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I never knew you here before
but you still feel like home. 

You felt it in your bones before 
hands gently cupped my face
like a flame that would go out
from the faintest push of air,
the faintest forgotten season.

Gold flickering against deep green,
you pulled me to you with the same force
as the ocean we were pressed close by,
a forbidden barrier inevitably parting,
the tide’s gravity ancient and absolute.

Kissing you in the glimmer of a California sunset,
the heat of my body inside yours pulsing
until summer light was no longer touching the sky,
salt and sweet tasting like a long goodbye
you said you had never seen it but wouldn’t
stop dreaming about us meeting here this way.

I’ll never blame you for having to go.

We’ll have to wake up soon enough
to cold and faithless things,
and this will soon be akin to a song
where you can’t remember the lyrics
but only the feeling that the music made,
that nameless thing to always hold on to,
the same phantom pain we’ll move through.

You felt it in your bones before
blue was flickering against the dark,
we even pulled away like the waves, 
so quietly with fierce gravity,
currents beautiful and unstoppable,
a trespass forever sealed,
the life still ebbing deep within
like a flame that could go out 
if we even dare to move now

Before the sands are aglow with 
a luminescence we don’t understand,
sometimes I think it’s really the written 
messages that we’ve wanted to exchange,
our lips raw and red from meeting 
somewhere far beyond here.

I never knew you there before
but you’ll always feel like home. 

I’ll never blame you for having to go. 

Published 4 years ago

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