Floor 2: Clovehill Mortuary. Ch. 01

"Erotic Fantasy LitRPG: Vix encounters a Howler."

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A digital message flashes above the elevator door.



Nice, an escort mission.

The elevator doors part, revealing a gloomy cemetery with sickly white trees and gravestones overgrown with vines.

The wind howls with ghostly notes that linger as crickets softly chirp beneath. The foreboding atmosphere sparks curiosity more than caution.

As I step onto the landscape, the elevator closes behind me and sinks into the dirt. The earth engulfs it whole as freshly dew grass grows in its place.

Well, looks like there’s no going back.

My clothes pixelate into a bodysuit, leaving everything north of my collar bone exposed. The fabric builds a hood behind my shoulders as gripped padding protrudes from the underside of my gloved extremities.

The outfit dyes itself into the night’s darkness as it compresses to my shapely curves. An earpiece plugs into my right ear and lightly hums on my lobe.

“-report. Status-Sss-” a faint, audible voice clashes with radio interference in my ear. I tap the communicator and manage to minimize the static, but the person’s voice is still very faded.

“Vv-Vix. Status report. Come in. Do you copy?”

That must be me. I’m Vix.

“Th-this is Vix, here. I copy!” I shout as I press the device against my ear, hoping it encourages the individual at the other end to speak louder.

“Lower your bloody voice, agent! Area is unsecured. Howler hostiles. I repeat, Howler hostiles.”

“Hostiles? What are Howlers?” I whisper, checking my six as if I knew what they’re referring to.

A frustrated sigh blows into the communicator, “You didn’t read the mission, you fucking-” The person has an assertive, yet feminine accent that’s briefly interrupted with what sounds like expensive equipment being ripped from their connections and thrown. “Fucking-Fuck! Fuck. Fuck!”

A long silence intervenes as I feel the gravity of the situation settling in.

This quest may not be as easy as I thought it would be.

“Listen closely, Vix. This is your fucking Commander speaking. I’m only going to explain this once, so you bloody better pay attention.”

Another uncomfortable pause occurs. I swallow the lump in my throat as the sensation of fear envelops me.

The crickets stop chirping.

“We received a distress signal from the town’s mortuary. Your orders are to investigate and extract civilians. No casualties. They could have the intel we need. Do you understand?”

“I understand,” I say in a low, obedient tone.

“Commander,” she retorts.

“I understand, Commander.” I roll my eyes, “So… Howlers. What are they?”

“If you had read the case file like a good little agent, then you wouldn’t be asking that question!” she roars into the microphone as the sound of another device being launched across the room echoes in the background. The Commander takes a moment to collect herself before continuing.

“We don’t entirely know. What we do know is that they-“ the Commander cuts out.

“Hello? I mean, come in. Come in, Commander?”

“-there were multiple reports of civilians disappearing in the night. Locals believe the abductions are associated with the sound of howling. Clovehill’s seasonal rainfall makes it impossible to collect evidence.” I tap the communicator as radio interference interrupts the debriefing.

“Whatever you-“ Tssssk. Tssssk.

“-keep your stealth suit on. It’s impenetrable. Going radio silent. Commander over and out.” The earpiece clicks as it turns off abruptly.

Is she serious? I have no idea what I’m up against. Coyotes? Werewolves?

A violet cloud puffs from underneath my footing, forming a path that leads north.

I’ve seen glowing paths like this in other video games before, they usually lead you to a waypoint or the start of a quest! I never realized how helpful this game mechanic is when you don’t have a map.

I flip the ebony hood over my head and pursue the colorful smoke cautiously, stalking to the shadows of trees and tombs.

In the distance, the full moon hovers over the peaked roof of a two-story gothic house. The purple trail dissipates inside the disheveled and boarded up front door of the mortuary.

A rusty sign swings beside the entrance, desperately holding onto a single hinge for dear life.


That must be the mortuary where the distress signal originated. Didn’t the elevator message mention a scientist? What is a scientist doing in a mortuary?

I follow the trail until I arrive at the mortuary’s manicured front lawn. A tiered fountain decorated with gargoyles spills murky water from their maws. The square patch of land looks suspiciously well maintenanced in comparison to the overall property’s deteriorating condition.

