Emma: A sexually frustrated teenager – Part 1: Bored and sexually frustrated

"Sixteen-year-old Emma is looking back on the sex she had just before the pandemic started. Will anything like it ever happen again?"

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Emma was bored. Damn bored! She was sixteen years old, in her first year of upper secondary school and this spring semester could not get any worse. It was Tuesday the fifth of May 2020 and for almost two months now she had been in isolation. That’s two months without her friends and two months without sex. She was seriously getting fed up with it.

She sat and stared at her computer screen and tried to keep up with the history lesson that was currently being held on the video chat. Her thoughts, on the other hand, were constantly wandering astray. She lifted her gaze from the screen and looked out of the window where the spring sun gently appeared between the thin clouds. She looked at the screen again. Her teacher was in the big picture and was talking about something related to the ancient Greeks. She tried to follow along and take notes, but it was hard to keep focused. It was the last lesson of the day, and she could kill to get a cup of the school cafeteria’s cheap instant coffee. At home, there was both a nice brand of brewed coffee and an espresso machine, but it was for the school cafeteria she longed.

In reality, it was her friends that she was missing. One of them, her “BFF”, Alice, was right now asking a question. Emma smiled a little as her friend’s short-cut red-haired face for a short moment filled half the screen. Emma looked at her own thumbnail. A black tank top, quite a narrow face with a pointed nose, and long blond hair that went below the shoulders and outside the frame. Outside the picture, she was also wearing a pair of hipster panties but nothing more.

Just before class began, she had been lying on her bed masturbating. She had spent the twenty-minute break watching some porn and trying to get herself to orgasm. Without any success. Maybe that’s why she couldn’t focus on Ancient Greece? Or was it just because the subject was boring? Or was it because the weather outside was nice, because it sucked not to be able to go to school, because, well, because everything with this spring was shit?! Or simply just because she was horny. Fucking horny! And extremely sexually frustrated.

Like all other upper secondary school students in Sweden, Emma was stuck at home. She and her family lived in a reasonably large country house and when the schools closed, Emma and her older brother almost ended up under house arrest. Emma thought she had never seen this much of him as she’d done over the last few weeks. Not since he started studying at university last autumn anyway. 

Her teacher kept grinding on while Emma’s thoughts continued to spin away on their own accord. She and her older brother Hannes were stuck in the house. She didn’t think she’d ever long to go to school, but now she did. In fact, she was a little jealous of her younger brother Filip, who was still in lower secondary school.

Filip was also sixteen. They were in the middle of the roughly three months window where they seemed to be the same age. In reality, he was a year younger than her. As he was in grade nine, he was the only member of the sibling group who was still allowed to take the bus into town each morning. Not that he seemed too happy about that. A month before the end of term and all he wanted to do was to sit at home, play video games, and try not to think about the fact that all the end of school activities had already been canceled. No. She assumed that Filip probably was less than amused at being the only one who still went into the actual school building.

Emma could at least sleep until half-past eight before she had to get up and make herself at least reasonably presentable before the first lesson started. He still had to get up at half-past six. When the school day was over, just after half-past three or around four, all he could do was to take the bus home again.

There was no question of hanging around with friends. Their parents were very strict on social distancing. No wonder really, since both of them worked in health care. Her mother, Elisabet, was a nurse at the A&E and her father, Erik, was an ambulance paramedic. They were on the front line, and it was of the utmost importance that they and the rest of the family stayed healthy.

She sighed and stared tiredly at the screen. One of the solutions to her sexual frustration could be found at school. His name was Oskar, and he was in the year above hers. They had been having sex for just under a year now but had not been able to hook up for almost three months, before everything with the virus crisis broke out, they had both been busy. She with her swimming and he with his football.

Now both training and competitions were canceled. Admittedly, sports were still allowed if it was held outdoors, but since the town only had an indoor swimming pool, the board of the swimming club had decided to cancel all training activities. Going to competitions and camps was of course out of the picture! Sleeping on the floor of a classroom or sports hall was nothing anyone wanted to do in these times. She’d been texting a bit with Oskar and so far, his football continued much as usual. No camps or overnight stays at matches but since they kept outdoors, the local teams thought they could continue almost as usual. Even though the prime minister had stated that it was “irresponsible” to continue with sports like football at the current time.

Emma stared blankly in front of her. At first, she didn’t even notice that her teacher began to wrap up the lesson. Somehow, she managed to jot down the pages she needed to read and the things she needed to write until the next one, before taking off her headset. She saw classmate after classmate leave the video meeting before she pressed the big red button that made herself leave with a “chuff”. 

“I really need to fuuucck,” she exhaled into the void and got up from the chair. 

Yes. She really needed to fuck! But first a cup of coffee.

She walked past her bed and wardrobe and opened the door leading out to the large room that served as some sort of combined hallway and living room for the upstairs. There stood a sofa, a table, and a bench with a large TV as well as all other conceivable, and inconceivable, equipment for watching TV, streaming movies, or playing games. She stopped outside her room and tried to hear if any noises were coming from the room next to hers, but it seemed quiet. The fact that she had seen more of her brother lately than ever before was not due to him appearing often, but rather because he was never otherwise at home. Quite understandable, she thought. After all, it took him more than an hour to get to the university by bus. To top it up, the last one to call at their lone stop departed as early as half-past six in the evening. 

“Does he even have any lectures at all?” she mumbled quietly and began to cross the large room. 

She felt the sun-warmed parquet against the soles of her bare feet and stopped at the landing and listened for a while at Filip’s door. Even though he probably wouldn’t be home for at least an hour still.

