Ocean’s Edge: The Tides Ch. 07 “Day Five: Fantasy Fever” (Part 1)

"The real Angie arrives at the house."

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I woke up not feeling my absolute best. For some reason, I never thought to bring any kind of medication. I scraped for whatever clothing was immediately available and wandered downstairs. I opened every cabinet in the kitchen looking for Ibuprofen but didn’t find any. In lieu of that, I got the biggest cup I could find and filled it with water. The kitchen sink was full of the previous night’s dinner dishes and I scoffed at the fact that they weren’t cleaned as I would have done. I couldn’t complain too much, though, since none of us were in a condition to do the dishes. I left the kitchen on my way to the patio to mix a small drink to help rid myself of the hangover when I stepped into the living room and was stopped dead in my tracks.

“What the actual fuck!?” I said louder than I intended.

Nothing that was there the first day we arrived was there. The room was completely different than it was the day we arrived. The new items gave me the same sense of familiarity as the rest of the items that had shown up to that point. I knew them but couldn’t remember what they reminded me of. It was driving me crazy.

Also changed was the furniture. The couches that were there had been replaced by something else. I turned in circles staring at everything as I drove myself crazy trying to figure out why everything looked so familiar.

“This room is different,” I said, knowing I had already established that as fact.

I turned slowly trying to piece it all together.

“The room is different! If the room was the same as where the items I recognize were when I last saw, then I would be able to put it all together.”

Before I could make it out to the patio, Brandie sauntered down to the kitchen. Just like me, she began searching cabinets for pain relievers, slamming the doors when she didn’t find it.

“Fucking… Advil!” she announced loudly. “Who doesn’t have pain relievers in their fucking house?”

I turned and laughed internally when I saw my wife as frustrated as I was at the lack of medicine. She came out to the living room holding her pounding head.

“Where the fuck is the Motrin!?” she asked.

“I have no idea. Here, have some water,” I said, handing her my cup. “Have you noticed that more and more things around here seem to have changed as time passed? This room is completely different than when we arrived.”

Brandie sipped the water and looked around the room, “It does seem different. Why does it look like someone cleaned here?” she asked.

I scanned the room again and she was right. With the virtual orgy that went on the day before, the room was in disarray, and nobody cleaned it that I was aware of.

“I don’t know. I was going to mix a small drink on the patio to help with the hangover, do you want one?”

“No, could you check the bathrooms upstairs? I really don’t want a drink right now.”

“Sure. I probably don’t need to be having a drink right now anyway.”

I took another look around and went upstairs. I checked the bathroom we used and there was nothing in the cabinets there. I wandered to the bathroom that James and Hannah used and couldn’t find anything there, either. I was about to leave when I realized I couldn’t find anything. It was empty. No soap, no shampoo, no conditioner, no nothing. I thought for a moment that they might have just packed early so, I left and headed to the master bedroom.

I listened at the door to see if I could hear any kind of movement but there was nothing. I quietly turned the knob and opened the door. When I took a couple steps into the room, I noticed Angie wasn’t in the bed and it was made up.

“What the hell?” I thought, “What is happening around here?”

I walked to the bathroom and flung the door open without a care about who was in there or what they might be doing. As it turned out, it didn’t matter. There was no one and nothing in the master bathroom. I checked the cabinets regardless and found what I expected. Nothing.

I stormed back down the hall to Hannah and James’ rooms and found those empty as well. I hurried down the stairs in confusion.

“There’s nobody else here!” I practically yelled to Brandie.

“Shhh! Not so loud, damnit! What do you mean there’s no one here?”

“There’s. Nobody. Here!” I said, pausing between each word. “Like, I checked all the rooms and the bathrooms, and all three of them have gone and taken all their crap.”

Brandie looked as confused as I was.

“Yeah. I have no idea what’s going on. First, all the decorations change, the role-playing seemed to change as we went along right up until the moment on the living room floor. Then we all get trashed, and Hannah wants you to finger her like it’s the la―.”

I realized just then what was going on.

“Could this exit be planned? If so, what happened to our sixth day? I hope we get some money back.”

Brandie offered another option, “What if this is part of the package and we just haven’t given it time to see what comes next?”

I considered her idea and figured we may as well wait to see what happens.

“Maybe you’re right. Well, how about we get the dishes done, get some breakfast and go for a swim? Maybe some greasy food will help with the hangover.”

Brandie smiled for the first time that morning. “That sounds like a plan.”

We went into the kitchen and began washing dishes while we made guesses as to where that day might take us.

“What if her husband shows up with his mistress not expecting anyone to be here?” she said sarcastically.

“What if Angie’s long-lost children show up,” I started before bursting into song, “looking for love in all the wrong places!”

