“Oh my GOD!,” Katie squealed, running over to greet me. “Let me see! Let me see how cute you look!” my best friend since elementary school begged.
KT had asked if we could all meet for dinner. CJ jokingly asked if we should take the limo. To which I said yes, as long as he never wants to make love to me again. So instead, we arrived in CJ’s perfectly wonderful BMW 330.
I laughed and lifted my shirt, showing off my obviously pregnant tummy. I wasn’t expecting such an enthusiastic response, when I told her “our news”, as CJ put it. But KT’s excitement made me feel really good.
“I can’t believe how great you look!” KT, complimented me. “I haven’t seen you since Summer Break.”
“I know. I’m sorry. Been a little…preoccupied,” I told KT, pointing at CJ and giggling.
“Well I’m glad we finally get to meet Mr. Wonderful!” KT said, smiling.
“Katie, I’m so happy for you to meet my boyfriend, CJ,” I said proudly, turning my attention over to him. CJ, this is Katie, my best friend, since…forever,” I announced.
“Nice to meet you…finally,” Katie said, smiling. “This is Cameron…Cam,” Katie said, pulling her boyfriend over to make the acquaintance.
It was so great to hang out with them. Since I had started seeing CJ, I had really cut myself off from just about everyone else. I guess that’s typical. KT and I talked and texted a lot, so she knew what was going on. But it had been a long time since we hung out. Fortunately the guys clicked, so KT and I were able to chat about things that were a little more intimate than what we would normally say on the phone.
KT was full of questions. She knew very little about CJ. I had only told her the basic stuff. He’s older than us, has a degree, but is still going to college. He has a great job and makes a lot of money. He’s terminally handsome and charming. But I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea about where and how CJ lives. It would be tempting to imagine there was some motive behind me getting pregnant. I planned on having THAT conversation after she met CJ and saw how perfect he is.
“Wow!” KT said, stealing the attention from everyone at our table. “Are those diamonds?” she said, admiring my necklace.
“They are!” I said, just as loudly. “CJ had it made for me.”
“Two…plus one equals,” KT read the inscription. “Is that the sign for infinity?”
“Oh my God!” I shook my head, laughing. “Yes, it is. I didn’t see it at first though. Outside the context of math and physics, I just totally spaced it.”
“That…is perfect,” KT said, astounded. “And you!” smiling at CJ, “are everything Heather told me you were.”
And a lot more that I HAVEN’T told you, I thought, as my phone chimed.
My dad was texting me back, letting me know it was A-OK, (his words – I don’t think I’ve ever said that in my life) for me to spend the weekend at Shale Rock. I wouldn’t normally have had that conversation over text. But when he asked me about my plans for the weekend, I didn’t want to rush home to ask.
He took that really well! I thought, smiling big. I’m sure he must have expected me to do it at some point. When you approach the halfway point in your teenage daughter’s pregnancy, some boundaries simply become nonsensical. Besides, he’s probably got some hottie on the line, anxious to have the house to himself.
Have fun. Be safe. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do! I texted back, including a laughing emoji.
“So?” KT started. “Your dad seems to be taking it really well.”
“We had our moments. He wouldn’t admit it, but he probably doesn’t mind having the house to himself for a few days,” I said, giggling.
“So…He’s in a relationship?” KT asked, twirling her hair and smiling.
“Not that I know of. And stop it! He’s too old for you, and WAY out of your league,” I teased.
KT has always had a crush on my dad. Most of my girlfriends have. He shrugs it off, but I see how his posture changes when they flirt with him. He’s very discriminating though, and dates only the best. He might be flattered, but KT has zero chance.
“Oh please!” KT complained. “What is he? Like thirty-five?”
“He’s thirty-eight! And your boyfriend is sitting RIGHT across the table,” I whispered, laughing.
“What are you girls giggling about over there?” Cam asked, suspiciously.
“Nothing,” I said, soberly. “My dad texted me. So Katie thought she’d make a comment about who he should be dating.”
“That sounds…hilarious,” Cam said, flatly.
We quickly changed the subject, as I gave KT one last Don’t you dare! look. I don’t know why it bothered me, but I felt a little jealous and protective. He’s my dad. And he deserves only the best.
After dinner, CJ and I said goodbye to KT and Cam, making plans to get together again soon. It wasn’t really late, but I was ready to get alone for an entire weekend with my boyfriend.
