “Could you just take me home! I don’t want to get off just yet!”
I guess I laughed, “I mean get off your Harlie!” as she smacked me on the back. I was starting to like her! She wasn’t some fluff piece, even if she had accepted a ride from the Porsche-guy.
“Sure, but first off go across the street to that tractor supply place and get something more suited to riding.”
“I’m not sure what to get, how about coming with me to give me some advice. Does that place even sell clothes?”
“Yea, nothing fancy like that cute little dress, but something that might make you more comfortable. Trust me, even in jeans you’ll still feel the bike between your legs!” She blushed slightly and headed over while I topped off my tank. When I joined her she was looking at dismay at the limited selection.
I grinned and snagged her a pair of jeans, socks and asked her shoe size. “That dress will work as a top under my leather jacket, but you need some pants and boots. If the worse thing happens and I have to lay down the bike, you want the jeans and jacket to take the brunt on things.” She went into the small changing room while I snagged her a pair of work boots, actually a decent pair. Not as good as my Daineses, but good enough. They’ll also work for hiking if she was into that.
I knocked on the dressing room door and she pulled me in. No, it’s not what you think! I think she was just used to shopping like that with her friends. She looked at the boots with some distaste. I would agree, they weren’t pretty, but they were tough!
When she sat down to try the boots, I caught a whiff of what she had been talking about. The jeans were still open and I could tell the scent of a wet pussy! It was one of my favorite scents! “Harlie really got to you?”
She looked down, but didn’t blush, “Oh fuck yea! Surprised the hell out of me! How do you stand it?”
“I guess I’m used to it! But you’re right, it’s like a giant vibe!”
We got back on the road, but I think I was more aware of her against me than before. I let the speed open up a little more. I knew the road well and also some of the side roads. I pulled off onto a narrow road in the middle of a heavily wooded area. Pulling off that road, I braced the bike with the little-used center stand and I felt her looking at me more curiously even through the face shield. She took it off and was surprised when I pulled her around in front of me. As I said, she was a little thing. I, on the other hand, was close to six feet barefoot. While I wasn’t big-boned, I probably was half again her weight. Woman-handling her around wasn’t that difficult. I think she was more caught off-guard and simply didn’t fight me. She dropped the helmet, but I barely noticed as she straddled my legs. I pulled her against me and then revved the engine.
“Oh Fuck!” That’s all I heard as she clung to me, her legs going around my waist. I held her by her waist as she threw her head back. Her hand went to her pussy and she started smacking it hard. I few more engine revs and she orgasmed most beautifully. Her body shaking, she was practically laying back on my handlebars, her legs squeezing against me, and her head was tossing from side to side.
In a minute, she relaxed and looked up at me. “You did that on purpose?”
I grinned at her, “Damned straight! You told me you came twice against my back. I wanted to watch you!”
“Did you like what you saw?”
“Fuck yea! I just wish I could taste you!”
She paused at that for a moment and slipped her hand down into the new jeans. When she brought it up, you could see it glistening in the light coming through the trees. She brought it to my face and I took her wrist and took a deep sniff.
“Sweet!” Then I tasted her, and damn if that wasn’t sweet too!
She looked serious for a minute, “I should tell you I’m straight!”
I sucked on her fingers again, “You mean you were straight!”
She thought about it, “You might be right. So where are we heading?”
“Your place to get a few things and then my place to see how straight you aren’t!”
I pulled her up to me and decided against kissing her just yet. I was thinking she had enough on her mind at the moment, but she had other ideas. For a straight girl who just came, she kissed pretty damn good! She dismounted to retrieve the helmet, I saw a scratch that meant another new paint job for it, but that happened often enough. She held it out and looked at it. “I’m a graphic artist, I think I could do something really interesting with this?”
Laughing, I pulled her to me before she got back on. “We’ll talk — later!”
On way down through the hills, she clung tight and I felt her orgasm a couple more times. The best part was the moron with a Porsche got behind us and I refused to let him pass. I don’t know if he recognized her, but listening to his horn told me he was less happy with the finger she kept pointing at him for about five miles! Once we got to a four-lane road he came abreast of us and yelled something or other. She lifted the facemask and yelled back, “Little dick wanker!”
He blew past us and a couple of miles down the road we saw him off to the side with a state trooper writing him up. I love karma!