A shadow in one of the second-floor windows catches my eye. It looks like the outline of a person waving their arms frantically above their head.

That must be the scientist!

I motion for her to meet me on the ground level as I approach the front door.

The unknown figure transitions from flailing their arms to get my attention to motioning with their hands for me to stop.

As I jog onto the lush emerald blades of the courtyard, I’m able to identify the figure as a woman. She’s smaller than me, with a moderate bust and curvy hips that sway gracefully beneath her pristine lab coat.

Wait, did I get curvier?

I’m suddenly aware of how much more muscular my lower half is, sporting dancer’s legs and a robust ass. I hadn’t realized until now that my body’s proportions had changed in addition to my wardrobe. I run a gloved hand over my torso, discovering a slim stomach and well-endowed chest.

Lost deep within my thoughts, I hardly notice the Scientist throwing an urn at me.

Throwing an urn at me?

I skid to a halt and flip backwards into a defensive crouch, landing silently with the assistance of the stealth suit. The urn shatters, making little noise on the damp grass, save for the crumbling sound of broken pottery.

Loud howling echoes from the depths of the mortuary. My face turns pale as a knot twists in my stomach.

Howlers. She was trying to warn me, not hit me.

A pack of nightmarish creatures pour into the yard, sprinting on two legs with reckless coordination of their limbs. It takes them milliseconds to crowd the site of impact, one of them standing mere centimeters from my face.

The Howlers appear humanoid in form, hunched over and limping in their gate. Their skin is bruised purple with protruding grey veins, most likely from a lack of oxygen. A thin, transparent liquid seeps from their pores.

The slime catches on everything the Howlers touch, leaving traces of their existence on the grass, bushes, and tombstones with the surface tension of tree sap.

This is it. I’m dead. I’m going to be stuck in this game forever! Or worse, die!

My heart rapidly drums as fear immobilizes me in my crouched position. I focus on controlling my breathing, rationalizing the situation.

They haven’t discovered you yet, stay calm. They must have bad eyesight.  Stay calm…How the fuck am I supposed to escort the Scientist to safety?

The Howlers groan amongst each other, communicating as they blindly navigate around the lawn. One of them brushes against my front as he slowly limps past, the smell of pepper filling my nostrils as I fight off a sneeze.

The little hairs on the back of my neck raise as his icy flesh slides across my tits, leaving a viscous trail of slime across the protective stealth suit. I can make out his features as he staggers.

Combat boots. Camouflage uniform. Buzz cuts. Are these troops? Is this a military cover-up?

The zombie-like creatures eventually scatter into the surrounding brush as they further their search. Once they disappear into the foliage, I flash a thumbs up to the Scientist and quietly sneak towards the front door.

As the Scientist meets me at the doorway’s threshold, I quickly notice the black lingerie peeking out from her thin lab coat.

The femme lowers her blocky framed glasses and perks an eyebrow as she catches me staring.

Tssss.tsssk. I wince as the communicator in my ear buzzes with radio static.

“-Vix. Do you need backup? Come in, Vix. Radar intelligence has recorded a howl. Are you compromised? There’s a suicide cap in your wisdom tooth-“

I immediately rip the communicator out of my ear and toss it into the fountain’s basin, the device drowning as bubbles surface in its place.

Shit! Did they hear that?

A twig snaps behind me.

Oh yeah, they heard that.

I look up to see the Scientist’s green irises widen with horror, her pupils reflecting a row of Howlers standing directly behind me.

In an act of desperation, I lunge forward and tackle the tiny woman into the gothic parlor. The Howlers shrill, aggressively climbing over each other as their slippery coated fingers try to seize my ankles and miss.

I cross the house’s threshold and back kick the door as I reach the inside, the sound of painful growling and knuckles breaking in the door frame lets me know that I escaped their clutches.

As I turn the door’s lock, I realize that the mechanism is broken.

You just had to set the difficulty to Survival mode, didn’t you? Fuck.

I grope in the darkness for objects to bar their entry, but give up as the Howlers start opening the flimsy door.

