I watched Matt as he took the last piece of clothing that I owned – the last anything I owned – and threw it on the fire. It took a few seconds, then it, too, caught fire, on top of all my other former possessions.
Now I stood, completely naked, in the large backyard of his house, owning nothing, with no ID, no credit cards, no passport, no…anything. And I was standing in front of four men who were watching me with something like hunger in their eyes.
I was shaking, feeling both scared – and excited.
I was about to become a slave, to be owned, used, and willingly abused by these four men. Plus their girlfriends, their friends, neighbors…and anyone else they chose to let to use me.
“Kneel,” Matt said.
I quickly dropped to my knees in front of him.
“This is the only thing you will wear for the next three years. It’s your slave collar. Once you put it on, there is no going back.”
“Do you accept it, and your status as our slave, mind, body, and soul, and will you allow us to do whatever we want to you for our pleasure, or the pleasure of anyone else whom we choose?”
I looked at the leather collar with its lock and thought about what I would have to do if I wore it – and what would be done to me.
Then I thought about how I got here…
My name used to be Sabby but is now naked cunt. It says so on the collar locked around my neck. I’m twenty-four years old, and this is the story of how I became a slave girl to four Masters, who now own me completely.
I want to state, right from the start, that this is my choice and I am perfectly happy with my life as a naked slave girl. I was not forced into anything. I choose this life, and all it entails.
I started out modeling professionally, mainly doing photoshoots plus some catwalk work here and there. I went into this right after I finished high school, deferring a university education to pursue my career in modeling and travel. After all, the money is better than most work I could get even with a university degree, and the shelf life of a model is limited. The younger the better, and I was young.
I have mid-back-length blonde hair, with hazel eyes, and my measurements are 34B-24-34. I started out by accepting small jobs in modeling for local photography studios in order to build my portfolio. Things went well, and I soon became known as a new, fresh-faced model, but I really hit my stride when I began accepting nude modeling work, which is very lucrative.
When I turned twenty, I received an offer to model nude for a big, national publication, with photoshoots all around the world.
I discovered that I’m a natural submissive when I was taking directions on how to pose and such from the photographers. By this time, I modeled mainly in the nude and being well paid for it. I was a happy girl and put away a lot of money in savings. I could also indulge in my submissiveness by role-playing somewhat with acquaintances and friends I made within the industry.
By the time I was almost twenty-two, my parents, elder brother, and a few other relatives confronted me, wanting me to stop nude modeling. They cajoled me to quit, saying that I was showing off my body like a slut. It became a running battle, with the last straw happening when I was slapped by my father and punched by an uncle. My father then gave me an ultimatum: either I stopped modeling, or my whole family would disown me.
I had saved a substantial amount of money by this time, so it was an easy decision. I packed up two suitcases and bought a one-way ticket to Western Australia. I also informed my agency I was leaving home and would contact them once I set up base in there. I’ve never tried to contact anyone in my family since then – and they haven’t reached out to me, either.
Arriving in Western Australia, the first thing I did was buy a new mobile phone with a new number. With the help of the shop assistant, I traded in and cloned my old phone. Then I took a taxi to a luxurious hotel and settled into my new life. I viewed this as a reward for what I had been through. I was sad about what happened between my parents and me, but they had forced it on me, not the other way around.
The next few days were spent looking for a permanent place to stay and set up as a base of operations for my modeling career.
I went out for a few days in search of a place and finally, on a 7-11 bulletin board, I saw a notice for a room to rent. It piqued my interest as the advert stated the house in question was in a secluded area, fifteen miles away from where I was. The ad went on to say that the house came with a large swimming pool and back garden, overlooking a huge wooded area with trails leading through it. I loved the sound of that, so I took down the address and made the call. I wound up speaking to a very pleasant guy and made an appointment to go out and see the house in a couple of days.
That Saturday, I took a taxi to the address and was pleasantly surprised to find the neighborhood was pretty and secluded, as advertised. The houses there were big bungalows built on one and a half acre lots, well-spaced, and I quickly fell in love with the area. The taxi deposited me in front of a nicely built house at the end of the street.
I walked up the drive to the front door and rang the doorbell. A few moments later, a hunk of a man opened the door and said hello. I introduced myself and stated I had an appointment to see Matt about renting a room. The man stared at me and was silent.