Filip had by far the largest room on the whole upper floor. He got it when they moved here seven years ago as he had been a kid and needed to have space for all his toys. She had been given the smallest room. It could fit a bed, a desk, a dresser, and a wardrobe. No more! Her older brother had got a little, but not much, more space than her. As recently as a few weeks ago, she had been arguing with her parents about swapping rooms. Since when was it reasonable for a sixteen-year-old guy to have a fucking walk-in closet?!?!

In addition to the three bedrooms, there was a small guest room, a large bathroom, and a door leading out on a long narrow balcony. When Emma came downstairs, she first walked past her parents’ bedroom, they wouldn’t be home until 7:30 at the earliest, depending on what happened. 

So far, the shit had not totally hit the county of Västra Götaland, so for the moment, her mum and dad were busy with the usual horrors. Traffic accidents, cardiac arrests, people who fell and hit themselves in the woods, or other things that caused people to be picked up by an ambulance and dropped off at the accidents and emergencies. For a second, she thought of it almost as a sleazy hospital soap. Dad arriving at high speed with an old man whose heart had stopped and then being greeted by his wife who receives the patient. Amid all the blue light, squeaking machines, and screams, they kissed each other passionately. Both Elisabet and Erik had strongly denied that such a thing ever would occur when she’d once joked about it. If they did meet at work, they handled it strictly professional. Although many of their colleagues of course knew that they were married.

She walked past the glass doors that lead to the large living room that served as some kind of library, den, and extra TV room and went into the kitchen where she met her twenty-year-old brother. He was leaning against the sink with a bowl of cereal in his hand. 

“Hi,” he said briefly and looked at her. 

“Hello! What’s up?” she replied while putting a capsule into the coffee machine. 

“Not much,”

“Was up half the night with Hampus and tried to get some 3D stuff to work without success so have slept almost all morning. “

“Don’t you have any lectures?”

“No. No, haven’t. Not this week anyway. We’re going to submit this assignment on Tuesday next week, so we’ll probably sit up and talk a lot for the next few nights I guess.”

“Ah, No other plans?”

Hannes laughed a little at his sister’s question.

“No, What the hell could you have planned these days anyway? You’ve got anything?”

“No, Haven’t. Nothing at all” she sighed and poured her coffee into a small square-shaped cup.

“Thought you might have had meetups on zoom, or whatever people do nowadays?” 

She had herself been hanging out in the chat with some of her favourite YouTubers and had some group chats with Alice and some other friends.

“Guess the student union does run some stuff but feels a little, well, contrived, I guess.” 

“Frida and I are going to have a date on Skype tonight, anyway.“

“Oh. That’s Nice! Sounds cosy.”

“I Guess. Not as cosy as when we meet, but, always something.”

“Do you have any Skype dates booked?”

“Haha. Nooo,” she giggled. 

“You know. I don’t talk much to the people I sleep with.”

“Well. It does seem that you and that Oskar bloke at least talk a little when you have him over.”

“Not enough for it to be worth having a Skype date,” she replied.

The room fell silent for a few seconds.

“Uhm. But say hello to Frida then,” she finally said and took her coffee cup from the counter and started to walk out of the kitchen.

“See ya, big bro’.”

“See ya, baby sis’.”

‘Baby sis’?? Really? Like he had any memories of her as a baby?!’ Only four years separated them, after all. Quite often four years was a big age difference, she supposed. But, he must have very few, if any, memories of her as a baby. She walked back to her room, sat down at her desk and started to drink the coffee that was, in every possible way, better than that of the school; but not at all what she wanted. But yeah. It wasn’t just the coffee.

She thought about being able to get a chance to find some hidden place where she and Oskar could have some fun. Fantasized about giving him a quick blowjob in some abandoned classroom or possibly sneaking into the locker room at the sports hall to get a quick one from behind in the showers. She then thought of her two swimming buddies, William and Alexander. She didn’t know if she’d ever see one of them again.

Emma downed the coffee and lay down on the bed, pulled off her panties and picked up the dildo she was using before the history lesson began. ‘At least something positive about being forced to study from home,’ she thought and put the vibrating tip against her clitoris. 

She and Oskar had met at a start of the year party last august. He had just recently relocated, was funny, exciting and really good looking. Being just over one meter eighty, he may not be the tallest person around, but quite enough for Emma. She had been instantly drawn to his raven-black hair that was tousled in just the right way to make it look like he didn’t care about his looks, while clearly spending a lot of time on them. The plan was for Emma to crash at the host’s place but instead, she ended up at Oskar’s house, and in his bedroom. It wasn’t the first time she had sex, but it was the best sex she’d had up till that point. 

Since then, they had tried a lot of things. It was with him she first had anal sex and realized that sometimes she needed it more in her ass than getting something in her cunt. They had tried having sex outdoors and at school. Actually, it was in one of the showers next to the gym. It happened one afternoon when there weren’t any sport lessons going on. She loved how quickly he could move in her. It was like a freaking machine was unleashed when he got started and the best he was from behind with her on all fours. Damn, how nicely he fucked her then! 

Alexander and William were her other two recurring male sex partners. She had met them both through swimming. Alex was a friend she had met at various camps and competitions. He was from Gothenburg and swam in a club that her team often trained with.

Late last September, she and he was attending the same weekend boot camp. Saturday night, the group had played spin the bottle and the two of them had become more and more flirtatious towards each other. They continued in the same way even after the game was finished and when everyone else went to bed, they, giggling frantically, decided to find a corner where they could be alone.