I brace my back against the door, straddling my legs and digging my heels into the floor as I block the herd’s invasion. The gripped padding of the suit provides sturdy footing as I invest all of my strength into resisting them.

The decrepit house shakes, puffing dust loose from wooden planks in the parlor as the Howlers’ assault intensifies. The Scientist recovers from her fall and moves inside my lap, directly facing me as she joins me in holding them back.

Amongst the commotion, she slips closer to me until I can feel her breath on my cleavage, her hands resting unusually close to the sides of my bust.

She seems very friendly-

The Howlers bang their appendages against the door, startling us as their forces are increasing. I groan as I can feel the strain of Vix’s strength depleting. I squint my eyes, examining the foyer for an escape.

There’s no shot this character is stronger than even one of them. Where’s the purple path? Does the game only guide you to the start of the quest? There’s got to be a back door or emergency exit.

“I can hold them off! Go look for a back door or window-“

Thud. A hand bursts through the withered wood beside my face, narrowly missing me.

Thud. Another loud bang as an entire arm breaks through the other side, my vision blurring as my adrenaline pumps.

Thud, thud, thud. More arms punch holes in the fragile door, sending splinters flying around us like confetti.

Their powerful hands capture my nape, forearms, ankles, and thighs as I jump to escape. The Scientist’s front firmly presses into mine as the Howlers clutch her hips, their fingers squeezing her plump ass.

Did she let them catch her?

The Howlers reel us in, sandwiching me between the door and the woman, my spine resting against the decayed wood. The stealth suit protects my skin from the splinters and the Howler goo, but I can still feel the pressure and texture of things as if I were nude.

My cheeks flush as the Scientist’s shapely yet plushy physique squishes against me. I chew my lower lip to mute the arousal that’s surging through me, my nipples hardening as her delicate frame compresses to mine.

The Howlers groan in frustration of their predicament, unable to fully break the door while keeping their prey trapped against it.

They can’t capture or devour us from this standpoint. If we don’t move, maybe they’ll lose interest. What do they want? To eat? Kill? Both-

Another fist punches through the frail door, sprouting between both of our legs. I scream as its location catches me off guard.

Fuck! This is going to be a painful way to die! There’re some things VR games shouldn’t be able to let you feel!

The Howlers chatter with low growls, purring in a collective pitch.

My bodice stiffens in defiance as their slimy hands massage their excretions all over my stealth suit, the liquid dripping off the impenetrable fabric like oil. I grimace as their hands roam my every crevice, leaving nothing unexplored.

A set of fingertips begin lightly stroking my sex, only applying a soft pressure to discover the outline of my slit. I inhale sharply in surprise and struggle against my restraints, my action only turning me on more as my round orbs rub against the woman’s chest.

The Scientist studies me as the Howlers work me over, humiliating me in front of her as she lustfully licks her lips. I suppress a whine to avoid encouraging them, the entire situation of them molesting me through the door feels ecstatic.

The mindless brutes redirect their efforts to the smaller woman, lathering their slime onto her in the same fashion.

The woman grasps my waist and sinks her nails into me like a cat gripping a scratching post. I shiver as she moans softly against me, the Howlers releasing her arms in the process.

They’re not trying to kill us, they’re trying to-What is she doing-?!

The Howlers cup their hands between our legs, methodically teasing our pussies with light strokes. They move their thick digits back and forth in synchronized motions, teasing our engorged clits as they guide us into grinding against each other.

I rest against the door with weakening strength, unable to mask how good this feels.

The Scientist gropes my breasts, thumbing my erect nipples in the fabric. “Is this Kevlar tech? Impenetrable armor? Fascinating…” she says inquisitively, admiring the stealth suit’s ability to reshape and stretch.

“Wha… What?” I pant in confusion and arousal of the entire situation.

“I apologize for the informality, but I figured I could be frank with you. After all, we are about to get very intimate with each other.” She grins knowingly, pressing her pelvis into me. The Howlers respond to her movement, caressing us harder.

Curling my hands into fists, I slam them against the door as I grit my teeth, my composed facade deteriorating fast.

“W-wh… Why?” I stutter.

The woman pulls my hood back, licking and kissing the side of my exposed neck. “We spliced their DNA with something we shouldn’t have,” she giggles and adjusts the black frame of her glasses.

