Dean, half-awake, staggered his way to the bathroom. But before he got there, his mother stepped out of her room wearing a long white sheer nightdress.
Dean’s mouth dropped open as he focused on her round, firm globes that were plainly visible under the translucent material.
“Oh, Dean!” Macey shouted as she covered her chest with her hands. “I didn’t hear you up.”
“I was ah… Heading to the bathroom,” he muttered.
Dean then noticed his mother peering at his hard cock before biting just the left side of her bottom lip while making a sly expression. Then watched as she slowly lowered her hands away from her chest, exposing her already hard protruding nipples, which caused his dick to jump.
Macey coyly looked at her son and teased, “Oh… I’m sorry, Dean. Did seeing me like this get you hard?”
“Jesus, Mom! I was already… Um. Never mind,” he shouted in frustration as he quickly passed by her.
The truth was it did get him very excited, so while he was hidden away in the bathroom, he sinfully wanked off quickly to the image of his mother’s mouth-watering melons before meeting her for breakfast.
Dean entered the dining room and noticed his mother had changed out of her sleepwear. Instead, she wore a pair of tight-fitting cut-off blue jeans and a white tank top that hugged her chest firm enough to reveal her perky nipples projected out through the cotton material.
Macey walked over to her son and kissed him on the cheek, and said, “Dean, I’m… I’m sorry about before. I really don’t know what came over me to say that to you.”
“It’s okay, Mom.”
Just then, the house phone rang. “I wonder who would be calling us this early?” Macey announced as she picked up the receiver.
“Hello! Yes, this is she. You’re who? Oh, mm-hmm. Yes… Dean told me about your son. You’re having a what? I don’t know if we could… Well, if you insist, maybe we can come by for a little while. Wear my what? Oh okay. Yes, that will be fine. I’ll make sure. Bye.”
“Who was that?” Dean said with a puzzled look.
“That was Cathal’s, mother Miranda. She invited us over to their place for a pool party today.”
“Oh… Dean said before his brain kicked in and replied, “Hey! Wait a minute! You said yes?”
“Of course I did.”
“Why, Mom? I mean, I barely know the kid.”
“She was very insistent, and besides, I would like to meet this Cathal and his mother. She seems very interesting.”
Dean rolled his eyes and grumbled. He knew already it was useless to try and talk his way out of going.
Macey was the first to finish her eggs and sat up, saying, “I’m going shopping for a swimsuit for the party. Would you like to come?”
“Nah, I’ll just hang here until we have to go,” Dean said.
“Okay. I’ll try and be quick,” Macey said as she leaned over to kiss his forehead.
But as she did, Dean’s hornyness quickly re-emerged as he glanced down and saw his mother’s hard nipples, only inches from his face. The sweet aroma from her hair filled his senses, and her extreme closeness made him reach out and grasp her hips without thinking.
Macey stood up smiling and placed her hands on Dean’s shoulders and said, “I better go before that gets any bigger.”
Dean looked down to see he was semi-hard all ready and let go of his mother’s waist.
Macey turned, and Dean watched as she sashayed out of the room.
Fuck, this is getting worse. He thought as he heard his mother yell she was leaving.
Dean peeked out the window and admired his mother’s ass as she made her way to the car. Then as she drove away, he rushed back into his room.
This is crazy. Why am I eyeing up my own mother like that? He thought as he looked at his laptop.
Dean tried to fight off the building temptation he was feeling, but it was no use; his inner demon once again urged him to read more, and he helplessly turned it on and read another forbidden tale called “The Talisman.”
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Peyton. That’s me. Who lived with his lovely thirty-nine-year-old mother, Lynette. Who in my mind is the hottest woman around.
Lynette is about my height at five foot ten and has a sleek body. Her ass is well toned, and her b size bust is firm. I know this for a fact since Mom likes to go braless under her tight-fitting tee shirts when she’s loafing around the house. Mom’s hair is curly, auburn, and cut at shoulder length. And lastly, her eyes are sapphire blue.
Lynette has been divorced and single since my father thought his younger secretary was sexier than Mom and left us. So what can I say? My father is a loser and has poor taste.
Ever since that happened, I couldn’t stop thinking that all Mom needed in her life was me. Not just to help around the house but to also fulfill her sexual needs.
I tried giving her little hints by saying how attractive I thought she was, but it was obvious the way she thanked me for the compliment; she was just seeing me as her eighteen-year-old son and not a future lover.
