Chapter 3 – No Strings Attached – Revealed Truths

"Matthew uncovers the truth."

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Sitting at my desk, naked from the waist down, I slowly stroke over my cock, while I angle my web camera downwards and check that I’m finally in focus.

~Can you see me now, Kitten?

My stomach is fluttering with anxiety while I wait for her response. I’ve never had to resort to cybersex before, so the idea of filming myself masturbating and ejaculating while she watches is a little nerve-wracking to me.

~Yes! Just keep it like that. I wish I was there, in your bed right now.

Thank fuck for that!

~I wish you were here too. I have so many ideas of the things I want to do to you. It’s turning me on just thinking about it, babe.

Twenty minutes, it’s taken me to set up this webcam for her while trying to sustain my erection after her request for a nude photograph rapidly developed into her asking for a naughty video. We’ve already waited until 2 AM for everyone else to go to bed first before setting this plan in motion, so she isn’t caught by her family. However, the view sadly isn’t reciprocated.

~Like what? Tell me about your fantasies of me.

~Just you, smothering my face, forcing me to give you orgasm after orgasm, with all your pussy juices dripping over my lips. I’m so hard remembering how you taste.

Instantly, I regret what I’ve typed, but it’s too late to take it back. Too dirty, or not dirty enough? She’ll probably laugh if she knew what I’m actually fantasising about. I need the intimacy that only a hug can give, the softness of her silky hair brushing against my cheek, and her cloyingly sweet lip balm lingering on my mouth. I’m not even keen on the taste, but it reminds me of her and how she makes me feel when she’s near. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone this intensely, so quickly into a relationship, but my entire world has been turned on its head since she entered it.

~Mmm, I can’t wait until you’re ramming me hard from behind, rubbing my clit, and pulling on my hair, making me yours. Maybe after I can suck your thick dick again, then you can cum over my mouth and tits. I’m touching myself imagining it…

I stare at Louise’s message, dumbstruck by her rapidly developing sexual confidence. I’m constantly surprised by how readily she’ll tell me what she wants.

~Dammmn! When did you learn to talk so dirty, baby? I wish you had a camera so I can see you and that gorgeous, wet pussy of yours. Tell me how you’re playing with your body?

~I’m fucking myself with my fingers… two… now three. Imagining it’s your cock, buried deep inside, filling me until I’m full, fucking me over and over…

Another filthy response. Clearly, I need to step up my game to give Louise precisely what she’s been hoping for, so with a smirk, I tap out my reply.

~When I finally see you, I won’t let you leave my bed. Maybe I should tie you down and use your body for my pleasure all night. Or perhaps I should hold a vibrator to your clit, and force you to cum continuously until you’re trembling with exhaustion.

~Maybe you should make me your fuck doll for the whole weekend… I want to see you cum…

~If you play your cards right, but only if you’re a good girl, and tell me how you taste.

~You want me to taste myself?

~Yeah… Suck your fingers clean for me, imagining it’s my cock covered with your juices after I’ve taken a dip inside you. Then tell me how delicious you are, Kitten. I need to know what I’m missing out on.

Resting my head in my hand, absent-mindedly stroking my erection, I wait for her to reply, hoping I’ve not weirded her out with my own perverse request. Even if she doesn’t actually do it, it would be nice if she plays along to build the scenario up in my head.

~It’s weird, but not bad weird…

~I wish I could have seen it… I’m leaking just thinking about you and the way it feels when I’m inside. Play with your clit, baby and imagine it’s my tongue slowly flicking over you while I masturbate. You can’t cum until I do…

Finally, brave enough to give Louise what she wants, with the image of her fingering herself circling in my mind, I unbutton my shirt and finish stripping for her while I stand. Then, with my hand, which’s only been lightly maintaining my arousal until now, I tighten my grasp and begin to pleasure myself.

~I can’t wait until you’re inside me…

~Me too, baby. I want to hear you scream my name and feel your snug pussy cumming around me. Are you still touching yourself?

~Yes! I’m so close, Matt…

~Lay back, spread your legs wide in front of the screen and imagine my hot cum flowing over your cunt. Then imagine you’re using my cum to massage your clit, before smearing it deep inside you with your other hand. You still can’t orgasm before I do, or you’ll have to continue playing with yourself while you wait for me.

Leaning forward towards the camera, I rapidly run my fist over my shaft, brushing my fingers over my sensitive frenulum, with my other hand gripping the desk. My eyes close as I think about Louise, spread apart naked on my desk, fingering herself and getting wetter as she anticipates my climax as I stand over her. Maybe even dripping onto the maple desktop, leaving a puddle that I can get her to lick up afterwards when I turn her over and take her against my desk.

Fuck, I want her so bad. I need to bury my tongue inside her moist cunt, and taste the gorgeous musk of her release. It’s only been eleven days since we parted, but she’s remained on my mind the whole time, and porn hasn’t been able to satisfy that void. I need her here with me, naked within my bed so I can make love to her. I’d been naive when I’d hoped for a relationship that was deeper than lust-fuelled sex when it’s hard to think of anything but fucking her.

~Turn on your mic, so I can hear you… I want to know how good it feels.

I smile as I read another request that I can’t find in my heart to refuse. No one could ever accuse her of being frigid when she’s quick to make her desires known so boldly.

~I thought you were scared about being caught, sweetheart? Let me call you, so I can hear you back.

Picking up my phone, I dial her number, hoping she’ll pick up so I’m able to hear her as she cums in response to the personal porno.