“Oh, forgive me,” said Matt when he finally introduced himself. “Please come in. Forgive me for staring. You are stunning.”
“Thank you,” I replied, blushing, and walked into the house.
The house was very well furnished and I followed Matt first into a tastefully furnished living room, then into a spacious and airy kitchen. He invited me to take a seat at the table and offered me a drink. I asked for a Coke. Matt got two cans and sat opposite me.
We discussed the house and the room available for rent. He also asked a little about my history and we ended up having a very pleasant chat. He was mightily impressed when I told him I was a professional model, and I like to think that was what got me the room in this beautiful house.
He showed me what was to be my room. It was downstairs, with its own en suite bathroom. I was impressed and told him so.
We chatted while I looked over the room. I found out that upstairs had four rooms and Matt and another three guys occupied them. Matt told me he and the other guys were old friends and had been living here for three years since Matt bought the house.
He then told me what the rent would be for my room, and asked me if I had any qualms living with four guys. I told him no, and that the rent was really reasonable and I took out my chequebook and wrote him a cheque for 14 months’ rent, inclusive of a month’s rental deposit, and one month’s deposit for utilities. Matt was surprised that I was capable of doing that. I told him I would move in on Monday at noon, if that was okay with him. Smiling, he pocketed the cheque and said he would be home when I got here.
At noon on Monday, I arrived at the house, and Matt was waiting for me with a black man, whom Matt introduced as Edwin, one of the other guys who lived there. I smiled and we shook hands.
I had checked out of the hotel, all my possessions were in the two suitcases and the carry-on bag I had brought with me. I asked the guys if they could help me with my suitcases, and asked if it was okay if I moved in right then. With smiles, Matt and Edwin each took a suitcase and led me to my room. As I thanked them, I said I would meet them in the kitchen once I had settled in, so they left me to unpack.
After I unpacked and put away my clothes and things, I got out of my jeans and sweater, took off my bra, and wearing only my skimpy thong panties, I dressed in jogging shorts and a sleeveless tank top. I tied up my hair in a ponytail, took my smartphone and went up to the kitchen.
Outside the French doors, Matt and Edwin were seated outside, so I headed out to the patio overlooking the huge swimming pool and lovely, landscaped garden. When they saw me, the two men stopped talking, and Edwin let out a low wolf-whistle, saying I looked beautiful dressed in my shorts and tank top.
I blushed and before I could say thank you, Matt said what gorgeous legs I had. They asked me to do a twirl for them, which I did and sat down. They both complimented me, saying how beautiful and gorgeous I looked dressed so casually and hoped I would dress like that at home. I blushed more and said I hoped they wouldn’t mind I dressed like this at home. They glanced at each other and with one voice answered they did not mind at all.
We sat chatting, getting to know each other, and giving me a run-down on all four of the housemates.
Matt is an auditor who heads a department at one of the world’s big four financial advisory firms. Barry is a taxation specialist in the same firm. Edwin’s a musical and entertainment director for a nearby resort. And Anson, the last housemate, is an IT manager for a local company. All four blokes are in their early thirties, and quite successful in their chosen careers. Matt and Barry are white Australians, while Edwin is a black, Jamaican-Australian, and Anson is a Japanese-Australian.
I described my modeling career to Matt and Edwin and said it was mainly in the nude. I then explained that I had moved across the country to get away from stress and fights with my family and relatives over my career. The two guys were sympathetic and understanding.
That evening, over a barbeque dinner, I met Barry and Anson. They, too, enthusiastically welcomed me to their home. We all got along very well together, and we quickly developed a very natural, comfortable relationship.
Over the next few weeks, we became good friends, and within about three months, that developed into a “friends with benefits” relationship with each of them. We progressed from having one-on-one sex to twosomes and threesomes, and finally to full-fledged gangbangs with the four housemates and me.
I have always loved swallowing semen, and during one gangbang, Anson taught me about how to accept bukkake from the four guys. I loved that! Somehow, I just loved having my face and hair and body was covered with semen, and couldn’t enough of it. I also loved that I always wore sleeveless tank-tops and short-shorts around the house for my housemates before I was undressed by them.
After about nine months living there, I stopped wearing anything at home and I did everything around the house completely naked. I even ventured out to the backyard naked to swim and sunbathe. The guys loved this. Slowly, our relationships progressed into Dom/sub territory and I thrived on it. I never wore any clothes at home and I did my household chores in the nude. I even cooked the evening meals in the nude. I loved that I could do things naked as it would make my four housemates happy.