“The project got a little out of hand, as you can see.” She spreads her legs farther apart, enabling the Howlers to better access her nether regions. “Mmm… Back to your question though, Gorgeous-“ She playfully nibbles along my jawline, “We found that the Howlers excrete an aphrodisiac to make their prey more… submissive.”

The Scientist unbuttons her lab coat and unhooks her lacey brassiere, letting her large globes spring from their confinement. Her body is dripping from the chest and down with the syrupy aphrodisiac.

I cast my gaze to the side, extremely embarrassed as my pussy throbs for her touch.

“There’s only one way they’ll stop,” she whispers in my ear as she reaches down and leads one of the undead’s hands to my entrance.

I gasp as she inserts two of his fingers into my wet channel, the stealth suit’s fibers reactively stretching to glove his invasion. [STA: 3]

I can’t get infected as long as the suit doesn’t break, but I can still feel everything. Fuck.

I moan as the Howler twists his fingers, gingerly pumping them inside of me.

Satisfied with her decision, the Scientist then lures an idle hand to her eager entrance as she hooks her panties aside.

The zombies begin fondling her breasts and fingering her with a deep intensity, the loudness of her moans exceeding mine. She enters a trance, submitting to them as they cover her in a mixture of their stimulating toxin.

Her delicate figure writhes in their grasp as she orgasms, spilling her juices onto their hands. This triggers the Howlers as they grumble lowly, purring again.

All of their arms retract from between our legs, seemingly satisfied from making her cum.

I sigh with relief, yet feel more tense than before as the monsters stopped before I could finish.

The woman rests against me as she catches her breath, her fingertips tracing over my extended arms and the greasy hands still trapping me to the door.

Just then, a long veiny cock travels over my soft petals. I gasp, watching below as a Howler’s erection comes through an opening in the door, between our legs. It hardens from the soothing friction, gliding its impressive length from me to the Scientist.

The Howler quickly repositions himself and pokes the head into the female, letting her adjust to the intrusion. She clings to me as she beggingly moans, “Yes! I’ve always wanted to know what this feels like!”

He purrs in acknowledgement, slowly bobbing the length of his shaft deeper and deeper into her tunnel. He toys with her to the point where her pussy convulses, drenching him in another climax.

I hopelessly struggle in my restraints as he pleasures her, his rod teasingly rubbing me as he rocks back and forth.

If he maxes both of us out, then I fail the escort mission. I have to try-

Suddenly, the Howler bucks against the door and I reflexively dig my heels into the floor again, returning the force. This whiplash movement causes the busty woman to yelp as she falls onto more than half his length, the bulbous head pummeling her cervix.

The Scientist kisses me passionately as she moans. The Howler mounting her growls in satisfaction, his howl becoming the only one we can hear.

I reciprocate the depth of her kiss, whimpering in pleasure as the Howler grinds his cock against me, pushing past and pounding into the dainty female.

Her breasts bounce with mine as he steadily works us, adjusting the angle and speed of his thrusts to his liking.

“I’m cumming!” she screams as she hugs herself to me. This encourages the Howler as he swiftly pistons inside of her. His motions are instinctual, magnifying the intensity as he senses her orgasm.

The female locks her lips on mine, moaning profusely as she gladly orgasms for him.

The Howler gently pulls out of her as she finishes, dragging his length across me in the process. I shudder, finding myself desiring to be filled.

The Scientist continues to kiss me deeply as she starts kneading my clit between her fingers, the aphrodisiac still affecting her.

I rebel against the hands holding my arms with little success, murmuring into her mouth that I couldn’t handle the stimulation. The woman giggles at my attempt as she guides the top of his veiny purple cock into my opening.

She’s going to let him max me out!

I turn my head to break the kiss and look down at his length, the woman taking this opportunity to lick and gently suck my tender nipples through the stealth suit.

I clench my jaw as heat rises within me, subtle moans escaping me as her erotic attention sends jolts through my body.

Just then, the undead hands pinning me against the door loosen as the Howler enters me. I moan as he impales my pussy with his pulsing, sticky member.