Eventually, they ended up in a small reading room with a low sofa built from mattresses and soft pillows. With Alex, it was quieter and a little softer sex. Not romantic, but calmer. He had fondled her for a long time, massaged her legs and got her completely crazy before he had licked her to an orgasm. Then he had fucked her in long but hard strokes in what seemed like ages. Of the ones she had sex with, he definitely had the biggest cock. She had no idea how big, but it felt like it was much longer and thicker than average. 

If Alexander had been a friend who suddenly gained further benefits, William was an entirely new acquaintance. He was from Stockholm and they had first met at a national training camp for young people. She never really understood what she was doing at such camps or national competitions. She plainly wasn’t good enough to be considered an elite, or even someone whoever could be. Still, she occasionally qualified and her club seemed to think it was worth putting her name on the list, even though it was usually found far down the leader board.

William on the other hand; was elite! He usually made the top five and people talked about how he was promising for the World Cup and even the Olympics within just a few years. Why he had ended up chatting with a barely more than mediocre girl from the countryside of western Sweden, she did not understand. But they had started talking and, in accordance with her habits, she had sex with him on the first night. He was not as fast as Oskar, did not have as much attention to detail as Alexander, but he was a pretty good fuck and his rather narrow cock was damn nice to take in the ass. They had only met each other two times so far but had hooked up twice every time they did. 

 She moved the dildo in and out of her pussy at a leisurely pace and thought back to all the sex she had with her three lovers. Admittedly, she had been through quite a lot during the ten months that had passed since her sixteenth birthday. Of the four guys she had sex with, these were the three she had chosen to come back to.

There was one more person that she always came back to, and that was Alice. They had known each other for a long time and became some kind of “best friends” when they started in the same class this school year. Since Alice lived in town, it was often the case that Emma slept at her place on the weekends and even the occasional weekdays. After a party with many ciders, they had come home to her parentless apartment. There, they had stood in the kitchen and grabbed themselves some Smirnoff Ice that Alice’s mother had left for them in the fridge.

They’d spoken loudly about the evening and who they’d seen messing around with who and how the talk would go around at school on Monday. Both also agreed that it sucked that they had not been able to pick up anyone. Emma had not had sex for a few weeks now and none of the farmer boys she met during the evening was even close to qualifying as a possible shag. Alice, for her part, was only interested in girls and had yet to meet anyone locally that she wanted to take the first step with.

“Doesn’t it suck to just have away games?” Emma asked. “I wouldn’t have survived if I could only fuck my swim buddies.”

“Yea. But everyone around here is the worst Lambi rolls ever. They can make any lake go dry,” she said, referring to the famous kitchen roll tv adverts. 

“All of them?” Emma laughed.

“Ok. No. Not all of them. One in the stable is quite cute …” she laughed, 

“And you’re always fucking hot.”

“I know,” Emma giggled. 

“Everyone thinks I’m a great catch. Everybody wants me!” she answered and gave Alice a quick kiss on the mouth. 

It wasn’t the first time they’d kissed or made out with each other while being drunk They’ve discussed it, while sober, and had both agreed that it was just fun and rather innocent. But they both would also speak up if it ever felt wrong. This time, it didn’t feel wrong. They continued their scoff and Emma began to caress Alice along the sides of her upper body.

Alice was slim and rather petite, just over one-fifty. Admittedly, Emma wasn’t exactly a tall figure either with her 162 centimetres. In any case, she had no problem lifting her friend and putting her on the kitchen table. By the time Alice sat there, Emma had parted her legs and started kissing her along her thighs, licking over her knee and along her shin. She had taken her friend’s small foot in her mouth and licked her sole. This was far more than they’d ever done before. She could hear Alice moaning faintly between small bursts of soft laughter. 

Alice was a redhead with dark brown eyes. She had pale, almost all-white skin, medium-sized breasts and a small, but round butt. This evening she was dressed in a red tank top and a black skirt. Emma licked again along her legs and eventually came up against her thighs. When she reached the edge of her skirt, she continued licking and kissing until she could feel the edges of her best friend’s underwear. Emma smiled as she remembered that Alice had worn a thong the first time they had sex. It was something that had surprised her. She had let her two hands meet over Alice’s genitals, kneaded her buttocks and then put her thumbs just over her pussy and pressed hard at her crouch. Just the kind of thing Alex had done to her. 

“You alright?” she asked, looking up at Alice’s face. 

Her friend had nodded in response. 

Emma leaned forward and licked the outside of her knickers before she bit hold of them and, under Alice’s giggles, pulled them down with her mouth. She had once again looked up at Alice’s face before bending over and rolling up her skirt. Alice’s labia were shaven but a well-trimmed, red-haired bush had been left above the slit. Emma bent over and started to lick. 

She tried to do it in the way she wanted it herself. She started by pressing her tongue quite hard against the clitoris but felt pretty quickly that it was a bit too early for her friend and changed the tactics. Instead, she licked her along her outer lips. She then shoved her tongue into her and tasted her best friend’s juices. It tasted amazing! She made her tongue a little wider and again licked upwards along her slit and then let her tongue stay over her clitoris for a few seconds. She looked up at Alice’s face to see if she was ok. Their gaze met and they both smiled at each other.

