Emma’s Birthday

"Chloe gets singled out by a male stripper at Emma's birthday"

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Hannah wanted to do something special for Emma’s birthday. It wasn’t every day her best friend turned twenty-one. Emma had just broken off a toxic relationship, so Hannah planned a ‘girls only’ surprise party. Hannah had already booked a home sex toy party. Emma’s invitation to that event would get her to the surprise party at the correct date and time.

The sex toy party would also put all the girls in the horny, and no guys needed frame of mind to help Emma recover from her breakup.

Hannah had the food and drink plans all locked down. Emma loved to dance, so Hannah was working on the music and space to make that happen. She just needed a zinger of a way to end the evening.

She wanted to hire a male stripper.  A guy with a scorching body.  One who could be anonymous eye candy, to be enjoyed and then forgotten. Her attempts to find one weren’t going well.

She lived in a small city in the upper Midwest. A place that was conservative when compared to the rest of the state. There wasn’t a lingerie or porn shop in the area. All of the male entertainers listed online were in the major urban center for the state, one hundred miles away. When contacted, they refused to travel that far.

She would settle for a local amateur, but Hannah couldn’t think of any guy she knew who had a hot enough body. She had reached out to all of her female acquaintances without luck. Then a call came from Aunt Jen or Wild Jenny as Hannah’s mom referred to her in disdain. Aunt Jen told Hannah that she had seen a local male stripper at a recent bachelorette party.

“Does he have a hot body?” Hannah asked.

“He’s so hot he had me drooling from both pairs of lips!  He is hung like a horse too!  His performance induced orgasms from several of the watching women!” Jennifer exclaimed.

“He sounds perfect. What’s his name and number?” Hannah asked.

“Matt. You’ll have to get the rest from the party’s hostess. I’ll talk with her and see if she’s willing to call you. May I give her your number?” Jennifer asked. Hannah agreed and thanked her Aunt.


Two weeks when by, and Hannah was worried she wouldn’t hear from Aunt Jen’s friend in time. Then she got a call from an unknown number.  The woman introduced herself as Mrs. Miller and asked if Hannah wanted the information on Mathew Davis, the male entertainer.

“Here’s the situation. If you hire Matt as a stripper, he is required to follow all state and local statutes. The law states no nudity, in fact, not even a suggestion of male genitalia. Only an indistinguishable, non-erect bulge is allowed.

“Also, this means no interaction with audience members, which precludes any touching. Trust me. Those performances are very tame.

“If you invite him to a private party as a guest, with no payment exchanged, he is free to behave in a manner acceptable to consenting adults. He tends to be a very uninhibited, erotic, and entertaining guest. As a result, he gets many party invitations, so there’s a good possibility he won’t be available for someone he doesn’t know,” Mrs. Miller explained.

“Matt’s primary business is providing lighting and sound equipment for events. When you book him for an event, he specifies start and stop times for equipment set up and again for teardown. He is not under the contract between those two activities, not being paid, and already at your location. Write your party invitation to him to be for the timeframe between his contracted activities.

“Matt always visits a location, in advance, to discuss your needs and to finalize the equipment list. While he’s there, tip him $50 for every hour you want him at your party. The tip will ensure he stays at your location on party day.

“Your responsibility is to poll all of your guests and determine how much each will accept as ‘consenting adults. Then, communicate this information to Matt, so he doesn’t offend anyone. After that, your party can get as depraved as all guests can tolerate, and you break no laws!” Mrs. Miller finished.


Hannah contacted Davis Diversions to provide services for her party. She found Matt easy to work with and charming. When they finally met, Hannah had to agree with her Aunt Jen. Even in heavy utility clothes, Matt’s body was drool-worthy. The snake of a bulge running down Matt’s left thigh would provide Hannah with a new series of masturbation fantasies.

After walking around Hannah’s house and checking the backyard, Matt told her there was no space inside for twenty guests and dancing.  He retrieved a measuring wheel from his truck and walked off the open space in her backyard. His recommendation was a 40’ by 40’ tent.

He could provide the tent, seating, a 10’ by 10’ dance floor, power, lighting, and a sound system. Matt offered to contact Hannah’s food and bar catering companies, get their requirements, design the layout, and email her a proposal within two days.

“Can you give me a rough estimate now?” Hannah asked, looking worried.

Matt considered everything he had seen; a modest house tastefully decorated on a budget, Hannah’s young age, and living independently. If he used basic and minimal equipment, nothing showy or extravagant, he could keep the cost down.

“Between four and six thousand,” Matt replied.

Hannah winced. She could manage that. It’d wipe out her savings, but it could be done. She passed Matt an envelope with $200 cash in it. Matt took a glance and then pocketed the envelope. He held both her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes.

“I’ll make this a memorable evening for you and your friends,” Matt promised with sincerity.  Hannah melted.  It was a few moments before she realized he had left.


Chloe was sitting in a comfortable overstuffed love seat in the back row of the party tent, bored out of her mind. She liked Emma and Hannah. She had been intrigued by Hannah’s probing questions about what Chloe thought was acceptable behavior between consenting adults at a private party. So she made an effort to be at this party.