“Hi, Matthew,” she says, answering the call with her voice seductively husky. “I can’t wait to see you…”

“Me too, Kitten… Tell me what you’re thinking while you’re watching me…”

“I wish I was kneeling in front of you, mouth open, waiting for you to explode over my face, so I can swallow it away…”

“Fuck, babe… You’re kinkier than I ever imagined, but I want that too… There’s so much I want to try with you when you’re back. Please tell me you’re still masturbating to the thought of me? Are you close?”

“Yes… I’m so wet thinking of your cock between my thighs. I’m struggling to hold back,” she replies, panting unevenly. “I want you…”

Putting her on speaker, then tugging firmly on my balls, I jerk off harder, using my leaking pre-cum as lube. Taking a brief glimpse of my box in the corner of the screen, I double-check that I’m capturing everything she’s asked to see. There’s no turning back now anyway with my orgasm imminent, but I want to fulfil this wish of hers.

My cock pulses as I reach my peak, and momentarily I become lightheaded as I cry out her name, then ejaculate over my hand. I’ve made a mess to show her this, but it immediately becomes worth it as her heavy breathing turns to moans of pleasure as she climaxes in return whilst I listen with awe, wishing she was here to now snuggle with.

“I love you, Louise, and I miss you. When are you back so we can make this a reality?”

“Not until Sunday, but I can’t sneak out on a school night. My parents will go crazy if I do.”

“Shit… Well, can I take you out after class Friday? I need to see you… This isn’t the same, and I’m desperate to wrap my arms around you, so I can kiss you. Maybe, you can meet me at my car early Tuesday morning so we can make out? Or I can pick you up?”

“You sound needy, Matthew…” she teases with a giggle. “I’m falling asleep, so I need to go. Have a happy new year.”

“Okay. Goodnight, baby, and sweet dreams. I love you.”

She hangs up, then disconnects, ending the video with me. I wish we could have spent New Year’s Eve together, but just knowing that I’m entering 2004 with Louise as my girlfriend is more than I could hope for. In five short days, she’ll finally be back in my arms, and we won’t need to resort to this for time together.

Feeling parched, I pull on my pyjama bottoms, then head downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water. It would seem that the majority of the friends my brother had invited around for a New Year’s party have left, but a few still remain. Usually, I would have joined them, but I’ve not been in the mood to be sociable, with my face still bruised from my fight and the lamping my father gave me the moment I came home.

I’ve spent the majority of the holidays by myself with my father either at work or with whoever he is currently screwing and John at Sadie’s. Christmas hasn’t existed for years, so usually, I’d go over to Justin’s house, but that’s unlikely to happen again with him now hating me. I haven’t heard anything from him or our mutual friends since the fight, and despite it being both our fault that it had got out of hand, no one else seems to see it that way with me labelled as the instigator.

Walking through the doorway, I interrupt John kissing Sadie as she sits upon the worktop, with her legs wrapped around his waist. She isn’t my type in the slightest, with her blonde hair tied back in a high, sleek ponytail and wearing a rose gold dress with black platform heels. Still, it’s hard to deny that she’s not attractive and way out of the league of someone like my brother, who clearly knows it. He rarely messes around with anyone more than a few times, but after introducing her to our father, and eight weeks of dating, it seems that their relationship is progressing into something more.

“I thought you’d gone to bed,” John says, withdrawing away from her. “Is everything okay? You’ve barely left your bedroom since dad… You know…”

With a shrug, I turn on the tap, unwilling to engage in conversation with him. He’d been present when our father flew into a rage, standing back in the doorway and not stepping in, just like all the other times when he’s witnessed a hiding. Even when it stopped, he turned his back on me in his reluctance to get involved.

“Are you still not talking to me? For fuck sake… Sadie, I’m off to bed. Are you coming?”

“Yes, in a second, I’m just finishing this drink,” she replies, smiling at him as she raises her wine glass. Then, waving him off, she puts her leg out to stop me from passing. “Oi, Matt. Don’t tell anyone you saw me with John.”

“Is that all you needed to say? Fine, now can you let me get past?”

“I mean it. I don’t want people associating me with someone like you. Everyone knows you’ve got an anger problem, so we don’t want a psycho like you coming back to school. No one likes you anymore, and Ashleigh said you’ll need to watch your back if you do go in next week. Max has already taken Justin’s side.”

So, that’s how it is? I take the blame, and the punishment without complaint, making me entirely guilty for the fight?

Suddenly I realise that everyone saw me on top of Justin when I hit him. They also didn’t see him throw the first punches. “Is that meant to be a threat? Do you all think it was one-sided? Justin was the one to hit me first, but if you don’t give a shit about the truth, then fine. Louise has my back, and that’s all that matters.”

“You know, I’m still not seeing how you two are together. Isn’t it weird how that worked out? But I guess you both must be okay with it.”

“I’ve got no fucking idea what you’re talking about, Sadie.”

An unsettling smirk spreads across her face at my response. “Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about her? Well, that’s going to be an interesting conversation.”

From the smug look she’s giving me, it seems she has no inclination to elaborate further to enlighten me. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just a plan between her and Ashleigh to cause friction because I’ve finally met someone I’m interested in.

“Sorry to disappoint, but nothing you have to say will change my feelings about Louise,” I respond, pushing past her.


Tuesday comes around much quicker than I thought it would. I’d been looking forward to returning to sixth-form after the Christmas break because it meant I would see Louise again, but the comments made by Sadie are weighing on my mind. So, hoping to avoid attention with my face still not fully healed, I pull a grey hoodie on over my uniform, then drive in early to wait for Louise in my car.

