The Joy of Fucking

"A paean to the exquisite rapture of consummated desire"

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Lying naked in the warm lambency of the night,
You seductively stretched out your voluptuous body,
Your hands supporting your head, its rich golden tresses
Falling across the gentle swell of your opulent breasts,
Thighs parted to reveal your most intimate secrets
To my excited sight as he entered your boudoir.

Flickering shadows softly highlighted every curve
Of your palely glowing flesh in explicit splendour,
A bold display of unashamed lasciviousness
Brazenly intended to inflame my lustful mind
And stir my cock where it hung limply between my legs
Until it rose up hard and throbbing with hot desire.

My lubricious gaze travelled down your inviting curves
Pausing briefly to adore your delicious bosom
Heaving in anticipation of rough caresses,
Your rouged nipples tingling and hardening with desire,
Coming to rest on the plump outer lips of your sex,
The gateway to bliss already slick with sweet nectar.

I approached the bed and stood by your reclining head,
And you took my dangling sac between trembling fingers
And pulled my rigid shaft close in order to enclose
The purple swollen crown between your opening lips,
Your tongue avid to sample the salty bead of precum,
Precursor of the molten streams soon to flood your cunt.

My hands sought and squeezed the ample flesh of your twin orbs,
Kneading and twisting your protruding nipples to send
Exquisite shafts of electricity through your nerves,
And lighting a fire of carnal sensuality
That would only be sated in the consuming waves
Of overwhelming paroxysms of ecstasy.

Driven by his own rising tide of molten rapture
I climbed up onto the bed, and kneeling behind you
Tilted back your head and slowly slid between your lips
Until the entire throbbing length of my tempered shaft
Was fully engulfed in your warm and inviting mouth,
Groaning with pleasure as I thrust slowly in and out.

Bending over your sumptuous recumbent body
Which was slowly undulating in time to the pulse
Of the churning surges of your ascending rapture,
I sought the slick centre of your vulva with my tongue,
Parting the swollen petals with my eager fingers
And drawing back the hood of your engorged clitoris.

With practised guile I kissed and teased the pulsating bud,
Pausing occasionally to slide my probing tongue
Along the delectable path of slippery flesh
That led to the entrance to the hot crimson tunnel
Where I would soon plunge headlong to possess the treasure
Within, in a sublime moment of extreme release.

Totally abandoned to the ravishing pleasure
Of the beating waves of sensual stimulation
Breaking upon the shore of your delirious mind,
You crested the summit of that first joyous orgasm,
Every nerve ending alive in an orgy of bliss,
As you writhed and moaned in rapt insensibility.

We lay for a while, flesh melting into willing flesh
Until the incandescent rapture of your climax
Had receded like the tide, releasing you briefly
From its intoxicating spell, and like two dancers
Under the spell of sublimely erotic music
We prepared for final exaltation of desire.

For a heady moment of divine expectation
You paused, your fingers lightly holding my throbbing cock,
Before placing its bulbous purple head at the mouth
Of your eager cunt, slowly sinking down with a sigh
Until you were fully impaled on my pulsing shaft,
Its silky hardness filling your slick velvety depths.

In a divinely exhilarating pas de deux
We moved in complete harmony, sensible only
To the exponentially mounting cadence of lust,
Mutually seeking the acme of carnal joy,
Riding the rolling waves of exquisite sensation
Radiating from the fusion of our genitals.

Nearing the pinnacle of sybaritic pleasure
Our limbs moved in a mounting crescendo of craving
For the final eruption of physical delight,
Every nerve inflamed with hedonistic impulsion,
Writhing and moaning in ultimate abandonment,
Fucking and thrusting in the drive to consuming bliss.

Head thrown back and a vivid scarlet flush of passion
Suffusing the rippling flesh of your resplendent breasts,
You were the first to surrender to the searing waves
Of exquisite sensation consuming your being,
Beyond conscious sensibility, overpowered 
By paroxysms of libidinous ecstasy.

Spurred on by the sight of your overpowering climax
And the delicious feeling of your vaginal walls
Contracting and pulsating around my thrusting cock
Precipitated my own explosion of delight
As my scrotal muscles contracted violently
To expel hot streams of his seed deep into your cunt.

Released from the sweet extremity of our orgasms,
The little death of apocalyptic ravishment,
We fell into the deep languorous tranquility
That follows the irresistible impulse of lust,
Satiated by the orgiastic ecstasy
Of the carnal sensuality of our desire.

As the light of evening faded and our entwined flesh
Became hidden from sight in the soft darkness of night,
The watchers in the shadows, phantoms of former loves
Drew vicarious pleasure from our frenzied coupling
And the sharp penetration of nubile yielding flesh 
Ascending in the uplifting ecstasy of lust.


Published 4 years ago

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