Over time, my four Dominant started arranging bukkake parties. They’d invite their friends and even strangers they met at pubs to come over to our place and put their semen all over every inch of my naked body. These people could kiss me, kiss my body, lick, fondle, and grope me, but they could not use their penis to penetrate or fuck my pussy or ass. I used my hands and mouth to give guys blowjobs and enjoyed being everyone’s bukkake slut, but I was only ever fucked by my four housemates.
Then, in 2020, before COVID hit, I had an enormous bukkake party, where fifty-two guys had fun covering me and seeing me swallow their cum. There were also eight girls present who also covered me with girl cum. It was truly an enjoyable experience.
In between the parties, I continued modeling and traveling until the COVID pandemic shut things down. For a while after that, I could only get jobs locally, modeling for small photography studios.
Then, finally, in mid-May, I got a phone call from my agency, telling me they had to put their business on hold, and wouldn’t be able to find jobs for any of their models until February 2022.
I did some soul searching and discussed my situation with my four housemates. This started a discussion that turned intense and lasted over a couple of weeks. I decided not to work, as I had the money to survive for a couple of years, but Matt came up with another idea. He suggested that I become their owned slave girl for a period of time.
I was intrigued and asked him to explain further.
“What if you did not have to pay for rent or anything else for, let’s say, two years,” said Matt. I told him to go on. Matt could see he had the attention of his three housemates and continued to explain.
“Now that you don’t have a job, how about you sign up to be an owned little slave girl to us four guys. You wouldn’t have to worry about paying your way, Sabby.” He continued, “The four of us would take care of your expenses. In return, you’ll pay us with your service, and give up all rights to your body. We would own you.”
“Give up rights to my body?” I asked.
“Yes,” Matt replied. “In order to live rent-free and with no expenses on your part, you agree to give all rights to your body to us.”
My mouth opened and closed. Edwin and Anson liked the idea so much, they high-fived each other while Barry fist-bumped Matt. I was nervous as I found out more of what Matt expected me to do in exchange for living in the house completely free.
They started a list of what they would want me to do as their slave girl with no possessions and no rights. Matt, Barry, Edwin, and Anson kept adding and subtracting from the list as they discussed with me the things they expected me to do as their slave and what I expected of them as my owners.
And I was naked during all the intense discussions.
I was quite scared and shy and embarrassed – but also excited – as I read the growing list. We discussed everything in detail over the next sixteen or seventeen days, and during this discussion, I found myself dreaming and thinking a lot about whether I could do this.
One morning, thinking things over very honestly, I decided I wanted and I needed to do it. I was so aroused and horny, that I masturbated a storm as I imagined myself living life as an owned slave slut. My nipples were so hard, my pussy was dripping, and my clitoris throbbed. I felt a great weight lifting off me as I made the decision to be a slave girl and slut for my four housemates. I couldn’t wait for my housemates to arrive home from work so I could tell them my decision.
“I’ll do it!” I announced once my four housemates were gathered, sitting at the round patio table that evening, after dinner. As usual, I was totally naked and the four of them had changed into casual clothes after getting home. The four of them grinned and cheered me. I stood before them all with my legs spread shoulder length apart. I showed them my pinkish pussy, red from my earlier masturbatory exploits. I was blushing a deep red hue as I showed them my pussy. Oh, I even held my outer labia lips open as I stood there. I showed them all I was very wet, I was dripping!
Matt asked me why I had made my decision and had I thought things through thoroughly. I told him and the other housemates how much I trusted them and wanted to please them very much. I even told them very honestly, even though I was scared, nervous, humiliated, and embarrassed, that deep inside I wanted and needed to experience the life of a submissive slave girl and all it would entail.
That evening till late night, my four housemates and I spelled out what I can do and cannot do as an owned slave girl. They also listed out what they can do and cannot do to me as Owners and Masters of a slave girl. The discussion took hours, and finally, at two a.m., Matt told us all to get some sleep. He said he’d type out a draft contract for us to go over when we met at ten the next morning.
After a late breakfast, my four housemates and I met up at our patio in the backyard. I was totally naked and my housemates were casually dressed. Matt asked me once again if I was completely sure I wanted to do this. I answered in the affirmative. He accepted my answer and produced a sheaf of papers. My mind went, “This is really happening. You are going to be a sex slave girl, and no turning back now.”
