Locked cock in a cage all week
Absent lover with growing mystique
She took the key to tumblers and pins
Her return he waits for love to begin
His piercing looped; his cock enlaced
Sparkling steel, holds him chasted
Locked by a girl, in cute short dress
With wildest dreams she’ll never confess
Her unwashed panties a parting gift
Scent from a woman he couldn’t resist
Warm and clinging against her skin
At the fateful moment she locked him in
An intimate trade, panties for his dick
Sealed with her smile, a wink and a click
Naked beneath as she walked down the block
Pretty pink frills, in place of his cock
Steel tied lovers, their bodies in sync
His world now ruled by the girl in pink
It trains his thoughts, centres desires
Beats to the rhythm her body requires
She recalls with thrill between flushed thighs
How she shut him down in steel that ties
Now passing girls crush and press
Wondering minds beneath their dress
With key hanging from Daisy Dukes
Bobbing behind on denim loops
Always with her, through dreams day and night
On her body, snuggled in tight
Warm silver key, her strength and power
On a chain round her neck, when she showers
On her ring at the café for all to see
My lover’s abstaining just for me
Sculpted male won’t cheat or lust
He will obey or else be crushed
He would gladly drop to his knees
Kiss her boots if that’s what she pleased
Idolised by a man who dotes
Such loving devotion, it makes her float
Candles, gifts and supreme respect
And eyes that yearn to reconnect
She swishes home to his loving embrace
Scooped, held tight by the man she keeps chaste
Stirring eyes as he breathes her perfume
Awakening in his metal tomb
Her body supple, gentle and kind
But freedom lies inside her mind
He touches her thigh, sexual shock
Expectant risings beneath her lock
Her dress hugs tight, fingers push in
Willing his touch, her fantasies begin
Sexual prowess, trapped at one inch
Behind the walls of her smooth steel clinch
His key once more her intimate treasure
Crowned a princess, to adore and pleasure
Her man now tethered, body and mind
Passions locked and forever entwined
Freedom requires igniting her lust
He presses her down to take her thrust
Kisses abound in the steamy confines
Desperate worship as her hot hips grind
He lays her down, worships her clit
Female scent, he’ll always submit
Venturing deep, forbidden land
Steel clamped cock can’t understand
She lies prostrate with legs spread wide
Elicit thrill from wide aching eyes
Attentive like mad, his life depends
On the feel beneath his lips transcend
Some lust-filled nights she doesn’t permit
Her whim, her urge, his cock submits
Her clasp stays locked, no touch or feel
Female entrapment retains its seal
Tonight, thighs straddle, silk hair hangs wild
Panting through lips that long to defile
Captive penis pleads to its queen
As lips approach, hot breathy ravine
Naked curves now, silver stub swings
She’s hot and breathy, her lingerie clings
Hair flows long, panties grow wet
Power of her key, her ultimate threat
She lifts her dress and delves inside
Her panty crotch where the key resides
Warm and wet, to be used tonight
To release the passions now alight
Her fingers turn, the lock obeys
Blood rushes in, his cock ablaze
A doting man, a gentle lover
The joy of sex to rediscover
They thrust and press until she’s aglow
Her body soft, her mind a flow
She moans and purrs, she shakes and cries
Holds him tight, on trembling highs
Through dreamy eyes she gazes sweetly
Tonight, he will be hers completely
Curvy hips ride her saddle
Blinded by the dancer’s straddle
Lithe painted nails encircle his dick
Jail cell closed with a purr and a click
Sexual dreams secured in her vault
Locked by another, with barely a thought
Beautiful passions, consumed by love
The cage she presses like a glove
A favourite toy put safely away
Squeezed in its cage for future play
Swooping silk hair, kissing her face
But exhausted bunny just wants his embrace
She snuggles in tight, lashes laced shut
Her leaving gift nuzzled round her butt
Trapped by temptation, seduced by her spell
Hugging the girl, the key to his cell
They both drift away to their fantasy place
Where dreams submit to their sweet embrace