I’m not waiting for long before Louise approaches my car, and I lean across to open the door to let her in, wishing we didn’t have to meet like this in secret, but it’s entirely my fault.

Before she has a moment to speak, I pull her into a tight hug, needing the warmth of her arms. “Louise, I’ve missed you so much. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but it’s not been the same without you.”

“I’ve missed you too, Matt. Actually, I made you something for Christmas,” she says, handing me a tidily wrapped gift with a red ribbon. “It’s not much, but I hope you like it…”

Tearing off the paper, I find a black woollen scarf inside, which may not seem like much to others, but immediately I love it, knowing she made it for me. “It’s absolutely perfect. I’m a little ashamed of my present for you now.”

Opening the glove compartment, I remove a gift bag which I pass to her, feeling slightly embarrassed as she then looks at the CD mixtape I’ve made. “Did you put this together? That’s sweet of you, Matt.”

“I couldn’t sleep, so I spent a lot of time just listening to music. At the time, I figured this would help to explain my feelings better than I can, but it’s a crap present. So let me take you out for a date Friday to make up for it? I was thinking of the cinema, followed by dinner with a bottle of wine?”

“Oh, shit! We’re going to be late for registration. We’ll have to talk about this later.” Opening my car door, Louise makes her move to leave, ignoring my question as she then slams it shut behind her.

Glimpsing at the time on my dashboard, I can see we still have another five minutes.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know anything about her?”

I still have no idea what Sadie was hinting at, but from the way Louise is clearly avoiding the chance of a deeper conversation, there’s something I need to know. So, jumping out, I block her from leaving while she puts her rucksack over her shoulders.

“Where do you think you’re going? You abandoned me for over two weeks, and you keep dodging all of my offers of a date. If you don’t want to be around me, then just say so.”

“Fine, I’ll come over to yours Friday.”

“No. Sex is off the table until you allow me to take you out for dinner at least once. Surely after nine weeks, I deserve one date so we can get to know each other?”


“No buts. Indulge me with just one tiny date, and then I’ll do anything you want. I like you, Louise, and I’m serious about this relationship, but I feel like you’re hiding something in the way you’re avoiding me. Why don’t you want to spend time talking with me? If you want me to back off, then just tell me, but you’re giving me mixed messages.”

“I didn’t think something like that is important to you?”

“Of course it is, Louise. I’m desperate to know you better. So, I’ll pick you up at five?”

Louise opens her mouth to respond but then puts her hand to her forehead. “I need to sit down. I’m feeling a bit dizzy.”

“Are you okay? Grab my arm if you need to,” I reply, quickly pulling the door open on the car. From a quick glance over her face, she does appear slightly paler today. “Have you eaten this morning, Louise? If you haven’t, then let’s bunk off for a few hours, and I’ll take you out for breakfast.”

“Anyone would think you’re a terrible influence…” she says, giving me a brief smile. “I woke up late, so I didn’t have time.”

In amusement, I grin at the idea of tempting her further. “I thought you knew that when we first started seeing each other? You did say you want this year to be different, so why not be naughty just this once? Why else would you seduce a notorious rogue like me? I’m sure with your pristine reputation, you’ll be able to fake a note from your parents without them checking. Come on, you know you want to. My treat.”

“My parents will be mad if they find out, Matthew! Look, I’m starting to feel better, and I’ve got lunch in my bag, so I’ll just eat that, okay? I’ll see you later.”

With a gentle peck on my cheek, she says goodbye, but as I watch Louise jog away, it suddenly hits me that she successfully evaded answering any of my questions again. Unable to follow immediately after her, with us trying to avoid the rumours of us dating, I’m unable to shake off what Sadie had said to me the other night.

She’s definitely hiding something.

After registration, I collect my new timetable from my tutor, and to my delight, I discover that my final lesson is in mathematics with Louise. But, unfortunately, my first is Physical Education like usual, meaning I’ll be bumping into Justin and the rest of my old friends. Apprehensive about being near them all, so soon, and aware there’s a target on my back, I make my way to the changing rooms ten minutes late.

Stepping outside after getting changed into my tracksuit, I find a teacher arranging the others into teams for rugby, with the girls already playing netball at the far end of the field. Instantly, Justin locks eyes on me and strides forward, clearly agitated by my appearance, clenching his fist, but Shaun grabs his shoulder. One on one, another fight shouldn’t be too much of a problem, but from the menacing leer on Max’s face, it’s likely to turn into an outright brawl.

Spinning around, quickly aware of the stir I’m generating, the teacher sends them off, then pulls me aside. “You’re finally here, Matthew. I’m not going to pretend I didn’t overhear what was said in the locker room, so I need to separate you. Give me at least twelve laps.”

With an audible groan, I set off to do the laps around the track. I’m not in bad shape, but I hate doing any running, and it’s hard to not see this as another unjust, one-sided punishment, especially with the girls jeering on my approach, demoralising me. I knew I should have bunked off.

Finally, the whistle is blown forty minutes later, and I collapse into a heap on the grass, with my chest feeling tight. I didn’t expect my first day back to be this rough, and I’ve still got two whole terms to complete before my finals. Staring at the darkened clouds looming above, with some of the girls spitting on the ground near me as they walk by, I’m struck with the realisation that I’m now the least popular person in the school, with everyone taking Justin’s side. Anyone I’ve had a run-in with will use this new vulnerability to get me when I’m alone, so I have no choice but to swallow my pride and beg forgiveness before the day is out.

Peeling myself off the ground, I return to the empty changing rooms fifteen minutes after the others, but I’m startled by Max throwing a towel over my head as I go to shower. Restraining me from behind, he prevents me from defending myself as at least two others cowardly punch me in the stomach and face before they eventually sprint off, leaving me doubled over on the tiles.

