The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 16

"Heather and KT spend the night at the estate."

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“I wish I could come with you,” I said, still lying in CJ’s bed, watching him pack a suitcase.

“I do too,” CJ sighed. “But the truth is, I normally wouldn’t even be going on this trip. My dad plans on turning over some things to me in Vancouver though, and I think he’s wanting to spend our time one on one – away from what he would consider ‘my distractions’.”

“I get it. I’m sure my dad will appreciate having me to himself too.” 

“You’re welcome to stay here while I’m gone,” CJ said, consoling. 

“Thanks Babydoll. I might swim or work out a little. Maybe KT will want to watch a movie or something.”

“Whatever you want,” CJ smiled and kissed me. “I’ll call you when we get there.”

CJ was leaving for the week. It was the first time we would be apart for more than a few days. I wasn’t terribly upset, but I did wish I could go. My parents took me to Mexico once, but I was too young to really enjoy it. The fact that CJ got to travel internationally, albeit Canada, I still found exciting.

When I got home, Daddy was making up his bed with clean sheets. No doubt, he made good use of his time alone, I laughed to myself. I helped him put the comforter on, and told him about CJ’s business trip. 

“So I’ll be home pretty much all week,” I said, tossing his pillows into fresh pillowcases. “Unless you…” pointing at the laundry basket of sex-fouled bed linens, “want to have another sleepover,” I laughed.

“Stop it,” he laughed. “I didn’t have a sleepover.”

“Whatever!” I laughed, heading to my room. Might not have slept, but he definitely got laid. I didn’t have much right to scrutinize my dad’s sexual escapades. He never had a girlfriend stay the night while I was home. I’m gonna make sure he gets more opportunities, I thought, slipping into a short skirt and heels, my usual work attire. My flirty tops were always tight, but my ripening tummy was becoming undeniable. Soon it would cease to be cute though, and blur the line into obscenity. 

I was happy to be at work. The warm weather and our summer sale meant a lot more activity for the dealership. It would have been a terrible, lonely week, otherwise.

I knew I needed to spend some time with my dad. But I also wanted to give him another opportunity to… entertain someone, discreetly. KT was free Thursday night, so we made plans to meet at my house. I’d take her to spend the night at Shale Rock, maybe get in the pool and watch a movie. 

“So how was your day?” Daddy asked, as I scooted next to him on his bed.

“Ugh,” I groaned. “We were crazy busy. And I’m starting to feel this baby in my back and feet!” I lifted my legs, showing how horribly swollen my feet looked in heels.

“Come here,” Daddy said, pulling my legs to his lap. He slid off my shoes and began massaging my feet and calves. “You’re going to have to put your feet up at work, Heather. I’m sure they’ll understand.”

“Oh God, that feels good,” I said, closing my eyes. 

“You can change the channel. We don’t have to watch the game.”

I didn’t even reply. When I woke up a few hours later, the TV was off and Daddy was sound asleep, my legs still lay across him. I should have just gone back to sleep, but I had missed several texts from CJ. I kissed Daddy’s forehead and went to my room. CJ was just getting back to his hotel room, so we chatted a bit on the phone. 

I listened to CJ tell me all about the business meetings with his dad. He seemed excited, which made me happy for him. I caught CJ up on my plans for the rest of the week, letting him know I had invited KT to hang out at the estate. He told me to let him know if we wanted anything specific to eat while staying at his house. I agreed to it, but I really didn’t want to bother the staff while CJ wasn’t there. 

“You gave my dad a good chuckle tonight,” CJ told me, as we were wrapping up our call.

“Should I even ask?” I said, laughing.

“He saw me sending texts to ‘The Most Beautiful Girl I Know’ earlier.”

“Ohhhh!” I laughed. “That’s how you have me in your phone? STILL?”

“Yep! No reason to ever change it,” he told me, sweetly.

When we hung up, I watched the girl in the mirror undress. I marveled at her cute waistline, accentuated by her perfectly round, little tummy. He better still think I’m the most beautiful girl he knows…I thought, looking down at my showing belly and swollen feet. Or I am going to blame YOU, little one, I laughed, and stepped into the shower.

The next few days were more of the same; missing CJ, but spending my time smartly with my dad and KT. Daddy seemed a bit too obvious in his excitement when I told him my plans to spend the night with KT at the estate. 

“That sounds like fun!” Daddy beamed, then blushed when KT and I giggled knowingly.

“Oh I’m sure it will be,” I said, smiling. But not NEARLY as much fun as you’re gonna have, changing your sheets again, I thought.

As I expected, KT flipped out when we pulled up to CJ’s house. It was fun to show her around. She loved the glowing swimming pool. I took her to my blue world for a bit. Then we just sat with our legs in the water, and watched Jurassic World. The dinosaurs projected onto the wall looked truly life-size. I was really happy that KT was in my CJ world with me.

After our movie, I couldn’t wait to bring KT into the main house and show her the nursery CJ’s family had set up. They had wasted no time, painting the walls a neutral green and decorating the room. I wasn’t sure what the implication of a king sized bed was. I didn’t expect to sleep anywhere except in CJ’s room, so maybe it was just for appearance. The room was certainly big enough, even with the ostentatious crib and matching changing table.