Emma bent over and kissed Alice on the mouth. They made out wildly with each other while Emma’s hands made their way down to Alice’s pussy again. Once there, she put two fingers in her and started to move. She had two fingers inside her pussy while she massaged the clitoris with her thumb. Emma broke the kiss and let her tongue go on a journey along Alice’s upper body. She licked the far side of her neck, over the clavicle and back again until her tongue was just above the edge of the tank top. She gently rolled it up over Alice’s breasts and cupped one hand over one of her bra-clad mounds. She pinched her nipples through the fabric before pulling down the bra so that it was just below her breasts. Then she licked down between them and up the side of the hills, lifted her head, smiled at her friend and bent forward and kissed the right nipple. She licked around it, sucked it into her mouth and circled her tongue while continuing to finger Alice with slow movements.

They kissed again before Emma continued to lick over her stomach, down to her belly button, around the bush and further down to the clitoris. She stopped with her mouth right over it and exhaled some warm air. She could feel Alice shudder when she did. She put her tongue against the clitoris and started licking while she now shoved three fingers in an ever-faster pace inside Alice’s pussy. She alternated between licking and stimulating the clit with her thumb until she could feel that Alice was approaching her climax. Emma removed her thumb, blew another bit of air on the clitoris before she bent over and let her lips wrap it before she started licking at a fast pace. She heard Alice start moaning in ever shorter pulses and felt her lift her legs and pressing her heels against Emma’s shoulders. Emma got hold of Alice’s legs and spread them out like a butterfly and dived down with her entire mouth on the soaked cunt. It gushed even more fluid just as Alice’s whole body trembled and she came with a whimper. Emma lifted her juice-soaked face, bent over the table and tenderly kissed her friend. 

Both girls were breathing silently for a while before Emma helped Alice down from the table. Both of them had a little pain in their backs. Alice from lying on the hard kitchen table and Emma from standing leaning with her back at a straight angle to it. They stretched out, took a few sips of the Smirnoff and looked a little shyly at each other.

“That was …” Emma said and immediately lost the tread.

“Yeah. That was something,” Alice finished the sentence.

She got up on shaky legs and dragged Emma along to her room. As soon as they got in, she pushed her down on the large single bed, threw herself over her and started kissing.

It didn’t take long for her to pull off Emma’s clothes. Her white tank top quickly went over her head, a quick click and the bra fell off, a quick jerk and the black skirt went to the floor and the nearly transparent thong almost broke when she hastily pulled them down Emma’s soft and fully shaven legs. Alice lifted the right one straight up in the air and began licking along the inside of the shin and up towards the narrow feet, past the heel and out on the side of the foot.

Emma had, for the evenings’ occasion, painted her toenails red. They had stuck out the front of her high-heeled boots with an open toe. Alice first took the big toe in her mouth and sucked it for a few seconds before she took it out and licked around it. She bent the foot so that the sole was straight to her face and licked and kissed while massaging it with her thumbs. Emma fully enjoyed the treatment and sighed in pleasure. Alice sucked about half her foot into her mouth before licking along the side and down her leg again. Once down at the pussy, she put Emma’s leg down in a bent position on the bed, blew a little teasingly over the perfectly smooth-shaven cunt and repeated the treatment but now on the other leg.

She continued like that for what Emma felt was an eternity. Her pussy just got wetter and wetter and it almost pounded. She couldn’t remember ever being this turned on. She put one hand down to caress herself, but Alice firmly pushed it away. 

Just as Emma thought that she would not be able to take it anymore, Alice stopped over her pussy and kissed it. She had the whole of it in her mouth and sucked in Emma’s wetness. She crawled up over her and opened her mouth to kiss. Emma tasted herself when Alice pressed a mixture of her saliva and Emma’s juices into her mouth. She swallowed the liquid and giggled. She had tasted herself before. Both alone and with others. She often sucked off Oskar’s fingers after he’d been in her, but she’d never tasted herself like this. She thought she liked it.

Alice quickly licked her way down Emma’s body and went down on her. She stuck her tongue in her pussy and licked up against the clitoris. She quickly pushed in two fingers and immediately upped it to three. After a few minutes of fingering, Emma had four fingers inside of her. She felt wetter than she had ever done before, and it felt like she would be torn in pieces by the feeling of her friend’s fingers pressing up against the ceiling of her tight cunt. Alice took out her hand and made Emma taste it. She sucked off finger by finger and moaned in a low voice as she felt the taste of herself.

Alice again went down on Emma and parted her legs as far as she could. She pushed her fingers together so that her long and ring finger lay on top of her index and little finger. She then put her thumb underneath and slowly pushed her hand into Emma.

“You have five fingers inside you now,” she whispered and began to move her hand gently before she resumed licking the clitoris. 

For every thrust, she bent her fingers downwards and spread them out inside her. Slowly but surely, the hand was transformed into a fist. Alice held her hand still inside Emma for a few seconds before she gently took it out. Slowly but with quite a bit of pressure, she drove it back in. Emma gasped.

“Are you all right?”

“Think so,” Emma replied. 

“Try to sit up and look. You’ve got my whole hand inside you.”

Emma put her elbows in the mattress and lifted herself to a sitting position. She looked down between her legs and saw Alice’s forearm disappear between them. 

Alice slowly began to move her hand with small movements but without pulling it out. She bent her hand upwards and Emma gasped in shock as she watched her stomach bulge out every time Alice moved her arm. Emma could not stay in a sitting position for long as Alice bent over and quickly started licking her. She fell backwards and crashed into the mattress. Alice quickly looked up with a smile before continuing the licking. At the same time, she began to meet the bumps from the inside by pressing down on the stomach with her palm.

“Oh, my God!” Emma gasped loudly and squinted her eyes. “Oh, shit, oh shit! Ahhhrgh.”

