I open my eyes after a few moments. I haven’t fallen back asleep, but have used the last two minutes to relax and shut out the light of the sun, which has risen steadily, casting a bright patch creeping lower on the wall. My fingers are laced with Yuki’s as we lie there, face-up, naked on her bed, silent now. Our breathing has returned to normal after the loud and vigorous activity of our frisky sex. The central air leaking out of the vents provides some comfort, but I sure could use a ceiling fan. No such accommodation in here, though, as I stare at the stark white hotel room ceiling.
You wouldn’t know it by looking at my limp cock lying sideways above my thigh, but I am still incredibly aroused by the sight as I turn toward my partner: bare breasts rising and falling slightly with her breathing, the small but pronounced patch of matted dark hairs between her thighs, and a glistening, slightly crusting sheen of body fluids on her smooth, flat stomach in between.
“Well,” Yuki breaks the silence, sitting up and swinging her legs off the bed. “I need to pee again.”
“Shower time?” I laugh.
“Yes, I think so.” My eyes follow her bare ass into the bathroom, and I make myself get up and join her. “I do like your dirty, slimy sex all over me,” she says, admiring her glazed tit and abdomen in the mirror. “But, it is not work-appropriate!”
She turns on the water, and I hold her messy body into mine for some deep kisses while it warms. A minute later in the shower, we have fun peeing on each other again, hers tinkling down my legs, and mine trying to hose the cum off her skin before the warm water and our soapy hands finish the job.
We chat for the time it takes Yuki to dry and fix her hair, lotion herself, and sparingly apply her makeup. After she brushes her teeth, I make a show of brushing mine as well, of course with her toothbrush. Before too long, I’m dressed while she’s still naked, out in the room, opening the closet door to retrieve one of her two large bags, selecting the day’s underwear.
“Whoa, that’s nice.” I offer my opinion as she presents a few choices to me, delighted to help her select a sexy lavender bra and panty set. I have a hard time deciding whether to love the lacy, delicate material for being such eye candy, or hate it for covering up the naughty bits she’s been willingly sharing with me the last twelve hours.
I pull her in close, caressing her skin before she covers more of it, burying my face in her neck and breathing in deeply. “Mmmm, Yuki, you smell….” I snicker. “Like… like a lady. Mmmmm.”
“Instead of what? What did I smell like before?”
“Well, honestly…” I think she’ll take this the right way. “Like a dirty slut, like our dirty sex. But I liked that, too!”
“Oh, there is still a dirty slut in here!” She laughs, pulling a bra cup away from her breast and the elastic of her panties away from her pubic mound. Then, she covers it all up with a very sensible-looking top and pair of slacks she retrieves from the hangers in the closet. As modest as the outfit is, there’s something about the way those pants snugly encase her slight curves that shows off the sexy woman inside.
While she books a ride from her phone, I’m busy with mine, putting my plan into action. It would be so hot living out the rest of my life knowing I picked up and fucked a total stranger on a trip without ever seeing her again. But I also wonder if we could see each other again, if we could arrange a future rendezvous since it would be unlikely to come about naturally. So I connect to my personal VPN and get on one of those free email service sites, making myself an account I can use to stay in contact with her, if she’s up for it.
Yuki is ready to go now, gathering her computer and purse. We head down to the lobby, groping each other and open-mouth kissing, for what I suspect is the last time, in the elevator.
“Well, Yuki, it’s been awesome the last few hours,” I tell her as we sit and wait for her ride. “I can’t tell you how much fun it’s been with you.”
“Oh, I think your cock told me,” she replies, not keeping her voice down. “And your tongue.”
“When we told each other our names… we said this might not be a one-night stand if we could figure out how to keep in touch,”
“Maybe we could,” she replies, “but what do you suggest?” She taps at her phone. “In three minutes?”
I tell her to go to a free email service site and make an account, and suggest the one I used if she wants to. Smiling, she taps away at her phone, and pauses a moment to look into my eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Of course,” I smile back, logging in to my own account.
“Okay, here you are.” Yuki holds her phone up for me to see, and I snicker as I see the naughty email address she’s created, saving it into the contacts in my account.
Her phone chirps, and when she looks at it, I know this is it. Her ride is here, so we get up and I walk her through the lobby and out the ornate glass doors to find the driver waiting. Opening the door for her, I admire her cute ass in her snug slacks, and give it two final firm pats, almost slaps, to guide her in. I really don’t care if anyone is watching.
“Here, take this,” she says through the open window after the door is closed, handing me the third condom packet. “I hope at home you find a nice Asian lady to fuck. Remember, we are all very horny!”