Chloe recalled how thoroughly surprised Emma had been when they ambushed her in the house’s living room earlier this evening. After opening gifts, Hannah had led them all out to a superb party tent. A raised dance floor was in the center with overstuffed love seats and sofas surrounded it on three sides.

An unoccupied DJ booth capped the dance floor on the side of the tent with the entrance. Immediately behind the DJ booth was the ‘open’ bar facing the entrance flaps.  The appetizer tables flanked the entrance. Colorful lighting softly lit the space. Spotlights brightly illuminate the dance floor.

All the other girls were having a great time watching the sex toys being presented. And that was Chloe’s problem. She was a rare female who was completely unsatisfied by dildos and vibrators. The longer she used one, the more sexually frustrated she became. However, she knew it was all in her mind because she had no problem climaxing from fingers, tongues, or cocks.

Because of Hannah’s ‘consenting adults’ questions, Chloe had expected more than sex toys. She had worn her little black cocktail dress. It was backless and strappy, so no bra. Not that her bee-sting tits ever needed a bra. Her tits looked small, even on her tiny body.

The little black dress was also very short. It was just long enough to cover Chloe’s ass. Again, based on Hannah’s questions, Chloe had gone commando. She didn’t dare uncross her legs. One of her red ‘fuck me’ heels bounced in the air with her agitated mood.

Chloe got up and made one more pass on the appetizers, got a new glass of wine, and slid into a seat in the darkest corner of the tent to keep from being engaged. Thankfully the girl with the toys was wrapping up her presentation.

A hunk of a guy came sprinting into the DJ booth.

“Hi, I’m Matt. Let’s get this party started.” Matt announced over the sound system. He spun up The Chainsmokers’ song ‘Closer’ and keyed a synchronized light show.

“It’s my favorite!” Emma yelled as Matt pulled her willingly onto the dance floor.  They bobbed and weaved beautifully together to the strong beat. All the girls were mesmerized watching Emma and Matt dance. Not only was he handsome, but he was also a great dancer.

Matt was wearing a bright red silky poet shirt that hung loose and was long enough to cover his ass. It flowed around him like water, adding sinuous motion to his graceful dancing. He had a lightweight white linen pair of pants that also moved well. He was barefoot, amplifying the sex-on-a-stick look.

Chloe had to consciously close her mouth when she finally realized it had dropped open.

Emma was soon waving her friends onto the dance floor. Matt went around the tent, pulling more girls up. He danced for a short time with each.

A playlist of several of Emma’s favorite songs kept her gyrating on the dance floor for a good thirty minutes. Matt ensured others joined her. When the last song ended, Matt was back in the DJ booth.

“Next up, Glenn Miller and ‘A String of Pearls.’ Foxtrot anybody?” Matt queried. Most of the girls had left the dance floor. Chloe had formal ballroom training and could foxtrot but was content to remain in the shadows and watch. Still on the dance floor, Emma had her hands in the air, jumping up and down, yelling, “Me, me, me!”

Matt joined her and set off. Two other pairs of girls joined them, which left plenty of room to move.

Matt appeared always to be entirely focused on his dance partner.

In reality, he was scanning the crowd, watching for the type of woman who would willingly help him close his show. He had spotted Chloe in the back and flagged her as a possibility. Her body language indicated she liked dancing, but she hadn’t put herself forward.

When the music ended, Matt formally bowed to Emma and returned to the DJ booth.

“Stepping it up, ‘Danny and The Juniors’ with ‘Dancing at the Hop.’ Does anybody want to swing?” Matt asked, putting a bit of innuendo into the question. Seven girls, including Emma, rushed to the dance floor, yelling.

“Who knows West Coast?” Matt asked. It appeared they all knew that swing style. Matt agreed to change partners frequently, started the music, and joined them. As promised, all the girls got to swing with Matt. The song ended with all of them sweating.

“Wow! I’m HOT!” Matt declared. “Would anybody care if I removed my shirt?” he asked and received a chorus of no’s. Matt pulled his shirt over his head and was greeted with moaning, wolf whistles, and catcalls.

His pants had a tie-string waistband and hung very low on his hips.  All of his well-developed muscles were on display. The top of Matt’s to-die-for ass cheeks and crack was exposed in the back. In front, a ‘happy trail’ pointed down to the deli-sized sausage swaying unfettered in his loose pants.

“Time for a Latin beat. ‘Azuquita’ with ‘Rumbakalao’. Samba, anyone?” Matt asked with a lascivious wink and grin. Of course, every girl in the tent wanted to sway to a Latin beat against that half-naked male body. But, unfortunately, most had no idea of how to dance the Samba.

Chloe knew how to dance the Samba, and she was sorely tempted, but something still held her back.

Kayla, a tall, slender girl dressed like she belonged in a ballroom competition, stepped forward. Matt keyed up the music and lighting, adding a delay, and joined Kayla in the center of the dance floor. They had a few quiet words, assumed the dance pose, and waited.