That is until the night I caught her standing outside my bedroom door, watching me as I masturbate the umpteenth time to the sexy image I had plastered inside my brain of her.
Mom wasn’t aware I could clearly see what she was doing in the mirror attached to my dresser, and as I watched her hand ever so causally stroll down her body before tucking them inside her jeans, I started to jerk on my dick even faster.
My God, what a fucking turn on to be jerking off while watching your mother masturbate at the same time, and I couldn’t help but start to grunt a little louder as my cum raced up my shaft.
I could tell by her expression and how fast Mom was motioning her arm that she also was going to climax soon, and I guess I let the excitement go to my head because when I saw my mother’s body starting to shake as she braced herself on my door frame, I loudly croaked, “Oh fuck Mom!”
Well, of course, I was about to explode myself, but not before noticing the astonishing appearance my mother displayed when she covered her mother while clamping her legs onto her prying hand.
“Oh, Mom! Oh, Mom! Oh, Mom!” I huffed as my sperm raced up my cock while my mother stood there riding out the last of her orgasm.
Quickly I closed my eyes as my body came like never before, realizing Mom now was aware of my secret sexual fantasy I had of her. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I opened my eyes before abruptly turning around to face the doorway.
Only as I did I let out a loud sigh when I saw my mother had already left.
I guess I shouldn’t have been shocked that she had. I mean, what did I expect to have happened.
However, even the next day, Mom never mentioned anything contrary to what took place between us. Nor the fact that I was moaning her name over and over again, and I thought. Maybe she truly wasn’t aware I noticed her presence.
Even so, I was sure of one thing. Mom was really into what we did, and that only caused me to take this forbidden act we shared even further. I only need to find a way to persuade her into bringing this forbidden sexual act out into the open.
Only I wasn’t sure what could get Mom more obsessed in proceeding down this dark path with me, so I searched the internet many a night until I found a little online ad posted in one of the sex forums. It was placed by this female mystic and seemed interesting enough for me to send her an email inquiring about her product.
The following day, I got a response explaining how she enchanted a talisman with a magical spell that draws a woman to the wearer.
Now I wasn’t born yesterday, and for sure, I figured this was some kind of a hoax to just part me from my money. But after mulling the idea over in my head, I decided if there was any chance that it might be genuine, I should give it an honest try.
Supposedly the charm also came with a guarantee which I figured was just another gimmick to get me to buy it.
I sent the mystic the money via PayPal and figured at least I might have a slim chance of getting my money back if it didn’t work, and then I received a tracking number the next day.
Two days later, my magical talisman arrived, and I quickly put it on under my shirt.
Maybe it was my dire need for Mom to want to take things a little further than I thought she would. But in just a couple of days, I think I noticed a slight change in her. She did seem more touchy and attentive towards me. I think I even detected a subtle difference in the way she kissed my cheek.
However, after a month of wearing the talisman, nothing further progressed. So I emailed the mystic and told her how I would like to return the item for a refund.
I don’t know why but when I got her response the next day, she talked me into letting her put a more powerful spell on it. So I agreed and shipped it back to her, and five days later, I got my new and improved talisman.
To tell you the truth, I really didn’t figure it would work. That was until three nights later. After dinner, I watched a movie with Mom, and as we sat on the couch, Mom moved and cozied up next to me. I was flabbergasted at first but quickly recovered and placed my hand on her leg. Mom, in return, nestled her head into my arm. We stayed like that for about an hour, and then I ever so slowly began to rub Mom’s thigh.
“Mmm, that feels nice,” Mom sweetly said.
So I increased my hand pressure on Mom’s leg and heard a soft contented moan come from her. Gracefully I rubbed Mom’s thigh for another five minutes before daintily dipping my palm down between her inner thighs. Mom’s lips parted, and I heard a soft sigh as I worked my hand ever so slowly between her legs and towards that special spot I so desperately wanted to touch.
Patiently I ventured closer and closer towards my goal while Mom’s breath became heavy, and her eyes closed. But just as I almost reached my prize, Mom’s eyes shot open while putting her hand on top of mine and whispered, “That’s far enough, young man.”
“Oh… Okay, Mom,” I said and adjusted my hand back on her upper thigh.
Mom snuggled back into my shoulder but then placed her hand on my leg and gently massaged it also.
It felt so good having Mom rub my thigh that my cock promptly hardened.