We grabbed a few cans of soda and some snacks from the kitchen, then finished our tour in CJ’s suite. I turned a fire on in the fireplace while we ate and chatted in the den outside CJ’s bedroom.

You girls having fun? CJ texted.

Yes. KT loved the pool! I replied.

I’m glad. She and Cam are welcome anytime, CJ offered.

I grabbed KT’s hand and hurried into CJ’s bedroom to take a selfie of us on his bed.

Look, Babydoll! 2 girls in your bed! I sent, attaching our selfie.

Always The Flirt! You look beautiful, by the way, CJ replied.

KT said thank you! I sent, with a laughing emoji.

We exchanged a few more texts, finishing with our goodnights and I love yous, while KT admired the rest of CJ’s suite. 

“So,” KT started, settling back on the bed and putting a hand on my round tummy. “We’re laying on the baby maker!” she finished, laughing.

“Honestly, that big bathtub may be the baby maker. Or the shower. Or the lounge chair YOU were sitting on,” I told KT, giggling.

“Must be nice!” KT squealed. “I’ve only done it ONCE in bed. I mean… other than when I am alone,” she finished, laughing and covering her face.

“Really?” I asked. “Where do you and Cam do it then?”

“In his car, a few times. Not comfortable,” KT said, flatly. “His brother snuck us into his dorm over Christmas break, letting us have the room all night. That was the only time we had a bed.”

“Just be careful, Dear. You know this,” pointing at my tummy, “can happen, with or without a bed.”

“Yes, we’re careful,” KT sighed. “It’s been mostly spit babies for me lately, anyway.”

“Oh my God!” I screamed. “You did NOT just say that!” I laughed.

“I’m serious! Cam has become a vaginatarian!” KT joked. 

“Hey, if he knows what he’s doing… more power to you! Never done it at my house, even since getting knocked up. I just think it would be too weird with my dad in the next room.” 

“Well, let me know if you need me to come over and distract your dad some night,” KT said, then dodged a pillow I threw at her head.

“I know you’re just joking around. Yes, my dad is a hottie. Where do you think I get my good looks?” I remarked, smiling. “But trust me, you’re not his type!”

.”What?” KT blasted me. “He’s hot for me! How do you know I’m not his type?”

“Believe me. I’ve seen his internet history. He is very discriminating. The only girls he ever goes out with look like models.” I swiped my phone and opened Instagram. “See for yourself,” I said, scrolling through my dad’s recent pics.

“Okay. She’s hot!” KT admitted, taking my phone for her own scrutiny. “She’s gorgeous. But come on! My boobs are way better,” KT said, continuing to scroll through my dad’s photos. “Whoa! He definitely has a thing for legs. Can’t see her face, but look!” she said, flashing the phone at me. “Fuck me! I’d give her a spit baby, myself!” KT finished laughing.

“Stop saying that!” I yelled, laughing. “And look, Dumbass! That’s ME! He was taking a pic of some customized motorcycle in our showroom.”

“Ohhhh, shit,” KT said, quietly. “Oh my GAWD! It is you!” she laughed, covering her mouth. “Sorry. Not sorry,” she said, looking from the phone to me and back to the pic. “I can see it now, but your boobs are way bigger than they were in that pic”

“Ugh. Yes they are. All my bras are wicked tight now. Going shopping tomorrow.”

“Oh my bras are too tight! My tits are too big!” KT said, mocking me.

“Oh my best friend is jealous of them! Oh she just got wet looking at a picture of ME!” I mocked back.

“Oh and she knows she wants me to put a spit ba…” I put two fingers over KT’s mouth before she could finish that stupid remark.

KT grabbed my fingers and spread them to the corners of her mouth. Then she stuck her tongue out, licking the little web between them. She flicked it up and down with the tip of her tongue, sending spikes of electricity through my entire body. I never imagined that little piece of skin would become an erogenous zone, but I definitely was not going to tell her to stop.

“Ohhh,” I moaned. “I don’t know where you learned to do that, but GAWD girl.”

“I did get wet,” KT said, then continued performing oral sex on my hand.

“I had no idea you were so gay for me,” I giggled.

“Please. Like you’ve never messed around with another girl,” KT said, releasing my hand.

“I kissed Kim. That’s it. And I was half out of my mind when I did it.”

“Kim?” KT screamed. “She’s like your dad’s age. And you’re giving me shit about him being too old for me?”

I hadn’t really thought about it like that. But my kissing Kim had very little to do with being attracted to her. She was there. And my mind really was shot. I still don’t know why I did it, but KT had a point. I certainly didn’t consider Kim’s age when I stuck my tongue in her mouth. But I don’t think I’d ever get the image out of my brain, if I came home and found my dad banging my best friend.

“Fine,” I relented. “Have your little fantasy. I feel dirty now,” I laughed. “Gonna take a bath.”