“Are you all right? Should I stop?”

“No, I’m fine. Go on, keep going. Oh right there. Damn, I’m coooming!” she screamed.

Alice removed her tongue from the clitoris and held her hands still with pressure from both sides. The room was completely quiet for a few seconds before she dived in and licked the clitoris even harder than before.

“Aaahhh. Nngg iiih. Good good! Fuck! What are you doing?! Fuuuck!” Emma screamed while she came in what might have been the strongest orgasm she’d ever had. 

“Oh, fucking Christ,” she gasped after she recovered.

“Are you all right? Was it too much?” Alice asked a little worried.

“That was amazing. Maybe a little harder than I usually take it, but I liked it.”

They went back into the kitchen and drank a glass of Coke each before going back to the bedroom. They gave each other a quick good night kiss and fell asleep pretty much immediately. 

Since then, they had continued to have sex. They used to see each other about every two weeks or so. Usually, it wasn’t as intense as their first time. But they sometimes got a whole weekend alone together where they could try different things on each other. Their last full day had been during the February winter sports break and since then they had, sadly, not had time to meet up at all.

It was Alice who had given Emma her dildo. She had received it along with a butt plug made of glass as a Christmas gift. Since then they had used them both on each other. 

But now Emma lay all alone with a wet and throbbing cunt and drove the vibrating rod in and out while she lightly let two fingers play over her clitoris. She was pretty close now. She moistened her fingers a bit with her juices and increased the vibration to the max. ‘Oh. Anytime now,’ she thought and moved the dildo as fast and hard as she could.

“Ohhh. Hu.”

It was a small orgasm. She was still almost as unsatisfied as before. She turned over on the side, raised her head on the elbow and opened the bottom drawer of her desk and picked out some lube and the plug. It wasn’t exactly a small thing she’d gotten as a present. Alice had laughed when Emma first saw it.

“What you’ve told me this should be just above Alex’s size.”

She was probably right. Emma thought that it might actually be a couple of centimetres thicker than Alex. It took some lube and practice to get it in but the same had applied to him as well. Emma liked that it was all made of glass. Especially the times she used it on Alice. She’d been able to see straight up her. In the case of Alice, it went in her cunt though. She could just not take such a big thing in her rear. 

Emma pumped out a large amount of lube in her hand and began to carefully apply it to the plug. Then she pulled up her legs and tried to angle her butt as much as she could to more easily inject lube directly inside her. She used her middle finger to massage the slippery liquid in her hole. When it started to get dry in the opening, she pumped in a bit more. Now she was also using her index finger to warm up. One more round and now even the ring finger would fit. She pulled out her hand, sprayed some more lube between her buttocks and inserted the plug. It was slow at first but just when it felt like it wouldn’t go in, she pushed some more. The muscle relaxed and the plug was sucked in. She picked up the dildo that was still lying next to her on the bed, also lubricated it and turned it on before putting it against her clitoris.

She thought back to the last (it felt like the very last) time she had sex. It was the first weekend of March and only a couple of weeks before all this shit broke loose for real. Now it was almost two months since she got anything, and it was far too long! Especially since she had barely gone more than a week or two without sex since the start of the school year.

She had been to a big national swimming competition in Malmö. Of course, William had been there, but Alexander had also managed to qualify. She had barely got below the time needed to be invited herself.

She had not been able to figure out how she would handle both of her “lovers” being at the same place. They hadn’t talked much about how they defined their relationships. Both guys knew that it was all just sex though. William, the nerd that he was, had perhaps thought about them becoming a couple. She had instantly shattered those dreams and explained that she was not interested in any relationship. She wanted to have a lot of good sex and didn’t want to commit to one person or gender. She was prepared to lose him as a sexual partner there and then, but he actually took it pretty well. 

He had said that he didn’t have time for a girlfriend anyway. An elite athlete as he was. ‘Men and their egos,’ she had thought. Although being happy to have someone to fuck during the weekends she attended some big competition. The weekends were otherwise Alice’s or sometimes Oskar’s. 

It was so simple with them. Oskar did not want to hear anything about the others she had sex with and did not want to tell her anything in return. Alice, on the other hand, was quite the opposite. Although Alice herself wasn’t interested in sex with guys, she loved to listen to Emma’s stories about it. They used to sit naked next to each other and tell each other about their last encounters and then try one, or a couple, of the things that they thought sounded the most fun.

It was really only when Emma arrived that she realized how big this competition actually was. At least, she’d never been to anything like this before. 

She was used to taking the small railcar to Gothenburg by herself and after she arrived at the Central station she had no difficulty finding Alexander. He in turn quickly found the others with whom they would take the train further south towards Malmö. Once there, they had taken the commuter train out to the swimming facility. Since none of them was competing on the Friday, they’d decided to go straight to the nearby hotel and check in. It was located just a few minutes walk from the arena. 

That was probably the biggest thing for Emma. She had only twice previously stayed in a hotel when she competed and then there had always been at least three people sharing the room. This time, she would only share the room with one other girl. She half-knew her from one of the clubs around Gothenburg, but just as she was boarding the train, she had learnt that the girl had cancelled. All weekend she would stay all by herself. 

It wasn’t a luxury hotel by any means, but who cares? She had a hotel room all to herself! The national weekends and races were much more luxurious than the local ones that she was used to. Especially if adults were there. Like this competition for example. She had seen people born all the years between -05 and -93. The ninety-threes were fucking ten years older than herself! She felt a great measure of imposter syndrome when she thought about it.