So there I was, kneading Mom’s leg as she caressed mine, and then I noticed Mom’s hand was moving in sync with my own. I turned my head cautiously and saw Mom’s eyes were closed once more while her lips were partially parted.
Then when her breathing became long and heavy, I decided to try once more to take this sexual tension that was building between us a little further. So, once again, I patiently strolled up Mom’s thigh and became ecstatic when her hand did the same thing on mine.
I ventured closer and closer to Mom’s crotch and then felt her leg twitch when they split slightly open. Mom’s own hand was almost at my groin now, and with my free hand, brazenly eased my zipper down softly before releasing my stiff wood to the night air.
Moving just a smidgen at a time. My palm climbed higher up Mom’s thigh until I began to feel the heat that was generating from her pussy. Then it happened, and I felt a sudden rush of sexual pleasure race thru my body when her fingers lightly tapped the back of my shaft and caused my dick to twitch.
Of course, that only added to the fire that was burning inside me now, and without hesitation, I dipped my hand down between her legs while also moving it forward.
When the outside edge of my palm brushed across Mom’s panty-covered pussy she inhaled deeply and then moved her hand upward. This caused another sudden rush of pleasure to race through my body as her palm smeared across my shaft and didn’t stop until it was at the very tip of my dick.
Leisurely I caressed the outer edge of Mom’s hidden treasure with my palm, and her legs parted further while gingerly slathering up and down my excited dick. I could feel my sperm building expeditiously, and I moved my entire palm onto her precious mound.
“Mmm… Oh…” I heard her moan as her ass lightly rose and met my hand while her fingers enclosed completely around my swollen shaft.
I rubbed my hand faster over Mom’s groin, and her moans became louder as she jerked me harder, matching my tempo.
Mom whimpered louder, and her legs lightly tightened on my hand while she feverishly wanked on my dick.
Faster and harder we both went bringing each other closer to a glorious orgasm.
“Oh! Oh god… Oh god… Ah! Ah! Ah!!!” Mom expressed as she bucked and wiggled when her legs snapped shut on my hand. I could feel her juices now flooding thru her panties as my palm raced over her pussy.
This was it; we both were going to come, and just as I was about to explode, I felt her swiftly let go and gasp, saying, “Oh my god! What! What are we doing?”
Promptly she stood up and, while rushing out of the room, shouted, “Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!”
Quickly I fixed my pants and ran after her, but she was already inside her room, and I could hear her crying inside.
I knocked on the door and said how sorry I was but never got a reply back. Knowing it was me that made her cry, I felt like such a heel, and I haltingly walked to my own bedroom.
I sat inaudibly at the breakfast table the next morning, and when Mom finally came out of her room, I noticed she never made eye contact with me.
I knew I had to try and apologize once more, but Mom quickly spoke up and said she didn’t want to discuss it, so we both finished our breakfast in silence.
School that day was just horrible since all I could do was think of how I made Mom cry. I then realized that the only thing the talisman had done was make my life horrible. My dream and desire to become my mother’s lover were now being replaced with the hope that she could still love me like a son.
That even at home, Mom was waiting for me and called me into the living room for a talk.
“Sit down,” she sternly said and then went on, explaining how wrong it was for us to be doing what we did last night.
Mom once again began to tear up when she said, “I’m not blaming you for all of what happened. God knows I wasn’t in my right mind either. I still can’t fathom that I was jerking you off like that.”
Mom started to sob, and I quickly knelt in front of her. I placed my hand on top of hers and sweetly said, “Mom, I promise I’ll never try anything like that again. I feel so bad that I upset you. I hope you can someday forgive me for what I did.
Mom sniffled and took my hand into hers and replied, “There’s nothing to forgive, Honey. We both made a horrible mistake. I think the best thing we can do is put it behind us and move forward.”
Mom leaned forward, and I hugged her hard and said, “I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Honey,” she said as she embraced me back.
That night I wrote another email to the mystic and told her all that had happened and again asked for a refund.
However, when I got a reply the following day, I was shocked by her response. Since I never mentioned to her that the woman was actually my mother, she said the talisman would, of course, not be fully capable of having her do such an act and followed by saying all was not lost. But now that she knows the truth, she could still help me achieve my goal; only it would cost me some additional money since it involved a totally different approach.
I thought about her response that day at school and replied back that evening. I said I would have to think about it since the money was much more than the original talisman.
But, of course, I left out the part that I also promised my mother I wouldn’t try something like that again. I wasn’t sure if it was worth taking the risk after seeing how upset…