We both laughed hysterically as we continued thinking up the most implausible scenarios we could think of. By the time we were done, we could barely finish the dishes we were laughing so hard. We were about to spray down and wipe the counters when the doorbell rang.

“Oh! Here comes the mistress!” I announced with laughter as I headed to the front door.

There was nothing I could have thought of that was more surprising than what confronted me when I opened the door.

“ANGIE!?” I yelled in utter surprise.

“Frank?” she responded in equal disbelief.

Brandie wandered into the foyer and was as unprepared for that moment as I was.

“Brandie?” she said looking beyond me.

“Angie!” my wife cried out.

“What are you doing here!?” I asked my sister.

“What am I… what are you doing here? Why are you here?”

My sister looked at the numbers nailed to the house next to the door then back to me before flopping her hands back to her sides in frustration.

“I had an appointment somewhere this morning and this is where they told me to go.”

I snatched the paper from her hand and confirmed she was at the right place.

“Come in, we need to talk,” I said, pulling her inside.

She dragged a small suitcase behind her as she stumbled into the house. I closed the door once she was completely inside.

“What are we all doing here? Did you just get here this morning like me?” she asked.

“Let’s go in the living room, there’s a lot to talk about,” I said again.

We all went to the living room. I went to sit down when Angie walked up to a shelf with a bunch of decorations on it. She picked up each one then looked around the room.

“Why does this look like my living room? I have things in my house that look exactly like this shit. I am so confused.”

Instantly, I transported myself to my sister’s living room and, sure enough, everything came roaring back. This was the stuff Angie had in her living room. The shape of the room was different and in my hungover state, I couldn’t put two and two together. It also didn’t help that Angie had those things in her home for more than a decade and I had gotten so used to seeing them that my subconscious didn’t alert me.

“So are we, I assure you. I also promise that our story is much longer than yours. Let’s start with what brought you here.”

Angie looked embarrassed. Just as she was beginning to speak, there was a lot of noise coming from the stairs. I turned to look toward the foyer when I saw the old Angie, James and Hannah walk past the opening to the living room. Angie and Hannah waved as they walked past. The door was opened and closed before I could get a word out.

“Who the hell are they?” my sister asked. I knew not much more could happen before she became upset and started to mix English and Italian together as she was prone to.

She refocused and began to tell her story.

“So, a while back, I was browsing the internet when an out-of-place ad showed up on one of the pages I was on. Typically, I ignore ads on the internet because they all say the same thing, but this one seemed different.”

Brandie and I looked at each other, recognizing the familiar story.

“When I clicked on it, it brought me to another page. Shocking, I know. Well, the site was well designed, and I couldn’t help but see what it was about.”

“Was this a thing where you select stuff you want to see or do, and they craft a vacation for you?” Brandie asked her.

Angie looked pale for a moment.

“When did you see this ad?” I asked.

“About two weeks ago,” she said, “why?”

I started piecing a theory together as to how it all transpired and what series of events brought her there when Hannah popped back into the house. She walked past the opening to the living room and yelled as she went up the stairs.

“Hi, Frank! My mom left something. I’m going to run upstairs and get it.”

“What happened to Uncle Frank?” I asked as I got up to follow her.

I followed her up to the master bedroom and closed the door behind me. As soon as the door clicked shut, Hannah turned to me with a new expression on her face I hadn’t seen on her up to that point.

“Don’t walk out and don’t yell at me, okay?”

“I don’t intend to do either, Hannah. I just need to know why my sister is here.”

“Well, let’s start off with my real name. It’s not Hannah. I’m Chloe. My brother is Nathan and Mom is Charlotte. Now it’s time for the next question you’re going to ask.”

“You’re actually a real family?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Chloe sat next to me, “how is your vacation so far?”

“Amazing! That doesn’t explain why my sister is here!”

“Of course, it doesn’t. Well, your vacation isn’t over. Remember when you clicked the ad? You eventually made your way to describe the type of vacation you wanted. Do you remember what you chose?”

I tried to recall all the selections we made but I would never forget the overall theme: Incest.

“Incest,” I said quietly.

Chloe visibly cringed, “We don’t like that word but yes. Specifically, you selected siblings. I’ll save you some of the questions you’re no doubt thinking of. When you met Sarah for the first time, we got a lot of information about you and with that, we were able to track down your sister, but not Brandie’s. Maybe if we had some time, we could have, but time was not on our side.”

“It’s starting to make a lot of sense,” I conceded.

“Had you selected literally anything else, you would not have met us, and your sister would not be sitting in the living room downstairs. Here we are, though.”

I put my hands on my forehead and ran them through my hair as I came to grip with everything that has happened to that point.

“Ask all the questions you want. Angie is down there spilling the beans and Brandie is no doubt filling in the gaps. Together, they will figure out what’s happened.”