The music started, and on the correct beat, Matt and Kayla took off. Their performance was highly erotic. Kayla’s short flared dress kept flipping up with her exaggerated hip movements showing her bare butt and tiny black G-string. The same hip movements had Matt’s oversized cock jumping and swinging under his loose pants.

Matt had flagged Kayla as a prospective show-ending partner. However, now that she was in his arms, Matt didn’t feel the needed electricity. They danced beautifully together, but Kayla was technical in her performance.

Matt looked over at the girl in the dark corner. Her legs had come uncrossed, and the knees were slightly apart, giving Matt a clear look at her bare pussy. She was subconsciously sliding her finger up and down over one of her nipples. Her eyes sparkled with lust as she watched Matt dance. Her hips thrust forward in time with Matt’s. So she’s the one, Matt thought.

The music ended with Matt dipping Kayla deep. The watching girls erupted in approval, screaming, whistling, and clapping. Matt and Kayla bowed their way off the dance floor. Kayla returned to her seat and Matt to the DJ booth.

“And now for something special.” was all he said. The tent faded to black with just a single spotlight in the center of the dance floor.

Chloe heard the opening strain to Patrick Swayze’s ‘She’s like the Wind,’ and she found herself on her feet. ‘Dirty Dancing’ was her all-time favorite movie. It was the reason she learned to dance in the first place. Sure, this song was in the film, but Chloe also knew there was a deleted scene where Baby, in her underwear, and Johnny, topless, danced very erotically in his room. Chloe had memorized all of the dance moves. Then Matt was before her, hand outstretched in invitation.

“Deleted scene, I know the moves!” Chloe exclaimed and took Matt’s hand.

“Let’s make these girls cream themselves!” Matt suggested and led her to the dance floor.

They stepped into the spotlight and pressed together, groin-to-groin, forehead-to-forehead. Chloe’s hands were around Matt’s neck. Matt’s hands were on Chloe’s sides, just below her arms, his thumbs pressing on her nipples. Their eyes were locked in lust. Their hips swayed and ground together. Their heads tilted, and their lips brushed.

Matt slid his hands down Chloe’s sides and onto her ass, pulling in while they continued to sway and grind. One of Chloe’s hands slid up into Matt’s hair, grasping, the other hand slid onto his shoulder and pulled, their lips part, and they frenched deep.

The watching girls were breathless. They could see Chloe’s and Matt’s desire for each other and feel the heat in the way their bodies responded to that desire.

Matt slid his hands further down onto Chloe’s thighs and pulled them up, lifting her.  Chloe wrapped her knees around Matt, and she planted her ankles on the front of his thighs, assisting the lift. The hem of her dress rode up. Chloe’s bare pussy landed on Matt’s partly covered pelvis.

They continue to kiss and grind, Chloe’s petite body easily supported by Matt’s well-developed physique. Matt’s erection tented his loose pants and could now be seen just below Chloe’s ass.

Matt slid his hands back up, over Chloe’s ass, and into the small of her back, sliding the hem of her dress up with them.

 With her lower back now well supported, Chloe broke the kiss and threw her head back. She dropped her arms and let them hang down loose and free. Her straps slipped off her shoulders, allowing the top to slide down. With her dress bunched around her waist, Chloe was essentially naked.

She leaned her upper body out and away from Matt, putting more pressure on her pussy. She ground it hard into Matt’s rock-solid abdomen. Matt added hip thrusts to his movements, simulating fucking. His covered cock was slapping up onto Chloe’s ass. Chloe’s upper body, hanging free, bounced up with each of Matt’s thrusts.

Some watching girls were aroused by this display of raw, carnal sexuality, and their hands had found their way onto their clits. Other girl’s hands were in their neighbor’s laps. Emma and Hannah were passionately kissing while caressing each other’s breasts.

Matt leaned toward Chloe and took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. Chloe groaned and grabbed his head in both hands.

When Matt straightened up, Chloe climbed his body to keep her nipple in his mouth.  Her pushing red heels catch in his pants and send them to the floor. Matt’s freed erection slapped into Chloe’s ass crack. Chloe rose further to allow Matt’s cock head to line up with her bare wet pussy.

Matt had just taken Chloe’s nipple between his teeth for a light bite when Chloe felt that the alignment of cock and cunt was correct. Chloe dropped onto Matt’s cock. She screamed in pleasure and pain. Her nipple was pulled violently from Matt’s teeth, and her pussy was stuffed full.

They kissed passionately and humped.

Matt slowly dropped to his knees. The song ended while Matt was lowering Chloe to the floor.  A detached part of her mind congratulated herself for reenacting the movie scene so closely, minus the nudity and the fucking. The rest of her was busy thrusting back into Matt’s long, forceful strokes.

The spotlight went out, and the general lighting came back up to reveal a tent full of girls pleasuring themselves, alone, in pairs, and groups.

Hannah looked up from Emma’s pussy, wished her Happy Birthday, and then went back to eating Emma out. Hannah considered this a successful ending to her planned activities.

Published 4 years ago

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