Unsurprisingly, I skip out on the remainder of the day to avoid another beating. Being jumped in the showers was clearly just the start, and as I lie upon my bed for several hours, listening to music while smoking through a pack of cigarettes, the one thing on my mind is retaliation. I’m sure that Justin wouldn’t have resorted to something that underhanded with Shaun, but I can’t rule anyone else out. I’d drop out entirely if I could, but failing is no longer an option now I want out from my father’s roof.

The ugly pit of vengeance revolving around my mind is eventually interrupted by my phone ringing on my cabinet. With Louise flashing up as the caller ID, I stub out my cigarette, then answer, hoping that the sound of her voice will soothe me.

“Matt, I heard what happened at lunch today. Where are you? Are you okay?”

“I went home. I don’t know who was involved other than Max.”

“No one is giving up the names of the others, but Max has been excluded for the rest of the week. I never imagined something like this would happen…” Pausing briefly on the other end of the phone, I hear Louise begin to cry. “This is all my fault, isn’t it? You fought because of me.”

“Why would it be your fault? I don’t know why his attitude has been shit, but what kind of man would I be if I allowed him to speak about the person I care about like that? He deserved everything he got, and when I come back next week, I’ll deal with it.”

“You truly like me, don’t you, Matt? Maybe, if you don’t drop me off too late, we could meet up on Friday for that date?”

“Of course! I don’t know how many times I need to say this, but I’ve fallen for you pretty hard. So, if I pick you up from your house at five to take you out for dinner, I’ll have you tucked up in bed for eleven?”


Parked up around the corner from Louise’s house at a quarter-past-five, I tap on my steering wheel impatiently as I wait for her to arrive for our date. I’ve crunched through half a box of breath mints in anticipation before I got here, hoping I won’t be stood up, knowing she could have changed her mind since we last spoke.

Suddenly she appears, running down the street without an umbrella in the rain, and with a sigh of relief, I reach over to open the car door for her to let her in. “I started to think you weren’t going to show.”

“I’ve never been on a date before, so I was struggling to decide what to wear,” she says, flashing me a meek smile as she pulls down the hood on her khaki parka jacket. “I hope my hair won’t frizz up too much.”

“I know the feeling,” I grin sympathetically, sweeping my hand through my now wavy fringe. “I hope you like Italian food.”

I drive the five miles out of town to the restaurant I’d booked the table at, hoping I won’t be overcome by nerves the moment we sit down. I’ve never got to this stage in a relationship before, with them all being purely sexual until now, so this is entirely uncharted territory. But, it’s new for her too, and as we’re eventually shown to our table, dimly illuminated with candles, I’m glad we’re able to experience it for the first time together.

Politely declining the host’s offer to take her sweater, Louise immediately orders soft drinks for the both of us, then scans through the menu. Positively glowing in the flickering light, I can’t help but gaze upon her beauty, studying the fullness of her kissable lips and her naturally darkened, long lashes.

Finally gathering the courage to make a move, I reach across the table and lay my hand upon hers. “I’m so glad you came today.”

“Thank you for inviting me,” she says, smiling warmly as our fingers weave together. “This place is nice, too. It’s quite romantic, actually…”

“So are my feelings for you becoming clearer, Louise? I know I’ve said it before, but I’m in love with you, and I hope after what you said to me that night, those feelings are mutual,” I begin to explain, suspecting she may have lied initially to me. “You’re special to me, and I know what I said to you at the party would make you doubt my intentions, but they’re entirely pure. I don’t mind if we have to be secretive about our relationship, but can we be completely honest with each other at least?”

Uncertainly, she begins to nod as she fidgets with her sleeve, but before she can respond to me, the waiter approaches with our drinks and asks for our order.

“Could I have the crab linguine, please?” she asks, turning away from me.

“The same for me, please, but may we order bruschetta too?” I respond, glad for the interruption, now feeling a pang of guilt for my tone. “Are you sure you don’t want to share a bottle of wine? We can get a taxi back, and I’ll walk from yours?”

“Not tonight, Matthew. Next time, maybe?”

“Next time? I like the sound of that,” I reply, squeezing her hand as a naughty thought comes to mind. “Actually, I may not seem it, but I’m quite domesticated. So, perhaps, I could cook for you next week to demonstrate my prowess in both the kitchen and the bedroom. Then, we could take dessert up to my room and get messy together?”

“Are you trying to show me that you’re actually capable of being husband material?”

“Husband material? Do I sound like I’m trying that hard to impress you?” I reply, stunned to hear the mention of marriage. “Or are you hoping to date someone, with the view to eventual engagement? I’ve never thought about it, but it’s not like I’m opposed to it either. Is that what’s been on your mind recently? Are you worried I’m uninterested in commitment?”

“A little… You do have a reputation for dating around, with several women at once. Some of them started talking about it this week.”

“Louise, stop listening to what others are saying about me and just go by what you feel in your heart is right. It’s true I’m in no hurry to progress our relationship further than this right now, but that doesn’t rule out that possibility in the future. There’s no need to rush, is there?”

“No,” she says, withdrawing her hand as our meal is placed in front of us.

I’m not sure what she’s thinking about as she begins to eat in silence, but I fear I may have upset her. I thought I was the only one who was serious about our relationship, but if she’s already worrying about moving to the next stage this quickly, maybe she wasn’t lying about being in love with me that night we met? Alarm bells should probably be ringing, but my curiosity has been piqued, and I know I’ll never be satisfied until I unravel the mystery of why this quiet but gorgeous woman chose me.