After she and the others had checked in they took the elevator up to their rooms. They weren’t going to meet until dinner. She unlocked the door with the key card and put an old Västtrafik travel card in the holder that ensured that the room got power. The first time she had stayed in a hotel, she had left her key card behind and had to wait for someone else to come and open the door. She had then got the suggestion to use another card, like her bus pass instead. So the next time, of course, she left that one behind and had to walk off to the school office and ask for a new one. This time, she did not want to take any chances. She slid in a card that the family had used on a trip to Gothenburg some while ago. Thanks to Västrafik’s wonderfully designed ticketing system, the card’s balance stood at some minus four hundred Swedish crowns or something like that. It would be no problem leaving it behind. It was destined for the trash anyway.

Emma looked around the room and felt excited to have it all by herself. It consisted of two single beds with a bedside table, two armchairs with a small table in between and a desk that went along the wall opposite the foot of the beds. Over the desk hung a small TV. The wall between the desk and the TV consisted of a mirror that went along the tabletop and then swung out onto the wall to the left of it where it became a full-body mirror. She turned on the television and browsed the channels for a bit. The usual cable channels, some Danish channels, BBC World news and some radio. She let Swedish Radio P3 stay on and went out to the small hallway and poked around. There were a couple of wardrobes and a door leading into the small bathroom. She was disappointed to see that there was only a shower and no bathtub. She went out to the room again and pulled the two single beds together so that they became a double. Then she took off all her clothes.

 She liked to walk around naked but couldn’t do it as often as she wanted to. She wasn’t home alone often enough to dare walk around the house in the nude and it felt like little point doing it in her own room. Although, she did do that from time to time. She could sit at her desk without clothes and study and many evenings she lay naked on the bed watching a film or tv-series. However, she always had to put something on as soon as she had to leave the room, albeit just to have a cup of tea or a sandwich. 

She walked around the room for a while and opened drawers and wardrobes without finding anything of interest. Finally, she sat down on the bed, bunted up some pillows against the wall and started taking selfies and full-body pictures through the mirror. When she had taken about twenty pictures, she picked out one that she was happy with. One could clearly see her pointed and pink nipples, her stomach looked flat and she spread her legs so that it was possible to see straight into her small open pussy. Like everyone who competed in swimming, she was smooth-shaven everywhere on her body, except her head. It wasn’t about fashion, it was more about reducing friction in the water. She sent the picture to Oskar and Alice who both received the same message. 

> Wish it wasn’t so empty between my legs.

It was followed by some heart emojis. 

She knew Oskar was on his way in a bus to a match and didn’t expect him to answer until later in the evening but the answer from Alice came quite quickly.

> Better invite those dicks to your room then, haven’t you?

> Those dicks? Not just one of those dicks but both of ’em”?

> Yea. Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it!

> Thought about what? Having a threesome?

> Yea. Thought it was one of your fantasies.

> Yeaaa. But still. I don’t know.

> What? How often do you have two willing guys at the same place? Do you think they’d complain?”

> Haha. Nooo. But William may still not have time or the strength tho.

> Fuck him then! Or fuck Alex if William has something more important to do.  

Emma smiled.

> Hm. Maybe

> Come on, let’s go! Have fun! Get loads of cock!

> What do you get out of trying to get me having a threesome?

> I’ll hear a sexy story next time I see you

> Haha. We’ll see.

It was true that she had fantasied about having sex with more people than one. It was also true that the idea of more guys had always felt more attractive than more girls. Imagine two guys who only cared about her. ‘Maybe I should invite them both?’

How could she not have seen that as a possibility? It would solve the problem, wouldn’t it? Why choose one when you can have them both? She thought the guys hardly would complain. But if one skipped, there was always the other.

> Threesome it is then

> Nice! Send pictures!

> Haha. Yea right

Alice sent back an emoji depicting a camera.

> Fuck off! You don’t like cock anyway!

> Yes I do! In pictures

> You’re a weird kind of lesbian you know that right

> That’s why you love me

She had no idea if they even would be interested and Alice was already talking about pictures. Maybe William didn’t feel like having sex at all this weekend. He had competitions for pretty much all of Saturday and she also thought that he had some stuff going on during the Sunday. He swam different distances and needed time to recharge both before and after. If anything were to happen, it was probably Saturday night. Unless he needed to rest, that is. So far though, he had yet to turn her down. Perhaps it was that he, despite all the talk about ‘always putting the swimming first,’ could not really say no to the blonde, slim sixteen-year-old girl from Gothenburg.

> Yea. right 

Emma added a face that stuck out its tongue and then put the phone down on the bedside table. It was time for her to get ready for dinner.

She got out of the bed, went into the bathroom and then the shower. She soaped herself, washed her hair and used a moisturizing conditioner. ‘Why would William say no anyway?’ She knew that she wasn’t model-looking, but she looked pretty good and so far, she’d gotten all the guys she ever wanted. It gave her some sort of self-confidence. Besides, it wasn’t just any old sex he would turn down. He’d say no to a threesome. A threesome with a cute blonde that he knew was more than happy to take his cock in her ass and then suck him until he came in her mouth or over her tits or in her face. They’d tried all three. They had been having sex in a sauna, in a relaxation area and in the middle of the night by the poolside. The latter when they stayed at a conference centre with its own 50-metre pool. Elite swimmer or not; there was no reasonable reason whatsoever to say no. None that Emma could think of anyway. But of course, one could never be sure. 