“So, you are all related. Obviously, you’re here because you’ve all had sex together, right?”

“Yes,” she said with a chuckle, “but I do not have the time to go through how that all happened.”

“Of course not. Can you tell me anything about what happened between Nathan and Charlotte in the living room yesterday?”

“Oh. I don’t have an answer for that. I’m sure we will be talking about that tonight,” she said with some reservation.

“Okay. So that was unexpected for everyone. What about you and my wife?”

“Also unexpected, but I like her,” she said.

A smile grew on my face, “I like that you like her.”

Chloe turned and looked at me, “You do?”

“Sure. She likes you, too. How many times have you done this?”

“This…?” she asked, leading me to be more specific.

“Been the actors in someone else’s fantasy vacation.”

Her face came alive, “This is where I blow your mind. It’s our first time. We were recruited after we did our fantasy vacation. Again, another long story.”

“I bet. Is there anything else I should know?” I asked.

“Well, it’s your last day of vacation. We’ve done everything we can to…”

“To what?”

Chloe stood up and got on her knees in front of me, “To make your fantasy come true, Frank. I’m standing here… well, kneeling before you telling you that this changed our lives. I’ll tell you that Mom was the missing link in our fantasy, and we brought her into it. Now she’s happier than she ever was, even though whatever happened between her, and Nathan yesterday might make her happier.”

I looked at Chloe and shook my head.

“Your sister is sitting down there because not only did you select siblings for your fantasy, Angie did as well. We brought you two together in an environment suitable to talk it all out. It’s on you now. You have until 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon to seal the deal. Whether you do or not, you must leave. I promise you, once you leave, it will be that much harder to bring this fantasy into reality.”

“What if I can’t bring myself to convince her?”

“I can’t help you there, Frank. There’s consequences and rewards for every decision you make here. It’s up to you whether the reward outweighs the risks.”

“Let’s go downstairs. You have a lot to do and hopefully, if everything goes right, you’ll have some-one new to do.”

I exhaled deeply before standing up and offering my hand to her.

“You’ve been classy this whole time, Frank,” she said before leaning in for a whisper, “except for that anal part. I don’t recommend that with Angie.”

I laughed heartily at her recommendation. She smiled slyly and we both moved toward the door. We both walked out of the room and silently downstairs. Chloe followed me into the living room and walked up to Brandie. My wife smiled when she saw her approach. Chloe knelt in front of Brandie, causing my wife more confusion.

To everyone’s surprise, Chloe leaned in and kissed my wife full on the lips. Brandie looked happy to return it. When she was done, Chloe whispered something in my wife’s ear. Brandie looked around the room as she listened before suddenly locking eyes with me. She nodded a single time before Chloe handed her a slip of paper, got up and walked out.

When the door closed, I found a seat and sighed loudly while looking at Angie.

“I guess you now realize how we all got here?” I asked.


“What do you think?” I asked nervously.

“It’s a lot to take in is what it is. When I went through all the steps it took to get here, I didn’t think I would be brought into this situation.”

“You selected the family member option and, in particular, the sibling option. What made you pick that? Have you fantasized about it before?”

Angie took a deep breath, “I don’t know if fantasize would be the proper description. It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but sometimes when,” she started but paused, looking nervously at me.

“Angie, I think the time for us to be modest is probably over,” I said, smiling and trying to put her at ease.

She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at me but continued.

“Fine. When I have sex or masturbate, the act itself brings me to the edge of the cliff, but I need something more to push me over. It only takes a flash of thought about someone in the family go over that edge.”

I completely understood what she was talking about. That’s how it started for me. I needed more information, though.

“Who did you think about, Angie?” I asked, unavoidably putting her on the spot.

She looked at me sheepishly and remained silent.

“Was it me?”

She nodded, “Most of the time, yes, but it’s just a thought, Frank. I don’t know if I could ever actually do it. What would everyone think?”

I put my hand on her leg and gently squeezed, “I learned some things while upstairs with Chl―Hannah.”

Brandie tilted her head in a confused manner, “What happened up there?”

I grinned widely, “Well, for starters, Hannah is Chloe, Angie is Charlotte and James is Nathan. They didn’t use their real names. Want a mind blower? Chloe and Nathan are Charlotte’s actual children.”

Brandie gave me the reaction I expected. Angie was still confused.

“I need to back up a little, Angie. As you know, we went through a similar experience as you did, except when we got here, they were already here, and we played the role of Aunt and Uncle. We guessed not long into the process that we would be having sex with other people who were role-playing family members. It seemed like a fun way to live out a fantasy we kept hidden away from everyone for a long time.”

“What do you mean?” Angie asked.

“Well, we’ve been reading stories about sex between family members online for…

Published 2 years ago

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