“I just want to say that you look beautiful, Louise. You always look pretty, but there’s something about you that is different tonight. You just seem to shine with radiance, and it’s so breathtaking, I can’t tear my eyes away.”

An endearing, deep crimson flashes across her face as she swallows her mouthful of food. “How can you say something like that so straight-faced?”

“Because it’s true. I feel like I need to pinch myself every time you’re near because I can’t quite believe you want to be with me. Like I said that night we met, I’m surprised you don’t have to fend off unwanted attention.”

“You’re lying.”

“It’s entirely the truth, and to have you here with me tonight has made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Why would you think I’d lie about something like that?”

“Because everyone teases me because of the way I look. Saying I need to wear makeup or contacts before anyone would want me… Putting things in my hair if I have it down. I used to have braces up until September, and the girls in my class still call me names.”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. It’s no wonder Louise has a complex to the point she doesn’t trust what I’m saying if she’s been bullied like this. I’ve only recently had a taste of it, and it’s made me feel terrible.

“Please believe me when I say you’re absolutely stunning, Louise. You’re also incredibly talented at drawing, driven to succeed in everything you do, and you even took an A-level in something you find challenging. They’re clearly jealous because you have it all, so try to ignore them. In six short months, we’re out of here, and you’ll be getting ready for the next stage in your life with hopefully me by your side. If you haven’t ditched me, of course!”

She momentarily frowns at my attempt to encourage her, then wipes at the tears welling in her eyes before taking a huge sigh. “You’re right…”

Shutting down on me, I can tell something is off again, but I can’t find it in me to press her further. We’ve spoken more tonight than we’ve done in the past nine weeks, and I feel like we’ve made some progress at least, but there’s still so much I need to know before we can fully understand each other.

“I’m quite full after that, but I think I may have enough room for a dessert to share. What do you think, sweetheart? Do you like Tiramisu or cheesecake?”

“I feel tired, Matt. Could we get the bill?”

After I pay for our meal, we step out onto the pavement only minutes later, back into the rain. Zipping her coat up, Louise takes shelter beneath her hood, then blows against her bare hands to warm them as we start walking down the street towards my car.

“Here, take my gloves,” I say, removing them from my pocket before passing them over.

Smiling her gratitude, she puts them on, then wordlessly, she links her arm into the crook of my elbow and rests her head against my bicep as we continue to walk. Dinner had been a bit of a flop, but anyone going past could mistake us for a regular, happy couple.

Finally reaching my car, I unlock the doors, then move ahead to open up the passenger side to let her in. Swiftly, Louise pushes it shut as she sidles her body up against me.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but now I’ve fulfilled my end of the deal by going on this date, it’s my turn to make a request?” she purrs into my ear, sending a chill down my neck. Then, spinning around to face her during this abrupt change in attitude, she cocks her head to the side. “A promise is a promise, right? You said you’ll give me anything?”

Thinking back on our conversation tonight, an odd thrill comes over me at the possibility of what she could want. There was a mention of future commitment, so if she was to press me for an immediate response, I’m not against the idea of a long engagement whilst we establish our careers. I certainly like her enough.

“Hmm, you’re getting quite bold with me, aren’t you, Kitten? But a promise is indeed a promise, so what would you like from me?”

Standing on her tip-toes, she presses her chilled lips against mine and wraps her arms around my neck. Her warm tongue slips inside my mouth as we kiss beneath the rain, and as I crush her body into me, my rapidly growing erection presses against her hip.

“Let’s fuck outdoors.”

With a laugh, I kiss her forehead. “That’s all you want? You didn’t need to waste your request on something as small as that!”

“Then perhaps as a token of your love, you’ll let me have this as a freebie, and I can keep my request for another time?”

“…Maybe I could if you’re good to me,” I reply, teasingly squeezing her buttocks, before opening the car door again. “It’s cold tonight, so we should try to keep this quick.”

Driving out into the countryside, I begin searching for somewhere quiet to pull over where we won’t be disturbed. It’s dark, so we’re unlikely to be seen, but eventually, I find a lane leading up to an empty-looking manor tucked next to dense woodland. It seems private enough, but it’s straight out of a horror movie, and it’s hard to not think something may be lurking within the trees. Shoving those nagging thoughts to the back of my mind that a serial killer is watching us, I undo my seatbelt then begin to kiss Louise.

“Can we listen to that mixtape you made me?” she asks, breathlessly pulling away from our kiss. “I haven’t listened to it yet.”

“Are you trying to make me blush at how much of a sap I am?” I whisper, brushing my nose against hers with affection. “Fine, go on then…”

With delight, she removes the CD from her handbag, then puts it on, before clambering onto my lap as Jim Adkins croons ‘A praise Chorus,’ through my speakers.

Smirking at my obvious discomfort, she starts unbuttoning my shirt but then audibly gasps in shock as she discovers the bruising, which hasn’t faded yet. “Matt, I didn’t realise it was as bad as this.”

“It’s fine, so you don’t need to worry yourself over me. Is this the reason why you didn’t want to drink tonight?”

“I wanted to try outdoor sex, and that wouldn’t have been possible without you driving.”

Taken aback by the vixen sitting on me, we continue to make out as I shrug off my shirt, caring little for the chill in the air. Then, reaching down, she unzips my flies, which I push off as she snakes her arms over my shoulders.