When she was done, she gently wiped her hair with a towel before putting on one of the hotel’s dressing gowns. She pulled out some heat protection from her toilet bag and rubbed it into her hair. She then proceeded to dry it with the hotel’s hairdryer. She added a light layer of makeup, took some shine on her lips and began painting her nails in a dark red hue. She put on a black dress that ended just below her knees. Underneath, she wore a pair of black leggings and matching socks. She then stepped in a pair of white ballerina shoes. She grabbed her mobile, wallet, condoms, lube and makeup and put it all in her purse.

She took the elevator down to the reception and placed herself on a large sofa from which she could check out everyone who went into the restaurant. Most were completely unknown to her, but she could recognize some half-known swimming faces among everyone who went in to enjoy tonight’s dinner. Most were dressed in much simpler attire than herself, but she felt like “stepping it up a bit”. Some of the more seasoned participants pretty much stared at her. She was pretty sure they wondered what a person like her was even doing there. At least, it felt that way.

After a few minutes, she saw Alex and another guy walking towards her. She thought she remembered that his name was Anders or Olof or something like that. He was a few years older than her. She quickly greeted him before striking up a conversation with Alexander. After a few more minutes, their coach came down together with two girls in their twenties. They all went into the dining room and soon found the table reserved for them. 

Emma looked around the premises. They sat at the far end and had a large window on one side. She sat on a chair on the outer edge and tried to look out past the others, but it was already pitch dark outside. Opposite her sat Alex, next to her sat one of the two girls and the other sat opposite her, next to Alex. At the end of the table, next to the window sat the coach and Anders-Olof. She looked at the table closest to them and saw some guys who seemed to be around twenty-three or maybe twenty-five. Overall, they looked quite uninteresting. At the table was also a girl who was perhaps just over twenty or a couple of years older. She had short blond hair and a cute, heart-shaped face. She looked like she was slightly taller than Emma. She was wearing a t-shirt with text in Danish. “Helsingør Swimming society,” it said.

Alexander also seemed to have picked up that their neighbours were from Denmark. He leaned over the table and whispered.

“What’s ‘the silence of the lambs’ called in Danish?” he asked. 

“What?” she replied.

“When the sheep shut up.”

She gave him a faint smile.

“Yeah. Or not.”

“Then what’s it called then?”

“Well. Literally ‘Eye of the evil’,” she answered him.

“Really? That’s so lame!”

“Yeah. That’s because Danish is a lame language,” she said with a smile.

“Yeah. Cause Swedish is such fun,” said one of the totally bland guys in some kind of half-Swedish.

“Nah. But it’s possible to understand though,” she answered him in Danish.

“So. you’re trying to speak Danish are you?” he did not sound very impressed.

“Yea. You know. Cause when you’re a kid and gran is Danish, and you don’t get a flying shit of what she’s saying you kinda’ get forced to learn the lingo. Even though danish is a garbage language for garbage people. Like. Danish kids actually learn to speak later than other kids because you guys never learnt how to A R T I C U L A T E,” she said the last word in Swedish.

“It’s always good to be bilingual, though,” he continued in his mix of the two languages.

“In Danish and Swedish? When would I ever use that?”

“Like really? Sweden is building fucking fighter jets. We have given the world ABBA AND Spotify! Every fucking person on the globe got stuff from IKEA! What have you brought? Lego, that one good Eurovision song and pissing beer!”

“Well. Good luck in the competition then,” he said in a cold voice and turned away. 

She looked towards the cute girl.

“Sorry. Maybe went on a little bit over the line there,” Emma said loud enough for them to hear if they wanted to.

“It’s ok,” the girl replied quietly. 

“He needs someone to deflate him now and then. Even though it was a bit harsh.”

Emma was saved the embarrassment by her coach who started to speak from the other end of the table.

“Oh, yes! Welcome to Malmö then. How fun that we, also this year, have some that have qualified for the Swedish Grand Prix. I know that we will see excellent results from all of you.”

“As if,” Alex mumbled

“I know some of you haven’t quite reached the top yet. But remember that it’s still early in your career and you’re here to learn. In a few years, you will be the new William Svensson or Alva Österberg. Then perhaps you are our new Swedish hopes.”

“Like I said: As if,” Alex mumbled in such a low voice that only Emma could hear him.

They both knew that they were completely uninterested in reaching the elite. They liked to swim; it was fun to compete, but this was not a job. It was not the thing they wanted to spend the rest of their lives doing. When the years of the youth finally came to an end and they had to make the “decision” with a capital D, they both knew that they would say No. William and Alva could go on if they wanted to, but Emma and Alexander were not interested!

Their starters were brought in and Emma looked at her plate. It was some kind of cabbage, vinaigrette, tofu and seeds. It looked rather nice actually. Many of the adults ate meat but most young people got served a vegan dish. Emma herself was more of a vegetarian but had of course no problem with not getting milk or eggs in her food. She glanced towards the Danes. The cute girl and the bothersome dude were served the same food as her. It took maybe five seconds, certainly no more, before he started a rant about how he became vegan to improve his results, how difficult it was to find good vegan food in Denmark and how he used to take a trip over the bridge to get good stuff in Malmö. He proceeded with telling the table about how he’d met “radical leftist” friends there and therefore learned a little Swedish. 

Emma sighed inside, met the pretty girl’s gaze and rolled her eyes. What is it about men and talking like they had come up with some brand-new idea that would save the entire planet from its sins, create world peace and save the universe from the eventual Armageddon? Especially if it was something that half the planet already figured out before them?