I lit some candles around the bathroom and dimmed the lights, while the tub was being filled. The pretty girl in the mirror admired herself, caressing her sensitive breasts and taut, round tummy. I slid into the warm water and turned on the whirlpool. The massaging jets were exactly what my body needed.

“I’m coming in,” KT announced.

When I opened my eyes, she was standing next to the tub, naked, carrying a bottle of wine and a wine glass in one hand, and a bottle of sparkling water in the other hand. 

“Making yourself at home, I see!” I laughed.

“Yours,” KT said, handing me the sparkling water and stepping into the bath. “Not yours,” she said, setting the wine glass on the bathtub ledge.

The bubbles and swirling water concealed my nakedness, although KT and I had never really cared about that. I wasn’t expecting her to join me, but there wasn’t any reason why she shouldn’t. The size of that tub was like a big, outdoor jacuzzi. 

“I could get used to this,” KT said, leaning back against me. She held her wine glass up and snapped a selfie of us. 

“Do NOT post that!” I screeched, then laughed.

“Chill!” KT laughed, and took a big drink of her wine. “It’s cute though. Look.”

“It is. Send it to me. I’ll crop your boobs out, and send it to CJ,” I told KT.

“I won’t crop it when I send it to your dad,” KT teased.

“I swear to God! I will choke you!” I said, putting my hand around Katie’s neck.

“Just playing,” KT said, calming me down. “I don’t even know his number.” 

KT texted me the pic, then grabbed my hand from her neck. She put my fingers to her mouth again, sucking on them a bit before spreading them. The sensation of her licking between my fingers gave me goosebumps.

“You are such a lesbian,” I whispered. “I don’t care, though. Fuck, that feels so good.”

“I’m not a lesbian. I’m just… orally fixated,” KT replied, giggling.

“Cam probably appreciates that,” I said, feeling KT’s hair brushing against my chest as she licked an imaginary vagina between my fingers.

“He doesn’t have a clit though,” KT whispered.

“No,” I whispered, resting my chin on KT’s shoulder. “But I do.”

“Mmmhmm,” KT said quietly. She flattened her tongue and licked between my fingers a few times, up then down. “And I wanna lick it,” she said, pulling my other hand around her body.

“I think you better,” I moaned. “You got me all turned on now.”

KT moved my hand to her breast. I cupped and massaged it, feeling her nipple harden against my palm. She sucked my fingers into her mouth, taking them all the way in, then pulling them back out. Having a same-sex encounter with my best friend was the last thing I had ever expected. But there was no way I could deny it. We both wanted KT to eat me out.

“Come on,” KT said, standing up and offering her hand to help me onto my feet.

For the first time in my life, I looked at my friend’s body in a desirous way. KT is all girl, very feminine and soft… when she isn’t kicking ass on the volleyball court or soccer field. KT’s athletic legs, tan and muscular, accentuated her magnificent butt. She had claimed to be jealous of my boobs, but her C cup tits were perfect, in or out of a bra.

We dried off in silence, then walked back to CJ’s den. The glow of the fireplace was the only light, as I lay down on the sofa. KT traced her fingers up my legs and slowly lowered herself onto her knees. I raised my eyebrows and inhaled sharply, making KT giggle at my nervousness. 

With gentle precision, KT positioned my legs, bent at the knees and open. I pulled a decorative pillow under my head, and watched as my best friend grasped my thighs and lowered her face between them. Feeling KT’s warm breath made me wet, instantly.

“Ohhhh my God,” I groaned, when KT touched the tip of her tongue to my clit. “I knew you would know what you’re doing.”

KT used the tip of her tongue on me, exactly the way she had demonstrated on my hand. Then she flattened it and took long swipes down and up, alternating between my soft folds and tender clit. My chest rose and fell as I drove my pussy into KT’s mouth.

There was no way CJ would ever be able to give me that much pleasure with his mouth. KT never tried to lick inside me at all. She used the tip of her tongue, masterfully teasing me, then forcefully provoking me. KT would bring me so close to orgasm, then fiercely suck on my soft folds, pulling me away from the climax. 

KT used one of her hands to finger her own pussy while she ate me. She was feverishly rubbing her clit between two fingers, moaning into me. She took me to the brink again, noisily swallowing so much wetness from me. She lifted my legs, placing them over her shoulders, resolute in her mission to give me the most mind-blowing orgasm I’d ever felt.

I used my legs to pull KT into me. We both moaned and panted as she licked, sucked, slurped and swallowed on my pussy until I flooded her mouth in ecstasy. My body rocked and shook as she finished me. When she turned her pretty blue eyes up at me, I felt another sensational gush escape from me. Then I closed my eyes and let myself fall through space on that sofa.

The pleasure had been so intense, I didn’t even notice KT had laid my legs back down…until I felt her lips on mine. I smelled and tasted myself on the lips and tongue of my best friend. Nothing can compare to the wonderful sex I have with CJ, but I certainly would let KT do THAT to me again, I thought, wrapping my arms around KT’s soft body and kissing her by firelight.

End of Part – 16

Published 4 years ago

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