Lifting up her sweater to kiss her breasts, I expose her black lace bra, which leaves nothing to my imagination. “Louise, you’re so fucking hot… I’ve been dreaming of this moment for weeks. Please don’t leave me for that long again…”

As my palms squeeze her bountiful bosom, my mouth brushes over the thin material in eagerness before I tug the cups down. Then, darting my tongue over her cold, erect nipples, I start to suck, eliciting soft moans of happiness while I leave my mark upon her goosebumped skin.

“Matthew! I need to feel you inside me…” she gasps, bucking her hips impatiently, so my unsheathed erection strains against her damp panties.

“Not yet… As much as I’d love to take a dip, we shouldn’t, Kitten…” I murmur, stroking a finger over the soaked material before pulling it aside. Then, easily slipping inside up to my knuckle, I start to finger her, curling towards her stomach, as my thumb rubs her swollen clit. “Mmm, you’re so wet for me… If you reach into my glove compartment, you’ll find a box of condoms.”

Tearing open the wrapper with my teeth, I roll the condom down the length of my cock, then guide her to ride me, with my hands resting on her hips. Despite her inexperience, she reaches up to the grab handle, using it as leverage as she grinds into my thrusts. Then, tilting her pelvis so I can penetrate her deeply, she tosses back her gorgeous mane of hair as we lose ourselves to passion, with the car rattling and creaking around us as the windows mist up.

“Matt! I’m so close… Touch me,” she gasps, running her fingertips through my hair, before burying her head into my neck.

Sliding my hand back between her legs, my fingers slick with her desire, I gently rub circles over the engorged nub, growling as her teeth sink into my shoulder. “Mm, my sweet little Kitten is feeling naughty tonight… Do you enjoy it rougher?”

Pinching her clit, I tug gently as she rocks her body over me. Then with her thighs trembling against mine, her mouth becomes slack as she begins to moan. “Fuck… I’m gonna cum…”

“If you cum now, I’ll just make you cum again. I’m not finished with you yet, baby.”

Viciously baring her claws as she gives in to the lust building up within her, she drags her nails across my back. Groaning at the delicious sensation of Louise ripping into my skin, my other arm wraps around the small of her back, and I slam into her repeatedly as she begins to release.

“Matt! Oh my god!” she screams with pleasure, scratching harder into my flesh as each pulse squeezes tightly around my cock, pumping me closer to orgasm.

Holding back from finishing, frustrated by the lack of space and feeling hot, I wrap my coat around her shoulders, then open up the car door to check on the rain, which is little more than a light drizzle. “Come, let’s take this outside.”

Pulling her out of the car, I drop her panties to the ground, then take her from behind as she leans over the bonnet and holds herself up with outstretched arms. I don’t feel like being gentle tonight, so as I roughly fuck her, my hands slip beneath the coat to squeeze her breasts and pinch her nipples.

Nibbling at the lobe of her ear as she loudly moans to my hard, relentless ramming, I decide to gauge her reaction to some dirty talk. She seems to like being pretty filthy.

“Do you enjoy what I do to your body? Does it feel good when I use you roughly like this, my love?”

“Mm-hmm,” she responds with another moan.

“What else would you like me to do to you?” I whisper in her ear as my hand slides back between her thighs. “Your pussy must feel so full with my thick, big cock inside. Do you like the way it feels when you’re being stretched widely around me? Would you like to see if your pussy can handle more?”

Nodding rapidly, she manages to utter a quick, “yes!”

Covered in her fluids, my digit slips inside, spreading her further open as I feel my cock penetrating her. More cautiously than before, I continue to thrust as she whimpers erotically to the increased thickness, then orgasms once again, mewling as she surrenders and clamps hard around me.

“Mmm! Louise… Damn, you feel so good!” Finally reaching my own climax, I collapse against her back and hug her tightly into my chest as I cum, reluctant to end our night together, with it being over sooner earlier than I like. “Please, come back to mine tonight?”

“I can’t… My parents are expecting me home.”

Disappointed that our fun has to end, we return to the car with the rain now dropping heavily. It takes less than twenty minutes to drive back to Louise’s house, and I stop in my usual spot on the corner.

Unfastening her seatbelt, she gives me a coy smile. “Thank you for taking me out for dinner. It was really kind of you.”

“I enjoyed your company. Is there any chance we can meet up again over the weekend?”

“I’ve actually got a lot going on. I’m resitting my Maths exam this month, and as great as you are, you are a distraction.”

“I guess I am,” I laugh, thinking of how easily I lose focus on my own work. “I suppose I better stop skipping out on classes and come in next week? Now, before I forget, I did buy you something…”

Reaching behind the passenger seat, I grab the bouquet of a dozen pink roses I bought for her, then present them anxiously.

“Matthew, you shouldn’t have!” she gasps with surprise, appearing stunned by my gift. “They’re absolutely gorgeous!”

“And yet, they’ll never be as beautiful as you are to me,” I reply shyly as I hand them over to her. “I love you, Louise.”

With a gentle kiss, we part, and as I watch her wave me goodbye before disappearing into the house, I’m filled with regret that I never met her first. I wish she could have spent the night in my bed nestled within my arms, at least.


The weather has deteriorated when I arrive back at sixth-form on Monday, with the constant heavy rain turning the sky almost black and engulfing the roads. Driving through the school gates, I pass Justin, who glares at me as he takes refuge beneath a tree, and Shaun standing beside him gives me a weak smile. However, it can’t put a dampener on my mood, and knowing I’m going to see Louise in my first lesson, my heart is soaring with happiness.

Heading to my new maths class after registration, I feel like I’m on top of the world as I enter the room, then take the empty seat at the front to the left of Louise, pleased I can finally prove my usefulness to her.