My heart was beating so fast and I shuddered as chills went up and down my spine. My pussy started to drip and my clitoris was erect and pulsating. Anson, sensing this, offered me a seat. He’s such a gentleman. The gesture further allayed my fears, and told me I was correct in wanting to do this. I sat down on the proffered chair and Matt started with the list he had typed up during the night. We went through the list in great detail for what seemed like hours.
Finally, my housemates and I adjourned the meeting at three p.m. Matt said he would print out a formal contract with a provision to change anything mutually agreed upon in the future. My housemates also agreed that Matt should be the principal, or primary Owner and Master, and I was happy about that.
That was Saturday, and since my housemates were all working from home the next week, we all agreed to meet up on Tuesday afternoon at two p.m. to formalize “The Owners/Masters and slave girl Agreement.” Matt wanted me to digest everything fully before I signed away my life.
Matt is very good this way, always looking out for me; I am not saying the other housemates don’t look out for me, but Matt has a special place in my heart.
I then hugged Matt and French-kissed him, pressing my naked body into his clothed body. I felt him returning my hug, his hand going up and down my bare back, finally cupping and kneading my bare ass. It felt so wonderful, especially when he ground a jean-clad thigh between my bare, smooth pussy. We continued this for a few, long moments and I moaned. Panting, I released him. Smiling, I looked at my four housemates, my four future Owners, and I got down on all fours on a nearby chaise, and offered myself submissively to them.
Matt rubbed his erection through his jeans as I looked over my shoulder at him. The other three quickly stripped naked and surrounded me. I grabbed Barry and Anson’s cocks and started stroking and kissing them hungrily and wantonly like the slut that I was. Edwin sucked and licked my pussy and ass as Matt got naked, watching. I got wet, and my clitoris throbbed from Edwin’s ministrations. I got even wetter as his tongue delved into my pussy. My pussy made wet, squishy sounds as Edwin sucked and licked me. He tongue-flicked my clitoris for good measure, and I moaned.
I now began to rub faster on Anson and Barry’s cocks. I sucked and licked their cocks, one after the other. Matt had reached under my breasts and started kneading them and taking my very erect, hard nipples in between his fingers, and started to twist and tug at them. I felt all the things my housemates were doing to me go straight to my pussy and clitoris.
I moaned loudly and my housemates rubbed their cocks harder on my face and inside my mouth. Edwin rubbed his cock against the opening of my pussy and clitoris, lubricating it with my flowing juices. Matt continued his kneading of my breasts and nipples.
Barry and Anson started fucking my mouth alternately. Edwin started to fuck me in the ass as his cock was lubricated with my juices. Matt was now twisting and pinching my nipples. This went on and on, and I was moaning and grunting loudly, especially with the ass fucking I was getting from Edwin. While screaming around Barry and Anson’s cock, I orgasmed. Edwin came in my ass, shooting his sperm deep into me. He withdrew from my gaping back entry and was replaced by Matt, who entered my pussy in one deep thrust.
Anson and Barry both came, shooting their cum onto my face, hair, and into my mouth. They groaned loudly as they dumped a huge load of semen on me. Edwin slumped back onto a seat, after unloading his semen in my ass, spent. Matt was fucking my pussy hard, from behind. I felt every thrust and I loved it. He grabbed my hair as he unloaded his load of semen deep into my womb. He withdrew his cock and came to stand before me. I took his cock into my mouth and I lovingly cleaned him, tasting myself mixed with his cum.
I felt like such a filthy slut.
I was quite spent after this hard fucking I’d just received in my mouth, ass, and pussy. I had semen coming out of my pussy and ass, and my jaw ached from blowing Barry and Anson, plus cleaning Matt’s cock.
But that was how we celebrated our coming to an agreement about moving forward as Owners/Masters and slave girl. I still had to go through the agreement before I signed it on Tuesday, but for now, my housemates and I were contented and satiated. We all left to get cleaned up and rest before going out that evening for dinner.
On Tuesday afternoon at two p.m., we met at the patio. Again, as usual, I was the only one naked and my housemates were all dressed. It was time for all of us to go through the agreement, line-by-line, and sign it.