Emma did her best to put the man’s noisy voice aside (why can Danish men only speak in two pitches? Always the noisy or the squeaky; never any middle ground) and leaned across the table towards Alex. 

“What’s your plans for the weekend then?”

“Hm. Trying to get as high up as possible I guess, see if I can hang out with some nice people and try to get some rest. You?”

“Pretty much the same. And get laid.”

“Sounds nice and doable. Maybe not tonight, but tomorrow.”

“I really need to sleep tonight but can’t imagine I’m doing anything important on Sunday,” Alex said, smiling broadly. 

“Neither can I,” Emma replied with a laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Olof-Anders had spoken totally out of the blue.

‘But for fuck sake,’ Emma thought. Why would people persist in interfering in private conversations?

“Danish,” Alex replied.

Emma started to laugh. Haven’t they given the poor Danes enough slag this evening?

Emma’s laughter caused Alex to break out himself. This soon completely infected everyone around the table and they all laughed for more than a minute, without really knowing what they were laughing about.

“So. Tell us? What was so funny?” their coach asked eventually.

Emma looked at Alex without really knowing what to say. Alex looked in towards the rest of the table and said loudly.

“What’s the first thing you do when a Dane comes into the ER?”

“Donno,” said the coach and Anders-Olof at the same time.

”You start by taking his pølse.”

’Pretty lame joke,’ Emma thought to herself. Pulse, pølse, really? He was, of course, referring to the famous danish red sausages. Although “pølse” is also danish for sausage in general.

”You know?” said the girl next to Emma.

“That’s so bad. Terrible! I expected more of you, Alex.”

Alexander did not reply. Instead, he stared straight into the girl’s face without moving his gaze. She looked back, trying, and almost failing, not to smile. It was just like they were having a staring contest and the girl was about to lose.

Then, he spoke in a very deep voice.

”Carlsberg don’t do bad jokes …”

The girl started to giggle

”But if they did …” 

The girl could not hold it together any longer and started to laugh. Emma and Alexander joined in and he never got to complete the sentence. Soon the entire table was laughing out loud once again.

Emma took a quick glance at the table next to theirs and saw that the loud, boring man, luckily had not caught any of it. The cute girl on the other hand was trying to stuffer a giggle. 

The appetizer plates were taken out and the main course was placed in front of them. For Emma, it consisted of thick slices of carrot, some Hasselback potatoes (Emma hoped it was vegan butter), a cold sauce, that tasted of oat yoghurt, and some vegetables. This was certainly not in line with the appetizer, she thought and looked around at what the “carnivores” was being served. 

They’d gotten the same kind of potatoes, some piece of meat and sauce béarnaise. ‘So this is how far the chef’s imagination stretches. Wonder how the dude explains this since we Swedes apparently are so damn good at vegan food?’ she thought and sighed irritably. Yet, for the time being, she decided, not to talk with her mouth full and ate in silence. When she was done, she noticed that many meat-eaters seemed to have left most of the meat untouched and only tasted a little bit of the sauce. Carbohydrates first, she guessed.

After dinner, everyone went back to their rooms. Emma and Alex said goodbye to each other with a hug in the elevator before continuing in each direction.

The first thing Emma did when she entered her room was to undress again and throw herself on the bed. She picked up her phone and scrolled through the notifications. Something about Darnstupid-dumbassjimmy, of the far-right Swedish Democrats party’s, incredibly idiotic trip to Greece, some poll that showed that all Swedes were bloody racists all of them and some corona figures from Italy. Nothing to worry much about, in other words. She laughed a little when she read that the Danes would broadcast their selection of song for the Eurovision Song Contest, without an audience. 

“Damn. That’s lame,” she said out loud.

On the other hand, the Danish noise would probably have gone through the roof if any of the Swedes even so much as mentioned Corona. But if they were so bloody scared, they should hardly have set foot on the train to Sweden in the first place.

She opened Signal and checked if she had received a response from Oskar. He had sent back a picture of himself in bare torso and written. 

> I wish I could have my face between those legs. I would lick you and stimulate your clit till you came. Then I’d fuck you doggy till we both dropped.

Emma smiled while reading the message. Oskar was cute, he was good at fucking, but he was really no good at sexting. She inserted her left index finger into her pussy, put the phone right in front of it and took a close-up that she sent back to him. “Sounds nice!” she wrote. ‘At least it’s going to be something nice for him to wake up to,’ she thought, pulling the duvet over her and turning off the lights.

The room was perfect for a good night’s sleep. Could, dark and a nice large bed. Yet she couldn’t get any rest. She lay awake, thinking about how she would logistically arrange everything. Try to get hold of William, text him, start a group chat and invite both guys? Make a date with both without saying anything? Maybe? No. That didn’t feel right. Nor did any of the other options.

Without really thinking about it, she put her hand over her pussy and caressed it. She wet her finger and put it over the clitoris and let it slide around a bit. She put a finger inside of her. She was a little wet but was also really a bit too tired to get herself started. Besides, she really needed to sleep.

“Should have had a womanizer or something?” she sighed.

She got out of bed and walked over to her bag. She dug out a small vibrator and lay down again. She brought her index finger back in, screwed up the vibrator to medium speed and put it against the clitoris. She started to move two fingers inside of her.


She closed her eyes and saw Alice in front of her and thought of her tongue and fingers. She speeded up her movements and increased the speed of the vibrator to the max.

“Iiihhiii, ah,” she moaned. 

The short, and almost a little slumber-like, orgasm became the last bit of relaxation that was needed for her to finally fall asleep.

Published 4 years ago

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