“Isn’t this a wonderful morning, Kitten?” I grin, placing my notebook on our joint desk.

Rolling her eyes, she presses her finger against my lips to shush me. “What are you doing here? Since when were you in my class?”

“Since now. I deliberately didn’t say anything, so I could surprise you. I might even be in the same science class too… Lucky you, huh?”

“I’m totally failing…” she sighs, resting her head on the table.

“I promise, I’ll keep my hands to myself and not distract you. In fact, I’ll remain quiet and only offer you help if you ask for it, okay? Unless you’re happy with holding hands beneath the table on the sly?”

Quickly glancing around to check no one else is watching, she slips her hand across my lap into my left, and our fingers entwine on top of my leg. This relationship might have cost my friendship, but as I enjoy this small moment of intimacy with Louise while we work, it’s hard to deny it may have been worth it. Everything feels right, and for the very first time, I’ve not been distracted by thoughts of him or what could have been.

With the lesson finally coming to an end, reluctantly, our contact breaks so we can tidy away our books and head to our next class.

“So, have you got Science next?” Louise asks as we step out into the corridor.

“Yes. Do you have English this afternoon?”

“Art,” she smiles apologetically. “But it’s nice we have two subjects together.”

Before I have the chance to answer her, Justin deliberately collides with my shoulder as he comes around the corner on his way to English with Chris.

“You should fucking watch it!”

Immediately retaliating to the threat without a second thought, I shove him against the wall, with my previously good mood dissipating. “Is that a warning? Going to set another group on me because you’re too scared to take me one on one?”

“That had nothing to do with me.”

“Really? Then you shouldn’t have a problem with giving me their names. Who was it?”

“I can’t tell you that…” he responds, looking towards Chris for aid.

My anger flares as it becomes clear that he’s withholding the names from me. Even if he didn’t know I would be jumped, he’s protecting those who did it, choosing them over me. To me, that is unforgivable.

“Tell those cunts to come at me face to face next time, and I’ll take both of them.”

Louise’s hand suddenly strokes my arm, reminding me of her presence, and dragging me back to rationality. I release the front of his shirt then take a step back, forcing a smile as I attempt to get a grip of myself. I feel like the threads of my sanity are barely holding together, but now is not the time or place to completely lose it in front of her or the forming crowd.

“We’re going to be late for class. So drop it for now, okay?” she pleads at me, brushing my cheek.

Inhaling sharply, I give him one final glance before wrapping my arm around her shoulder. He isn’t worth it, and I can do without the gossip.

Science is relatively calm; if you don’t count Elaine shooting daggers at me from the prep room as stressful. I know I could say something, but I don’t want the loss of her career and marriage on my conscience when it was me who seduced her last summer. Just like my issue with Justin, I need to learn how to ignore her and trust she’ll eventually get over it. I have more on my plate than to deal with her lingering feelings.

Eventually, the bell rings, so as I pack my bag, ready for lunch, I turn to Louise, hoping we can continue to spend time together. “Would you like to join me in my car to eat?”

“Sure, but I need to go to student services first. Do you mind if I meet you there?” she says, pushing an errant curl of hair behind her ear before biting her lip tensely. “Actually, I want to talk to you about something, so I shouldn’t be long.”

“Well, I’ll pop by the refectory for a bottle of water and see you in a bit then.”

I watch her run out of the classroom, wishing I could just go with her, but I don’t want to invade her privacy with her not inviting me along. So, casually keeping an eye out for anyone who might want to have a pop whilst I’m alone, I make my way to the vending machines, then stroll to my car.

I’d been looking forward to some time alone, but as the minutes start to pass by, and she continues to not show, it soon becomes apparent she isn’t turning up. Glancing at my phone, I don’t see any messages either, so I quickly tap out a text to check if she’s okay. Everything has been good between us today, so I can’t think of why she hasn’t shown unless she’s been held up somewhere.

With the entire lunch break over, I head towards student services on my way to English, however, I can’t see her here either. Removing my phone from my pocket, I’m about to dial her number when she finally responds to my text.

~Meet me at the tree at the top of the field after class. We need to talk.

Now late for my class, I’m forced to run to English, unable to dwell on the ominous-sounding message. I’m thankful I’ve heard from her, at least. I can’t trust that those who have it in for me won’t do something towards her.


The terrible weather hasn’t let up by the time I step outside after class finishes, so with my hood pulled up, and my hands tucked into my pockets, I walk up to the arranged meeting place. Then, leaning against the tree, impatient to find out what this is about, I check my phone, wondering if she may have changed her mind with the torrential rain.

Glancing around at the sound of heavy footsteps coming from behind, an overwhelming feeling of dread passes over me. Only meters away, I see Louise being frogmarched towards me by a girl with blonde curls, who I recognise all too well.

Why is Ashleigh here?

Taking a hesitant step towards them, I pause as I spot in the distance four figures approaching from the sports hall, one wielding what I suspect is a hockey stick. I don’t know exactly what is going on, just that it’s another ambush, clearly to drive in a point that escaped me the last time.

Throwing Louise to the ground, who I immediately help up, Ashleigh grins almost with triumph as she stands before me, poised with her hand on her hip. I don’t know how she knew she could use Louise to get me isolated like this with only a few people being aware of our relationship. Still, she’s rightly worked out we have a connection.

“Surprised to see me aren’t ya?” she smirks, briefly looking back to check the location of those moving in. “But you’re probably not as surprised as I was when I learned my sister is fucking my ex.”

My stomach sinks the moment she says it, and I look wildly at Louise for an explanation, wondering why she wouldn’t tell me something like this. “You’re sisters? Why didn’t you tell me, Louise? How is this even possible when we’re in the same year?”