It had been a while since we went to our blue planet. And I loved being in that place again. CJ told me that we could make it whatever color we wanted, but I felt sentimental about it.
Hormonal and sensitive. Not your best pregnancy characteristics, Heather, the girl in the mirror had just blasted me – rightfully recalibrating my head. KT’s teasing had put me in a weird mood. So, being inside the blue light was just what I needed.
CJ picked me up and carried me through the bright blue water. It was perfect, serene. Feeling weightless in his arms, kissing passionately, was heaven for me. His hands fed on every inch of my body, pleasing us both. When CJ’s fingers hooked on the sides of my bikini bottoms, I moaned and arched my back, letting him pull them down and off my legs.
CJ lowered me back down to stand in front of him, turning me around to face the pool wall. As he slid his swimsuit off, I pulled the string on my bikini top, letting it fall off me and I turned back around to face CJ.
“The time will come soon enough, when that’s the only way we will be able to do it. But until then, I want to be able to see you and kiss you,” I told CJ.
Just like the first time we were in our own blue world, CJ picked me up and let me wrap my arms and legs around him. This time however, we would both be getting the satisfaction of him being inside me.
“Ohhhh,” I groaned, as he lowered me down, using gravity to ease his penetration.
“You OK, Baby?” CJ asked, when he had settled himself in me, completely.
I smiled, and pulled him into a quick kiss. “You know…you were THIS close,” making the little gesture with my thumb and index finger, “to having me this way the first time we were in here.”
CJ smiled big, telling me, “That night ended pretty well, as I recall.”
“Mmmm. This one is going to end much better,” I whispered.
Using my arms to pull myself up, I took control of our encounter. CJ widened his stance, balancing us as I drove myself onto him. I took long trips up and down, slowly, letting him feel my body rising and falling around his cock. My now-evident pregnant tummy rubbing against CJ’s smooth chest, added some unexpected pleasure for me.
“Let go, Baby,” CJ whispered, kissing my neck. “I’ll hold you.”
I let my hands and arms relax, letting go from around CJ’s neck. He held me as I lay back, floating with my head just above the water. I loosened the grip with my legs, but kept them around his waist while CJ took control of me. With his hands under my lower back, the water splashed over my very accentuated, pregnant tummy. I loved watching CJ smile as he looked down at my naked body.
“So beautiful,” CJ said, quietly.
“I hope you keep telling me that,” I giggled, looking at my tummy.
“I love it,” he said, gripping my hips and pulling me onto him, hard. “I love you,” thrusting into me.
CJ took a few steps toward the side of the pool. So I stretched my hands over my head to hold onto the pool edge. The muscles in CJ’s arms, shoulders and chest flexed splendidly, as he pulled and pushed my body. Water cascaded over me in huge waves as CJ fucked me hard and fast. Our bodies glowed blue, casting bright halos around us.
There was something different about being in that position. It was almost like feeling him inside me for the first time. The pressure of it, and the friction against different sides brought the warm wave of orgasm to me. I relaxed my legs and gave all of my control over to CJ. Being suspended in the water heightened the sensation of falling through space, as the rush of my climax came over me. I arrived in a gushing torrent that sent electricity down my back, butt and legs.
As my pussy clenched around CJ’s cock, I felt the pulsing of it. I had heard guys use the term “throbbing” before, but it seemed so esoteric. CJ was truly throbbing inside me as he came. I usually felt the warm spray inside me, but the coordinated pulses intensified my own climactic arrival.
As if on cue, the timer on the lights expired, bringing us back to reality. We both giggled as the stark, white lights cast their indictment on us. I suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable, sweeping up my swimsuit off the bottom of the pool. Both of us were spent and smiling while we performed the unbefitting task of getting dressed, back into our bathing suits.
I lost interest in spending any more time in the pool. Having just been engaged in some serious Blue World sex, swimming around playfully seemed to be an awkward idea. So it was perfect when CJ suggested lighting his fireplace and turning on a movie for us. I dried off, changed out of my wet swimsuit and dried my hair while he set up our room. The pretty girl in the mirror looked as happy as I have ever seen her.
Feel better now? my smiling reflection asked.
“Much,” I answered, laughing. “Much better. Yes, thank you.”
What does it say about you, that the answer to every question or fucked up emotional state you find yourself in, is sex? she teased.
“Hey! If it makes me feel better to bang my boyfriend, who is going to complain?” I said, watching her laugh harder than she has in a while.
End of Part – 15