Matt started the proceedings by reading the preamble of the agreement, whereby they would be known as my Owners/Masters, and I was to be known as the slave girl, to be addressed as “naked cunt.” Once I had agreed to be called naked cunt, we went through each clause as though it was a legal document.
The salient and important points of the agreement are as follows:
Matt, Barry, Anson, and Edwin would be known as Masters and Owners of the slave girl, me, and I would address them as such. Matt had ultimate control and would make the final decision if any dispute arose among the Owners.
I agreed to do everything each Owner/Master wanted, every time I was used, and willingly abused or tortured at their whim. I would obey anything they told, asked, or ordered me to do, immediately and without hesitation.
The Owners/Masters top responsibility is to ensure my health and safety, whether in play or outside of it. In short, my safety has to be sacrosanct during the term of the contract. The Owners/Masters are required at all times to ensure I stay healthy, and am fed properly, and exercised regularly to keep fit and toned.
The Owners/Masters are prohibited from tattooing, branding, or marking me in any permanent manner whatsoever.
The Owners/Masters won’t use piercings or clamps that cause permanent damage on any part of my body. The same goes for any devices used for discipline or for fun. This includes whips, canes, toys, and any other tool. The Masters also agreed not to make use of anything involving needles, blood, scat, or bestiality.
I must wear a collar proudly with the words “naked cunt” engraved on it. The collar shall always be the property of Owners/Masters and will remain fastened around my neck at all times.
The Owners/Masters will discipline me for any transgressions by binding me to any piece of furniture and using a whip, riding crop, cat o’nine tails, cane, or paddle on any part of my body while taking care not to cause permanent damage or bleeding. I may be disciplined in front of an audience.
And we may amend the agreement as necessary if we were all in accord.
The second part of the agreement dealt with my responsibilities as the slave girl:
I gave up rights to her mind, body, and soul. Henceforth, these rights belong to my Owners/Masters. I agreed that my mind, body, and soul may be used however my Owners/Masters see fit.
I do not have any property or possessions. I gave up my passport, driving license, and all other forms of identity papers to Master Matt for safekeeping until the period of our agreement is over. I also gave up all rights to access any money by giving up my bank passbooks, credit, and debit cards to Master Matt for safekeeping. These will be returned to me at the end of my slavery.
I gave up the right to own any form of clothing. I agreed to remain completely naked at all times and to perform all my assigned tasks naked. When we signed the agreement, I agreed to be completely naked, with all clothing, including all footwear save for one pair of white tennis shoes, to be burned in a bonfire ceremony. I will remain naked at rest or relaxation. At times of exercise or such, I will do so naked but may wear white tennis shoes to protect my feet.
I agreed to give up my name and to be addressed as naked cunt, as stated on my collar, which they put on me when we signed the agreement/contract. I agreed to be called naked cunt by my Owners/Masters, friends, neighbours, and even strangers.
I agreed to perform all sexual acts willingly and happily, with the sole purpose of pleasing my Master/Owners. I live for the sole purpose of my Masters/Owners pleasure. I will allow myself to be fully used by others as Masters/Owners wish. The only caveat to this stipulation is as Owners/Masters, anyone using me must undergo testing to ensure that they are free from sexually transmitted diseases. This is the Owners’ responsibility, and there will be no compromises on this. At all times, I must be kept healthy and free from STDs.
I agreed to certain aspects of BDSM, including to be bound, restrained, and placed upon any furniture to be punished, or for Owners’ pleasure. They may beat or whip me hard, but my skin must never be broken or left with permanent marks.
I agreed to water sports play. I agreed to let Owners/Masters, and such others designated by them, pee on me and sometimes have me drink their pee. I agreed to accept Golden Showers.
I may use the safe word “red light” at any time to immediately stop any activity I do not like, with no repercussions from my Owners/Masters.
Finally, it was time to sign the Agreement or Contract, and we did. Our agreement runs for three years, from June 2021 to May 2024. I was happy and so were my Owners.
After I signed the agreement, I knelt down, naked, and accepted my collar from my principal Owner, Master Matt.
I was no longer Sabby. I was now naked cunt, a possession to be used however my Masters wished, for their own pleasure, or for anyone else’s, at their whim.
I am now a naked slave girl who owns nothing – not even her own body.
So, naked cunt is embarking on a new life and a scary, thrilling adventure.
Wish me luck!