Tears roll down her cheeks, glistening like blades as she shakes her head, unable to talk. I should be angry by learning she’s been withholding the truth, but I’m numb, caring little for the rapidly incoming danger. I’d hoped we could find happiness with each other.

“We’re twins, idiot. I told Louise what an arsehole you are and that you’re quick to discard everyone you sleep with. But she just wouldn’t listen and said she planned to seduce you to prove a point to me. She even stole my perfume that you used to love so much to do it. Can you believe this complete nobody used and manipulated you?”

“Is this true? You’ve used me this whole time and never actually liked me? Why would you do that?”

“As-Ashleigh laughed that no-one wanted me.”

“So you thought that gave you the right to use me?” I reply, raising my voice, before instantly feeling guilt, remembering I did the same to Ashleigh. I only lost my virginity to her because I couldn’t have Justin, using her to release my frustrations and hide my sexuality. If anything, I deserve this, especially after I revealed the secret Ashleigh entrusted to me.

Suddenly, Louise pierces the air with a scream, and my stomach knots as I see Max rush forward with two friends, followed by Chris. “Why are they here? You promised me you wouldn’t hurt him!”

“How else will he learn?” Ashleigh laughs, restraining her as Chris smashes into me, sending me to the ground.

“Ashleigh told me what you did to her, you fucking bastard! Bet you had no idea we’ve been seeing each other,” Chris yells as he glares down at me.

I barely make a sound as they tear into me with kicks and fists as I helplessly try to fight back against the four of them. I wouldn’t be this pathetic against one, but I’m glad that most of Louise’s view is blocked during it, hating to be shown as weak despite my disadvantage.

Cowards, the fucking lot of them!

Before I blackout, the last thing I see is Justin running across the muddy field to save me.

I don’t know how long I’ve been unconscious for when I awaken to Shaun sitting beside me at the hospital, who smiles reassuringly at me. The only thing I do know is that I now hurt all over with the adrenaline wearing off. Feeling sick and with my head throbbing from being concussed, I’d rather be back asleep.

“Where’s Justin?” I ask, unsure of whether the appearance of my saviour was nothing more than a dream.

“He took Louise home, but he shouldn’t be much longer. Matt, we’re sorry for what happened, but we didn’t realise Chris was involved straight away. We didn’t even know he’d begun seeing Ashleigh.”

“It’s not your fault or Justin’s. I’m just glad that after everything, you guys came to help me.”

Laying back against the pillow, I close my eyes, finding the glaring, clinical lighting uncomfortable, but the cubicle curtain is suddenly drawn back, and I hear Justin clear his voice. “Could you give us a minute, Shaun?”

“Sure, I’ll get some coffee.”

With the curtain closed back around us to give us some privacy, I open my mouth to thank Justin, but he immediately interrupts me.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes. How are you feeling?”

“Shit, but I’m glad to see you, although I am a little surprised. What time is it?”

“It’s not even seven yet. I know they’re planning to take you for x-rays soon,” he says, folding his arms over his chest. “I tried calling your dad, but he didn’t answer, so I left him a voicemail. My mum’s going to keep trying to get hold of him.”

I’m not surprised that my father doesn’t know. I haven’t seen him properly in weeks with him spending all his time at his girlfriend’s house, but it doesn’t matter. Louise deceiving me for something as ridiculous as a bet is my biggest concern right now. I feel like she’s torn out my heart and trampled all over it with how little she cared about how I might feel. She had more than enough opportunity to come clean about her intentions. This must have been what Sadie had hinted at.

“I’m such a fucking idiot. The warning signs were all there, and I fucking ignored it! They’re sisters, and she made a complete fool out of me.”

“You weren’t to know. It’s not like they even look alike, and she is in the other year half,” he says before dropping eye contact. “Actually, I need to speak to you about something. Please don’t be mad, but I stayed with Louise for a bit before coming here because she was hysterical and I felt terrible about leaving her. You need to call her.”

“Forget it. She’s been lying to me since the start, so I can’t trust a thing she has to say to me anymore. It’s best we end it. If she’s anything like her sister, which looks likely from the way she strung me along, I need to steer clear.”

Abruptly pulling his chair closer, which squeaks across the floor, Justin grabs my uninjured hand, then takes a deep breath. “I don’t think you two should break up… I wish we could go out for a smoke first, but you need to know about this. Louise is pregnant.”

I’m not sure if I’ve heard him right with how bluntly he said it, but I can tell he is being honest from the solemn expression on his face. We’ve been safe as far as I can remember.

“You’re hilarious, Justin. You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

As he shakes his head, the news hits me like a tonne of bricks, suffocating me with fear. My father is going to kill me. This surely can’t be real, and any moment now, I’m going to wake up on that field from this nightmare. We’ve always used protection.

Unless we didn’t that first time?

My recollection of that night is hazy at best. I can remember getting into bed, then us fucking, but nothing past that, assuming we’d just passed out midway from exhaustion. I thought my brother had been trying to embarrass us over dinner last month, but perhaps we did continue into the night?

My mind pauses as the only explanation rapidly becomes plausible. I need to confirm this with Louise, then step up, and take responsibility for my actions. What kind of person would I be if I let her go through this alone without trying to support her? She’s probably scared, and If my timings are correct, she’s already twelve weeks, so I don’t have long to get my act together to be a father.

Finally, thinking logically about it, I know there’s only one thing I can do. “Justin, can I borrow your phone, please? I need to make a call.”

Published 4 years ago

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