He exerts the limits of the suit, lifting me off the ground with his monstrous size. The fabric does not tear as he skewers me on his length, asserting his dominance over me. [STA: 2]

I expel lustful sounds of encouragement as I grasp at the door behind me for support, my toes briefly leaving the floor.

The Howler purrs as my tight walls contract to his intrusion, appreciatively milking him. He withdraws from my warmth, lowering me to my footing.

Before I can react, he gently pushes into me again, the lubricant covering the stealth suit allowing him to do so with no resistance.

The woman watches me try to shift forward and pins me to the door, letting the Howler fully enter me again. I arch my back, moaning as he explores my passage, his balls smacking against my cunt with each carnal thrust.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” the Scientist comments as she fixes her glasses and bends over, observing him penetrate me up-close.

“Amazing fabric. It can stretch to protect you against Howler toxins-” she spectates as the suit adjusts each time he plows into me “-but it looks like it increases your sensitivity.”

The Scientist leans forward and laps my clit with her tongue as the Howler drags himself along my aching walls. Her hands cradle his balls as she licks me roughly. [STA: 1]


“It’s too much!” I shriek as my entire bodice involuntarily jerks on his cock, trembling with ecstasy.

The Howler forcefully shoves himself inside of me, slamming me down as he listens to my ass clap on his pelvis. Clap, clap, clap.

I barely keep my balance as this monster fucks me through a broken door. His pace becomes rough and primal as his cock tenses, nearing his climax.

The Scientist gyrates her digits on my sensitive clit as she pushes me into his next thrust, egging him on. I moan loudly as she plays with me, feeling my juices soak the inside of my suit.

The zombie exhales a ghoulish howl as his rod bulges, gushing inside of me. His lukewarm load drools from my pussy as he continues to pound my ravished centre.

The Scientist spreads his slime all over my mound as she mercilessly attacks my clit with her mouth, her hands reaching up and roughly squeezing my perky orbs.

I cry out as the overstimulation rips an orgasm through me, the intensity of the euphoria making me nearly tear up.

I collapse with the Scientist falling atop me, breathing heavily from exhaustion.

Although the Howlers are able to hear us, their interest in us dissipates as they leave the perimeter.



The woman spanks me, resting her hand on my ass. [STA: 3]

“Are you serious right now!” I whisper in disbelief as I roll over and restrain her wrists with ease.

At least I’m stronger than her.

“Sorry! It’s the toxin,” she giggles, returning to her bubbly demeanor. “The aphrodisiac doesn’t wear off.” She wriggles in my grasp to no avail, pouting childishly.

I spin her around and shove her face into the dusty baseboards, having little patience.

She’s as weak as a mouse in comparison to my athletic build.

“You are going to keep your hands to yourself and I am going to rescue you. If you disobey, I will snap your wrists. Are we clear?” I wait until she nods before stumbling to my feet.

I catch my breath, mentally collecting myself from the encounter.

She’s still alive. I can complete this escort mission. Focus.

The same violet smoke from earlier puffs beneath me and travels to the parlor’s back door, showing me where to escort the NPC.

“Oh, now you decide to show up? Where were you when I needed an escape route!” I yell at the smoke as the Scientist looks at me with a bewildered expression.

Without caring to explain, I grab the Scientist by the collar of her sopping lab coat and drag her with me.

We traverse across the map, hiking over steep hills and marsh terrain for what feels like hours. [STA: 1]


Since when is endurance also a factor in stamina! This wasn’t in the tutorial. Ugh, I think we are almost there.

After venturing mile after mile in the darkness, the purple smoke leads us to a fleet of helicopters lined along a dry valley. Lights from the helicopters illuminate a search party of agents scouting the flat terrain.


That must be the evacuation point. I completed the mission!

Before I can advance, my body collapses to my knees from fatigue. The exhaustion of having low stamina for a prolonged period numbs my muscles, loosening my grip of the hostage.


“Is that Vix?”  “Agent Vix!” “Medic! We need medics, stat!”


My vision blurs as the remainder of my energy evaporates, my last stream of consciousness containing a vision of a tall woman with a half-shaven head and scar over one eye storming towards me.


Published 4 years ago

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