“I will,” I tell her, trying to assure myself, energized with the boost of confidence that my experience with Yuki has given me. I might be able to do just that. I lean in for a kiss, tasting those soft wet lips one more time before watching the car drive off with her.
Once back in my room, while I get all my stuff packed up and get dressed for the day, something occurs to me. I made a kind of lame email address, and Yuki didn’t record it, so I think of a better one, something naughty to compliment hers. Before I leave the room, I decide on the perfect one, and, snickering to myself, create it and store Yuki’s in the contacts. Too soon to email her? Nah, if I don’t sound desperate or weird, and just carry on our sexy banter, she’ll love it, I’m sure. So I send a half teasing message thanking her again for her company and the new Japanese words she taught me.
I leave the room and descend the elevator, sharing the ride down with a chunky older woman and two guys in matching logoed polo shirts. I miss Yuki already. If I were alone in here with her, I think I’d slide my hand down inside the front of those form-fitting slacks. The front of my own trousers stirs at the thought.
When I’m presented with the final bill at the front desk, I’m a bit shocked. $70 for room service? That breakfast was $35 each!? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am a little annoyed. And it’s expected that I’ll add a gratuity.
“Um, can I get the room service off onto a separate bill?” I ask the lady across the counter, trying in vain to cloak my embarrassment. “My company is paying for the room, but… I’ll pay that separately if I can.”
“Sure, no problem,” she replies. I think she’s holding back a smile. “Happens all the time.” She taps away at the keyboard, heavily mascaraed eyes flicking back and forth across her monitor.
“Thank you…” I try to come up with some kind of explanation, but, I don’t owe her one.
“You are most welcome. It’s common for people to have extra expenses they don’t want others to know about. Pay per view movies mostly,” she smiles, trying not to giggle. Then she adds, “Or breakfast for more than just one person.” She flashes another smile – a pretty smile, making me take notice of her relative attractiveness – and turns to attend to the whirring printer. Her smile isn’t the only thing attractive about her, I think to myself as I covertly ogle the shapely ass encased in her quite flattering uniform skirt. Or, maybe I’m just fucking horny. As she returns to me, my eyes fall to admire her trim waist, and her name tag – Kerri – fastened to the modest buttoned jacket that makes me only wonder what delights are hidden inside.
Pulling the key card out of my pocket for her, I feel the condom packet that I’ve kept with me for some unknown reason. As I pay the second bill, I feel much better about it. Including gratuity, and dessert last night, hell, less than $100 for quite literally the sex of my life with Yuki? I made out like a bandit. It would have cost ten times that much for a classy prostitute, without eating breakfast off each other, and she damn well wouldn’t have allowed us to pee all over each other for that cheap!
“Thank you, sir.” Kerri brings me back to reality. “All set here.”
“Great, and thank you…” I glance down at her chest – um, name tag – “… Kerri.” She smiles and we each bid each other a good day. As I exit the doors of the lobby, I turn sideways for a final glace at the checkout desk, fiddling with the small square package in my pocket. “Well, you’re not Asian,” I mutter under my breath, making sure no one else is too close, “but I’d sure like to use this condom with you, Miss Kerri!”
As the day progresses, I can hardly pay attention to anything during my meetings with my client. Especially because Natalie, the lovely redhead marketing manager, is in one of the sessions, and at least two more attractive younger ladies pass by more than once. Really, all I can think of is sex, fantasizing about taking one or all of them behind a nearby set of doors to have my way with them on a conference room table. But of course, I can’t get Yuki off my mind. I’d like to hook up with her again in the future sometime, and be able to report that I used that condom, and several more, to have some naughty sexual adventures that were inspired by my time with her. I think she would approve.
As afternoon turns to evening, I lean back in my seat on the plane, eyes closed, replaying the events of last night and this morning, hardly able to believe it. And of course, my mind wanders, fantasizing about another visit to the West Coast in the future, where Natalie and the other two join me and Kerri and the tall Filipina room service lady in Yuki’s room for an all-night dirty sex party. I squirm in my seat, trying to decide whether to suppress or encourage my growing boner. Just before takeoff, I connect to my VPN on my phone and log in to my new secret email account. My heart races as I see a green circle with a “2” superimposed over the envelope icon.
Shit. The first one is just a welcome message from the email service. I tap into it and skim the language telling me that I’m sure to be pleased with all my new account has to offer and enticing me to upgrade to a paid account with more must-have features. Bah.
Tapping the “Delete” button, I’m presented with the list of unread messages, and only one remains.
A reply from Yuki.